Would you cure gay?

No! I am more worried about curing something that is curable.

In other words you will ignore the premise of his suggestion and react to the idea it is an attack of some kind.

I would cure it if it were learned, not if it were genetic. In other words since we are pretty damn sure it is not learned I would not opt for a cure for a genetic mutation that causes no actual harm to the body.

I would "cure" transsexuals or those with both genitalia.

Don't get me wrong I am opposed to the State recognizing Gay unions as marriages and would oppose civil unions as well if the times were not what they are. Civil Unions though are what we should be accepting for gays.

Thankfully, we do have "cures", or at least treatment for genetic errors. They're not perfect but they're getting better and better.

And, of course, we all want equal treatment, marriage equality for all US citizens as guaranteed by our Constitution.
Yes, if we get to the point with genetic science that identifying and altering a "gay gene" were possible, I'd like to see it as a medical option.

I am close to several people who are homosexual. Along a spectrum, there are a few (one in particular I can think of) who would never take the medical "cure". She likes being homosexual and would never want to change. On the other side of the spectrum, I know at least one person who admits that they are homosexual but refuses to "come out" and would rather live the lie. He very much would take the "cure" if it was offered. Then there are several people who, at some point in their life might have wished for a "cure" and may have taken it or might just seriously consider it.

Keep in mind, if there is an option to change from homosexual to heterosexual, then there would be an option to change from heterosexual to homosexual. I know a few people who would probably take that "cure", too.

I would never force someone to make the change. As a matter of fact, I'd like to see laws that prohibits parents from making the choice for their children. Like an abortion, sterilization, tattoos and elective cosmetic surgery this is a life-altering choice that an adult should make for themselves. So, no if the genetic tests came back that said my fetus carried the "gay gene", I wouldn't do anything about it and just let the child have a normal childhood.
I think a better question might be, would gays opt for a cure?

And, I would change the wording to, " ... opt to be changed ..." because the use of the word "cure" implies illness and/or abnormality.

Gays have been ostracized, beaten, harassed and even killed because they threaten the sexuality of the most insecure among us. I can't imagine that any person would choose to be gay but I can't speak for them.
I've begun to agree a few queers are genetic screw-ups.....you see guys that have feminine eyes and dainty features you know as a zygote they could have gone either way. Still no reason for any of them to act on a perverted attraction....it's no more normal for a man to look sexually at another man than to look sexually at a child. AIDS is the outcome....you'd think after 30 years of this garbage they'd understand that.
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No! I am more worried about curing something that is curable.

In other words you will ignore the premise of his suggestion and react to the idea it is an attack of some kind.

I would cure it if it were learned, not if it were genetic. In other words since we are pretty damn sure it is not learned I would not opt for a cure for a genetic mutation that causes no actual harm to the body.

I would "cure" transsexuals or those with both genitalia.

Don't get me wrong I am opposed to the State recognizing Gay unions as marriages and would oppose civil unions as well if the times were not what they are. Civil Unions though are what we should be accepting for gays.

Thankfully, we do have "cures", or at least treatment for genetic errors. They're not perfect but they're getting better and better.

And, of course, we all want equal treatment, marriage equality for all US citizens as guaranteed by our Constitution.
that is not a genetic error. that is a mental error. look at fact not emotion
What causes heterosexuality we should wonder? Is there a cure? Consider all the bad marriages, divorces, cruelty and violence both mental and physical involved, think of the children, some scarred for life, some dead. Could children be raised in a better environment, say an environment out of a futuristic sci-fi story. Would that solve it or are solutions beyond the question?

When we talk of 'cure' we need to assume we are fixing something, I personally don't think heterosexuality can be cured. We are just going to have live with it, flaws and all.

"If skin-colour were a choice, would racism be justified? Would it then be completely reasonable to say that only if you are a particular colour are you allowed to marry or join organisations or visit a loved-one in hospital? If skin-colour were a choice, would it be reasonable to say that some skin-colours were sinful or evil or immoral, and others not?" See here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/health-and-lifestyle/50615-know-what-really-causes-homosexuality.html

"Despite how straightforward and commonplace it may appear today, the heterosexual/homosexual juxtaposition was actually less to the fore in pre-modern times and, in effect, was not universally observed. Equally, heterosexual love - however natural it may appear today - was seen in those earlier societies not so much as a rejection of homosexuality but rather as an alternative to nonsexual male-to-male relationships and, for that matter, the love of God advocated respectively by chivalric and religious practices and codes of conduct. There is today a clear need to rethink our attitude to heterosexuality...." 'The Invention of Heterosexual Culture' Louis-Georges Tin
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Invention-Heterosexual-Culture-Louis-Georges-Tin/dp/0262017709/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8]The Invention of Heterosexual Culture: Louis-Georges Tin: 9780262017701: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

"Abraham had two wives, Sarah and her handmaiden Hagar. King Solomon had 700 wives, plus 300 concubines and slaves. Jacob, the patriarch who gives Israel its name, had two wives and two concubines. In a humanist vein, Exodus 21:10 warns that when men take additional wives, they must still provide for their previous one. (Exodus 21:16 adds that if a man seduces a virgin and has sex with her, he has to marry her, too.)" Traditional Marriage: One Man, Many Women, Some Girls, Some Slaves | Sexuality/Gender | Religion Dispatches
Yes, and unprotected, hetero sex has caused millions of deaths.

Gay people need to stop saying they were born this way and its not a choice if they do not want people to look for a cure...
They have that freedom to choose and it is in their rights they should just stand on that ground...

that is not a genetic error. that is a mental error. look at fact not emotion
I'll believe science and the scientists who say YOU do not have a choice about being heterosexual an more than homosexuals have a choice -- but thank you both for your opinions anyway.

Sad but this is turning into another gay bashing thread.
if there was a cure, yes
you guys know them little prancy smartmouth pricks walking around talking like a chick with their arms folded? BUT in school they were normal? I would like to cure them for sure... wtf is up with that shit? I have no problem with gays and thwir lifestyle but those pwople deserve to get dealt with.. saq an old dude that was like that last night at the store.. sorry for my rant lol

Gee I wonder why they pretended to be someone else in high school.

u mean to tell me that loser was normal in high school with male vocals and a strait arm vut the way he really is is talking like a xhick with a limp wrist? BS total BS. that shit aint genes, that is a fucked up mind

Sorry, I couldn't understand anything you posted. Is English your second language?
Yes, and unprotected, hetero sex has caused millions of deaths.

Gay people need to stop saying they were born this way and its not a choice if they do not want people to look for a cure...
They have that freedom to choose and it is in their rights they should just stand on that ground...

that is not a genetic error. that is a mental error. look at fact not emotion
I'll believe science and the scientists who say YOU do not have a choice about being heterosexual an more than homosexuals have a choice -- but thank you both for your opinions anyway.

Sad but this is turning into another gay bashing thread.

Scientist say homosexuality is not a choice ?...what Scientist ?
All primitive cultures are polygamous. Women had a tendency to die often and young. Polygamy ensures child care. Polygamy also ensures a next generation. A woman has a child in nine months but a man can inseminate many women. Where there is a high child mortality rate polygamy is a practice.

As a culture advances it moves from polygamy to monogamy and chivalry. The concept of male protection of women and children. We are of course moving all the way back to savagery.
Homosexuality is not an ‘illness.’

There’s nothing to ‘cure.’

It is unfortunate gays are perceived and judged solely on their sexual orientation, an insignificant aspect of who they are as individuals.
I'm amazed that so many people don't understand the premise of the OP.
I am not. I completely expected this and that’s why it is her in the CDZ and not in another forum. If this had been placed in the political forum for example, we would already be at 20 pages of garbage and mudslinging. The unfortunate truth is that most people cannot talk about gay and straight without reverting to hate and assumed hate on the other side. It is difficult to have a neutral discussion on a very sensitive and truthfully a very real possibility without people getting hyper sensitive.

Dude, with all due respect to a fellow conservative, it's a hypothetical scenario. We all know it isn't a defect.
Well, no not really. The fact is that it IS a defect, at least if the homosexuals are correct in asserting that it is not a choice. I shy away from that word because it typically comes with negative connotations and that is not the point. Just because it can be considered a ‘defect’ does not make it negative. There are only 3 real options here though: either it is a choice and this is irrelevant to this discussion, it is not a choice but it is related to environmental factors with no connection to genetics and again is irrelevant to this topic or it is not a choice and is, in some way, related to genetics. If the last is the reality (and that is the supposition that the OP makes) then it must be, by definition, a genetic ‘defect.’

It is not a defect because there is something inherently wrong with being gay, it is a defect because it degrades th proper operation of the body. Namely, the ability to procreate which is the root reason for people to feel sexual attraction. I really don’t know any other way to put it. It is a defect in the same way that albino black children have a genetic ‘defect.’ Essentially an abnormality that does not allow the ‘normal’ attraction of a man to a woman to work.

If that offends anyone, I am sorry because it should not offend. The word defect in this case is not being used in a derogatory fashion. My wife technically has a genetic defect, her eye color is simply ‘impossible’ for her to have given the eye color of her parents and other immediate family. That set of genes is NOT doing what it should but it does not really matter because the color of her eyes is not really an issue. Being gay is a lot different but you have a similar concept.

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