Worst Movies Ever

I just saw the worst film ever made this morning on channel 5 British tv. Its is called "Thunderpants".

I cannot believe I watched it all the way through, but I did not believe it could go on getting worse, but it did. It was about a boy who had two stomaches and he farted all the time. He ended up fueling a Nasa rocket with his methane farts, and rescuing some stranded astronauts.

It was far worse than "They saved Hitlers brain" which was my previous contender.

I cannot believe anyone sat down and wrote the script expecting it to be made into a film, and I cannot believe anyone that read the script would actually make a film of it. BUT THEY DID.
No examples come to mind at the moment, but I've seen at least a couple of movies that were the equivalent to a bad wreck. So bad I couldn't quit looking.
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Blair Witch

Striptease was horrible.

But "Showgirls" was not just horrible; it was disappointing.

That much gyrating nudity of a fairly hot looking woman -- but with zero shwing factor.

I'm guessing you guys wanted something more like this:

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Apollo 18 and Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie have been on the movie channels lately and both would fill the requirement for worst movie of all time.
This is so typical! The GOP trying to suppress the octoman vote. The stupid GOP trying to tell octochicks what to do with their own bodies. The GOP trying to build fences on the shores to keep out hard working octofolks! The octohate of the GOP is disgusting! Why can't we just all walk arm in arm in arm in arm in arm in arm?
This is so typical! The GOP trying to suppress the octoman vote. The stupid GOP trying to tell octochicks what to do with their own bodies. The GOP trying to build fences on the shores to keep out hard working octofolks! The octohate of the GOP is disgusting! Why can't we just all walk arm in arm in arm in arm in arm in arm?

Look, I freely admit I am an octo hater. Yes, I am an Octophobe.

Call me a nutter, but if I had my AR-15 loaded I would cut that Octodude in half and not feel the least bit sorry!

Rant ends
This is so typical! The GOP trying to suppress the octoman vote. The stupid GOP trying to tell octochicks what to do with their own bodies. The GOP trying to build fences on the shores to keep out hard working octofolks! The octohate of the GOP is disgusting! Why can't we just all walk arm in arm in arm in arm in arm in arm?

Look, I freely admit I am an octo hater. Yes, I am an Octophobe.

Call me a nutter, but if I had my AR-15 loaded I would cut that Octodude in half and not feel the least bit sorry!

Rant ends
I'm horrified at your lack of compassion for radioactive genetically mutated fish persons!
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This is so typical! The GOP trying to suppress the octoman vote. The stupid GOP trying to tell octochicks what to do with their own bodies. The GOP trying to build fences on the shores to keep out hard working octofolks! The octohate of the GOP is disgusting! Why can't we just all walk arm in arm in arm in arm in arm in arm?

Look, I freely admit I am an octo hater. Yes, I am an Octophobe.

Call me a nutter, but if I had my AR-15 loaded I would cut that Octodude in half and not feel the least bit sorry!

Rant ends
I'm horrified at your lack of compassion for radioactive genetically mutated fish persons!

Now I feel bad

But still want the octofellow to die a miserably painful death

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