Worst Liar in American History


I call it as I see it
Feb 27, 2012

Over exposed... bullshit artist.
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lol ... a lot of butthurt Republicans ...their corporate masters beat them down yesterday.

You don't understand politics or political strategy do you.. You dickheads are fucked, right in the ass. Go Roberts!

What do you mean?

In short:

A penalty is now a tax... right? Then there's the Medicare/Medicade issue.. right?

Now we know its on the backs off the middle class to pay more for there health care and higher taxes to pay for others as well... right?
Look at Florida... No state tax, right? If this bill lives there will be.. How do you think voters will react in Nov?
On July 11, 2012 there will be a congressional vote to repeal the bill.
How do you think the Dems will vote knowing there constituency realizes they have been duped?
As more time passes more of whats in the bill will be exposed... "ESPECIALLY THE EXEMPTED UNIONS".... its a bad bill TM.

The citizens will vote in November 2012 and decide. Even Dems will vote for new Tea Party Conservatives or not at all. The bill is dead.

The Obama administration is the most corrupt in American History. Everybody who isn't looking for the freebies knows it and those who are won't admit it.
This is the Truth.
Roberts ruling will expose all of it it............... sit back and watch the show.
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Actually, Romneycare is cheaper than ER care for the uninsured and bankrupcy etc, and ACA is better, so obviously you believe a lot of drivel from corporate, dupes.
lol ... a lot of butthurt Republicans ...their corporate masters beat them down yesterday.

You don't understand politics or political strategy do you.. You dickheads are fucked, right in the ass. Go Roberts!

Uh they're liberals, they like that kinda stuff, I think they're gonna invite Jerry Sandusky to the Democrat Convention.

He has a reserved seat next to Bwaney Fwank in the protected class section.
Before committing treason, Benedict Arnold was a great man and hero of Colonial America with as much clout as George Washington. That's why the betrayal was so incredible.

How the hell is P-BO a great American hero who had done great things for this nation?

Closer to the Rosenbergs or Alger Hiss than Benedict Arnold.
You don't understand politics or political strategy do you.. You dickheads are fucked, right in the ass. Go Roberts!

What do you mean?

In short:

A penalty is now a tax... right? Then there's the Medicare/Medicade issue.. right?

Now we know its on the backs off the middle class to pay more for there health care and higher taxes to pay for others as well... right?
Look at Florida... No state tax, right? If this bill lives there will be.. How do you think voters will react in Nov?
On July 11, 2012 there will be a congressional vote to repeal the bill.
How do you think the Dems will vote knowing there constituency realizes they have been duped?
As more time passes more of whats in the bill will be exposed... "ESPECIALLY THE EXEMPTED UNIONS".... its a bad bill TM.

The citizens will vote in November 2012 and decide. Even Dems will vote for new Tea Party Conservatives or not at all. The bill is dead.

The Obama administration is the most corrupt in American History. Everybody who isn't looking for the freebies knows it and those who are won't admit it.
This is the Truth.
Roberts ruling will expose all of it it............... sit back and watch the show.

Bush screwing the economy and the Constitution didn't seem to hurt the Republicans in 2010.
copsandblahblah took as one of his assumptions that the tax would be on the middle class...and therefore the middle class would vote against him...


You won't get taxed if you already have healthcare. Go back, read that again. You won't get taxed if you already have healthcare.

The whole idea is to help people who can't pay for healthcare in the poor AND middle-classes...to get help.

Here's another thing that will blow your mind: YOU ALREADY PAY FOR THIS WITH TAXES!
Yep. Emergency room care isn't refused EVER. It's paid for out of federal tax money.

So...let's see who cares about saving tax dollars, shall we??

Preventative care (ObamaCares) is 3x CHEAPER than Emergency care (No ObamaCares). So which would the fiscally conservative...patriotic person choose?

Ohhhh that's right. ObamaCares. You betcha!!

guy is the pits

will probobably get re -elected

people "like" Obama - even though he is one of the worst presidemts of all time
copsandblahblah took as one of his assumptions that the tax would be on the middle class...and therefore the middle class would vote against him...


You won't get taxed if you already have healthcare. Go back, read that again. You won't get taxed if you already have healthcare.

The whole idea is to help people who can't pay for healthcare in the poor AND middle-classes...to get help.

Here's another thing that will blow your mind: YOU ALREADY PAY FOR THIS WITH TAXES!
Yep. Emergency room care isn't refused EVER. It's paid for out of federal tax money.

So...let's see who cares about saving tax dollars, shall we??

Preventative care (ObamaCares) is 3x CHEAPER than Emergency care (No ObamaCares). So which would the fiscally conservative...patriotic person choose?

Ohhhh that's right. ObamaCares. You betcha!!

The bill says the states have to buy a policy for all who cannot afford a plan. States will have to raise income taxes and tax goods as well to cover the cost.

The bill is dead.. you uneducated uniformed arrogant fucking idiot.
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