Would you be okay with having a felon for president of the United States?

Would you be okay with having a felon for president of the United States?

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Simple answer- why not?

No, I know this is one of your masturbation fantasies about Hillary getting convicted

You masturbate everyday to Obama and Hillary 'getting away with it.'

NO, I'm just wating for you to demonstrate why I should give a fuck about anything you are upset about.

Bush kills hundreds of thousands of people on a lie. You are cool with that.

Hillary didn't keep her e-mails in an approved server. OH MY GOD BURN THAT WITCH!!!!!!!

So I do enjoy watching you guys go nuts when you don't get your way.

Hillary knowingly committed a felony. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. So, your attempts to minimize are laughable.
"Would you be okay with having a felon for president of the United States?"

Clearly the OP is okay with starting threads that fail as loaded question fallacies, this thread being one of many examples.
Simple answer- why not?

No, I know this is one of your masturbation fantasies about Hillary getting convicted

You masturbate everyday to Obama and Hillary 'getting away with it.'

NO, I'm just wating for you to demonstrate why I should give a fuck about anything you are upset about.

Bush kills hundreds of thousands of people on a lie. You are cool with that.

Hillary didn't keep her e-mails in an approved server. OH MY GOD BURN THAT WITCH!!!!!!!

So I do enjoy watching you guys go nuts when you don't get your way.

Hillary knowingly committed a felony. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. So, your attempts to minimize are laughable.

She did?

Don't you need actual evidence for that or is rightwing hysteria enough?
RW, she declared under oath she had turned over all e-mails and had never received/sent e-mails containing classified markings. BOTH have already been proven false through recovered e-mails.... That means Hillary has been caught perpetrating at least 2 Felony Counts of PERJURY. Gowdy, an ex-prosecutor, is going to have a field day with her in her up-coming testimony.

Don't worry, though - Holder was caught perpetrating 4 Felony counts of Perjury, & Obama made sure he was never brought to Justice (even though a unanimous bi-partisan Congress Censured him, making him the 1st ever US Atty Genrral to ever be Censured...another stain on Obama's legacy).
Simple answer- why not?

No, I know this is one of your masturbation fantasies about Hillary getting convicted

You masturbate everyday to Obama and Hillary 'getting away with it.'

NO, I'm just wating for you to demonstrate why I should give a fuck about anything you are upset about.

Bush kills hundreds of thousands of people on a lie. You are cool with that.

Hillary didn't keep her e-mails in an approved server. OH MY GOD BURN THAT WITCH!!!!!!!

So I do enjoy watching you guys go nuts when you don't get your way.

Hillary knowingly committed a felony. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. So, your attempts to minimize are laughable.

She did?

Don't you need actual evidence for that or is rightwing hysteria enough?

Plenty of evidence out there (for you to ignore).
RW, she declared under oath she had turned over all e-mails and had never received/sent e-mails containing classified markings. BOTH have already been proven false through recovered e-mails.... That means Hillary has been caught perpetrating at least 2 Felony Counts of PERJURY. Gowdy, an ex-prosecutor, is going to have a field day with her in her up-coming testimony.

Don't worry, though - Holder was caught perpetrating 4 Felony counts of Perjury, & Obama made sure he was never brought to Justice (even though a unanimous bi-partisan Congress Censured him, making him the 1st ever US Atty Genrral to ever be Censured...another stain on Obama's legacy).
Now it is you who is lying

She never did send emails that were classified at that time
Simple answer- why not?

No, I know this is one of your masturbation fantasies about Hillary getting convicted

You masturbate everyday to Obama and Hillary 'getting away with it.'

NO, I'm just wating for you to demonstrate why I should give a fuck about anything you are upset about.

Bush kills hundreds of thousands of people on a lie. You are cool with that.

Hillary didn't keep her e-mails in an approved server. OH MY GOD BURN THAT WITCH!!!!!!!

So I do enjoy watching you guys go nuts when you don't get your way.

Hillary knowingly committed a felony. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. So, your attempts to minimize are laughable.

She did?

Don't you need actual evidence for that or is rightwing hysteria enough?

Plenty of evidence out there (for you to ignore).
Conspiracy theories are not evidence
RW, keep up with the news...newly released e-mails she both sent and released were marked as classified. Also, she took imagery from a classified satelite - anyone knows any information from a classified source is classified. If she didn't know she is stupid...and STILL guilty. She also sent the name of a CIA operstive which, again, she knew was classified. GUILTY!
Hillary knowingly committed a felony. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. So, your attempts to minimize are laughable.

Actually, normal people aren't getting upset about this.

They really aren't.

This isn't a big deal. Especially since Colin Powell did THE EXACT SAME THING and no one complained about him.
RW, agreed - Conspiracy theories aren't evidence....but there is more than enough evidence.

She denied using personal e-mail....got caught. She said she only used 1 device...got caught, admitted to a 2nd after she got caught, then got caught with a 3rd.

She said her server was encrypted - not as required by law.

She claimed the server was secure - the IT company admitted they were not cleared or certified to maintain servers with Top Secret TS/SI level data, and her server was found in their BATHROOM.

Her lawyer, who has no security clearance, was carrying around a nemory stick with her TS SI/TK data on it - a violation of SEVERAL laws!

She admitted to deleting e-mails. According to the law, once classified data is saved on a server EVERYTHING on that server is considred classified Destroying wven what she called 'personal' data was technically destroying classified data, and she did so in a manner that violated classified destruct procedures.

I have had to handle classified info for years. ANYONE who knows about classified material KNOWS she has already violated NUMEROUS laws.
RW, keep up with the news...newly released e-mails she both sent and released were marked as classified. Also, she took imagery from a classified satelite - anyone knows any information from a classified source is classified. If she didn't know she is stupid...and STILL guilty. She also sent the name of a CIA operstive which, again, she knew was classified. GUILTY!

Except these things weren't marked as classified until after she got them, and most of them probably shouldn't have been marked as classified at all, since they were reported int he public domain.
Hillary knowingly committed a felony. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. So, your attempts to minimize are laughable.

Actually, normal people aren't getting upset about this.

They really aren't.

This isn't a big deal. Especially since Colin Powell did THE EXACT SAME THING and no one complained about him.
What toilet was Colin Powell"s email server housed in?
Joe, by 'normal people' you mean Liberals, & they're not getting ypset over the idea of Hillary breaking the law and jeopardizing national security because it is nothing new for their politicians / leaders.
Joe, by 'normal people' you mean Liberals, & they're not getting ypset over the idea of Hillary breaking the law and jeopardizing national security because it is nothing new for their politicians / leaders.

I think Cheney starting a war on a lie to enrich his Haliburton Pals was probably a bigger threat to "national security".

It certainly was to the 5000 guys who died for no good reason.
Um, JOE, NO...you need to keep up with the news as well....Hillary e-mails MARKED SECRET have been recovered. She has been BUSTED.

She has lied so often, how can you still defend her and claim she isn't lying now?! LOL!
Joe, Cheney didn't drag the country to war on his own to help terrorists that killed thousands of Americans like Obama did....

....but you keep reaching and trying to find a Republican to blame in an attempt to justify Obama's treasonous act.
Joe, Bush entrusted the security of an Iraq that had been liberated by our military at great cost to Obama.

Obama then armed Syrian rebels who became ISIS, allowed them to flow into Iraq without opposing them at all, and allowed them to take over much of Iraq, which had been liberated at great cost (those 5,000 guys you mentioned). If thise 5,000 died for nothing it was because Obama allowed ISIS to invade the liberated nation with which he was entrusted.
Obama's obsession with Syria started when he learned Assad had gassed his own people. Ibama then issued his infamous and embarassin 'Red Line'. He never considered Assad would ignore him....but Assad responded by using biological weapons on his own people again.

In front of the whole world Obama cowardly backed down, demonstrating to iur allies he could not be trusted while emboldening our enemy. (Later Putin would take Crimea KNOWING Obama would do nothing.) Obama then tried to declare the Red Line was not HIS but was the whole world's. LOL

He started running guns to Syrian rebels from Benghazi, focusing so much on that he failed to prevent Stevens'assassination by Al Qaeida.

He spent millions to arm and yrain 6 Syrian rebels...who either converted to ISIS or have been killed by Putin....forcing him to abandon this laughable failed policy.

He has been falsifying intel and lying about his 'successes' against ISIS since 2012... he hasn't been fighting ISIS because he has been focused on correcting his Red Line Syrian fiasco....and Putin has been eating his lunch.
This isn't a big deal. Especially since Colin Powell did THE EXACT SAME THING and no one complained about him.

I think the person you're searching for is Petraeus. And he did less; and the regime ruined him.

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