Would you back Trump if he enforced the law that bans illegal kids from our schools?

There is no law written by congress that says schools must accept illegal kids. In fact section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here and letting them attend our schools certainly violates that. Read it hear at clause a 1 A iv

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

Illegal kids are in our schools because in 1982 the US supreme court wrote a law saying states must admit them even though the constitution says only congress can write laws. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states."

Not only should trump kick the illegals out of our schools, but both the constitution and federal law say he must.

No, kids are kids. You can't let politics get in the way of kids growing up.
There is no law written by congress that says schools must accept illegal kids. In fact section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here and letting them attend our schools certainly violates that. Read it hear at clause a 1 A iv

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

Illegal kids are in our schools because in 1982 the US supreme court wrote a law saying states must admit them even though the constitution says only congress can write laws. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states."

Not only should trump kick the illegals out of our schools, but both the constitution and federal law say he must.

No, kids are kids. You can't let politics get in the way of kids growing up.

Do you think we should fly giant airplanes around the globe....round up deprived children and force American taxpayers to fund them as well...or do we only fund and spoon feed the ones that break in and force themselves on us?
courts have already said .... no
Plyler v. Doe - Wikipedia

The constitution says courts are not allowed to write laws. Oh that's right - you liberals believe the constitution is a "living document" and unelected judges should be allowed to rewrite it.
A Republic Is a Bossy and Bickering Oligarchy

It is dishonest to throw in your fetish about the Constitution here. Whatever the majority of people believe about the DACA caca should be the only consideration. National self-determination is scoffed at as "mob rule" by the arrogant rich, who want Snob Rule. Whatever part of the specious spectrum the powerful pretend to be on, all their stands lead to class supremacy, which makes us a colony occupied from within. The SCROTUS snakes are weapons of that occupying power, just another branch of the Hanging Tree.
Did you ever think that maybe if we quit educating their kids, giving them drivers licenses, providing them with sanctuary cities, allowing them to rent apartment, homes and get credit cards, that maybe.......maybe.....they would quit coming here in the first place?

If you put out an ad, somebody is going to answer it.

Hell yes. The way to get rid of illegals is to remove the incentives such as free school and free health care and of course, jobs.

A wall is not that important and i'd rather see the wall money spent on paying FBI agents to conduct sting operations on business to see who is hiring illegals.
Treason Is Not a Property Right

Confiscate the property of any business that hires illegals and sell it to patriots; the proceeds will defray the government's cost of fighting this invasion. But no, the secretly Mexiphile Conservatives wouldn't allow that; property is sacred in their political religion.
Pass a law that anybody caught here illegally after May 1st would be subject to a minimum five year prison sentence; it could be more depending on the judge.

There is no reason for them saying that but the SC is famous for making stuff up.
Two Sides Caught in the Same Spider Web

So do those who incessantly preach to us about the supremacy of the Constitution. In a free country, it would have been a temporary start-up document, automatically amended by all subsequent majority votes on Capitol Hill. If you trust politicians less than a document scribbled during the horse-and-buggy era, then demand national referendums to decide issues important to us, the people.
Oh look, another group for Republicans to hate - small brown children.
Republicans are smart enough to realize what those silver tooth money trees turn into.


perhaps if you put your hood on backwards - you wouldn't see them, confed.
Kids need schooling , legal or illegal and we don't care if they came from planet alpha beta or zeta..
You can always send them back home with their parents to where they came from, but at least let them go to school while they're here and get some education.
The Pit Bulls Have Brought Us Their Puppies

Their parents should have considered that and not come here illegally, or, using the money they made illegally, go back home when their children become of school age You're talking about something as destructive to our nation as giving escaped criminals Pell Grants. Everything given to these American-despising brats is taken away from our own children. You might as well preach that we should fund the education of any shithole that doesn't provide education for its children. Your fake tears for these potentially dangerous bandito brats are really saliva from spitting at America's kid's.
Kids need schooling , legal or illegal and we don't care if they came from planet alpha beta or zeta..
You can always send them back home with their parents to where they came from, but at least let them go to school while they're here and get some education.
Send them back...immediately. Cut out the cancer before it grows.
There is nothing innocent about these junior invaders. From childhood on, they have been brought up with contempt for our laws and contempt for our citizens, whom they view as weaklings dominated by rulings they totally oppose but will do nothing about.
go for it. LOL
I would love too!
Its fucking bullshit we do that. It also breaks federal law. Which is why, i think, they would hear the case.
What has changed that would be a reason to revisit an issue, aside from you're thinking they were wrong?
Because it was wrong.
Good luck with that. LOL
Good luck with what? That ruling defies federal law.
The better question is, what makes you think it WASNT a bad decision?
I was short because I had to be someplace physically. I apologize.

Whether a decision is wrong or right is not normally the issue. But, I think the decision in Phyler is consistent with what the framers of the 14th amend intended, so constitutionally it was the correct decision.

In Phyler, all 9 justices agreed children here illegally were protected under the 14th amend's equal protection clause. That was unquestionably correct, given what the 14th was meant to do.

The question in Phlyer was whether equal protection prevented Texas from denying public education to children there illegally. ALL Justices agreed that the govt's failure to enforce immigration led to the problem.

The majority opinion stated: Sheer incapability or lax enforcement of the laws barring entry into this country, coupled with the failure to establish an effective bar to the employment of undocumented aliens, has resulted in the creation of a substantial "shadow population" of illegal migrants -- numbering in the millions -- within our borders.

I think the issue was simply whether the 14th allowed the new creation of an essentially slave class. After the civil war and the civil war amendments, would the federal and state govts be allowed to "unofficially" import workers who had no legal rights and who could be used to breed more workers with no rights or educations? No, I don't think that is constitutional. The fed govt may enforce legal immigration laws, and deport adults and children, though.

Digression: I had a long and unpleasant conversation with Dante about the 14th amendment and birthright citizenship. In short, I think there's a logical argument that the Supreme Court in Wong Ark in 1898 could not have foreseen the immigration clusterfuck and people coming across the Mexican border to have children and gain citizenship. I don't think that argument would actually work, but I'm not going to say that people who say birthright citizenship should not be constitutionally protected are inherently stupid. I think one can logically contend the framers of the 14th did not intend to create a second means of gaining citizenship than by immigrating here under the laws in effect at the time. But the scotus is not going to reverse birthright citizenship.

But those children are still undoubtedly protected by the equal protection clause, because they are in a state and voluntarily (by parents) subject to state and federal law.
Kids need schooling , legal or illegal and we don't care if they came from planet alpha beta or zeta..
You can always send them back home with their parents to where they came from, but at least let them go to school while they're here and get some education.
Send them back...immediately. Cut out the cancer before it grows.
The cancer is the parents who brought their little kids here that should be cut out.
5 or 6 old kids are just collateral damage that we can avoid.
Letting them kids go to school is a human right .
They Don't Inherit Our Rights; They Inherit Their Parents Criminality

If someone unknowingly buys a stolen car that also has a stolen title and registration, does he get to keep the car because he himself neither stole it nor asked that it be stolen for him? All people, even kids, have to qualify for a right that is paid for by all real Americans. It is dangerous for us to allow any sympathy at all for those brought up in lawlessness. It is a Zero Sum; DACA-lovers hate Americans and must be punished for their treasonous attitudes.
Kids need schooling , legal or illegal and we don't care if they came from planet alpha beta or zeta..
You can always send them back home with their parents to where they came from, but at least let them go to school while they're here and get some education.
Yes, kids need schooling? However, once illegal immigrants cross the border we give them access to most everything they need. We are granting them de facto permission to stay and the resources to do it. No wonder our immigration system is broken. We don’t follow through on things that should be common sense. If you are here illegally, then No! You get no drivers’ license, you can’t get a job (harsh penalties to those that hire you), your kids don’t get to go to public school and get free lunch and breakfast, etc. And when you are discovered to be here illegally, you get deported.

So point is, we usually don’t send them back home. We welcome them with assistance to stay.

Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

"We" do nothing of the kind. The powerful 1% makes all those decisions. Their sympathy for these lawless brats naturally follows from their unearned sense of superiority over the 99%. They can't even make any money without this cheap peon labor.
Kids need schooling , legal or illegal and we don't care if they came from planet alpha beta or zeta..
You can always send them back home with their parents to where they came from, but at least let them go to school while they're here and get some education.

That's stupid. Teaching these illegal kids costs the taxpayers around $200 Billion every year. It's insanity.
As long as the illegal criminals are here, we may as well educate them. Otherwise they'll grow up to be even more useless.

If we take away the free schooling lots of these families will leave. That's the point. Take away the feebies and the parasites self-deport. THINK
No, kids are kids. You can't let politics get in the way of kids growing up.

HAHAHAHA. Did you really say that?? We should spend $200 billion every year educating foreign invaders because --KIDS ARE KIDS. !!!! That is the dumbest "argument" in history.
There is no law written by congress that says schools must accept illegal kids. In fact section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here and letting them attend our schools certainly violates that. Read it hear at clause a 1 A iv

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

Illegal kids are in our schools because in 1982 the US supreme court wrote a law saying states must admit them even though the constitution says only congress can write laws. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states."

Not only should trump kick the illegals out of our schools, but both the constitution and federal law say he must.
The Supreme Court decreed that we must educate illegals!
There is some process to challenge SC rulings. They need to do that.
We should NOT be paying to educate illegal aliens.
WE need to cut off ALL incentive
That process is called a constitutional amendment.
You can appeal it.
Appeal a Supreme Court ruling? :lol: To whom?
The Supreme Court decreed that we must educate illegals!
There is some process to challenge SC rulings. They need to do that.
We should NOT be paying to educate illegal aliens.
WE need to cut off ALL incentive
That process is called a constitutional amendment.
You can appeal it.
Who do you appeal to after the supreme court?
A different Supreme Court.
They have overturned many previous rulings.
but not randomly, a very good case has to be made to do so.....read up on Brown v Board of Ed.

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