Would you be okay with having a felon for president of the United States?

Would you be okay with having a felon for president of the United States?

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RW, she declared under oath she had turned over all e-mails and had never received/sent e-mails containing classified markings. BOTH have already been proven false through recovered e-mails.... That means Hillary has been caught perpetrating at least 2 Felony Counts of PERJURY. Gowdy, an ex-prosecutor, is going to have a field day with her in her up-coming testimony.

Don't worry, though - Holder was caught perpetrating 4 Felony counts of Perjury, & Obama made sure he was never brought to Justice (even though a unanimous bi-partisan Congress Censured him, making him the 1st ever US Atty Genrral to ever be Censured...another stain on Obama's legacy).
Now it is you who is lying

She never did send emails that were classified at that time

If she communicated with ANY FOREIGN OFFICIAL on her email, by State Dept. protocol it was classified. Period end of story. Also satellite images she had on the server were born classified. The bitch lied, live with it.
Simple answer- why not?

No, I know this is one of your masturbation fantasies about Hillary getting convicted in the investigation the FBI has said she is not a target in, but frankly, let's leave that to the side.

The worst crimes committed by politicians are the ones they NEVER get prosecuted for.

Bush should be looking at a million counts of murder for the Iraq War.

One person dies, it's a tragedy, a million people die it's a statistic.

I guess you never heard about the "1991 Cease Fire"?
Joe, Bush entrusted the security of an Iraq that had been liberated by our military at great cost to Obama.

Obama then armed Syrian rebels who became ISIS, allowed them to flow into Iraq without opposing them at all, and allowed them to take over much of Iraq, which had been liberated at great cost (those 5,000 guys you mentioned). If thise 5,000 died for nothing it was because Obama allowed ISIS to invade the liberated nation with which he was entrusted.

really? If the Iraqis felt "Liberated" by us, then why didn't they ask us to stay?

Fuck no, they wanted us out as fast as possible, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

I think you are also confused as to who "armed" ISIS. ISIS was armed by your boy Petreaus, who paid the Sunni Militias a shitload of money to play nice while we organized a retreat. when Maliki (who Bush left in power) refused to keep paying them or letting them have a share of the oil profits, that's when they all signed up with ISIS.

But that does beg the question. Why are we getting in the middle of a three way civil war in Iraq or a five way civil war in Syria?

It's just more of what we've been doing in the Middle East since 1973, when Nixon saved the Zionist Entity in the Yom Kippur War. We keep sticking our dicks in the Hornet's Nest, and then complaining when we get stung, usually by a hornet we thought was a good one.

Saddam and Bin Laden were both guys the CIA had assured Reagan we could work with. How'd that turn out again?
If she communicated with ANY FOREIGN OFFICIAL on her email, by State Dept. protocol it was classified. Period end of story. Also satellite images she had on the server were born classified. The bitch lied, live with it.

So essentially, you are saying that Hillary committed a crime because regulations haven't kept up with technology.

should be pointed out Colin Powell did the exact same thing, and you guys had no problem with that.
I guess you never heard about the "1991 Cease Fire"?

You mean the one Saddam wasn't violating and the rest of the world didnt' want to go to war with him over?

The one where the rest of the world told us, "This is a really, really bad idea", and Bush the dumber did it anyway.
Simple question. Seeing where people are at on this.

Felon as in previously CONVICTED felon?

Absolutely not.

Felon as in a person who happens maybe to be under suspicion (or even actually accused)? That depends. IF the evidence suggests the candidate "did it," then I wouldn't vote for that candidate.

It the evidence suggests it is bullshit, then"maybe." Then, whether the candidate gets my vote is simply a political decision.

I think the person you're searching for is Petraeus. And he did less; and the regime ruined him.

Um. No. Petreaus did more, and he kind of ruined himself. Incidently, I think they went overboard on him, too.

I think they went overboard on Scooter Libby, who was just repeating stuff that was in the public domain.

The real problem is the government lists things as "Classified" that are a secret to no one who actually cares.
Obama's obsession with Syria started when he learned Assad had gassed his own people. Ibama then issued his infamous and embarassin 'Red Line'. He never considered Assad would ignore him....but Assad responded by using biological weapons on his own people again.

In front of the whole world Obama cowardly backed down, demonstrating to iur allies he could not be trusted while emboldening our enemy. (Later Putin would take Crimea KNOWING Obama would do nothing.) Obama then tried to declare the Red Line was not HIS but was the whole world's. LOL

He started running guns to Syrian rebels from Benghazi, focusing so much on that he failed to prevent Stevens'assassination by Al Qaeida.

He spent millions to arm and yrain 6 Syrian rebels...who either converted to ISIS or have been killed by Putin....forcing him to abandon this laughable failed policy.

He has been falsifying intel and lying about his 'successes' against ISIS since 2012... he hasn't been fighting ISIS because he has been focused on correcting his Red Line Syrian fiasco....and Putin has been eating his lunch.

Hey, personally, I think that Obama's Syria policy h as been totally fucked up. A REAL president like Nixon and Reagan would have stopped pussy-footing around and did what it could to help Assad, and the rebels be damned.

But your spewing of paranoid conspiracy theories aside, Obama has been guilty of governing by polls. The Zionists spent a lot of money convincing Official Washington that we needed "Regime Change" in Syria, and both parties were ready to sign on for it.

The American people. Not so much, which is why when it got put to a vote, no one could muster up the desire to get really seriously involved.

So thankfully, we aren't getting involved in Syria's five way civil war.
Even though Petreaus is a "Convicted Felon", I would get behind him as President 100% over any of the clowns running from EITHER party right now.

I think the person you're searching for is Petraeus. And he did less; and the regime ruined him.

Um. No. Petreaus did more, and he kind of ruined himself. Incidently, I think they went overboard on him, too.

I think they went overboard on Scooter Libby, who was just repeating stuff that was in the public domain.

The real problem is the government lists things as "Classified" that are a secret to no one who actually cares.

He did less. Stop.

He did less. Stop.

Uh, no, he didn't. He removed documents that were definitely classified from a secure location and showed them to a person who did not have clearance to see them.

There's no evidence that Hillary had anything that was classified when she got it, and no evidence she showed these things to anyone else who didn't have a clearance.
So I guess the RWnuts here are saying that even though they love to bluster about using their guns against the government to protect their liberties,

they'd never want any such person to become their president.

(btw, George Washington in principle was a felon, for the crime of taking up arms against the government.)
"RWnuts...using their guns against the government to protect their liberties..."

A moronic notion in of itself, as nowhere in the text, history, or jurisprudence of the Second Amendment are citizens 'authorized' to 'take up arms' against the Federal government predicated on an errant, subjective perception of a minority of citizens.

The Second Amendment doesn't 'trump' the First, citizens cannot be denied their right to petition the government for a redress of grievances through the political or judicial process because some incorrectly believe that 'the government' has become 'tyrannical.'

He did less. Stop.

Uh, no, he didn't. He removed documents that were definitely classified from a secure location and showed them to a person who did not have clearance to see them.

There's no evidence that Hillary had anything that was classified when she got it, and no evidence she showed these things to anyone else who didn't have a clearance.

You clearly haven't been following the news. There was an article just the other day that Hillary absolutely e-mailed info that was classified at the time.
The far left voted for one twice and he is worse than Bush..
You clearly haven't been following the news. There was an article just the other day that Hillary absolutely e-mailed info that was classified at the time.

Uh, no there really wasn't. I think the bizarre claim was that Hillary should have KNOWN it was going to be classified because it referenced a foreign leader.

I kind of doubt any claims coming out, when you have the Republicans firing decorated Air Force officers for not being as gung-ho to get Hillary as they are.
Simple answer- why not?

No, I know this is one of your masturbation fantasies about Hillary getting convicted in the investigation the FBI has said she is not a target in, but frankly, let's leave that to the side.

The worst crimes committed by politicians are the ones they NEVER get prosecuted for.

Bush should be looking at a million counts of murder for the Iraq War.

One person dies, it's a tragedy, a million people die it's a statistic.
No crying over spilled milk, it looks bad on you.

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