Worst way to die.

Get put into a woodchipper....feet first.

I believe that would be worse.

Did you ever watch the series The Tudors? They always had the most painful ways to die on there. Placing someone feet first into boiling oil, burning at the stake, even beheading was not always instant.

I hope my time is easy, I don't want to linger.

I almost slipped away after my stroke when in the ER. Hubs noted that my blood pressure was dropping to nothing and yelled at the nurse.

Everything was quiet and dark and calm.Very peaceful. I felt as if I was inches away from passing thru the "final curtain"". The veil into the void was palpable.

The nurse was yelling at me; had it been just her - she was annoying- I wouldn't be writing this. Hubs called my name and that is what wrenched me back

Not a bad way to go, Sarah. I recommend slipping away quietly, if you can.

Regards from Rosie

I had a very old Aunt who kept getting skinnier and skinnier, she just couldn't bring herself to eat anything anymore. I was so worried but my daughter told me it's one of the better ways to die. You just fade away..
Dropping dead of a heart attack in an airport on the way home from a business trip.

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