Would you back Trump if he enforced the law that bans illegal kids from our schools?

Family A....father is a felon serving time for armed robbery....kids allowed to go to school.

Family B...parents have history of drug convictions...kids allowed to go to school.

Family C...father convicted of fraud while CEO of tech development company...kids allowed to go to school.

Family D...parents entered country illegally...kids not allowed to go to school.
I agree but the crazy liberal media will broadcast 24/7 pathetic beaner kids sitting at home or on the sidewalk with nothing to do because they can't go to school.

The crazy liberal Europe governments & media will also pile on & attack President Trump! It's a no-win situation!
Family A....father is a felon serving time for armed robbery....kids allowed to go to school.

Family B...parents have history of drug convictions...kids allowed to go to school.

Family C...father convicted of fraud while CEO of tech development company...kids allowed to go to school.

Family D...parents entered country illegally...kids not allowed to go to school.

The difference is children of robbers, drug dealers, murderers, etc. are here LEGALLY while children of illegals are NOT!
Family A....father is a felon serving time for armed robbery....kids allowed to go to school.

Family B...parents have history of drug convictions...kids allowed to go to school.

Family C...father convicted of fraud while CEO of tech development company...kids allowed to go to school.

Family D...parents entered country illegally...kids not allowed to go to school.

Its not a matter of what kind of crime their parent may have committed, it's a matter of they are not a member of our society.
Where does the constitution say 9 unelected judges have final say and cannot be questioned??
Where does it say a man must be able to marry another man? Where does it say a woman has the right to terminate a life in her womb?

The constitution doesn't say any of those things. That's my point. The SC invents "rights" all the time.
This Fraud Is What Put the Crack in the Liberty Bell

The Constitution itself is an invention of lawyers for the 18th Century 1%. The Bill of Rights neither checks nor balances its establishment of a bossy and bickering oligarchy.
I agree but the crazy liberal media will broadcast 24/7 pathetic beaner kids sitting at home or on the sidewalk with nothing to do because they can't go to school.

The crazy liberal Europe governments & media will also pile on & attack President Trump! It's a no-win situation!

If you leave millions of teenagers idle, they sure as heck aren’t going to sit on the sidewalk.
This whole thread is moot. School-aged kids have to be educated regardless of status. That’s the law - the real law, not some dimwit’s imaginary law.
This whole thread is moot. School-aged kids have to be educated regardless of status. That’s the law - the real law, not some dimwit’s imaginary law.
And that's why the law should be changed... and/or re-interpreted with a 5-4 SCOTUS more hostile to Illegal Aliens and their spawn.
I agree but the crazy liberal media will broadcast 24/7 pathetic beaner kids sitting at home or on the sidewalk with nothing to do because they can't go to school.

The crazy liberal Europe governments & media will also pile on & attack President Trump! It's a no-win situation!

If you leave millions of teenagers idle, they sure as heck aren’t going to sit on the sidewalk.
All the more reason to send them back to their country of origin.
Family A....father is a felon serving time for armed robbery....kids allowed to go to school.

Family B...parents have history of drug convictions...kids allowed to go to school.

Family C...father convicted of fraud while CEO of tech development company...kids allowed to go to school.

Family D...parents entered country illegally...kids not allowed to go to school.

That's exactly the way it should work.

American taxpayer money should go towards education American Citizens and other Legal Residents... not Illegal Aliens.
Why do people want to punish children for things their parents did?
Because that will discourage future waves of Illegal Alien invaders from coming here in the hopes of getting their children educated.

Because that will thwart the plans of those Illegal Alien parents already here, as well.

Pharaoh has hardened his heart.

Every so often, that's necessary... as it is today, facing an Invasion of 11-12,000,000 Illegals.
Family A....father is a felon serving time for armed robbery....kids allowed to go to school.

Family B...parents have history of drug convictions...kids allowed to go to school.

Family C...father convicted of fraud while CEO of tech development company...kids allowed to go to school.

Family D...parents entered country illegally...kids not allowed to go to school.

With D, part of enforcement should be to do things that don’t encourage illegal immigration. If the parents AND THE KIDS are not suppose to be here, then no, the kids should not have access to our public schools. They should not be allowed to establish themselves as residents because they are here illegally.
Why do people want to punish children for things their parents did?
Because that will discourage future waves of Illegal Alien invaders from coming here in the hopes of getting their children educated.....s.

You would only make the problem worse, much worse. Control the borders and this is not an issue in the first place.
Kids need schooling , legal or illegal and we don't care if they came from planet alpha beta or zeta..
You can always send them back home with their parents to where they came from, but at least let them go to school while they're here and get some education.
Send them back...immediately. Cut out the cancer before it grows.
The cancer is the parents who brought their little kids here that should be cut out.
5 or 6 old kids are just collateral damage that we can avoid.
Letting them kids go to school is a human right .

When did I become responsible for paying my hard earned money so people can have these human rights you speak of?

Over half of my property taxes go to fund the public school where I live. I nor my tenants have any children in our school system, so it's bad enough we are paying for fellow American kids to have schooling yet alone foreigners.
Relax dude and sit ur ass down before you have a heart attack here and I get blamed for it.
Kids, all kids have to go to school.
End of story.l
Kids need schooling , legal or illegal and we don't care if they came from planet alpha beta or zeta..
You can always send them back home with their parents to where they came from, but at least let them go to school while they're here and get some education.
Send them back...immediately. Cut out the cancer before it grows.
The cancer is the parents who brought their little kids here that should be cut out.
5 or 6 old kids are just collateral damage that we can avoid.
Letting them kids go to school is a human right .

When did I become responsible for paying my hard earned money so people can have these human rights you speak of?

Over half of my property taxes go to fund the public school where I live. I nor my tenants have any children in our school system, so it's bad enough we are paying for fellow American kids to have schooling yet alone foreigners.
Relax dude and sit ur ass down before you have a heart attack here and I get blamed for it.
Kids, all kids have to go to school.
End of story.l
No they don’t.

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