Would Heather be alive today?

Gee if only people were not confrontational ....
I'm confrontational in this board every day. Am I subject to public execution for it?
How bout you? Or Rderp? Or Black flag? Or CrusaderFrank?

We're all confrontational about politics. Are we all on a hit list somewhere for it?

Things keep going over your head. Now think hard, she made a conscious descion to attend a protest and counter protest along with others, evidently things got out of hand and there are questions as to who started what but the end result was things got ugly and while it's sad some idiot took it to the next level and Heather was killed.

She went to confront the group, she made that choice, a poor choice. We teach our children every day, their choices have consequences, they may be good consequences or they may end up bad so think hard before making those choices. We call it red lights, stop and think before proceeding.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.
Can I borrow some tinfoil hat?
Then go ahead hotshot. Point her out. You have more than a half dozen videos from virtually every angle. And countless photos as well. Point the Victim out to us... Don't worry we'll wait...
You're supposed to wear the tinfoil not eat it!

Uneasy attempt to change topic through comedic interlude noted. Now... Care to tell us more about the victims role in the fracas that day? Maybe point her out in a photo?
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.

The car came from over a block away and indiscriminately ran over people who EASILY could have been avoided by simply stopping & going in reverse.
Failed dodge. Red herring ignored. My post questions the deceaseds positioning, actions, and motives. Care to elaborate on those. Maybe point her out in photos? Even if just a single one from that day...?
They're having a service for her today. Perhaps you can get your photo of her in the coffin there?
That would tell no one of what she was doing that day prior to her death.

And you think it flew over my head...lol

I do, if the counter protesters (which she was one of evidently) hadn't showed up would she be alive?

Think hard now, you're working on painting yourself into a corner
So she should have surrendered her right to peacefully protest to appease the murderer....

You're lost in space dear.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON THERE HAD A RIGHT TO BE THERE. One person decided she did not and violated her right to protest by MURDERING HER.

WTF is wrong with you people?

Look "Dear" I've already said they were all idiots, perhaps you'd better get up to speed before you ask WTF is the matter with me. Then get past you're the arbitrator of right and wrong.

The group had the right to assemble, the counter protesters show up and the end result is someone died. Sad but the reality is if the counter protesters has simply let it go nobody would have died.
Remember Kate? The woman murdered by the illegal alien. I guess she should have just stayed home that day. She'd still be alive afterall.
You hit the nail on the head! Too bad your thumb was there also.
I often step on my own feet but at the end of the fall I am honest with myself and my beliefs
Or she would be alive if there were not counter protesters....


And you think it flew over my head...lol

I do, if the counter protesters (which she was one of evidently) hadn't showed up would she be alive?

Think hard now, you're working on painting yourself into a corner
So she should have surrendered her right to peacefully protest to appease the murderer....

You're lost in space dear.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON THERE HAD A RIGHT TO BE THERE. One person decided she did not and violated her right to protest by MURDERING HER.

WTF is wrong with you people?

Look "Dear" I've already said they were all idiots, perhaps you'd better get up to speed before you ask WTF is the matter with me. Then get past you're the arbitrator of right and wrong.

The group had the right to assemble, the counter protesters show up and the end result is someone died. Sad but the reality is if the counter protesters has simply let it go nobody would have died.
Remember Kate? The woman murdered by the illegal alien. I guess she should have just stayed home that day. She'd still be alive afterall.

What was Kate protesting?
Gee if only people were not confrontational ....
I'm confrontational in this board every day. Am I subject to public execution for it?
How bout you? Or Rderp? Or Black flag? Or CrusaderFrank?

We're all confrontational about politics. Are we all on a hit list somewhere for it?

Things keep going over your head. Now think hard, she made a conscious descion to attend a protest and counter protest along with others, evidently things got out of hand and there are questions as to who started what but the end result was things got ugly and while it's sad some idiot took it to the next level and Heather was killed.

She went to confront the group, she made that choice, a poor choice. We teach our children every day, their choices have consequences, they may be good consequences or they may end up bad so think hard before making those choices. We call it red lights, stop and think before proceeding.

You do a pretty good job of mixing conservative beliefs with a dose of stupidity tho.
Gee if only people were not confrontational ....
I'm confrontational in this board every day. Am I subject to public execution for it?
How bout you? Or Rderp? Or Black flag? Or CrusaderFrank?

We're all confrontational about politics. Are we all on a hit list somewhere for it?

Things keep going over your head. Now think hard, she made a conscious descion to attend a protest and counter protest along with others, evidently things got out of hand and there are questions as to who started what but the end result was things got ugly and while it's sad some idiot took it to the next level and Heather was killed.

She went to confront the group, she made that choice, a poor choice. We teach our children every day, their choices have consequences, they may be good consequences or they may end up bad so think hard before making those choices. We call it red lights, stop and think before proceeding.

You do a pretty good job of mixing conservative beliefs with a dose of stupidity tho.

Because you're too fucking ignorant to understand. You're a waste of time, Gramps
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.

The car came from over a block away and indiscriminately ran over people who EASILY could have been avoided by simply stopping & going in reverse.
Failed dodge. Red herring ignored. My post questions the deceaseds positioning, actions, and motives. Care to elaborate on those. Maybe point her out in photos? Even if just a single one from that day...?
They're having a service for her today. Perhaps you can get your photo of her in the coffin there?
That would tell no one of what she was doing that day prior to her death.
Look dude, I've no interest in conspiricy bullshit.

If you have anything beyond wild theories to offer spit it out.
Gee if only people were not confrontational ....
I'm confrontational in this board every day. Am I subject to public execution for it?
How bout you? Or Rderp? Or Black flag? Or CrusaderFrank?

We're all confrontational about politics. Are we all on a hit list somewhere for it?

Things keep going over your head. Now think hard, she made a conscious descion to attend a protest and counter protest along with others, evidently things got out of hand and there are questions as to who started what but the end result was things got ugly and while it's sad some idiot took it to the next level and Heather was killed.

She went to confront the group, she made that choice, a poor choice. We teach our children every day, their choices have consequences, they may be good consequences or they may end up bad so think hard before making those choices. We call it red lights, stop and think before proceeding.

You do a pretty good job of mixing conservative beliefs with a dose of stupidity tho.

Because you're too fucking ignorant to understand. You're a waste of time, Gramps
Then use the ignore feature twat.

Fuck off now dingbat.
The facts are simple. She was murdered by an individual with a car. What she was doing is irrelevant. Where she was at is irrelevant.

It was her right to stand up for her beliefs. It was not his right to execute her for it.
YOU damage the conservative cause by trying to make excuses for her murder. A REAL CONSERVATIVE believes individuals are responsible for their own actions. Stand on those principles now when it matters and call it what it is, cold blooded murder. Only one person is responsible for that murder and it is not the victim.

This, no party, no idealogy, no liberal, no conservative. This was a disturbed young man who sooner or later was going to let his hate for all humanity to kill someone. That's all this was about, he wished to carry out his sickness and he did! I am sure he will be there so called movement he was in caused him to do this. No dice, as reprehensible as there cause is this nutjob did this because he wanted to!
Gee if only people were not confrontational ....
I'm confrontational in this board every day. Am I subject to public execution for it?
How bout you? Or Rderp? Or Black flag? Or CrusaderFrank?

We're all confrontational about politics. Are we all on a hit list somewhere for it?

Things keep going over your head. Now think hard, she made a conscious descion to attend a protest and counter protest along with others, evidently things got out of hand and there are questions as to who started what but the end result was things got ugly and while it's sad some idiot took it to the next level and Heather was killed.

She went to confront the group, she made that choice, a poor choice. We teach our children every day, their choices have consequences, they may be good consequences or they may end up bad so think hard before making those choices. We call it red lights, stop and think before proceeding.

You do a pretty good job of mixing conservative beliefs with a dose of stupidity tho.

Because you're too fucking ignorant to understand. You're a waste of time, Gramps
Then use the ignore feature twat.

Fuck off now dingbat.

I don't take direction from ignorant old men. I remind you that it had to be pointed out to you Deltex wasn't blaming the victim on the other thread, hence your comprehension skills need improvement

And you think it flew over my head...lol

I do, if the counter protesters (which she was one of evidently) hadn't showed up would she be alive?

Think hard now, you're working on painting yourself into a corner
So she should have surrendered her right to peacefully protest to appease the murderer....

You're lost in space dear.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON THERE HAD A RIGHT TO BE THERE. One person decided she did not and violated her right to protest by MURDERING HER.

WTF is wrong with you people?

Look "Dear" I've already said they were all idiots, perhaps you'd better get up to speed before you ask WTF is the matter with me. Then get past you're the arbitrator of right and wrong.

The group had the right to assemble, the counter protesters show up and the end result is someone died. Sad but the reality is if the counter protesters has simply let it go nobody would have died.
Remember Kate? The woman murdered by the illegal alien. I guess she should have just stayed home that day. She'd still be alive afterall.

What was Kate protesting?
I do, if the counter protesters (which she was one of evidently) hadn't showed up would she be alive?

Think hard now, you're working on painting yourself into a corner
So she should have surrendered her right to peacefully protest to appease the murderer....

You're lost in space dear.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON THERE HAD A RIGHT TO BE THERE. One person decided she did not and violated her right to protest by MURDERING HER.

WTF is wrong with you people?

Look "Dear" I've already said they were all idiots, perhaps you'd better get up to speed before you ask WTF is the matter with me. Then get past you're the arbitrator of right and wrong.

The group had the right to assemble, the counter protesters show up and the end result is someone died. Sad but the reality is if the counter protesters has simply let it go nobody would have died.
Remember Kate? The woman murdered by the illegal alien. I guess she should have just stayed home that day. She'd still be alive afterall.

What was Kate protesting?
View attachment 143991

Answer the question you stupid fuck, what was Kate protesting? Your silly image only reveals you know it was a stupid response
If the antifa activists had just ignored the white supremacists and not pushed back against their protest? The Soros/Indivisible/BLM mob should have simply followed the advice of Susan Rice, who recently advocated we tolerate the actions of N Korea...that we can live with their possession of nuke weapons. Can't we live with a few red necks with torches and guns?

Heather Heyer, victim of Charlottesville car attack, was civil rights activist
Yeah. We should let Nazis be Nazis and not raise a hand against them. :rolleyes:

If those damned Jews hadn't been such fucking Jews, Hitler wouldn't have had to kill them!
I'm confrontational in this board every day. Am I subject to public execution for it?
How bout you? Or Rderp? Or Black flag? Or CrusaderFrank?

We're all confrontational about politics. Are we all on a hit list somewhere for it?

Things keep going over your head. Now think hard, she made a conscious descion to attend a protest and counter protest along with others, evidently things got out of hand and there are questions as to who started what but the end result was things got ugly and while it's sad some idiot took it to the next level and Heather was killed.

She went to confront the group, she made that choice, a poor choice. We teach our children every day, their choices have consequences, they may be good consequences or they may end up bad so think hard before making those choices. We call it red lights, stop and think before proceeding.

You do a pretty good job of mixing conservative beliefs with a dose of stupidity tho.

Because you're too fucking ignorant to understand. You're a waste of time, Gramps
Then use the ignore feature twat.

Fuck off now dingbat.

I don't take direction from ignorant old men. I remind you that it had to be pointed out to you Deltex wasn't blaming the victim on the other thread, hence your comprehension skills need improvement
This thread wasn't prompted by his thread. It actually came about after reflecting on your stupidity.
Good, good. Feel the hate flow through you. While I think you lack the intestinal fortitude to murder RWers like Hodkinson attempted to do, you frequently spread hate to ramp up those who might have more guts than you do.

Buddy, this is why I have you on ignore... you add nothing to a conversation.

The GOP decided to embrace the Alt Right and even give it an office at the White House. Now decent conservatives and republicans have to ask themselves is this what their movement stands for?

I hope the answer is no.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.

The car came from over a block away and indiscriminately ran over people who EASILY could have been avoided by simply stopping & going in reverse.
Failed dodge. Red herring ignored. My post questions the deceaseds positioning, actions, and motives. Care to elaborate on those. Maybe point her out in photos? Even if just a single one from that day...?
They're having a service for her today. Perhaps you can get your photo of her in the coffin there?

Just admit the right are pigs and have been for quite a while, even if it is different than you always thought. The republican president is supporting the KKK and Nazis. You have to either dump your party, or lose your soul. You can't keep both.
Things keep going over your head. Now think hard, she made a conscious descion to attend a protest and counter protest along with others, evidently things got out of hand and there are questions as to who started what but the end result was things got ugly and while it's sad some idiot took it to the next level and Heather was killed.

She went to confront the group, she made that choice, a poor choice. We teach our children every day, their choices have consequences, they may be good consequences or they may end up bad so think hard before making those choices. We call it red lights, stop and think before proceeding.

You do a pretty good job of mixing conservative beliefs with a dose of stupidity tho.

Because you're too fucking ignorant to understand. You're a waste of time, Gramps
Then use the ignore feature twat.

Fuck off now dingbat.

I don't take direction from ignorant old men. I remind you that it had to be pointed out to you Deltex wasn't blaming the victim on the other thread, hence your comprehension skills need improvement
This thread wasn't prompted by his thread. It actually came about after reflecting on your stupidity.

The fact remains you were ignorant as to his intent and immediately jumped on victim blaming.
Man, the Nazi collaborators are just CRAWLING out of the woodwork this week!

They took their cue from the Nazi Collaborator-in-Chief.
Wrong. What she was doing is absolutely relevant. Coupled with her motive in doing it. Not one of you so far can even point the Victim out in a single video clip or photo. So blindly running to exhonerate something you've never even seen is foolish.

The car came from over a block away and indiscriminately ran over people who EASILY could have been avoided by simply stopping & going in reverse.
Failed dodge. Red herring ignored. My post questions the deceaseds positioning, actions, and motives. Care to elaborate on those. Maybe point her out in photos? Even if just a single one from that day...?
They're having a service for her today. Perhaps you can get your photo of her in the coffin there?
That would tell no one of what she was doing that day prior to her death.

She was protesting. What the fuck is your point?

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