Would you be a cop in todays America?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Good gosh...im glad im out of LE. Dont know if I could do it today.

Ambushes. People hating you for what you do...or dont do...just damned if you do or dont. People hating you but calling 911 in a panic when they're in danger.

People calling you to discipline their children. Suicidal people murdering cops.

People thinking the "serve" part is like how a waitresses or butler serves...like you must coddle their every gripe.

One mistake or stressful event away from going from anonymous random middle class policeman earning 40k a year....to a national enemy of half the country and even having terrorists overseas commenting on you.

Shitty hours. Usually mediocre pay. Stress. Hated by errbody.

Who the fuck would do.this job anymore? And how do we control the criminals if GOOD people stop applying to this career?

the evidence doesn't mean shit, anymore. Illogial idiots are out to fuck cops over at every turn.

Yep. I wouldnt do it again. God bless those who do. A lot of our returning war vets are taking police jobs. I worked with a lot of former collegiate athletes who became cops too and they were great at it...smart, fit, and had experience with many cultures from sports teammates. But I hear the PDs arent getting them as much now.

Anyway...wow. That job gets harder by the day.
Again, if your profession doesn't clean up the bad apples like Darren Wilson, you won't get the respect you deserve.

the evidence doesn't mean shit, anymore. Illogial idiots are out to fuck cops over at every turn.

Yep. I wouldnt do it again. God bless those who do. A lot of our returning war vets are taking police jobs. I worked with a lot of former collegiate athletes who became cops too and they were great at it...smart, fit, and had experience with many cultures from sports teammates. But I hear the PDs arent getting them as much now.

Anyway...wow. That job gets harder by the day.
By the time I retired from the Army at age 38, I had given up the idea of being a State Trooper because of the way society treats law enforcement. Also crossed out was a lifetime desire to be a school teacher.

the evidence doesn't mean shit, anymore. Illogial idiots are out to fuck cops over at every turn.

Yep. I wouldnt do it again. God bless those who do. A lot of our returning war vets are taking police jobs. I worked with a lot of former collegiate athletes who became cops too and they were great at it...smart, fit, and had experience with many cultures from sports teammates. But I hear the PDs arent getting them as much now.

Anyway...wow. That job gets harder by the day.
By the time I retired from the Army at age 38, I had given up the idea of being a State Trooper because of the way society treats law enforcement. Also crossed out was a lifetime desire to be a school teacher.

I agree and thank you for your Army service.

Being a cop or public teacher in todays America....hard to describe what an uphill fight that is for many, particularly in poor and non-union areas.
In my neck of the woods police officers are respected. My nephew is a police officer. He seems to be happy with his career choice. He earned a degree in Crimson Justice before becoming an officer.
Why would anybody want to do it anymore? Good Question...........why indeed................as you are hated, or one incident from being killed or put in jail for just trying to do your job............................

For low pay at that..............

Crazy world we live in now. No Leave it to Beaver Days anymore.
Police officers are civil servants and unsung heroes. Every day in communities across the country they are assisting the citizenry, including helping to remove the criminal elements...this no doubt results in lives being saved. The lack of respect that some choose to exhibit for the occupation as a whole, based on a miniscule number of dishonorable people, is shameful. I would not want to see anyone who I love enter into the profession at this time.
Is self defense a bad apple?

You cop haters were SO emotionally invested in your lust to see a cop jailed. You cant accept the truth now.

Actually, reading the "evidence" hasn't changed my mind. what I saw was a lot of self-serving statements that frankly would make me roll my eyes in disbelief if I read them in a fiction story.

So what we are to beleive here is that a guy who just knocked over a corner store was going to draw attention to himself by verbally abusing a cop.
Police officers are civil servants and unsung heroes. Every day in communities across the country they are assisting the citizenry, including helping to remove the criminal elements...this no doubt results in lives being saved. The lack of respect that some choose to exhibit for the occupation as a whole, based on a miniscule number of dishonorable people, is shameful. I would not want to see anyone who I love enter into the profession at this time.

yes, a lot of cops are honorable.

And a lot of cops should never have been made cops to start with.
Police officers are civil servants and unsung heroes. Every day in communities across the country they are assisting the citizenry, including helping to remove the criminal elements...this no doubt results in lives being saved. The lack of respect that some choose to exhibit for the occupation as a whole, based on a miniscule number of dishonorable people, is shameful. I would not want to see anyone who I love enter into the profession at this time.

yes, a lot of cops are honorable.

And a lot of cops should never have been made cops to start with.

That is true of any occupation...but clearly many want to generalize the group in a negative light based on the actions of a few. There is a lot less corruption in the field than there was back in 70's, particularly in large cities...but the ones who make all the noise would like to leave a different impression.
Is self defense a bad apple?

You cop haters were SO emotionally invested in your lust to see a cop jailed. You cant accept the truth now.

Actually, reading the "evidence" hasn't changed my mind. what I saw was a lot of self-serving statements that frankly would make me roll my eyes in disbelief if I read them in a fiction story.

So what we are to beleive here is that a guy who just knocked over a corner store was going to draw attention to himself by verbally abusing a cop.

Yeah ... But you believed what you currently believe before you read the evidence ... Then you read the evidence as it applied to your beliefs. Which means you would make a horrible jurist incapable of not having an opinion based on speculation not provided in evidenced.

Is self defense a bad apple?

You cop haters were SO emotionally invested in your lust to see a cop jailed. You cant accept the truth now.

Actually, reading the "evidence" hasn't changed my mind. what I saw was a lot of self-serving statements that frankly would make me roll my eyes in disbelief if I read them in a fiction story.

So what we are to beleive here is that a guy who just knocked over a corner store was going to draw attention to himself by verbally abusing a cop.
You've made up your mind that cops are bad, and Brown good.............Well punk.........you weren't the one getting hit through the window that night............I suppose you would have just sat their and took it.............or let him go even though he matches the description over the radio............

Yeah right buddy...........your bias show through and through. All for a thug and nothing for those trying to keep the peace..............

Why don't you show us all the history of Wilson being this DIrty Harry guy people like you make him out to be.

I'd have shot the guy too, under what I've read.
Yeah ... But you believed what you currently believe before you read the evidence ... Then you read the evidence as it applied to your beliefs. Which means you would make a horrible jurist incapable of not having an opinion based on speculation not provided in evidenced.

I think when someone tells whoppers, like broken orbital bones that weren't, or claiming that they politely asked them to walk on the sidewalk seconds before getting an alert that these were the store robbers, I would look at that a bit askonse.
Can you imagine in your wildest hallucinations, any of the sissy leftists who post here, working as a cop for a single day in America's urban jungles? Bwaaa Haaaa Haaaa Haaaa!!
You've made up your mind that cops are bad, and Brown good.............Well punk.........you weren't the one getting hit through the window that night............I suppose you would have just sat their and took it.............or let him go even though he matches the description over the radio............

well, first this didn't happen at night.

Second, if you really thought this was a potentially dangerous subject, you'd actually do what they do on every one of those cop shows and approach the suspect with caution rather than going in by yourself.

Yeah right buddy...........your bias show through and through. All for a thug and nothing for those trying to keep the peace..............

My opinion, you can't "keep the peace" if the people you are protecting are more afraid of you than they are of the "thugs". This is how the Mafia rose. People trusted the wise guys more than the cops.

Why don't you show us all the history of Wilson being this DIrty Harry guy people like you make him out to be.

I'd have shot the guy too, under what I've read.

Given how many times you spent here masturbating at the thought of shooting people of color, I'm sure you would have if you weren't a huge pussy compensating for a tiny dick.

I'd be happy to see Wilson's records be put out there. Like how he was fired from the Jennings, MO Police department along with everyone else because the white cops were so abusive

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post
Can you imagine in your wildest hallucinations, any of the sissy leftists who post here, working as a cop for a single day in America's urban jungles?

NO, I can't imagine doing a job I'm not trained to do. I would probably also suck as an Emergency Room Surgeon.

But if one kills a patient by removing his spleen, I still think that there should be professional action taken against him.
No, because I'd prefer to do something that benefits people in the market, rather than being a leech on their productive activity.

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