Would you be okay with having a felon for president of the United States?

Would you be okay with having a felon for president of the United States?

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Simple answer- why not?

No, I know this is one of your masturbation fantasies about Hillary getting convicted in the investigation the FBI has said she is not a target in, but frankly, let's leave that to the side.

The worst crimes committed by politicians are the ones they NEVER get prosecuted for.

Bush should be looking at a million counts of murder for the Iraq War.

One person dies, it's a tragedy, a million people die it's a statistic.
Why would anyone elect a felon?

That would be crazy
Absolutely not, under any circumstances. Felonious behavior is a crime against society and cannot be tolerated. Anyone willing to engage in such activity, violent felony or not, is necessarily unfit to be president. That one would have to even think about it evidenced a moral decline.
Absolutely not, under any circumstances. Felonious behavior is a crime against society and cannot be tolerated. Anyone willing to engage in such activity, violent felony or not, is necessarily unfit to be president. That one would have to even think about it evidenced a moral decline.

These are the times we live in. People know of our politician's criminal activities and look away b/c they think their agenda is being served.
Simple answer- why not?

No, I know this is one of your masturbation fantasies about Hillary getting convicted in the investigation the FBI has said she is not a target in, but frankly, let's leave that to the side.

The worst crimes committed by politicians are the ones they NEVER get prosecuted for.

Bush should be looking at a million counts of murder for the Iraq War.

One person dies, it's a tragedy, a million people die it's a statistic.

A person convicted of a felony has shown that they don't care about the rights of others so how on earth would you put them in a position of power?

Oh yeah, you have shown repeatedly you don't give a crap about others rights so that sort of criminal would be just fine with you.
Why not? We already have a lying, treasonous Islamic Extremist Sympathising, domestic terrorist-befriending, addmitted communist tutored, Socialist-studying Saul Alynski quoter.
Simple answer- why not?

No, I know this is one of your masturbation fantasies about Hillary getting convicted

You masturbate everyday to Obama and Hillary 'getting away with it.'

NO, I'm just wating for you to demonstrate why I should give a fuck about anything you are upset about.

Bush kills hundreds of thousands of people on a lie. You are cool with that.

Hillary didn't keep her e-mails in an approved server. OH MY GOD BURN THAT WITCH!!!!!!!

So I do enjoy watching you guys go nuts when you don't get your way.
A person convicted of a felony has shown that they don't care about the rights of others so how on earth would you put them in a position of power?

Oh yeah, you have shown repeatedly you don't give a crap about others rights so that sort of criminal would be just fine with you.

It depends on what the felony was, wouldn't it?

I think what Bush did to 5000 American Soldiers who came back from Iraq in body bags was a truly evil act.

I can't get that worked up about Hillary putting her e-mails into a server that wasn't set up by the government, given they get breached by hackers just as easily.
Hey Joe, Bush took the nation to war with the FULL authority given to him by a bi-partisan Congress...

...unlike Obama who took the country to war on his own without going to Congress, using our military to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 & 9/11/12 - take over their own country - Libya!
Hey Joe, Bush took the nation to war with the FULL authority given to him by a bi-partisan Congress...

Based on a LIE. Why do you guys keep ignoring that point.

Are you saying mass slaughter is okay if you get someone to cosign it for you?

Hey, all you slackers in Arlington, you need to get up, Bush got Congress to sign off on the war. I guess that means you are less dead over a fucking lie.
Joe, sour grapes, man! Your Democrats gave Bush the authority to go to war to take down a really bad guy - right or wrong.

YOUR boy took the country to war to help the terrorists who killed thousands on 9/11/01!

Speaking of LIES...it was also proven recentlt that Ibama gas been releasing falsified Intel on his fake success against ISIS SINCE 2012...around the same time he and HILLARY modified the CIA's report about Benghazi to push his lie about a video!

There is no comparison between Bush and the traitor now in the WH!
Kwasei Mfume was a felon and became a congressman and later NAACP president, Tim Allen did pretty good after getting out of prison, JayZ is worth a couple hundred million and gives lavisihly to charity, Martha Stewart has done alright, ditto Robert Downey Jr, Chuck Colson of Watergate fame gained dignity, Michael Vick has done well, the fact there are a lot of felons out there and they do very well of course, you don't see them running to politics because it will shine a light on them but what's the difference? Dick Cheney made a fortune off of war and so did his company. When both Bush and Cheney got behind waterboarding and torture they became felons. What's sad is that we can rail against all kinds of felons, but when the subject of our politicians comes up it is suddenly quiet.
Joe, sour grapes, man! Your Democrats gave Bush the authority to go to war to take down a really bad guy - right or wrong.


Why is this so hard for you guys to get? Bush didn't lead us into a war, he LIED us into a war.

Yes, I am bitter when I see the brave young men and women in wheelchairs or screaming in the middle of the night from PTSD because Bush LIED about WMD's that didn't exist.

I just have to question why you aren't.

YOUR boy took the country to war to help the terrorists who killed thousands on 9/11/01![

Which terrorists were those?

Speaking of LIES...it was also proven recentlt that Ibama gas been releasing falsified Intel on his fake success against ISIS SINCE 2012...around the same time he and HILLARY modified the CIA's report about Benghazi to push his lie about a video!

There is no comparison between Bush and the traitor now in the WH!

True enough. There aren't thousands of Americans coming home in boxes thanks to what Obama did or didn't do.

Frankly, my biggest complaint with Obama is that he follows the same stupid Zionist inspired bullshit they all follow.

We should wash our hands of the whole fucking region.
Joe....Bush went to war with Congressional approval...

Obama took the country to war on his own to help AL QAEIDA, perpetrators of 9/11/01...

And you REALLY think Bush is worse than Obama by comparison?! WOW!

If it's the lying, Obama has been lying and faking intel since 2012....again, Obama beats Bush hands down in lying!

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