Would a President Romney start a war with a nuclear Russia?





Mitt Romney: Russia Is 'Our Number One Geopolitical Foe'? Over al Qaeda? Over Iran?

Mitt Romney: 'Russia is our number one geopolitical foe' - English pravda.ru

"I would recommend all U.S. presidential candidates ... do two things. First, when phrasing their position one needs to use one's head, one's good reason, which would not do harm to a presidential candidate.

"Also, (one needs to) look at his watch: we are in 2012 and not the mid-1970s."

A senior lawmaker from Putin's ruling party said Romney's remark went "far deeper" than political posturing, warning a Republican win would likely revive a "line of confrontation with Russia" rooted in the administration of George W. Bush.

"It's clear that this is a new edition of the old doctrine of American hegemony, and Romney is not alone in this approach," said Alexei Pushkov, chairman of the international affairs committee in the State Duma, the lower parliament house.

"There is a whole group of senators who specialize in promoting the idea of U.S. domination of world affairs and ... in anti-Russian themes," he told a news conference.

"The Republicans are going with the ideology of George Bush and John McCain, in essence, and on this basis they want to return to power. And that's the problem."

Medvedev says Romney's anti-Russia comment smacks of Hollywood - chicagotribune.com
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Only if JoJo Smitty showed up on a mirror under a "certain" dust and told him to.
Repubs are known for popping off without thinking and this bunch of Clown Candidates seems to be even worse than some of the others. Each of them has said they want to go to war with Iran and idiot Mittens has said he wants to take money away from the private sector to enlarge our government and military even more.

As frightening as SickRick and Noot are, Mittens is scarier because he has no experience. No, rw's, I'm sorry but breaking up companies and firing people because he "likes to fire people", and getting the biggest Olympic tax-funded bailout in history is not "experience".

The real answer to whether or not he would take us into the wars he has said he wants lie with the people wo will be running the White House if he is elected - Grover Norquist and Karl Rove so yes, I don't thin there is any doubt that we will be at war with gawd knows who if Mittens is elected.

We would also do well to remember that the GObP/R's didn't like that President Obama orchestrated and truly surgical strikes in order to take out bin Laden, al-Awaki, Gadaffi and other Taliban and al Qeada. Reading here, the rw's don't like it either. One can only guess that they want lots of blood, lots of dead people and huge tax increases.

If the R's can't go to war, there is no war profiteering for them and, well, gee whiz, what's the good of that?
This is taking the Reagan act too far.

Romney is running for office; that sometimes leads to hyperbole. :eusa_shhh:

The defense industry adored the cold war, biggest military buildup in history and nothing had to actually work, can't blame them for wanting it back.

The R's were against the START Treaty but what President Obama "gave up" in that trade was a bunch of out dated, un-usable weapons. Must drive the R's nuts that he got everything without giving up anything of value. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
BTW, that was the same START Treaty they were for before President Obama made it actually happen.

Just one more thing the R's loved until Obama did it.

Would a poster rdean ever post an honest thread?

Are you saying that Romney didn't say what he said, that Russia is our number one foe?

I'm saying that some of you apparently aren't smart enough to understand election rhetoric

Sure they are, when Obama said borrowing more money was irresponsible Government and then went ahead and did so and is asking for mor they said, that was just politics.

When Obama said he wanted to drive coal plants out of business and raise the price of gas so high no one can afford it, that was just politics.

When Obama said he was prepared for hand to hand combat if the Republicans won, that was just politics.

But anything a Republican says? That is dangerous.
Would a poster rdean ever post an honest thread?

Are you saying that Romney didn't say what he said, that Russia is our number one foe?

I'm saying that some of you apparently aren't smart enough to understand election rhetoric

I must admit, I forgot that Repubs are allowed to lie. Nay, it is expected of them. And, I had momentarily forgotten that rw voters will actually defend their lies.

Thanks for the reminder, gramps.
Would a President Romney start a war with a nuclear Russia?

It would likely be started by a group of neo-con nitwits ‘appointed’ to his administration.

This is taking the Reagan act too far.

It may be a Reagan act but it’s a GWB reality.

Mittens is scarier because he has no experience.

As well as no common sense, no core beliefs, and no backbone.
Is there any indication that Romney wants to start any wars?

Your inability to defend Obama's is making you go crazy isn't it?
Would a President Romney start a war with a nuclear Russia?

It would likely be started by a group of neo-con nitwits ‘appointed’ to his administration.

This is taking the Reagan act too far.

It may be a Reagan act but it’s a GWB reality.

Mittens is scarier because he has no experience.

As well as no common sense, no core beliefs, and no backbone.

Meanwhile we are to chalk up "fighting words" from Obama as just politics. He is afraid of Americans clinging to Guns and Religion, just rhetoric. He wants to create a civil army to rival the military, just rhetoric. He wants to bankrupt 60 percent of power generation in the Country, just rhetoric. He is prepared for hand to hand fighting if the Republicans win, just rhetoric.

Ohh did I forget he stated that borrowing more money was irresponsible Government? Or that he blamed Bush for rising Gas Prices? All just politics right?

But let a Republican even seem to say anything even remotely similar and it dangerous demagoguery that may start a war.

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