Worst way to die.

I once nearly drowned dead. You know the saying "your life flashes before you"?
Well, that happend after I saw a really bright light. Only it wasn't a visual thing, but a feeling thing.
And it was freaking awesome. :thup:

Anyhow I was able to swim to shore where I puked out my guts and cried like a babby.
I once nearly drowned dead. You know the saying "your life flashes before you"?
Well, that happend after I saw a really bright light. Only it wasn't a visual thing, but a feeling thing.
And it was freaking awesome. :thup:

Anyhow I was able to swim to shore where I puked out my guts and cried like a babby.

Did that really happen for real, Mr. H?
I once nearly drowned dead. You know the saying "your life flashes before you"?
Well, that happend after I saw a really bright light. Only it wasn't a visual thing, but a feeling thing.
And it was freaking awesome. :thup:

Anyhow I was able to swim to shore where I puked out my guts and cried like a babby.

Did that really happen for real, Mr. H?

As I went under water, I said a quick prayer. I was tired and saw no hope. So I sank and gave it up. And out of nowhere my foot lighted on a rock. I stood tippy toe enough to stick my yapper up and catch some breath.

Yeah it's the real deal, Ms. AND. But my brushes with death (and I've had a few) don't compare with my one brush with life. And that was a dandy. :thup:
I once nearly drowned dead. You know the saying "your life flashes before you"?
Well, that happend after I saw a really bright light. Only it wasn't a visual thing, but a feeling thing.
And it was freaking awesome. :thup:

Anyhow I was able to swim to shore where I puked out my guts and cried like a babby.

Did that really happen for real, Mr. H?

As I went under water, I said a quick prayer. I was tired and saw no hope. So I sank and gave it up. And out of nowhere my foot lighted on a rock. I stood tippy toe enough to stick my yapper up and catch some breath.

Yeah it's the real deal, Ms. AND. But my brushes with death (and I've had a few) don't compare with my one brush with life. And that was a dandy. :thup:

I now have sweaty eyeballs...and fuzzies in mah heart. ((((Mr. H))))♥
Sometimes, it feels as if I am still trying to get my footing here on this rock...I stared death in its eyes too...but, I was still too young and egotistical to see why I survived and the others went...I still struggle with that.
Bless you Mr. H.♥
Dying of starvation on a filthy sidewalk while passers-by ignore you and step over your body.

Regards from Rosie

That's why we have abortion. To prevent that.

Oh wait, no- being sent to wars. Right, Ms. R.?

That's the great thing about choice. Having one.

There's nothing you can do to take choice away. Man, you are thick.

Regards from Rosie

Ma'am, this here is your idea of the benefits of choice...

Spare me the saintliness. Such concern and care...then the children go and get blown to bits in Iraq and that is fine. If it s for profit - if the Cheneys get obscenely richer, then those lives are all worth less than one fetus.


Regards from Rosie

And YOU talk about "thick"?

So you defend dying starving ignored sidewalk people, yet you give validity to abortion as a means to stave the lives of war dead?
They say that the worse part of being crucified wasn't the nails being driven into your wrists and ankles, but having your eyes pecked out while you were still alive.
I remember an episode of I believe it was CSI.

Some little skinny dude got smothered to death by a fat woman either during or after sex.

Probably not the way I would chose to go.

I once nearly drowned dead. You know the saying "your life flashes before you"?
Well, that happend after I saw a really bright light. Only it wasn't a visual thing, but a feeling thing.
And it was freaking awesome. :thup:

Anyhow I was able to swim to shore where I puked out my guts and cried like a babby.

Did that really happen for real, Mr. H?

As I went under water, I said a quick prayer. I was tired and saw no hope. So I sank and gave it up. And out of nowhere my foot lighted on a rock. I stood tippy toe enough to stick my yapper up and catch some breath.

Yeah it's the real deal, Ms. AND. But my brushes with death (and I've had a few) don't compare with my one brush with life. And that was a dandy. :thup:

I had a "Heart Episode" on the Subway where the world became wavery and yellow. I knew it was bad and that I was probably dying. The first thought that came to my head was "I'm not dying on this fucking stinking Subway. I am getting above ground". Plus I didn't want to ruin everyone's day. I collected myself and didn't panic. Got off the train. Climbed the stairs and collapsed in front of the police.

Fun stuff.
Get put into a woodchipper....feet first.

I believe that would be worse.

Did you ever watch the series The Tudors? They always had the most painful ways to die on there. Placing someone feet first into boiling oil, burning at the stake, even beheading was not always instant.

I hope my time is easy, I don't want to linger.
I would guess that being AT ground zero at the moment a nuke goes boom inches from your noggin would be pretty painless.

It occurred to me that if no two of your atoms ever meet again after instantaneous disintegration, there should be no chance of any pain.
Get put into a woodchipper....feet first.

I believe that would be worse.

Did you ever watch the series The Tudors? They always had the most painful ways to die on there. Placing someone feet first into boiling oil, burning at the stake, even beheading was not always instant.

I hope my time is easy, I don't want to linger.

I almost slipped away after my stroke when in the ER. Hubs noted that my blood pressure was dropping to nothing and yelled at the nurse.

Everything was quiet and dark and calm.Very peaceful. I felt as if I was inches away from passing thru the "final curtain"". The veil into the void was palpable.

The nurse was yelling at me; had it been just her - she was annoying- I wouldn't be writing this. Hubs called my name and that is what wrenched me back

Not a bad way to go, Sarah. I recommend slipping away quietly, if you can.

Regards from Rosie
I would guess that being AT ground zero at the moment a nuke goes boom inches from your noggin would be pretty painless.

It occurred to me that if no two of your atoms ever meet again after instantaneous disintegration, there should be no chance of any pain.

You ever see "Miracle Mile"?

Miracle Mile (1988) - IMDb

I don't think I ever saw it.

Rent it out..if you get a chance.

Describes sorta what you did.

It's a fun film too.

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