Worst Movies Ever

The re-make of Total Recall. What were they thinking??!?!??
There is enough depressing misery and outrage happening in the world without having to watch a movie to become depressed. But two current movies which I believe only those burdened with extreme masochism will enjoy are The Divide and Beasts Of The Southern Wild.

Beasts Of The Southern Wild is morbidly depressing from beginning to end. But The Divide is worse. It's not only morbidly and imposingly depressing, it is stupidly miserable and utterly disgusting! The producers of this movie are extremely sick people who would be better off becoming heroin addicts or committing suicide. This movie is the psychological equivalent of crawling through shit!

So, one might ask, if it's that bad why did I watch it from beginning to (nearly) the end? The answer is it starts off so negatively and becomes so progressively worse that I couldn't help looking forward to the relief I was sure would come and lift me from the wretchedness. Not only is there no relief, the repugnance gets progressively, almost sadistically, worse.
Equinox and Plan 9 From Outerspace.

Both are so mindnumbingly bad they cause eyes to bleed.
Rented Cloud Atlas this weekend. Who thought this was a good idea and talked Tom Hanks into doing this horrid film. Only the second movie ever that I shut down before it ended.

Watching this film is worse then a punch in the gut!

This movie not only sucks, it is among one of worst. It doesn't have anything to do with the first two Halloween movies. The movie is a disgrace and embarrassment to the Halloween series with Michael Myers.
The Day After Tomorrow

Caught this movie totally by accident on HBO.....There was nothing else on.

Felt like I had been teleported to the Mystery Science Theater....It was so horrible and cliche that I was saying to myself "this can't possibly get any more horrible and cliche"....And for 2 hours I continued to be proved wrong.

The movie was so absolutely sucky that I was rooting for the tidal wave and blizzard to kill everyone.
The Day After Tomorrow

Caught this movie totally by accident on HBO.....There was nothing else on.

Felt like I had been teleported to the Mystery Science Theater....It was so horrible and cliche that I was saying to myself "this can't possibly get any more horrible and cliche"....And for 2 hours I continued to be proved wrong.

The movie was so absolutely sucky that I was rooting for the tidal wave and blizzard to kill everyone.


By flavor of the day standards.

That's pretty much true of 99% of all movies, but at the time the Sixth Sense was the talk of the movie going world. Not many movies got its kind of buzz.

Unbreakable, The village, the last airbender, after earth......

stinkaroonie! :)

Agree with all. The village had a chance, but the ending musta been written by a third grader.

Edited to add: I take that back, unbreakable was pretty good, not great, but worth the price of admission.
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