Would Heather be alive today?

What fucking difference does it make you stupid fucking hypocrite?

Remember all those threads about women being accosted at Trump events you posted in? I do. I also remember your position. Back then you weren't saying the women shouldn't have been there...

You're a two faced twat and people like you give conservatives a bad name.

Now you're just making shit up you tired old fuck,
Nope. I caught you red handed. Busted your fakness for what it is ya hypocrite. Don't feel bad, half of this board is just like you.

Prove it LOL You're pulling shit out ya your ass, flinging it and hoping it sticks.

You're building strawmen old man, you need to stop
Prove it? Anyone who's been active on this board any about of time knows about the threads pre election when pro trump people were accosted or assaulted from everything between eggs being thrown to physical alterations. Quite a few of them women.
NEVER ONCE did you or any other rightie say "well they shouldn't have been there"
Every one of you, me included their right to be there & express themselves.

But now? Nope, and that's where they hypocrisy and fake conservatism is exposed.

You are not important enough for me to spend hours digging through old shit to prove you the hypocrite you are. No one on this site is that important.
I have a brain & a memory and that's all that really matters.

Well your problem is I never gave two shits about those women, I was skeptical of their claims and all the sudden they simply vanished once whoever was behind it realized there was no traction being gained.

So you could search until the cows come home and it would be fruitless
Speaking of doing stupid shit until the cows come home and it being fruitless ...
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

I didn't call the protesters peaceful. I said she had a constitutional right to peacefully protest. I've seen no evidence of her being violent or assaulting anyone. If you have feel free to provide evidence of her acting unlawfully.
Otherwise kiss my ass & take a remedial reading comprehension class.

Golly gee, guys. I'm gonna go peacefully protest with all these wonderful guys carrying bats and pipes.

She knew what was up. she wasn't that stupid, i don't think.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car
That's not a FACT.
Why do you think thats funny gramps?

People die without murder. This has not been proven to be a murder. May just as likely been an accident caused by a guy in a car being attacked by an angry mob.

You're entitled to an opinion, but it has not been proven to be MURDER.
Yes I know it is the last bastion of far leftism when they are loosing an argument and have nothing else!

I just ask what chatting a cop was hon.

Yes we know you far left drones have nothing!

Keep supporting ISIS and the far left terrorists!
As long as ya have labels for everyone darling.

Says the far left drone and their irony filled comments!
Have a lvoely day Kooshkoosh.

You too far left drone that supports far left terrorism..

At least show one post where you condemned it.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

I didn't call the protesters peaceful. I said she had a constitutional right to peacefully protest. I've seen no evidence of her being violent or assaulting anyone. If you have feel free to provide evidence of her acting unlawfully.
Otherwise kiss my ass & take a remedial reading comprehension class.

Golly gee, guys. I'm gonna go peacefully protest with all these wonderful guys carrying bats and pipes.

She knew what was up. she wasn't that stupid, i don't think.

Clearly the torchers came for peace, as innocent as the lilly white driven snowjob.
Now you're just making shit up you tired old fuck,
Nope. I caught you red handed. Busted your fakness for what it is ya hypocrite. Don't feel bad, half of this board is just like you.

Prove it LOL You're pulling shit out ya your ass, flinging it and hoping it sticks.

You're building strawmen old man, you need to stop
Prove it? Anyone who's been active on this board any about of time knows about the threads pre election when pro trump people were accosted or assaulted from everything between eggs being thrown to physical alterations. Quite a few of them women.
NEVER ONCE did you or any other rightie say "well they shouldn't have been there"
Every one of you, me included their right to be there & express themselves.

But now? Nope, and that's where they hypocrisy and fake conservatism is exposed.

You are not important enough for me to spend hours digging through old shit to prove you the hypocrite you are. No one on this site is that important.
I have a brain & a memory and that's all that really matters.

Well your problem is I never gave two shits about those women, I was skeptical of their claims and all the sudden they simply vanished once whoever was behind it realized there was no traction being gained.

So you could search until the cows come home and it would be fruitless
Speaking of doing stupid shit until the cows come home and it being fruitless ...

Yeah...you need to stop commenting
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

lets also not pretend all went there for violence, but they should have known it would be there. being responsible means she's responsible for the situations she puts herself in. but she didn't deserve to die, no one does in these situations usually.

if i heard these (2) groups somehow got a permit to protest in the same place at the same time, it's my choice to go or not go. everyone knew it was coming. it's like going to a rumble and hoping to be a spectator. seldom happens.

this isn't to say she deserved to die. so few do in these situations but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the society we are busy building far too quickly.

would they white nationalist assholes have come out if anti-fa had not stopped dozens of "valid" marches for beliefs NOT held by "anti-fa"? would they come out if we lived in a time of compromise and respect to each other? they never have in such times before.

did they create these times or do they just thrive in these times? both sides are thriving now - and both sides are full of shit and both sides need to cut it out.

to let one side slide a "correct in their anger" is to only call out the assholes even more because it's simply not possible to do what anti-fa does and not get the reactions they are in fact getting.

if in the end the act of the driver was intentional, then he needs to be put on trial and run through the same process as anyone else committing such a crime will go through and let the courts, not the people, decide his fate.

"we the people" are not a court of law but we sure do act like it a lot.

the MSM and all the reactionaries on the left believe that simply because the people they are protesting are 'disgusting' that we should always take the side of those who oppose them, even when they're fucking wrong. that's what is getting my goat.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

lets also not pretend all went there for violence, but they should have known it would be there. being responsible means she's responsible for the situations she puts herself in. but she didn't deserve to die, no one does in these situations usually.

if i heard these (2) groups somehow got a permit to protest in the same place at the same time, it's my choice to go or not go. everyone knew it was coming. it's like going to a rumble and hoping to be a spectator. seldom happens.

this isn't to say she deserved to die. so few do in these situations but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the society we are busy building far too quickly.

would they white nationalist assholes have come out if anti-fa had not stopped dozens of "valid" marches for beliefs NOT held by "anti-fa"? would they come out if we lived in a time of compromise and respect to each other? they never have in such times before.

did they create these times or do they just thrive in these times? both sides are thriving now - and both sides are full of shit and both sides need to cut it out.

to let one side slide a "correct in their anger" is to only call out the assholes even more because it's simply not possible to do what anti-fa does and not get the reactions they are in fact getting.

if in the end the act of the driver was intentional, then he needs to be put on trial and run through the same process as anyone else committing such a crime will go through and let the courts, not the people, decide his fate.

"we the people" are not a court of law but we sure do act like it a lot.

Yes when two extreme groups are going to be in the same area and both are armed with weapons and chemical sprays, you know it is not going to be peaceful. The far left has shown they believe violence and riots is peaceful protesting!
I just ask what chatting a cop was hon.

Yes we know you far left drones have nothing!

Keep supporting ISIS and the far left terrorists!
As long as ya have labels for everyone darling.

Says the far left drone and their irony filled comments!
Have a lvoely day Kooshkoosh.

You too far left drone that supports far left terrorism..

At least show one post where you condemned it.
Not your puppet Kooshkoosh. You would argue with your mother as to what terrorism is, you just want to fling poo.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

again, if you go to a war, be ready for a battle. she wasn't.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.

People like you are why I left the Republican Party ten years ago
so you like the BLM eh? death to cops? now you wish to associate with them. hmmm sorry for you bubba.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

lets also not pretend all went there for violence, but they should have known it would be there. being responsible means she's responsible for the situations she puts herself in. but she didn't deserve to die, no one does in these situations usually.

if i heard these (2) groups somehow got a permit to protest in the same place at the same time, it's my choice to go or not go. everyone knew it was coming. it's like going to a rumble and hoping to be a spectator. seldom happens.

this isn't to say she deserved to die. so few do in these situations but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the society we are busy building far too quickly.

would they white nationalist assholes have come out if anti-fa had not stopped dozens of "valid" marches for beliefs NOT held by "anti-fa"? would they come out if we lived in a time of compromise and respect to each other? they never have in such times before.

did they create these times or do they just thrive in these times? both sides are thriving now - and both sides are full of shit and both sides need to cut it out.

to let one side slide a "correct in their anger" is to only call out the assholes even more because it's simply not possible to do what anti-fa does and not get the reactions they are in fact getting.

if in the end the act of the driver was intentional, then he needs to be put on trial and run through the same process as anyone else committing such a crime will go through and let the courts, not the people, decide his fate.

"we the people" are not a court of law but we sure do act like it a lot.

Yes when two extreme groups are going to be in the same area and both are armed with weapons and chemical sprays, you know it is not going to be peaceful. The far left has shown they believe violence and riots is peaceful protesting!

I'm just delighted that the rest of the world got to see america as it really is.
If the antifa activists had just ignored the white supremacists and not pushed back against their protest? The Soros/Indivisible/BLM mob should have simply followed the advice of Susan Rice, who recently advocated we tolerate the actions of N Korea...that we can live with their possession of nuke weapons. Can't we live with a few red necks with torches and guns?

Heather Heyer, victim of Charlottesville car attack, was civil rights activist
Anyone who attends protests and riots is taking their own lives into their hands.

It is a foolish proposition in a situation were both sides are about equal, because then there is a potential for lots of fatal injury and death.

The first and most important responsibility of life is to protect your own life and that of your family who depend on you and are helpless without you.

These idiots who protest and riot have failed in that fundamental principal principle.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

lets also not pretend all went there for violence, but they should have known it would be there. being responsible means she's responsible for the situations she puts herself in. but she didn't deserve to die, no one does in these situations usually.

if i heard these (2) groups somehow got a permit to protest in the same place at the same time, it's my choice to go or not go. everyone knew it was coming. it's like going to a rumble and hoping to be a spectator. seldom happens.

this isn't to say she deserved to die. so few do in these situations but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the society we are busy building far too quickly.

would they white nationalist assholes have come out if anti-fa had not stopped dozens of "valid" marches for beliefs NOT held by "anti-fa"? would they come out if we lived in a time of compromise and respect to each other? they never have in such times before.

did they create these times or do they just thrive in these times? both sides are thriving now - and both sides are full of shit and both sides need to cut it out.

to let one side slide a "correct in their anger" is to only call out the assholes even more because it's simply not possible to do what anti-fa does and not get the reactions they are in fact getting.

if in the end the act of the driver was intentional, then he needs to be put on trial and run through the same process as anyone else committing such a crime will go through and let the courts, not the people, decide his fate.

"we the people" are not a court of law but we sure do act like it a lot.

Yes when two extreme groups are going to be in the same area and both are armed with weapons and chemical sprays, you know it is not going to be peaceful. The far left has shown they believe violence and riots is peaceful protesting!

I'm just delighted that the rest of the world got to see america as it really is.

See how the far left wants the world to see America? ISIS and the far left has the same goals.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

lets also not pretend all went there for violence, but they should have known it would be there. being responsible means she's responsible for the situations she puts herself in. but she didn't deserve to die, no one does in these situations usually.

if i heard these (2) groups somehow got a permit to protest in the same place at the same time, it's my choice to go or not go. everyone knew it was coming. it's like going to a rumble and hoping to be a spectator. seldom happens.

this isn't to say she deserved to die. so few do in these situations but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the society we are busy building far too quickly.

would they white nationalist assholes have come out if anti-fa had not stopped dozens of "valid" marches for beliefs NOT held by "anti-fa"? would they come out if we lived in a time of compromise and respect to each other? they never have in such times before.

did they create these times or do they just thrive in these times? both sides are thriving now - and both sides are full of shit and both sides need to cut it out.

to let one side slide a "correct in their anger" is to only call out the assholes even more because it's simply not possible to do what anti-fa does and not get the reactions they are in fact getting.

if in the end the act of the driver was intentional, then he needs to be put on trial and run through the same process as anyone else committing such a crime will go through and let the courts, not the people, decide his fate.

"we the people" are not a court of law but we sure do act like it a lot.

the MSM and all the reactionaries on the left believe that simply because the people they are protesting are 'disgusting' that we should always take the side of those who oppose them, even when they're fucking wrong. that's what is getting my goat.

getting mine also. they are every bit as guilty as the ones they protest so strongly against. but i'm not going to talk them down nor out of their mindset. "fighting back" in this case is to do what you'd do with a child.

'that's nice, hon" when they scream LOOK AT ME but nothing more really. if/when they break the law, arrest them.

let them figure out life in jail and see how many trash cans they can burn there.
Nope. I caught you red handed. Busted your fakness for what it is ya hypocrite. Don't feel bad, half of this board is just like you.

Prove it LOL You're pulling shit out ya your ass, flinging it and hoping it sticks.

You're building strawmen old man, you need to stop
Prove it? Anyone who's been active on this board any about of time knows about the threads pre election when pro trump people were accosted or assaulted from everything between eggs being thrown to physical alterations. Quite a few of them women.
NEVER ONCE did you or any other rightie say "well they shouldn't have been there"
Every one of you, me included their right to be there & express themselves.

But now? Nope, and that's where they hypocrisy and fake conservatism is exposed.

You are not important enough for me to spend hours digging through old shit to prove you the hypocrite you are. No one on this site is that important.
I have a brain & a memory and that's all that really matters.

Well your problem is I never gave two shits about those women, I was skeptical of their claims and all the sudden they simply vanished once whoever was behind it realized there was no traction being gained.

So you could search until the cows come home and it would be fruitless
Speaking of doing stupid shit until the cows come home and it being fruitless ...

Yeah...you need to stop commenting

Utterly fruitless darling, carry on.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

lets also not pretend all went there for violence, but they should have known it would be there. being responsible means she's responsible for the situations she puts herself in. but she didn't deserve to die, no one does in these situations usually.

if i heard these (2) groups somehow got a permit to protest in the same place at the same time, it's my choice to go or not go. everyone knew it was coming. it's like going to a rumble and hoping to be a spectator. seldom happens.

this isn't to say she deserved to die. so few do in these situations but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the society we are busy building far too quickly.

would they white nationalist assholes have come out if anti-fa had not stopped dozens of "valid" marches for beliefs NOT held by "anti-fa"? would they come out if we lived in a time of compromise and respect to each other? they never have in such times before.

did they create these times or do they just thrive in these times? both sides are thriving now - and both sides are full of shit and both sides need to cut it out.

to let one side slide a "correct in their anger" is to only call out the assholes even more because it's simply not possible to do what anti-fa does and not get the reactions they are in fact getting.

if in the end the act of the driver was intentional, then he needs to be put on trial and run through the same process as anyone else committing such a crime will go through and let the courts, not the people, decide his fate.

"we the people" are not a court of law but we sure do act like it a lot.

Yes when two extreme groups are going to be in the same area and both are armed with weapons and chemical sprays, you know it is not going to be peaceful. The far left has shown they believe violence and riots is peaceful protesting!

the unasked question i continue to not see is -

how did both get a permit for this on the same day at the same place? who in their right mind would allow that? i've heard both had permits but have not followed up - so if not, oops my bad. :)
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

lets also not pretend all went there for violence, but they should have known it would be there. being responsible means she's responsible for the situations she puts herself in. but she didn't deserve to die, no one does in these situations usually.

if i heard these (2) groups somehow got a permit to protest in the same place at the same time, it's my choice to go or not go. everyone knew it was coming. it's like going to a rumble and hoping to be a spectator. seldom happens.

this isn't to say she deserved to die. so few do in these situations but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the society we are busy building far too quickly.

would they white nationalist assholes have come out if anti-fa had not stopped dozens of "valid" marches for beliefs NOT held by "anti-fa"? would they come out if we lived in a time of compromise and respect to each other? they never have in such times before.

did they create these times or do they just thrive in these times? both sides are thriving now - and both sides are full of shit and both sides need to cut it out.

to let one side slide a "correct in their anger" is to only call out the assholes even more because it's simply not possible to do what anti-fa does and not get the reactions they are in fact getting.

if in the end the act of the driver was intentional, then he needs to be put on trial and run through the same process as anyone else committing such a crime will go through and let the courts, not the people, decide his fate.

"we the people" are not a court of law but we sure do act like it a lot.

Yes when two extreme groups are going to be in the same area and both are armed with weapons and chemical sprays, you know it is not going to be peaceful. The far left has shown they believe violence and riots is peaceful protesting!

I'm just delighted that the rest of the world got to see america as it really is.

See how the far left wants the world to see America? ISIS and the far left has the same goals.

Far Left and Far Right both have their heads far up their own wazoo's.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

a REAL conservative?

What the fuck do you know about 'Real conservatism'? What makes your conservatism real? Why do you get to define conservatism? Who the fuck are you? some asshole on the internet, just like me. you don't get to define shit.

Heather Heyes was an imbecile. Most people are, they're ignorant and easily mislead by the MSM. She was an uneducated fat cow, living on a teat at 32 and unemployed. Childless.

She was a loser. There's an old saying.

"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

Let's review the video;

As you can clearly see, the peaceful Antifa protesters charge at the back of his car after he's plowed into them. Not very bright. But if you look closely, you can see that they're carrying bats, pipes and other weapons. They proceed to smash the back of his window. Kind of an odd reaction. One would imagine that such peaceful protesters would not be carrying such weapons, let alone have the peace of mind to attack his car like mindless zombies.

Peaceful protesters my ass. These Antifa Fucks came to trample upon the right to peaceful protest of the people protesting the tearing down of the confederate monument. They came to smash face just like some of those far-right groups did.

Let's not pretend these fucks carrying pipes and bats came there for a peaceful protest as the MSM tells you. Don't be heather heyes. Read between the MSM lies.

lets also not pretend all went there for violence, but they should have known it would be there. being responsible means she's responsible for the situations she puts herself in. but she didn't deserve to die, no one does in these situations usually.

if i heard these (2) groups somehow got a permit to protest in the same place at the same time, it's my choice to go or not go. everyone knew it was coming. it's like going to a rumble and hoping to be a spectator. seldom happens.

this isn't to say she deserved to die. so few do in these situations but it's an unfortunate byproduct of the society we are busy building far too quickly.

would they white nationalist assholes have come out if anti-fa had not stopped dozens of "valid" marches for beliefs NOT held by "anti-fa"? would they come out if we lived in a time of compromise and respect to each other? they never have in such times before.

did they create these times or do they just thrive in these times? both sides are thriving now - and both sides are full of shit and both sides need to cut it out.

to let one side slide a "correct in their anger" is to only call out the assholes even more because it's simply not possible to do what anti-fa does and not get the reactions they are in fact getting.

if in the end the act of the driver was intentional, then he needs to be put on trial and run through the same process as anyone else committing such a crime will go through and let the courts, not the people, decide his fate.

"we the people" are not a court of law but we sure do act like it a lot.

Yes when two extreme groups are going to be in the same area and both are armed with weapons and chemical sprays, you know it is not going to be peaceful. The far left has shown they believe violence and riots is peaceful protesting!

I'm just delighted that the rest of the world got to see america as it really is.

See how the far left wants the world to see America? ISIS and the far left has the same goals.

America is funding ISIS in Syria son.

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