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Would ANY Bush Basher care to refute these statements???

The sooner we conservatives can admit that the Iraq War was a terrible blunder, the better off we will be. Saddam posed no threat to us and the Iraqi people were better off before we invaded. We replaced a corrupt Sunni dictatorship with a corrupt, and more incompetent, Shiite dictatorship. It was a waste of time, blood, and money.

Neither did Germany, but hey went after those Germans anyway..

What was the difference?

WE did not replace anyone, the Iraqi people voted for what they have. No different than what we do here.

Iraq may have been a mistake on some level, but in the end we would have to gone back there anyway. Even if Saddam did comply with the UN we still had to defend Saddam from any threats outside..
Iraq Prison Abuse Scandal Fast Facts - CNN.com
Iraq Prison Abuse Scandal Fast Facts
The abuses took place inside the prison in cell blocks 1A and 1B.

Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal. Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.

11! And yet we had idiots from the US SENATE making it sound like it HAPPENED ALL THE TIME BY ALL our soldiers! OUR soldiers
being terrorists!

AT FIRST John Kerry said this:
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an
oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction
.... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003

THEN after Bush took Kerry at his word... DISARM Saddam... this butthead turns around and calls our troops terrorists!

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

And this idiot calling our troops cold blooded killers! How helpful! U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
And of course everyone KNOWS ALL of American troops are NAZIS Soviets... Killers!

And then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

Gitmo tortures???

I say that everybody who’s been held in Guantanamo has been tortured or abused in one way. When I was first taken into custody, it was the most torturous process I think that any person can imagine. It meant being stripped naked, it meant your body being searched, cavity searched as they called it. Having your hair shaved off, being punched and kicked and being spat upon. On one occasion it was in background facility before I went to Guantanamo, I was subjected to the sounds of a woman screaming, I was led to believe that my wife was being tortured. So everybody in a sense is being tortured and the worst sort of torture is the psychological of course sort in which you are in solitary confinement torture unable to know what you have done for which you’re paying the ultimate price which is your freedom.
Everybody in Guantanamo has been tortured or abused - former detainee RT Op-Edge

OMG!!! the inhumanity! hearing screams... everybody in a "SENSE"???? being tortured????

Here folks here is REAL torture!
Practiced by these same peace-loving muslims on Christians!!
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The sooner we conservatives can admit that the Iraq War was a terrible blunder, the better off we will be. Saddam posed no threat to us and the Iraqi people were better off before we invaded. We replaced a corrupt Sunni dictatorship with a corrupt, and more incompetent, Shiite dictatorship. It was a waste of time, blood, and money.

Neither did Germany, but hey went after those Germans anyway..

What was the difference?

WE did not replace anyone, the Iraqi people voted for what they have. No different than what we do here.

Iraq may have been a mistake on some level, but in the end we would have to gone back there anyway. Even if Saddam did comply with the UN we still had to defend Saddam from any threats outside..
Bush's BIGGEST mistake was thinking Democrats would NOT politicize the Liberation of Iraq because AFTER ALL CLINTON SIGNED
the 1998 Liberation of Iraq!
Bush trusted that Democrats wouldn't tear at the US military i.e. calling them cold blooded killers, terrorists, and tell the terrorists the war is lost!
Bush's other big mistake was thinking the MSM were truly professionals and not the biased hacks that every night blew stories so out of proportion to what really was happening, i.e. Abu Ghraib... 11 soldiers did it! But did the MSM see it that way? Hell no! Every night same pictures same stories of torture by our US MILITARY! ALL our troops are barbarians! Which the terrorists with endorsements from Democrat traitors used to prolong the conflict!
Those were the two biggest Bush mistakes... trusting people that were phony Americans who wanted to see more troops die!
The sooner we conservatives can admit that the Iraq War was a terrible blunder, the better off we will be. Saddam posed no threat to us and the Iraqi people were better off before we invaded. We replaced a corrupt Sunni dictatorship with a corrupt, and more incompetent, Shiite dictatorship. It was a waste of time, blood, and money.

Neither did Germany, but hey went after those Germans anyway..

What was the difference?

WE did not replace anyone, the Iraqi people voted for what they have. No different than what we do here.

Iraq may have been a mistake on some level, but in the end we would have to gone back there anyway. Even if Saddam did comply with the UN we still had to defend Saddam from any threats outside..
Bush's BIGGEST mistake was thinking Democrats would NOT politicize the Liberation of Iraq because AFTER ALL CLINTON SIGNED
the 1998 Liberation of Iraq!
Bush trusted that Democrats wouldn't tear at the US military i.e. calling them cold blooded killers, terrorists, and tell the terrorists the war is lost!
Bush's other big mistake was thinking the MSM were truly professionals and not the biased hacks that every night blew stories so out of proportion to what really was happening, i.e. Abu Ghraib... 11 soldiers did it! But did the MSM see it that way? Hell no! Every night same pictures same stories of torture by our US MILITARY! ALL our troops are barbarians! Which the terrorists with endorsements from Democrat traitors used to prolong the conflict!
Those were the two biggest Bush mistakes... trusting people that were phony Americans who wanted to see more troops die!

Of course the far left media had a hand in protesting the war. Just like now they are silent as Obama continues his illegal wars..

The hard reality for the far left to face is how many lives did their freedom of speech cost the US?
The sooner we conservatives can admit that the Iraq War was a terrible blunder, the better off we will be. Saddam posed no threat to us and the Iraqi people were better off before we invaded. We replaced a corrupt Sunni dictatorship with a corrupt, and more incompetent, Shiite dictatorship. It was a waste of time, blood, and money.

Neither did Germany, but hey went after those Germans anyway..

What was the difference?

WE did not replace anyone, the Iraqi people voted for what they have. No different than what we do here.

Iraq may have been a mistake on some level, but in the end we would have to gone back there anyway. Even if Saddam did comply with the UN we still had to defend Saddam from any threats outside..
Bush's BIGGEST mistake was thinking Democrats would NOT politicize the Liberation of Iraq because AFTER ALL CLINTON SIGNED
the 1998 Liberation of Iraq!
Bush trusted that Democrats wouldn't tear at the US military i.e. calling them cold blooded killers, terrorists, and tell the terrorists the war is lost!
Bush's other big mistake was thinking the MSM were truly professionals and not the biased hacks that every night blew stories so out of proportion to what really was happening, i.e. Abu Ghraib... 11 soldiers did it! But did the MSM see it that way? Hell no! Every night same pictures same stories of torture by our US MILITARY! ALL our troops are barbarians! Which the terrorists with endorsements from Democrat traitors used to prolong the conflict!
Those were the two biggest Bush mistakes... trusting people that were phony Americans who wanted to see more troops die!

Of course the far left media had a hand in protesting the war. Just like now they are silent as Obama continues his illegal wars..

The hard reality for the far left to face is how many lives did their freedom of speech cost the US?

This is just another example though of how honest people who are thinking should REALLY discount what the MSM presents.
When 85% of ABC,CBS, and NBC anchors,producers,etc. gave to Democrats and only 15% to GOP that should really be indicative of
a bias. Any biased news person having donated money to Democrats would run more positive stories about Democrats and more negative stories about GOP because of their vested interest.
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

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