Would Biden Voluntarily Step Down

Ding, ding, ding! And yet you melted down about one and didn't mention the other.

You have taken a step towards grasping my point even if you haven't gotten there, MAGA man
We were discussing party loyalty and I cited Trump as having zero loyalty to the GOP. So far as I know, Biden has shown no such disloyalty to the Dems, correct? Therefore, it seems to me you are trying to deflect away from what Trump has said and done by dragging Biden in.
We were discussing party loyalty and I cited Trump as having zero loyalty to the GOP. So far as I know, Biden has shown no such disloyalty to the Dems, correct? Therefore, it seems to me you are trying to deflect away from what Trump has said and done by dragging Biden in.

I started writing up all your double standards in that post, but you figure it out, MAGA man
I started writing up all your double standards in that post, but you figure it out, MAGA man
Understood. You make an accusation and then demand that I find the evidence to support it. Are you on the Congressional committee to impeach Biden?

Would Biden Voluntarily Step Down​

if it meant saving his party? Things ain't lookin to good right now for the home team and the impeachment inquiry hasn't even got off the ground yet. Americans aren't happy with his age. Americans aren't happy about their lot in life. Americans aren't happy about Biden removing the border. Americans aren't happy about rampant crime. Americans are so unhappy that even Trump is starting to look good to them, as evidenced in recent polls. Would Biden step down in order to save his party, or, would they all just think that folding their cards now just means they lose, or, is power so important to him that he wouldn't step down even to save his own party? Is the Titanic headed for the ice berg?
He hasn't a clue where he is. Once his replacement is agreed upon he is out and will have no say in the matter.
Understood. You make an accusation and then demand that I find the evidence to support it. Are you on the Congressional committee to impeach Biden?

Yes, that's it, MAGA man. Your making up shit is an excellent argument. Keep it up, you're doing great, MAGA man

Would Biden Voluntarily Step Down​

He hasn't a clue where he is. Once his replacement is agreed upon he is out and will have no say in the matter.
I just don't know. If that is the case, why don't they just do it already? Why haven't they just done it already? Why are they waiting until the last minute? That makes no sense.
I just don't know. If that is the case, why don't they just do it already? Why haven't they just done it already? Why are they waiting until the last minute? That makes no sense.
I think they cannot reach consensus on which way to go. Those in position now would be resistant to change, they have the run of the place and many would be replaced, the new guy would have his own people to award employment on the dole. Newsom, Clinton, and Harris each have a constituency in the party to be placated.
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if it meant saving his party?
Nope. he will put his own personal interests above what's best for his party, and more importantly, America.

The family "business" goes poof if he steps down. The Biden "brand" loses all of its value.

He probably also wants to stay in power to keep his own personal immunity as well as his pardon power in case more charges are brought against his family members as a result of the ongoing investigations.
I'm not sure what that has to do with anything but, just as slavery is a blot on the history of Dems, this will be a blot on the history of the GOP.

Because of no reason but your double standards where the party of slavery is the same as the party that ended it. The party of the KKK and Jim Crow are the same as the party that ended it. The party of lynching is the same as the party that ended it. Up is down, red is blue, and you're really smart, MAGA man
Nope. he will put his own personal interests above what's best for his party, and more importantly, America.

The family "business" goes poof if he steps down. The Biden "brand" loses all of its value.

He probably also wants to stay in power to keep his own personal immunity as well as his pardon power in case more charges are brought against his family members as a result of the ongoing investigations.
Exactly. The fix is in to protect Joe and Hunter. If you aren't president anymore, you are rolling the dice.
Because of no reason but your double standards where the party of slavery is the same as the party that ended it. The party of the KKK and Jim Crow are the same as the party that ended it. The party of lynching is the same as the party that ended it. Up is down, red is blue, and you're really smart, MAGA man
At least I know current events in addition to history. The party of Lincoln is very different from the party of Trump. As different as the party of the Dixiecrats is different from the party of Biden. Fact.

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