Would Any Moderates like to Discuss How the Democrats Can Return to Being a National Party Again?

I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

As a dedicated Libertarian I hate to give them valuable advice for free but -----

1) Quit disenfranchising your voters. Ditch the "superdelegates" -- open your primaries up to more choices and quit abandoning your constituents by not running candidates in districts/states --- you can't win..

2) Stop maligning the vast acreage of the country you don't own as rubes, bigots, and morons..

If they want the rest of my valuable suggestions -- they'll have to PAY ME .... :banana:
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The one and only reason Trump got so much attention from the media is because they figured they could bury him.

Just one of the ways the Left helped him get elected.

You obviously didn't hear all the sucking up to Trump that went on for a year in places like MSNBC's 3 hour Morning Joe show.
Could you believe it?
This morning, I was watching Robert Thomas and some GOP congressman who told Thomas to stop complaining. After all the media gave Trump 5 billion in free air time (I think it was closer to 4) and the media hardly covered anyone else and Roberts rolled his eyes and said he covered everyone equally, which was a flat out lie.

Roberts was awful but Chuck Todd was the worst. He couldn't say Hillary without also saying she is dishonest, untrustworthy and unlikeable. All opinions and not news. I never saw either one ever talk about Trump U or the illegal and still under criminal investigation Trump Foundation.


How can you beat a candidate who gets this type of coverage?
One woman especially suprised me. She told a reporter she couldn't vote for Hillary because Hillary was against equal pay for equal work but Trump is for it. The reporter told her it was the exact opposite and she told the reporter he was wrong. You can't fight that. No wonder the media favorability rating is so low.

What's laughable about your little pie chart, R-Derp is that you totally fail to understand that the liberal media WANTED Donald Trump to be the GOP candidate running against Hillary because he was the one they thought she would crush! News outlets like CNN pushed Trump hard right up until he won the nomination and then they totally flipped and started doing anti Trump stories nonstop right up to the election. CNN wasn't reporting the news when they did what they did...they were deliberately trying to influence an election with their coverage.
That's the obvious answer, but they want to think the press loves Trump.

Despite the obvious.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

  1. Operate the federal government within the enumerated powers granted to it in the Constitution
  2. Stop deficit spending
  3. Stop meddling with people and organizations that have done nothing to infringe on the rights of others
Stated differently, be the party determined to keep the people free. Not safe, not equal, free.

Not holding my breath on this one.
Webb could have beaten Trump but not for the reasons you think.
Webb would have beaten Trump, in all likelihood, but for so many reasons that it is pointless arguing about it.

The Democrats in their great wisdom decided to chase Webb from the race.

He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
Webb could have beaten Trump but not for the reasons you think.
Webb would have beaten Trump, in all likelihood, but for so many reasons that it is pointless arguing about it.

The Democrats in their great wisdom decided to chase Webb from the race.

He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
How did you arrive at that?
Webb could have beaten Trump but not for the reasons you think.
Webb would have beaten Trump, in all likelihood, but for so many reasons that it is pointless arguing about it.

The Democrats in their great wisdom decided to chase Webb from the race.

He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
How did you arrive at that?

My keen sense of the obvious.
Webb could have beaten Trump but not for the reasons you think.
Webb would have beaten Trump, in all likelihood, but for so many reasons that it is pointless arguing about it.

The Democrats in their great wisdom decided to chase Webb from the race.

He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
How did you arrive at that?

Which part?

Trump only won because he narrowly carried 3 or 4 rust belt states, and the only thing that made that possible were the significant gains he made in those states with the union vote. Why do you think union voters (the single biggest anti-trade deals demo in the country) turned to Trump in significant numbers? lol, there's a clue inside the parentheses...

What's laughable about your little pie chart, R-Derp is that you totally fail to understand that the liberal media WANTED Donald Trump to be the GOP candidate running against Hillary because he was the one they thought she would crush! News outlets like CNN pushed Trump hard right up until he won the nomination and then they totally flipped and started doing anti Trump stories nonstop right up to the election. CNN wasn't reporting the news when they did what they did...they were deliberately trying to influence an election with their coverage.
That's the obvious answer, but they want to think the press loves Trump.

Despite the obvious.

Actually, it was more along the lines of Trump was good for ratings, because who wants to listen to boring old Jeb Bush talk about "Common Core" when we can have Trump call Mexican rapists and talk about blood shooting out of Megyn Kelly's "Wherever"...

It's the problem when the News has to be responsible for selling corn flakes.

Hey did anyone catch Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz talk about health care reform? That's what a debate looks like.

What we had last year, not so much, but it was entertaining.
Webb could have beaten Trump but not for the reasons you think.
Webb would have beaten Trump, in all likelihood, but for so many reasons that it is pointless arguing about it.

The Democrats in their great wisdom decided to chase Webb from the race.

He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
How did you arrive at that?

Which part?

Trump only won because he narrowly carried 3 or 4 rust belt states, and the only thing that made that possible were the significant gains he made in those states with the union vote. Why do you think union voters (the single biggest anti-trade deals demo in the country) turned to Trump in significant numbers? lol, there's a clue inside the parentheses...

Because blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt finally figured out the liberal elites from the coasts could care less about them?
Webb could have beaten Trump but not for the reasons you think.
Webb would have beaten Trump, in all likelihood, but for so many reasons that it is pointless arguing about it.

The Democrats in their great wisdom decided to chase Webb from the race.

He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
How did you arrive at that?

Which part?

Trump only won because he narrowly carried 3 or 4 rust belt states, and the only thing that made that possible were the significant gains he made in those states with the union vote. Why do you think union voters (the single biggest anti-trade deals demo in the country) turned to Trump in significant numbers? lol, there's a clue inside the parentheses...
How is that the only issue he won on if there were many and many other states voting as well? Makes no sense.

The mystery here is how you can function with a vacuum between your ears.
Webb could have beaten Trump but not for the reasons you think.
Webb would have beaten Trump, in all likelihood, but for so many reasons that it is pointless arguing about it.

The Democrats in their great wisdom decided to chase Webb from the race.

He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
How did you arrive at that?

Which part?

Trump only won because he narrowly carried 3 or 4 rust belt states, and the only thing that made that possible were the significant gains he made in those states with the union vote. Why do you think union voters (the single biggest anti-trade deals demo in the country) turned to Trump in significant numbers? lol, there's a clue inside the parentheses...
How is that the only issue he won on if there were many and many other states voting as well? Makes no sense.

The mystery here is how you can function with a vacuum between your ears.

Because he and Clinton divided up the other states along the usual red/blue lines.
Webb could have beaten Trump but not for the reasons you think.
Webb would have beaten Trump, in all likelihood, but for so many reasons that it is pointless arguing about it.

The Democrats in their great wisdom decided to chase Webb from the race.

He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
How did you arrive at that?

Which part?

Trump only won because he narrowly carried 3 or 4 rust belt states, and the only thing that made that possible were the significant gains he made in those states with the union vote. Why do you think union voters (the single biggest anti-trade deals demo in the country) turned to Trump in significant numbers? lol, there's a clue inside the parentheses...

Because blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt finally figured out the liberal elites from the coasts could care less about them?

No because like her husband and some other Democrats, Hillary took the GOP position on trade, and Trump took liberal Democrat/Bernie Sanders position,

or the Perot position. Remember Perot?
Webb would have beaten Trump, in all likelihood, but for so many reasons that it is pointless arguing about it.

The Democrats in their great wisdom decided to chase Webb from the race.

He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
How did you arrive at that?

Which part?

Trump only won because he narrowly carried 3 or 4 rust belt states, and the only thing that made that possible were the significant gains he made in those states with the union vote. Why do you think union voters (the single biggest anti-trade deals demo in the country) turned to Trump in significant numbers? lol, there's a clue inside the parentheses...

Because blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt finally figured out the liberal elites from the coasts could care less about them?

No because like her husband and some other Democrats, Hillary took the GOP position on trade, and Trump took liberal Democrat/Bernie Sanders position,

or the Perot position. Remember Perot?
Since when have libs been for America first trade deals? Libs are globalists, like Hillary and some in the GOP as well. You are batting a zero.
He could have because he's anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade. He could have made that issue a wash against Trump and that issue is the only reason Trump won.
How did you arrive at that?

Which part?

Trump only won because he narrowly carried 3 or 4 rust belt states, and the only thing that made that possible were the significant gains he made in those states with the union vote. Why do you think union voters (the single biggest anti-trade deals demo in the country) turned to Trump in significant numbers? lol, there's a clue inside the parentheses...

Because blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt finally figured out the liberal elites from the coasts could care less about them?

No because like her husband and some other Democrats, Hillary took the GOP position on trade, and Trump took liberal Democrat/Bernie Sanders position,

or the Perot position. Remember Perot?
Since when have libs been for America first trade deals? Libs are globalists, like Hillary and some in the GOP as well. You are batting a zero.

Since most Democrats voted against NAFTA. Look it up.
How did you arrive at that?

Which part?

Trump only won because he narrowly carried 3 or 4 rust belt states, and the only thing that made that possible were the significant gains he made in those states with the union vote. Why do you think union voters (the single biggest anti-trade deals demo in the country) turned to Trump in significant numbers? lol, there's a clue inside the parentheses...

Because blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt finally figured out the liberal elites from the coasts could care less about them?

No because like her husband and some other Democrats, Hillary took the GOP position on trade, and Trump took liberal Democrat/Bernie Sanders position,

or the Perot position. Remember Perot?
Since when have libs been for America first trade deals? Libs are globalists, like Hillary and some in the GOP as well. You are batting a zero.

Since most Democrats voted against NAFTA. Look it up.
Billy signed it into law. Look it up.
How did you arrive at that?

Which part?

Trump only won because he narrowly carried 3 or 4 rust belt states, and the only thing that made that possible were the significant gains he made in those states with the union vote. Why do you think union voters (the single biggest anti-trade deals demo in the country) turned to Trump in significant numbers? lol, there's a clue inside the parentheses...

Because blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt finally figured out the liberal elites from the coasts could care less about them?

No because like her husband and some other Democrats, Hillary took the GOP position on trade, and Trump took liberal Democrat/Bernie Sanders position,

or the Perot position. Remember Perot?
Since when have libs been for America first trade deals? Libs are globalists, like Hillary and some in the GOP as well. You are batting a zero.

Since most Democrats voted against NAFTA. Look it up.

Both Bill and Hillary Clinton supported NAFTA. Look it up.
Manchin,Webb etc are moderate dems are pushed out by the extremist left like Sanders and warren
Manchin,Webb etc are moderate dems are pushed out by the extremist left like Sanders and warren

Webb was never anything but an interloper. He was the mistake the Democrats made in the Mid-Oughts... try to recruit moderate Republicans to run with D's after their names. And then wonder why you get stuck with lukewarm policies.
The first two conservative political parties are gone and America is on the third party, the Republican party. Trump may well do in this conservative party. We can be sure Republican party leaders are concerned about the failure of another conservative political party.

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