Worst way to die.

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.
A co-worker I had used to say

"There are 6 million ways to die. Choose one."

I always went with; hit by a bus. Going with the idea that it would go like this;
"Oh shit, a bus!" then it's over.

Worsts ways I could ever come up with were; set on fire, getting eaten or falling a long long ways.

but a current co-worker topped all that with this story that he passed on to me.

A martial instructor of his served in VN, one day his gun jammed, while fixing it a VC jumped in his foxhole with a knife. He flipped the VC, pinned him and then punched him in the balls until he stopped moving.

That's right, death by constant nut shot.

I don't think that can be topped in my lifetime.
A co-worker I had used to say

"There are 6 million ways to die. Choose one."

I always went with; hit by a bus. Going with the idea that it would go like this;
"Oh shit, a bus!" then it's over.

Worsts ways I could ever come up with were; set on fire, getting eaten or falling a long long ways.

but a current co-worker topped all that with this story that he passed on to me.

A martial instructor of his served in VN, one day his gun jammed, while fixing it a VC jumped in his foxhole with a knife. He flipped the VC, pinned him and then punched him in the balls until he stopped moving.

That's right, death by constant nut shot.

I don't think that can be topped in my lifetime.

Doesn't scare me none.

Regards from Rosie
A co-worker I had used to say

"There are 6 million ways to die. Choose one."

I always went with; hit by a bus. Going with the idea that it would go like this;
"Oh shit, a bus!" then it's over.

Worsts ways I could ever come up with were; set on fire, getting eaten or falling a long long ways.

but a current co-worker topped all that with this story that he passed on to me.

A martial instructor of his served in VN, one day his gun jammed, while fixing it a VC jumped in his foxhole with a knife. He flipped the VC, pinned him and then punched him in the balls until he stopped moving.

That's right, death by constant nut shot.

I don't think that can be topped in my lifetime.

Doesn't scare me none.

Regards from Rosie

That's cold
...... being tortured, slowly by a serial killer then murder after some days ...being eaten by a shark, piece by piece...... that for starters :D LOL:tongue:
Dying of starvation on a filthy sidewalk while passers-by ignore you and step over your body.

Regards from Rosie
I remember an episode of I believe it was CSI.

Some little skinny dude got smothered to death by a fat woman either during or after sex.

Probably not the way I would chose to go.
I remember an episode of I believe it was CSI.

Some little skinny dude got smothered to death by a fat woman either during or after sex.

Probably not the way I would chose to go.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOL!!!!!!:clap2:
i've always thought drowning would be a horrible way to go. i'm sure cancer or aids would be no picnic either. or what about getting that flesh eating bacteria
I once witnessed a person in an industrial accident get soaked with hydrochloric acid from head to toe. It was a very bad way to die.
I once witnessed a person in an industrial accident get soaked with hydrochloric acid from head to toe. It was a very bad way to die.

with this acid reflux sometimes i feel like i'm geting that treatment from the inside out
Three explorers are captured by a tribe in the USMB jungle. The chief is going to punish the intruders. He calls the first explorer to the front of the tribe and asks, "Death or RAVI?!" Well the explorer doesn't want to die, so he opts for Ravi. The tribe starts screaming RAVI! and dancing around. The Chief then rips the explorers pants off and fucks him in the ass.

The chief calls the second explorer to the front and asks, "Death or Ravi?!" Well not wanting to die either, he opts for Ravi. The tribe again starts screaming RAVI! and dancing around. The chief rips the second guys pants off and fucks him in the ass.

The chief calls the third explorer to the front and asks, "Death or Ravi?!" Well the third guy has a little more self respect and thinks death would be better than being violated in front of hundreds of tribesman, so he opts for death. The chief turns to the tribe and screams "DEATH BY RAVI!"

(Seems redundant though.)
Being in somewhat of Tacoma where you can hear things Round you but can't move or speak and someone leaving on Fox 24-
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Having your asshole sewn shut and then someone keeps on feeding you and feeding you and feeding you...

36 chambeeeeeeeeeeers

Ok now we're cooking with gas. Let's get into some Saw material.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W1Q18dix_Q]Saw II -The Needle Pit (Director's Cut) - YouTube[/ame]

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