Would Heather be alive today?

I am curious why she jumped in/onto the back end of the car while the black men with metal baseball bats were beating the guy's car? Are there anymore videos that show more clearly what her intent may have been?

lets also not pretend all went there for violence, but they should have known it would be there. being responsible means she's responsible for the situations she puts herself in. but she didn't deserve to die, no one does in these situations usually.

if i heard these (2) groups somehow got a permit to protest in the same place at the same time, it's my choice to go or not go. everyone knew it was coming. it's like going to a rumble and hoping to be a spectator. seldom happens.

this isn't to say she deserved to die. so few do in these situations but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the society we are busy building far too quickly.

would they white nationalist assholes have come out if anti-fa had not stopped dozens of "valid" marches for beliefs NOT held by "anti-fa"? would they come out if we lived in a time of compromise and respect to each other? they never have in such times before.

did they create these times or do they just thrive in these times? both sides are thriving now - and both sides are full of shit and both sides need to cut it out.

to let one side slide a "correct in their anger" is to only call out the assholes even more because it's simply not possible to do what anti-fa does and not get the reactions they are in fact getting.

if in the end the act of the driver was intentional, then he needs to be put on trial and run through the same process as anyone else committing such a crime will go through and let the courts, not the people, decide his fate.

"we the people" are not a court of law but we sure do act like it a lot.

Yes when two extreme groups are going to be in the same area and both are armed with weapons and chemical sprays, you know it is not going to be peaceful. The far left has shown they believe violence and riots is peaceful protesting!

the unasked question i continue to not see is -

how did both get a permit for this on the same day at the same place? who in their right mind would allow that? i've heard both had permits but have not followed up - so if not, oops my bad. :)

Well they could not deny the protesters of the far left as they would have shown up anyway and caused riots and accused the local politicians of being Nazi sympathizers.

Then again it is under the control of the far left, so what did you expect?

Michael Signer - Wikipedia

they didn't have to deny it - just give it for a different day. they want respect for their views, give it, not give in.

Again the far left would not stand for that! They would have shown up anyway.
With folks like you, they might as well, doesn't matter.
Yes when two extreme groups are going to be in the same area and both are armed with weapons and chemical sprays, you know it is not going to be peaceful. The far left has shown they believe violence and riots is peaceful protesting!

I'm just delighted that the rest of the world got to see america as it really is.
There is obviously some semblance of Nazism and Bolshevism alive and well in the USA today still.


Same in Europe as the nations there are predominantly white!

Where do you think the virus came from.

From far left drones like you!

How does it feel to live in EU Whiteville?
Have a nice day, you don't need anyone for this, you can argue with the voices in your head alone, cheers.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.

People like you are why I left the Republican Party ten years ago
You could'nt be bothered to respond to my PM... So Don bother here. And since you left the party we've seized the House, Senate, and the White House. Stay gone.
She would be alive today if that ass had not used his car as a weapon. End of story.
All that other bullshit you wrote is irrelevant.

Whoosh over another one's noodle
I get it perfectly fine. As I have ALWAYS advocated on this board, you do not point to other behavior to excuse anything.
I realize he was trying to point out hypocrisy but I consider it in very bad taste to use a death to do so.

Or she would be alive if there were not counter protesters....
Or she would be alive if the fucking Nazis didn't show up. The bottom line here is that Americans have freedom of assembly, be they fucking Nazis or fucking Socialists. No matter how deplorable they are, even the ACLU supported the fucking Nazis to march both in Charlottesville and Skokie, among other places. Same goes for the commies and socialists.


They have the right to assemble, your point is invalid
You just confirmed my point: They have a right to assemble.

What they don't have a right to do is mow each other down with cars, guns, baseball bats or anything else.
Whoosh over another one's noodle
I get it perfectly fine. As I have ALWAYS advocated on this board, you do not point to other behavior to excuse anything.
I realize he was trying to point out hypocrisy but I consider it in very bad taste to use a death to do so.

Or she would be alive if there were not counter protesters....


And you think it flew over my head...lol
She does that, but she can't explain it. :D

You're getting even more annoying due to your inability to grasp the OP....running around flapping your arms isn't helping your cause
So, you can't explain the OP in your own words. You just confirmed my post that all had a right of freedom of assembly while complaining I was wrong and now you accuse me of not understanding an OP you don't understand yourself? Odd.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.

The car came from over a block away and indiscriminately ran over people who EASILY could have been avoided by simply stopping & going in reverse.
Failed dodge. Red herring ignored. My post questions the deceaseds positioning, actions, and motives. Care to elaborate on those. Maybe point her out in photos? Even if just a single one from that day...?
President Trump called James Field a murderer. Do you agree or disagree with President Trump?
Its more than "disturbing".

The right is embracing fascism and nazis. The so-called president is inciting violence, excusing murderers and endorsing alt right.

trump wants an all out race war and always had.

BS to the post above that the murder of Heather was her fault.
Awesome. I don't know which side is funnier and/or crazier: The RWNJs or the LWLs.

Correct, murder isn't the victim's own fault. Field's murdered her. OTOH claiming Trump wants a race war is fucking nuts. You'll hurt yourself if you keep panicking like that:
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

again, if you go to a war, be ready for a battle. she wasn't.

She wasn't at war, it wasn't a battle and President Trump called Fields a murderer.
I'm just delighted that the rest of the world got to see america as it really is.

This is not what America really is. It's a handful of assholes acting out who the media lavishes with attention 24/7

Actually this is what this nation was founded upon; white supremacy. Genocided onto land and slavery. That's the history, it just is If you wish to argue that's all behind us, that's another thing. But of course, last weekend, mass incarceration, and the state's lingering ability to murder unarmed black folk in the streets argue against that.
It's always interesting when anti-Americans spread lies and distort history for a political agenda.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

again, if you go to a war, be ready for a battle. she wasn't.

She wasn't at war, it wasn't a battle and President Trump called Fields a murderer.

sure she was, it was a battle and saying it wasn't is just plain out lying. now the guy drove his car into a group, not at her directly, he killed her and two others. that's on him. but please don't parrot that she was an innocent bystander because she wasn't
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

again, if you go to a war, be ready for a battle. she wasn't.

She wasn't at war, it wasn't a battle and President Trump called Fields a murderer.

sure she was, it was a battle and saying it wasn't is just plain out lying. now the guy drove his car into a group, not at her directly, he killed her and two others. that's on him. but please don't parrot that she was an innocent bystander because she wasn't

And that's the core problem with this story. And also the reason leftists go apeshit at any delving into her character, and her actions that day. My how the narrative may be different if a photo surfaces of her wielding a bat against a legal protester. Or lobbing a cement filled soda can blindly into a crowd. As of this writing not one single photo or video has identified her person in it. Food for thought...
What lesson would that be, Joe, and why did over 62 Million Americans feel compelled to vote for one deplorable over another last November?

Racism. Misogyny. Homophobia. That was a large part of the reason.

Now, again, at the end of the day, Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney did. The tragedy is so many wasted their votes on third party candidates because they believed they were both "Just as bad".
Didn't you just claim you had me on ignore? Were you lying?

Yes. People who wear blinders are better off ignoring those who don't.
when some people refuse to listen to alternative viewpoints and demonize people who offer them, you tell me what good it does to talk to such people.

if we're to get through this - compromise is the only way. respect for each other, a requirement.

you ready to do that? if not, here we are and i'm simply not talking to people not ready to move on anymore. nothing to win there. they want to die an idiot, their rights. ignoring them. my own.
There's a lot of demonizing going around on both sides.

great. then you shouldn't have a problem telling both sides to cut it out. this so far is tantamount to one child throwing a tantrum because they got called out for their behavior also.
Do you think they'll listen to me? I think the only thing that will stop this nonsense is a dozen more deaths.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
when some people refuse to listen to alternative viewpoints and demonize people who offer them, you tell me what good it does to talk to such people.

if we're to get through this - compromise is the only way. respect for each other, a requirement.

you ready to do that? if not, here we are and i'm simply not talking to people not ready to move on anymore. nothing to win there. they want to die an idiot, their rights. ignoring them. my own.
There's a lot of demonizing going around on both sides.

great. then you shouldn't have a problem telling both sides to cut it out. this so far is tantamount to one child throwing a tantrum because they got called out for their behavior also.
Do you think they'll listen to me? I think the only thing that will stop this nonsense is a dozen more deaths.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)
A $25 Gold membership bet that we'll see more deaths between now and the end of Trump's term. Bet?

Now, if the fucking LWLs could learn to shoot straight, they'd already racked up half a dozen deaths. As it is, they'll now start using their Prius's to run down anyone standing on the wrong side of the street.
nah - i'm sure we will. we have an entitled group of people demanding their ever changing views should be the ONLY ones that matter and then getting upset when called out on it.
Anyone who attends a pressure cooker rally like these knows something could happen. Many from either side brag about sacrificing and putting themselves in harms way for justice. The act of violence was just worse than anyone expected.
Which is why it's a good thing most are Millennials and Gen Xers. ;)

Expect more deaths to follow. This isn't over yet...and won't be over even when President Pence is sworn into office over the next year or so.

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