Would real ‘Protectors Of Democracy’ want pop-stars, actors, teachers and social media algorithms to tell people how to vote?

well now you are admitting you are a bigot....thats a start...
I’m a very proud bigot, a firm believer in bigotry. ALL quality nations are built on bigotry. Bigotry creates standards, expectations and normalities among the citizenry whereas “TOLERANCE“ and “INCLUSION” creates all dirty, divisive, dangerous blue shitholes.
Have you no standards / expectations for your fellow countrymen?
I’m a very proud bigot, a firm believer in bigotry. ALL quality nations are built on bigotry. Bigotry creates standards, expectations and normalities among the citizenry whereas “TOLERANCE“ and “INCLUSION” creates all dirty, divisive, dangerous blue shitholes.
Have you no standards / expectations for your fellow countrymen?
it also creates assholes like you....im sure your tolerant of dark skin people when you come upon them in the city....
Such seems like the antithesis to “DEMOCRACY”….No?
Wouldn’t real protectors of democracy want people to do their own research and make their own decision without being nudged by ‘influencers’?
Like Ron Reagan or Arnold Schwarzenegger?

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