Would you be okay with having a felon for president of the United States?

Would you be okay with having a felon for president of the United States?

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Even though Petreaus is a "Convicted Felon", I would get behind him as President 100% over any of the clowns running from EITHER party right now.

You ought to get your facts a bit straighter.

Check it.

He pled guilty to:

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material.

The relevant section says,

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both."

Petraeus is not a convicted "felon," therefore. The bolded part shows that it was a misdemeanor.

He could theoretically still be eligible to run for President. So go ahead and get behind him.
Petraeus is not a convicted "felon," therefore. The bolded part shows that it was a misdemeanor.

He could theoretically still be eligible to run for President. So go ahead and get behind him.

Isn't that pretty much all you gusy supposedly have on Hillary, then, is a misdemeanor that she removed classified documents. (Actually, you probably don't even have that.)

You probably won't get Petreaus because we wouldn't elect a guy who cheated on his wife. But if Petreaus wants to run in 2020.
Petraeus is not a convicted "felon," therefore. The bolded part shows that it was a misdemeanor.

He could theoretically still be eligible to run for President. So go ahead and get behind him.

Isn't that pretty much all you gusy supposedly have on Hillary, then, is a misdemeanor that she removed classified documents. (Actually, you probably don't even have that.)

You probably won't get Petreaus because we wouldn't elect a guy who cheated on his wife. But if Petreaus wants to run in 2020.

I don't have a fucking thing on Shrillary EXCEPT that we ALL know she violated procedure and rules that applied to her as well as everyone else.

It was arguably not even a misdemeanor (and I for one have never said it was, as far as I recall).

It was, however, truly fucking unwise, unsafe, ill-considered, stupid, shallow-minded and fucking typical of her.

Then lying about it? She's utterly untrustworthy.
A person convicted of a felony has shown that they don't care about the rights of others so how on earth would you put them in a position of power?

Oh yeah, you have shown repeatedly you don't give a crap about others rights so that sort of criminal would be just fine with you.

It depends on what the felony was, wouldn't it?

I think what Bush did to 5000 American Soldiers who came back from Iraq in body bags was a truly evil act.

I can't get that worked up about Hillary putting her e-mails into a server that wasn't set up by the government, given they get breached by hackers just as easily.

You wrote: "I think what Bush did to 5000 American Soldiers who came back from Iraq in body bags was a truly evil act. "

NOT ONE time did I ever read/hear GWB say things that HELPED get soldiers killed as Obama did:
“We’ve to get the job done there and that requires us to have enough troops so that we’re not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous pressure over there.”
Did Obama KNOW about This Harvard study : THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!!
According to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard
and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across
Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to
information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
The results suggest that insurgent groups respond rationally to expected probability of US withdrawal.

Why would any one get caught telling the bad guys our troops air-raid villages and KILL civilians... YET Obama helped the bad guys justify their actions!

I wouldn't be comfortable with a felon as President, but if the Republicans go Full Retard and nominate Trump, that's what's going to happen!

The Republic went full retard and elected Obumbler and then re-elected him.

But that's not the point.

Of what FELONY is it that you seemingly contend Trump was ever convicted?
Absolutely not, under any circumstances. Felonious behavior is a crime against society and cannot be tolerated. Anyone willing to engage in such activity, violent felony or not, is necessarily unfit to be president. That one would have to even think about it evidenced a moral decline.

Do you even know the legal definition of a felony? I didn't think so.
A person convicted of a felony has shown that they don't care about the rights of others so how on earth would you put them in a position of power?


Same can be said about those convicted of a misdemeanor. Do you know the legal difference?
For those keeping score at home, it might be worth NOT holding your breath for Toro to EVER support his claim that Trump has ever been a "Felon."
So a guy has his father beating his mother and sister when he turns 18. He looses it one night and beats the crap out of the father and gets done for aggravated assault (a felony). The family say nothing because the shame and intimidation.

50 years later you want to hold that charge against him...
So a guy has his father beating his mother and sister when he turns 18. He looses it one night and beats the crap out of the father and gets done for aggravated assault (a felony). The family say nothing because the shame and intimidation.

50 years later you want to hold that charge against him...

what the fuck are you talking about?
Absolutely not, under any circumstances. Felonious behavior is a crime against society and cannot be tolerated. Anyone willing to engage in such activity, violent felony or not, is necessarily unfit to be president. That one would have to even think about it evidenced a moral decline.

Do you even know the legal definition of a felony? I didn't think so.
A felony is a crime where you can be sentenced to more than one year in prison, Jack-off.
I don't have a fucking thing on Shrillary EXCEPT that we ALL know she violated procedure and rules that applied to her as well as everyone else.

It was arguably not even a misdemeanor (and I for one have never said it was, as far as I recall).

It was, however, truly fucking unwise, unsafe, ill-considered, stupid, shallow-minded and fucking typical of her.

Then lying about it? She's utterly untrustworthy.

She's turned over evverything the FBI has asked for. Just not seeing how any sensible person gets upset about this.

So let me get this straight.

Lie about a War, get thousands of people kill, destroy America's honor. Well,t hat's just politics, son.

Keep your e-mails on the wrong kind of computer.... KILL THE BITCH!!!
Simple question. Seeing where people are at on this.

As opposed the deserter-in-chief bush?

The New York Times has already retracted it's claim regarding the investigation being conducted by the F.B.I. IT IS NOT A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

You do love ignoring facts.

No, as opposed to a law abiding citizen. Nice (stale) try at a diversion though.
A felony is a crime where you can be sentenced to more than one year in prison, Jack-off.

Yes - that is correct and obviously that means many felonies are minor crimes. There are thousands of americans with felony convictions that never did a day in prison. But if the judge COULD have given them a year or more, they are felons.

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