Would Heather be alive today?

Blame the victim.........cool.

She put herself in jeopardy hanging out with anarchist trash and lost her life because of their actions. Hopefully this is a wake-up call to others like her...we've had enough of the black masks and ball bats smashing store windows and parked cars. They got bold and started attacking those with a different viewpoint and bystanders and it's going to stop one way or another.
What lesson would that be, Joe, and why did over 62 Million Americans feel compelled to vote for one deplorable over another last November?

Racism. Misogyny. Homophobia. That was a large part of the reason.

Now, again, at the end of the day, Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney did. The tragedy is so many wasted their votes on third party candidates because they believed they were both "Just as bad".
So she should have surrendered her right to peacefully protest to appease the murderer....

You're lost in space dear.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON THERE HAD A RIGHT TO BE THERE. One person decided she did not and violated her right to protest by MURDERING HER.

WTF is wrong with you people?

Look "Dear" I've already said they were all idiots, perhaps you'd better get up to speed before you ask WTF is the matter with me. Then get past you're the arbitrator of right and wrong.

The group had the right to assemble, the counter protesters show up and the end result is someone died. Sad but the reality is if the counter protesters has simply let it go nobody would have died.
Remember Kate? The woman murdered by the illegal alien. I guess she should have just stayed home that day. She'd still be alive afterall.

What was Kate protesting?
View attachment 143991

Answer the question you stupid fuck, what was Kate protesting? Your silly image only reveals you know it was a stupid response
What fucking difference does it make you stupid fucking hypocrite?

Remember all those threads about women being accosted at Trump events you posted in? I do. I also remember your position. Back then you weren't saying the women shouldn't have been there...

You're a two faced twat and people like you give conservatives a bad name.
Heather heyes was a fat, childless, unproductive cow.

She had no employment and lived like a leach. And she was what, 32? Disgust

She and her Antifa ilk ran at the back of the car with bats and pipes. Peaceful protesters my ass
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Look "Dear" I've already said they were all idiots, perhaps you'd better get up to speed before you ask WTF is the matter with me. Then get past you're the arbitrator of right and wrong.

The group had the right to assemble, the counter protesters show up and the end result is someone died. Sad but the reality is if the counter protesters has simply let it go nobody would have died.
Remember Kate? The woman murdered by the illegal alien. I guess she should have just stayed home that day. She'd still be alive afterall.

What was Kate protesting?
View attachment 143991

Answer the question you stupid fuck, what was Kate protesting? Your silly image only reveals you know it was a stupid response
What fucking difference does it make you stupid fucking hypocrite?

Remember all those threads about women being accosted at Trump events you posted in? I do. I also remember your position. Back then you weren't saying the women shouldn't have been there...

You're a two faced twat and people like you give conservatives a bad name.

Now you're just making shit up you tired old fuck,
Remember Kate? The woman murdered by the illegal alien. I guess she should have just stayed home that day. She'd still be alive afterall.

What was Kate protesting?
View attachment 143991

Answer the question you stupid fuck, what was Kate protesting? Your silly image only reveals you know it was a stupid response
What fucking difference does it make you stupid fucking hypocrite?

Remember all those threads about women being accosted at Trump events you posted in? I do. I also remember your position. Back then you weren't saying the women shouldn't have been there...

You're a two faced twat and people like you give conservatives a bad name.

Now you're just making shit up you tired old fuck,
Nope. I caught you red handed. Busted your fakness for what it is ya hypocrite. Don't feel bad, half of this board is just like you.
If the antifa activists had just ignored the white supremacists and not pushed back against their protest? The Soros/Indivisible/BLM mob should have simply followed the advice of Susan Rice, who recently advocated we tolerate the actions of N Korea...that we can live with their possession of nuke weapons. Can't we live with a few red necks with torches and guns?

Heather Heyer, victim of Charlottesville car attack, was civil rights activist
Not blaming the people responsible for her death is despicable. But you'll do anything to cover for our disgraced prez.

Answer the question you stupid fuck, what was Kate protesting? Your silly image only reveals you know it was a stupid response
What fucking difference does it make you stupid fucking hypocrite?

Remember all those threads about women being accosted at Trump events you posted in? I do. I also remember your position. Back then you weren't saying the women shouldn't have been there...

You're a two faced twat and people like you give conservatives a bad name.

Now you're just making shit up you tired old fuck,
Nope. I caught you red handed. Busted your fakness for what it is ya hypocrite. Don't feel bad, half of this board is just like you.

Prove it LOL You're pulling shit out ya your ass, flinging it and hoping it sticks.

You're building strawmen old man, you need to stop
Gee if only people were not confrontational ....
I'm confrontational in this board every day. Am I subject to public execution for it?
How bout you? Or Rderp? Or Black flag? Or CrusaderFrank?

We're all confrontational about politics. Are we all on a hit list somewhere for it?
you however can't incite violence no matter how confrontational you think you get in here. you are screened from any kick backs. so apples to oranges mate.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.
you have no right to murder anyone! you got that?

So you think all the far left drones that chat for dead cops are wrong?

Please show where you have condemned them!
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.
The world knows what happened son, spin it any way ya like.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.
you have no right to murder anyone! you got that?

So you think all the far left drones that chat for dead cops are wrong?

Please show where you have condemned them!
What is chatting for dead cops exactly?
Not blaming the people responsible for her death is despicable. But you'll do anything to cover for our disgraced prez.

YOU and others like you are responsible for her death...trying to blame it on President Trump is as phony as screeching that the Russians got him elected. You're not only an idiot and a puppet for the millionaire criminal commissars who run your life, but an accomplice after the fact for this girl's murder.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.
you have no right to murder anyone! you got that?

So you think all the far left drones that chat for dead cops are wrong?

Please show where you have condemned them!
What is chatting for dead cops exactly?

Far left freedom speech as they support far left terror groups.

Video Shows Protesters Chanting for "Dead Cops"

Do keep up!
it's much simpler to just say "bless your heart" and slide some to ignore.
Yes. People who wear blinders are better off ignoring those who don't.
when some people refuse to listen to alternative viewpoints and demonize people who offer them, you tell me what good it does to talk to such people.

if we're to get through this - compromise is the only way. respect for each other, a requirement.

you ready to do that? if not, here we are and i'm simply not talking to people not ready to move on anymore. nothing to win there. they want to die an idiot, their rights. ignoring them. my own.
There's a lot of demonizing going around on both sides.

great. then you shouldn't have a problem telling both sides to cut it out. this so far is tantamount to one child throwing a tantrum because they got called out for their behavior also.
Do you think they'll listen to me? I think the only thing that will stop this nonsense is a dozen more deaths.
nope. sorry if i was chasing you down a rathole - but i think we do agree somewhere in all this. :)

Answer the question you stupid fuck, what was Kate protesting? Your silly image only reveals you know it was a stupid response
What fucking difference does it make you stupid fucking hypocrite?

Remember all those threads about women being accosted at Trump events you posted in? I do. I also remember your position. Back then you weren't saying the women shouldn't have been there...

You're a two faced twat and people like you give conservatives a bad name.

Now you're just making shit up you tired old fuck,
Nope. I caught you red handed. Busted your fakness for what it is ya hypocrite. Don't feel bad, half of this board is just like you.

Prove it LOL You're pulling shit out ya your ass, flinging it and hoping it sticks.

You're building strawmen old man, you need to stop
Prove it? Anyone who's been active on this board any about of time knows about the threads pre election when pro trump people were accosted or assaulted from everything between eggs being thrown to physical alterations. Quite a few of them women.
NEVER ONCE did you or any other rightie say "well they shouldn't have been there"
Every one of you, me included their right to be there & express themselves.

But now? Nope, and that's where they hypocrisy and fake conservatism is exposed.

You are not important enough for me to spend hours digging through old shit to prove you the hypocrite you are. No one on this site is that important.
I have a brain & a memory and that's all that really matters.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.
you have no right to murder anyone! you got that?

So you think all the far left drones that chat for dead cops are wrong?

Please show where you have condemned them!
What is chatting for dead cops exactly?

Far left freedom speech as they support far left terror groups.

Video Shows Protesters Chanting for "Dead Cops"

Do keep up!
Oh, chant, they were saying things, man, how violent.

So you think all the far left drones that chat for dead cops are wrong?
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.
The world knows what happened son, spin it any way ya like.
No spin needed. You've seen the same footage I have. And you know no more than what you've been told while watching that video at. Nothing more. Nothing less...
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.
Can I borrow some tinfoil hat?
Then go ahead hotshot. Point her out. You have more than a half dozen videos from virtually every angle. And countless photos as well. Point the Victim out to us... Don't worry we'll wait...

A murder victim is now guilty until proven innocent?
well I hate to tell you bubba she has some of the fault of her death. she should have known that violence was possible. Right? can you agree to that? It's why some of her friends brought weapons right? It's why fire launchers were used. bats were in their hands right. Ever been through a court proceeding with a death like this? My family has. it was her responsibility to understand what she was doing. She becomes some percentage at fault for her own death. Look it up. You being ignorant of law doesn't mean you get to pass judgement. Now, the guy driving the car is the executioner. But don't think she was just innocent, cause that ain't gonna fly. When one goes to a war a battle can break out and one should be ready. you agree?

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