Would you favor Trump dismissing all Dept. of Education Employees, effectively shutting it down?

Should Trump dismiss all DoE personnel and shut it down?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 55 90.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • That is unconstitutional.

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
There is no Department of Education in the Constitution. It never should have been created.

Let the States run education in their own States.

Shut down the unneeded DOE.

The constitution allows congress to create such departments.

And allowed for them to not create a department of Ed also

And allowed people to destroy the dept

The voters does this creating and destroying

The founders stopped the unwise and women from voting

The change is a crime against the founders who made the greatest nation on earth
There is no Department of Education in the Constitution. It never should have been created.

Let the States run education in their own States.

Shut down the unneeded DOE.

The constitution allows congress to create such departments.

And allowed for them to not create a department of Ed also

And allowed people to destroy the dept

The voters does this creating of destroying

The founders stopped the unwise and women from voting

The change is a crime against the founders who made the greatest nation on earth

I put this post into Google Translate and my computer caught fire.
There is no Department of Education in the Constitution. It never should have been created.

Let the States run education in their own States.

Shut down the unneeded DOE.

The constitution allows congress to create such departments.

And allowed for them to not create a department of Ed also

And allowed people to destroy the dept

The voters does this creating of destroying

The founders stopped the unwise and women from voting

The change is a crime against the founders who made the greatest nation on earth

I put this post into Google Translate and my computer caught fire.

All the dominoes are set to fall to stop the unwise voters
There is no Department of Education in the Constitution. It never should have been created.

Let the States run education in their own States.

Shut down the unneeded DOE.

The constitution allows congress to create such departments.

And allowed for them to not create a department of Ed also

And allowed people to destroy the dept

The voters does this creating of destroying

The founders stopped the unwise and women from voting

The change is a crime against the founders who made the greatest nation on earth

I put this post into Google Translate and my computer caught fire.

All the dominoes are set to fall to stop the unwise voters

Banana sunshine jogging 1212 up down look where potato potatoes fish sing well on Thursday close your eyes and scratch your foot with the back of your ear.
Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.

Worse, most Republicans have a need to be led. It's why they pretend to be Christian. Because they want God to tell them what to do. When they don't like what the Bible teaches, they turn to someone like Donald Trump.

School tends to teach you to think for yourself. It's why the Texas GOP Party platform has been so popular:

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking skills taught to children

Worse, most Republicans have a need to be led....

That statement reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of political orientation in the nature of our two major political parties in America.
Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.

Worse, most Republicans have a need to be led. It's why they pretend to be Christian. Because they want God to tell them what to do. When they don't like what the Bible teaches, they turn to someone like Donald Trump.

School tends to teach you to think for yourself. It's why the Texas GOP Party platform has been so popular:

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking skills taught to children
"Critical Thinking skills" Is that the new expression for "brainwashing" or what. I bet it took a village for you commies to come up with that one! :laughing0301:

Worse, most Republicans have a need to be led....

That statement reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of political orientation in the nature of our two major political parties in America.
It's time to put churches back in charge of education in this country, Unkotare. The government needs the money to pay off Obama's 13 Trillion in future spending after he left. Y'know? :cool:
Would you miss it?

What is the constitutional basis for the DoE?

It needs to go. There is no value added by the money spent in its operation.

While it does not prove causation, there is a direct correlation between the creation of The ED and the drop in US student world rankings

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Sometimes you surprise me (for the good

people do not pay attention, they see I do not like Trump and make assumptions about me.

Worse, most Republicans have a need to be led....

That statement reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of political orientation in the nature of our two major political parties in America.
It's time to put churches back in charge of education in this country, Unkotare. The government needs the money to pay off Obama's 13 Trillion in future spending after he left. Y'know? :cool:

with every post the amount of Obama's added debt gets bigger and bigger from you mindless sheep.
Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.


That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

Worse, most Republicans have a need to be led....

That statement reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of political orientation in the nature of our two major political parties in America.
It's time to put churches back in charge of education in this country, Unkotare. The government needs the money to pay off Obama's 13 Trillion in future spending after he left. Y'know? :cool:
So why did the debt go up while Obama was president? After all, he had the Republicans in both houses helping him out, right?

Or did he?

Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.


That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
The problem with no degree is one starts working for a pittance like 20 bucks per hour. For some ignorant jerk loser as a boss. Ouch. Bad life.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

The authority of congress to create a dept of education is an implied power not an an explicit power. Implied powers have been used to create a huge part of the government, the entire federal social welfare system, the president's cabinet, agencies such as the IRS, and establishment of the power of the Supreme Court to Overrule Congress and judicial review.

The key piece in the clause is the reference to the "general Welfare" being the justification necessitating the laying of taxes in the first place. The cause of general welfare for the population at large is advanced by educating the populace and preparing them for productive involvement in society upon graduation from school. This sentiment is mentioned specifically in the 1979 bill establishing the department.

The argument for constitutional authority to create the Dept of Education goes something like this.
  1. Congress has the right to promote the general welfare

  2. Congress can fund that effort through the laying of taxes

  3. Effective education of the population promotes individual welfare and is a boon to the economy at large

  4. Effective education of the population is best managed by a centralized department.
Therefore, Congress can create a Department of Education. Since it's created by implied power. Congress can remove the department at anytime. However at the same time it must also either repeal or provide for the functions of the department. In other words, congress would have to decide how the following functions of the department would be handled:
College Financial Aid
Management of the federal college loan portfolio
Pre-K funding
Educational Research
Educational Data Collection and comparisons between states
Enforcement and arbitration of civil rights issues in K-12 schools
Educational Vouchers
Nationwide competitive grants
National Report
Standardization of curriculum between states

How was the US able to create a Department of Education at the Federal level?

sorry but promote only means they can encourage it not provide it,,,,ie,,unconstitutional,,,

and since it has been a complete failure I don't see how it benefits the general welfare and in fact has caused the opposite of welfare benefit,,,not to mention it has become an indoctrination factory of socialist ideology which is in opposition to our constitution

shut it down while we still have a chance,,,

The constitution uses the word "provide" in the clause, not promote. The success of educational programs sponsored by the DOE is a matter of opinion. However, what is not opinion is the millions of low income students that have been able to go to college due to federal financial aid.

sorry but thats not opinion,,,and the fact that low incomers are benefiting is proof its not for the general welfare but for a small minority of the public,,,and most of them have a degree is useless bullshit that in no way benefit them or the public

as for the student loan program , all it has done is caused the price of tuition to skyrocket and put young people on the streets with huge debts and useless degrees,,

not to mention only about 25% of jobs require a college degree

so all in all its been a complete failure

you and your socialist friends need to mind your own business and stop stealing from the hard working people,,,
You are so wrong in your thinking that elevating the poorest in society does not benefit all. Poverty drags a nation down and the proven path out of poverty is education. What seperates this nation from our competition is a highly trained workforce. If we loose that, we've lost it all.

sorry but anytime you give a hand out instead of a hand up you hurt everybody,,,

what should be done is like I did and worked for what I couldnt afford

and hate to break it to you but the poor will always be among us, no matter what you do,,,or how much you steal from me and give to others,,,the proof is all the welfare over the last 50 yrs and we not only still have poor but a lot more of them
The fact is handouts can be the most effect in some situations. One being children in poverty. More than 12 million children live below the poverty line. On average, children in poverty have lower I.Q. scores than their wealthier peers. Recent research has made it clear that just the stress of growing up in a poor family can be toxic to the growing brain. It almost goes without saying that the cost to the American economy is severe, crime, drugs, healthcare, etc. We need quick-acting, powerful solutions. Cash allowances, ideally paid to a child’s parents on a monthly basis, are a clean, direct way to raise a high proportion of children out of poverty.

That said, there are certain hands up solutions that do work. For example, childcare for working parents, job training connected to follow on jobs, work study programs, etc.

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