Would Heather be alive today?

There's a lot of demonizing going around on both sides.

great. then you shouldn't have a problem telling both sides to cut it out. this so far is tantamount to one child throwing a tantrum because they got called out for their behavior also.
Do you think they'll listen to me? I think the only thing that will stop this nonsense is a dozen more deaths.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)
great. then you shouldn't have a problem telling both sides to cut it out. this so far is tantamount to one child throwing a tantrum because they got called out for their behavior also.
Do you think they'll listen to me? I think the only thing that will stop this nonsense is a dozen more deaths.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)

the 10% on either side are fucking it up for the 80% in the middle. just strange people only see 1 side at this point that's "hating".

damn pop culture.
I'm just delighted that the rest of the world got to see america as it really is.

This is not what America really is. It's a handful of assholes acting out who the media lavishes with attention 24/7

Actually this is what this nation was founded upon; white supremacy. Genocided onto land and slavery. That's the history, it just is If you wish to argue that's all behind us, that's another thing. But of course, last weekend, mass incarceration, and the state's lingering ability to murder unarmed black folk in the streets argue against that.
It's always interesting when anti-Americans spread lies and distort history for a political agenda.
It's always amusing when americans cannot handle the reality of their society.
great. then you shouldn't have a problem telling both sides to cut it out. this so far is tantamount to one child throwing a tantrum because they got called out for their behavior also.
Do you think they'll listen to me? I think the only thing that will stop this nonsense is a dozen more deaths.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)
The president with nazis in his white house staff.
Do you think they'll listen to me? I think the only thing that will stop this nonsense is a dozen more deaths.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)

the 10% on either side are fucking it up for the 80% in the middle. just strange people only see 1 side at this point that's "hating".

damn pop culture.
Things always get goosy during times of economic duress and now half the working population makes less than $30K per year.
Do you think they'll listen to me? I think the only thing that will stop this nonsense is a dozen more deaths.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)
The president with nazis in his white house staff.

I'm glad we don't have THAT going on. That would be bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not sure why this was moved to current events. The intent was to discuss the best approach to address what was clearly a POITICAL event...with a predictable outcome...primarily because of the way the event was managed...and planned...by radicals on both sides.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)
The president with nazis in his white house staff.

I'm glad we don't have THAT going on. That would be bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We tolerated the commies and fags and Isis creators in Obamas terms...you can tolerate a nazi or two. Who are they?

That was for Lump.
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)
The president with nazis in his white house staff.

I'm glad we don't have THAT going on. That would be bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We tolerated the commies and fags and Isis creators in Obamas terms...you can tolerate a nazi or two. Who are they?

That was for Lump.
Lump apparently needs all the help he can get.

Days before Charlottesville attack, a White House adviser said white supremacists were 'not the problem'

GOP lawmaker: Bannon, Miller accommodate white supremacists

Your government, NOW, under Don is supporting ISIS, al Qaida, and al Nusra in Syria son. Same as it ever was.
Do you think they'll listen to me? I think the only thing that will stop this nonsense is a dozen more deaths.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)
The president with nazis in his white house staff.
the problem is the liberals have made that word meaningless and a joke because EVERYONE who they don't like is a nazi.

you don't see that as a credibility issue at this point?
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)
The president with nazis in his white house staff.

I'm glad we don't have THAT going on. That would be bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We tolerated the commies and fags and Isis creators in Obamas terms...you can tolerate a nazi or two. Who are they?

That was for Lump.
Lump apparently needs all the help he can get.

Days before Charlottesville attack, a White House adviser said white supremacists were 'not the problem'

GOP lawmaker: Bannon, Miller accommodate white supremacists

Your government, NOW, under Don is supporting ISIS, al Qaida, and al Nusra in Syria son. Same as it ever was.
Gorka was right.

Carlos who? Expert in the matter, I'm sure...
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Agreed, but that applies to both sides...just like the President said. :)
The president with nazis in his white house staff.

I'm glad we don't have THAT going on. That would be bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We tolerated the commies and fags and Isis creators in Obamas terms...you can tolerate a nazi or two. Who are they?

That was for Lump.
Lump apparently needs all the help he can get.

Days before Charlottesville attack, a White House adviser said white supremacists were 'not the problem'

GOP lawmaker: Bannon, Miller accommodate white supremacists

Your government, NOW, under Don is supporting ISIS, al Qaida, and al Nusra in Syria son. Same as it ever was.
maybe it's me but they sure butchered up his quote to not tell me what he is actually talking about. when you end the quote and keep the sentence going - i ask why.
What fucking difference does it make you stupid fucking hypocrite?

Remember all those threads about women being accosted at Trump events you posted in? I do. I also remember your position. Back then you weren't saying the women shouldn't have been there...

You're a two faced twat and people like you give conservatives a bad name.

Now you're just making shit up you tired old fuck,
Nope. I caught you red handed. Busted your fakness for what it is ya hypocrite. Don't feel bad, half of this board is just like you.

Prove it LOL You're pulling shit out ya your ass, flinging it and hoping it sticks.

You're building strawmen old man, you need to stop
Prove it? Anyone who's been active on this board any about of time knows about the threads pre election when pro trump people were accosted or assaulted from everything between eggs being thrown to physical alterations. Quite a few of them women.
NEVER ONCE did you or any other rightie say "well they shouldn't have been there"
Every one of you, me included their right to be there & express themselves.

But now? Nope, and that's where they hypocrisy and fake conservatism is exposed.

You are not important enough for me to spend hours digging through old shit to prove you the hypocrite you are. No one on this site is that important.
I have a brain & a memory and that's all that really matters.

Well your problem is I never gave two shits about those women, I was skeptical of their claims and all the sudden they simply vanished once whoever was behind it realized there was no traction being gained.

So you could search until the cows come home and it would be fruitless
I'm not talking about the women who accused Trump of nefarious shit, I'm talking about the women who went to Trump rallies in SUPPORT OF TRUMP who were accosted by the anti trumpers.

You nor any other rightie ever said, "well that wouldn't have happened had she not been there". So such statements about this woman going to this ralley and ending up dead are nothing but hypocritical statements.

I am right. 100% right and if any of you did just a miniscule amount of self reflection you would see it.
I'm just delighted that the rest of the world got to see america as it really is.

This is not what America really is. It's a handful of assholes acting out who the media lavishes with attention 24/7

Actually this is what this nation was founded upon; white supremacy. Genocided onto land and slavery. That's the history, it just is If you wish to argue that's all behind us, that's another thing. But of course, last weekend, mass incarceration, and the state's lingering ability to murder unarmed black folk in the streets argue against that.
It's always interesting when anti-Americans spread lies and distort history for a political agenda.
It's always amusing when americans cannot handle the reality of their society.
No worries. We're much better than whatever Third World nation you are from, sir.
Latest word smithing...far left were beating people out of outrage concerning what the nazis were saying. No hate there...just outrage...
Now you're just making shit up you tired old fuck,
Nope. I caught you red handed. Busted your fakness for what it is ya hypocrite. Don't feel bad, half of this board is just like you.

Prove it LOL You're pulling shit out ya your ass, flinging it and hoping it sticks.

You're building strawmen old man, you need to stop
Prove it? Anyone who's been active on this board any about of time knows about the threads pre election when pro trump people were accosted or assaulted from everything between eggs being thrown to physical alterations. Quite a few of them women.
NEVER ONCE did you or any other rightie say "well they shouldn't have been there"
Every one of you, me included their right to be there & express themselves.

But now? Nope, and that's where they hypocrisy and fake conservatism is exposed.

You are not important enough for me to spend hours digging through old shit to prove you the hypocrite you are. No one on this site is that important.
I have a brain & a memory and that's all that really matters.

Well your problem is I never gave two shits about those women, I was skeptical of their claims and all the sudden they simply vanished once whoever was behind it realized there was no traction being gained.

So you could search until the cows come home and it would be fruitless
I'm not talking about the women who accused Trump of nefarious shit, I'm talking about the women who went to Trump rallies in SUPPORT OF TRUMP who were accosted by the anti trumpers.

You nor any other rightie ever said, "well that wouldn't have happened had she not been there". So such statements about this woman going to this ralley and ending up dead are nothing but hypocritical statements.

I am right. 100% right and if any of you did just a miniscule amount of self reflection you would see it.

You keep going off on tangents, get back on point and topic.

The woman went to a protest that had every indication of turning into what it did, angry mobs acting like jackasses. She made the concious descion to do that and bears some responsibility for what happened.

As for your newest strawman, there is a huge difference between a poltical rally during an election and a bunch of racist nitwits (both sides) beating the shit out of each other. It's about as stupid as your Kate reference and her death
Nope. I caught you red handed. Busted your fakness for what it is ya hypocrite. Don't feel bad, half of this board is just like you.

Prove it LOL You're pulling shit out ya your ass, flinging it and hoping it sticks.

You're building strawmen old man, you need to stop
Prove it? Anyone who's been active on this board any about of time knows about the threads pre election when pro trump people were accosted or assaulted from everything between eggs being thrown to physical alterations. Quite a few of them women.
NEVER ONCE did you or any other rightie say "well they shouldn't have been there"
Every one of you, me included their right to be there & express themselves.

But now? Nope, and that's where they hypocrisy and fake conservatism is exposed.

You are not important enough for me to spend hours digging through old shit to prove you the hypocrite you are. No one on this site is that important.
I have a brain & a memory and that's all that really matters.

Well your problem is I never gave two shits about those women, I was skeptical of their claims and all the sudden they simply vanished once whoever was behind it realized there was no traction being gained.

So you could search until the cows come home and it would be fruitless
I'm not talking about the women who accused Trump of nefarious shit, I'm talking about the women who went to Trump rallies in SUPPORT OF TRUMP who were accosted by the anti trumpers.

You nor any other rightie ever said, "well that wouldn't have happened had she not been there". So such statements about this woman going to this ralley and ending up dead are nothing but hypocritical statements.

I am right. 100% right and if any of you did just a miniscule amount of self reflection you would see it.

You keep going off on tangents, get back on point and topic.

The woman went to a protest that had every indication of turning into what it did, angry mobs acting like jackasses. She made the concious descion to do that and bears some responsibility for what happened.

As for your newest strawman, there is a huge difference between a poltical rally during an election and a bunch of racist nitwits (both sides) beating the shit out of each other. It's about as stupid as your Kate reference and her death
It's not the newest straw man you hypocritical twat. It's THE SAME FUCKING POINT I'VE BEEN MAKING FOR TWO DAYS.

You're clearly too much of a liar and a douche to admit I'm right. That's fine, anyone who isn't a partisan hack can see right through you.

Fuck off now bitch
Prove it LOL You're pulling shit out ya your ass, flinging it and hoping it sticks.

You're building strawmen old man, you need to stop
Prove it? Anyone who's been active on this board any about of time knows about the threads pre election when pro trump people were accosted or assaulted from everything between eggs being thrown to physical alterations. Quite a few of them women.
NEVER ONCE did you or any other rightie say "well they shouldn't have been there"
Every one of you, me included their right to be there & express themselves.

But now? Nope, and that's where they hypocrisy and fake conservatism is exposed.

You are not important enough for me to spend hours digging through old shit to prove you the hypocrite you are. No one on this site is that important.
I have a brain & a memory and that's all that really matters.

Well your problem is I never gave two shits about those women, I was skeptical of their claims and all the sudden they simply vanished once whoever was behind it realized there was no traction being gained.

So you could search until the cows come home and it would be fruitless
I'm not talking about the women who accused Trump of nefarious shit, I'm talking about the women who went to Trump rallies in SUPPORT OF TRUMP who were accosted by the anti trumpers.

You nor any other rightie ever said, "well that wouldn't have happened had she not been there". So such statements about this woman going to this ralley and ending up dead are nothing but hypocritical statements.

I am right. 100% right and if any of you did just a miniscule amount of self reflection you would see it.

You keep going off on tangents, get back on point and topic.

The woman went to a protest that had every indication of turning into what it did, angry mobs acting like jackasses. She made the concious descion to do that and bears some responsibility for what happened.

As for your newest strawman, there is a huge difference between a poltical rally during an election and a bunch of racist nitwits (both sides) beating the shit out of each other. It's about as stupid as your Kate reference and her death
It's not the newest straw man you hypocritical twat. It's THE SAME FUCKING POINT I'VE BEEN MAKING FOR TWO DAYS.

You're clearly too much of a liar and a douche to admit I'm right. That's fine, anyone who isn't a partisan hack can see right through you.

Fuck off now bitch

Grow up you tired old man, in fact chill, you're not impressing me with that garbage and it speaks volumes about you. A tired, bitter old man with anger issues ...nothing more and nothing less

You can't debate worth a shit either, stupidity and unable to comprehend kicks your own ass.
Prove it? Anyone who's been active on this board any about of time knows about the threads pre election when pro trump people were accosted or assaulted from everything between eggs being thrown to physical alterations. Quite a few of them women.
NEVER ONCE did you or any other rightie say "well they shouldn't have been there"
Every one of you, me included their right to be there & express themselves.

But now? Nope, and that's where they hypocrisy and fake conservatism is exposed.

You are not important enough for me to spend hours digging through old shit to prove you the hypocrite you are. No one on this site is that important.
I have a brain & a memory and that's all that really matters.

Well your problem is I never gave two shits about those women, I was skeptical of their claims and all the sudden they simply vanished once whoever was behind it realized there was no traction being gained.

So you could search until the cows come home and it would be fruitless
I'm not talking about the women who accused Trump of nefarious shit, I'm talking about the women who went to Trump rallies in SUPPORT OF TRUMP who were accosted by the anti trumpers.

You nor any other rightie ever said, "well that wouldn't have happened had she not been there". So such statements about this woman going to this ralley and ending up dead are nothing but hypocritical statements.

I am right. 100% right and if any of you did just a miniscule amount of self reflection you would see it.

You keep going off on tangents, get back on point and topic.

The woman went to a protest that had every indication of turning into what it did, angry mobs acting like jackasses. She made the concious descion to do that and bears some responsibility for what happened.

As for your newest strawman, there is a huge difference between a poltical rally during an election and a bunch of racist nitwits (both sides) beating the shit out of each other. It's about as stupid as your Kate reference and her death
It's not the newest straw man you hypocritical twat. It's THE SAME FUCKING POINT I'VE BEEN MAKING FOR TWO DAYS.

You're clearly too much of a liar and a douche to admit I'm right. That's fine, anyone who isn't a partisan hack can see right through you.

Fuck off now bitch

Grow up you tired old man, in fact chill, you're not impressing me with that garbage and it speaks volumes about you. A tired, bitter old man with anger issues ...nothing more and nothing less

You can't debate worth a shit either, stupidity and unable to comprehend kicks your own ass.
What's speaks volumes about someone is their integrity & honesty.

You my dear are lacking both.

I have made my point. I am spot on with my assessment and you CLEARLY are not adult enough to admit you are guilty of it. There is NOTHING worse than a two faced hypocrite.

I am done with this argument as well as you.
Well your problem is I never gave two shits about those women, I was skeptical of their claims and all the sudden they simply vanished once whoever was behind it realized there was no traction being gained.

So you could search until the cows come home and it would be fruitless
I'm not talking about the women who accused Trump of nefarious shit, I'm talking about the women who went to Trump rallies in SUPPORT OF TRUMP who were accosted by the anti trumpers.

You nor any other rightie ever said, "well that wouldn't have happened had she not been there". So such statements about this woman going to this ralley and ending up dead are nothing but hypocritical statements.

I am right. 100% right and if any of you did just a miniscule amount of self reflection you would see it.

You keep going off on tangents, get back on point and topic.

The woman went to a protest that had every indication of turning into what it did, angry mobs acting like jackasses. She made the concious descion to do that and bears some responsibility for what happened.

As for your newest strawman, there is a huge difference between a poltical rally during an election and a bunch of racist nitwits (both sides) beating the shit out of each other. It's about as stupid as your Kate reference and her death
It's not the newest straw man you hypocritical twat. It's THE SAME FUCKING POINT I'VE BEEN MAKING FOR TWO DAYS.

You're clearly too much of a liar and a douche to admit I'm right. That's fine, anyone who isn't a partisan hack can see right through you.

Fuck off now bitch

Grow up you tired old man, in fact chill, you're not impressing me with that garbage and it speaks volumes about you. A tired, bitter old man with anger issues ...nothing more and nothing less

You can't debate worth a shit either, stupidity and unable to comprehend kicks your own ass.
What's speaks volumes about someone is their integrity & honesty.

You my dear are lacking both.

I have made my point. I am spot on with my assessment and you CLEARLY are not adult enough to admit you are guilty of it. There is NOTHING worse than a two faced hypocrite.

I am done with this argument as well as you.

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