Would jesus ask for more taxes?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
I believe the Jesus I know would if more taxes was necessary.

FOXNEWS miss-speaking for Jesus . Jesus said pay whatever Caesar (Tax collector) ask for. And obey superior authorities. And Christians are law abiders. Does paying more taxes conflict with Jesus words? No. The present economy calls for more taxes.
Huckabee believes every American are church goers and should contribute to churches and they would take care of the poor better then unbiased government. Most money given to the church goes into the pockets of Ministers and we all know that. He takes from the poor and gives to himself. People distrust religion more than government. I do not trust my life to churches. Huckabee is assuming that all Americans are Christians and they are not. Other religions may believe in giving more than the 10% tithes.
In time of famine, people gave more. More taxes should be asked for when more revenue in needed for government to do the jobs they were set in place to do by GOD.
I am not a church goer, but when I need help the Mormons are always there and do not ask of my beliefs.
Jesus did not put churches in charge of taking care of the masses. He put government in charge. Rom13;1-7, 1 Cor16;2,3.
So he government is sending checks to dead people. Dead people do not cash checks. So what is the problem?
That is a very bad case of devil quoting scripture.

the quote is "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto Gd that which is Gd's."

Of course, in Christ's time (during the Reign of Tiberius) everyone knew where there tax money was going. Boy toys for the Emperor on his island retreat of Capri.
Sort of like now we are lectured that we pay taxes for the children, but the money goes into such rat holes as Solyndra.
Not much of it was going to roads and aqueducts. The roman empire ran Syria and Palestine as places for the procurator to rob, not to benifit the locals ever.

of course, Tiberius, unlike Obama understood the basic principle of taxation, per this quote of Suetonius:

To the governors who recommended burdensome taxes for his provinces, he wrote in answer that it was the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not skin it
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Rates (of 90%) are of less interest than collections. Who cares what the rate is when the tax code is when no one pays it. A fantasy rate that no one pays is of no use. A real rate that everyone pays is the point.
I believe the Jesus I know would if more taxes was necessary.

FOXNEWS miss-speaking for Jesus . Jesus said pay whatever Caesar (Tax collector) ask for. And obey superior authorities. And Christians are law abiders. Does paying more taxes conflict with Jesus words? No. The present economy calls for more taxes.
Huckabee believes every American are church goers and should contribute to churches and they would take care of the poor better then unbiased government. Most money given to the church goes into the pockets of Ministers and we all know that. He takes from the poor and gives to himself. People distrust religion more than government. I do not trust my life to churches. Huckabee is assuming that all Americans are Christians and they are not. Other religions may believe in giving more than the 10% tithes.
In time of famine, people gave more. More taxes should be asked for when more revenue in needed for government to do the jobs they were set in place to do by GOD.
I am not a church goer, but when I need help the Mormons are always there and do not ask of my beliefs.
Jesus did not put churches in charge of taking care of the masses. He put government in charge. Rom13;1-7, 1 Cor16;2,3.
So he government is sending checks to dead people. Dead people do not cash checks. So what is the problem?

Jesus did not tax Folks. Get a Life. Do what you can, within your means.
Of course not!

The Church asks for 10%. That's probably enough for Government.

Funny that Liberals quote Romans 13 like they're Bible experts! We know they just copy/pasted from some Lib Talking Points weblog and have no idea what it really means.
The Church asks for 10%. That's probably enough for Government.

Funny that Liberals quote Romans 13 like they're Bible experts! We know they just copy/pasted from some Lib Talking Points weblog and have no idea what it really means.

1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

Romans 13 NIV - Submission to Governing Authorities Let - Bible Gateway

That part was probably added by King James himself!
The censor assessed the value of all property and farmed the responsibility of collection. In Republican times the censor was an office elected every five years, but around the time of Actium it just became part of the principiate, and a new census was done pretty much when the emperor felt like it.

Tiberius was pretty frugal and seems not to have bothered with any new assessments. The most famous census was the one of 2bc. The census of 70 AD was noted as especially onerous.

While the proconsul and his aedeils collected roman taxes, which were bad enough, Hasomean Palestine was nominally under the authority of the Herodian family, rather than a governor. The Herodian family also collected religious taxes, which were even worse than the roman taxes.

The collection of taxes for the Roman government was in the hands of the equestrian order. The members of this order, in turn, sold the privilege to prominent men in the provinces, who, after figuring a good profit, turned the matter over to the tax-gatherers proper, all of whom were just as anxious to turn a penny to their own account. The result was a system of robbery which left nothing to be desired for thoroughness. Unjust valuation, extortion, blackmail, was the order of the day, and the people had to suffer. The Talmud distinguishes two classes of publicans, the tax-gatherer in general and the custom-house official. The former collected the regular dues, which consisted of ground-, income-, and poll-tax. Here was opportunity for unjust exactions, since the ground-tax amounted to ten and even up to twenty, the income-tax to one per cent. But the cruelty of the system became especially apparent in the case of the custom-house official, for there was tax and duty upon all imports and exports, on all that was bought and sold, bridge-money, road-money, harbor-dues, town-dues, etc. A merchant's journey was rendered anything but pleasant when he had to expect to unload all his pack-animals, open every bale and package, and have his private letters opened.

At the time of Jesus a decree of Caesar had changed the system of tax-gathering somewhat by having the taxes levied by publicans in Judea and paid directly to the government. But this change did little to ease the burden of the people, and only made the publicans more unpopular, as being the direct officials of the heathen power. And it mattered little whether the publican was "great," like Zacchaeus, Luke 19, 2, and employed substitutes, or "small," and stood at the receipt of custom himself, Matt. 9, 9. The publicans, though for the most part members of the Jewish nation and Church, were disqualified from being judges and witnesses, and were quite generally treated as social outcasts, on a level with the open sinners. 86)
End of the discussion is the average subject of Roman rule at the time of Tiberius was squeezed like an olive, run through several different presses and then tossed

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