Would you back Trump if he enforced the law that bans illegal kids from our schools?

There is no law written by congress that says schools must accept illegal kids. In fact section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here and letting them attend our schools certainly violates that. Read it hear at clause a 1 A iv

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

Illegal kids are in our schools because in 1982 the US supreme court wrote a law saying states must admit them even though the constitution says only congress can write laws. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states."

Not only should trump kick the illegals out of our schools, but both the constitution and federal law say he must.

What gives the federal government the authority to be involved in education?
There is no law written by congress that says schools must accept illegal kids. In fact section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here and letting them attend our schools certainly violates that. Read it hear at clause a 1 A iv

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

Illegal kids are in our schools because in 1982 the US supreme court wrote a law saying states must admit them even though the constitution says only congress can write laws. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states."

Not only should trump kick the illegals out of our schools, but both the constitution and federal law say he must.
Trump loves illegals. He's going to give them amnesty.

Where does the constitution say 9 unelected judges have final say and cannot be questioned??
Where does it say a man must be able to marry another man? Where does it say a woman has the right to terminate a life in her womb?

The constitution doesn't say any of those things. That's my point. The SC invents "rights" all the time.
Once the Supreme Court invents a right, it effectively rewrites the constitution with the case law.
The Supreme Court decreed that we must educate illegals!
There is some process to challenge SC rulings. They need to do that.
We should NOT be paying to educate illegal aliens.
WE need to cut off ALL incentive
That process is called a constitutional amendment.

Amend what? What part of the Constitution says local American citizens have to pay for the education of law breakers in this country?
Ask the Supreme Court that second question. I just know that one way to override a decision of the Supreme Court is to amend the constitution. Or we can sit around and complain about how the supreme court made the wrong decision..,....and the decision will remain in effect because 9 justices have the final say.

The latter is the most obvious solution. We will never see an amendment change in our lifetime and likely long after we are gone.

Let a new SC hear the case and make a decision then.
The SC hates reversing itself. We will likely never see the Supreme Court reverse the decision in our lifetime and likely long after we are gone.
There is no law written by congress that says schools must accept illegal kids. In fact section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here and letting them attend our schools certainly violates that. Read it hear at clause a 1 A iv

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

Illegal kids are in our schools because in 1982 the US supreme court wrote a law saying states must admit them even though the constitution says only congress can write laws. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states."

Not only should trump kick the illegals out of our schools, but both the constitution and federal law say he must.
Trump loves illegals. He's going to give them amnesty.

You know... i knew he was a bullshitter he had to be to get to where he was... but our peaches in chief does it so much more than i could have imagined. 30 minutes is all it takes for him to change his mind about very important shit.. it just blows my mind.
What gives the federal government the authority to be involved in education?

The constitution never mentions education so, by the tenth amendment, it should be a state matter. The federal courts had no authority to order schools to admit illegals.
As long as the illegal criminals are here, we may as well educate them. Otherwise they'll grow up to be even more useless.

Under that premise, we might as well let illegals get a job so we don't have to support them.
We might as well let illegals rent houses and apartments.
We might as well let illegals have drivers licenses.
We might as well let illegals take advantage of our medical care system.
We might as well let illegals change us to a bilingual country.

Wait a minute! That's what we are doing now! Is it a wonder why they come in the first place????

“Change us to a bilingual country”?

As long as the illegal criminals are here, we may as well educate them. Otherwise they'll grow up to be even more useless.

Under that premise, we might as well let illegals get a job so we don't have to support them.
We might as well let illegals rent houses and apartments.
We might as well let illegals have drivers licenses.
We might as well let illegals take advantage of our medical care system.
We might as well let illegals change us to a bilingual country.

Wait a minute! That's what we are doing now! Is it a wonder why they come in the first place????

“Change us to a bilingual country”?


Yes.....you know, today when you go to vote, they have to offer ballots in several different languages. Or perhaps if you call your bank or cable company. You have to press "2" to speak in the language of your country.

We never had anything like that during the European movement. Those people wanted to come here without disrupting the standards we already had. There was no internet or cell phones back then. So immigrants went to school at night, learned English from their neighbors and perhaps patrons of a bar. They did whatever they could to raise their children to be fluent in English.

I know this because as an older person, I remember what my neighborhood was like as a child. Many of the people were Polish immigrants. That is the way they did things. In our neighborhood, people spoke Polish. Our masses in church were divided out between Polish and English or both. Store signs were often bilingual. But outside of our community, the Polish people adhered to the English standards. We didn't expect the country to change for us. We changed for them as it should be.

Very often the children of immigrants would learn things in school and teach their parents of our culture and language. I remember our neighbor named Anna. She didn't know a word of English when she moved here at five years old with her parents. My sister and family worked tirelessly to help her along. She would use that knowledge to help her parents who were anxious to learn.

Anna studied hard, eventually attended college and became a doctor. She and my sister stayed in contact for decades.

With our technology today, there is absolutely no reason we should have to cater to people who are too lazy to speak the language of this country. If you can't learn the language GTF out of here and go back where you came from.
As long as the illegal criminals are here, we may as well educate them. Otherwise they'll grow up to be even more useless.

Under that premise, we might as well let illegals get a job so we don't have to support them.
We might as well let illegals rent houses and apartments.
We might as well let illegals have drivers licenses.
We might as well let illegals take advantage of our medical care system.
We might as well let illegals change us to a bilingual country.

Wait a minute! That's what we are doing now! Is it a wonder why they come in the first place????

“Change us to a bilingual country”?


Yes.....you know, today when you go to vote, they have to offer ballots in several different languages. Or perhaps if you call your bank or cable company. You have to press "2" to speak in the language of your country. ....

Press 2? Press 2?! Oh, the humanity! Oh, the trauma!
....So immigrants went to school at night, learned English from their neighbors and perhaps patrons of a bar. They did whatever they could to raise their children to be fluent in English. .....

Just like millions of immigrants today do.
Why do people want to punish children for things their parents did?

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