Would you favor Trump dismissing all Dept. of Education Employees, effectively shutting it down?

Should Trump dismiss all DoE personnel and shut it down?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 55 90.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • That is unconstitutional.

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.

Bullshit! H1B workers are paid less overall than American Workers which is why it was signed into law by daddy bush to increase corporate profits. Even tRump admitted that last year when he proposed (ended up being all fluff) limiting H1B visas to companies that pay less to foreign workers than US workers. Oracle stated: "For Indians that's good money." WOW!

Your idea that we have to hire foreigners to fill jobs is also complete bullshit. We currently have a glut of American computer science PhD's in this country, so much so that between 10% to 20% of them have to find jobs outside their field.

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are local schools going to receive federal subsidies?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are students going to receive loans and grants?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are minority students going to get an education? Remember, it wasn't that long ago when the south had white only public schools.

You fail to address why there is no corresponding H1B program primarily interested in importing hundreds of thousands of liberal arts graduates.

Also, the number of graduates in CS and Engineering dropped from 2004 to 2014, whereas the number graduates in other areas grew by over 50%. This trend is disturbing. People need to stop bashing standardized tests and calling students that do well on them mindless drones in order to explain away educators inability to improved test scores of students. What evidence is there that the students scoring lower are more creative. Educators don't teach people to be creative. Some people simply are more creative than others by nature and it has nothing to do with education. Also, the reason most students flunk out of many STEM programs is not because they can't memorize enough information. It is because they struggle grasping concepts and applying them with good logical reasoning ability.

Everything about Critical Pedagogy, Postmodernism, or any new age leftist BS is wrong and counter-productive. We need to return to the traditional values of the Enlightenment period. A civilization advancing at a faster rate technologically than other countries is irrefutable proof that the core beliefs and base value system of that civilization is superior to those of others.

Also, LOL at crediting Jimmy Carter's 1979 Department of Education with de-segregating schools in the 1950s and 1960s. You know who deserves credit for de-segregating schools? The National Guard.

View attachment 257218
The demand for people with liberal arts degrees is not strong enough that US employers would go to the trouble and expense of hiring someone on a H1B.

The H1B visa program allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. A specialty occupation requires the application of specialized knowledge and a bachelor's degree or the equivalent of work experience. The duration of stay is three years, extendable to six years; after which the visa holder may need to reapply. Most people coming into the states with H1B have either advanced degrees or have work experience specific to the job.

The program is not designed to give jobs to foreigners but to relieve critical labor shortages. The employer selects the worker and applies for the Visa. It requires quite a bit of paper work on the part of the employer and the costs are relatively high, visa, travel, and lodging so no employer is going to bother with the hassle of an H1B if he can hire in the states.

It's not all gravy for the employee. If he's dissatisfied with the job, he can't just leave the employer and find another job because his visa depends on working for the employer that got him the visa. He can't open a business or go back school. At the end of his visa, he either has to find an employer that will get him another visa or return home.

We've never had a "critical labor shortage." The H1B program was established to pay less for professionals and increase profits for corporations.
I answered "yes", but I'd much prefer a president with the leadership skills to build consensus for an actual repeal of the laws creating the DoE.

To what, make it harder if not impossible for Americans to get an education?
It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.

Bullshit! H1B workers are paid less overall than American Workers which is why it was signed into law by daddy bush to increase corporate profits. Even tRump admitted that last year when he proposed (ended up being all fluff) limiting H1B visas to companies that pay less to foreign workers than US workers. Oracle stated: "For Indians that's good money." WOW!

Your idea that we have to hire foreigners to fill jobs is also complete bullshit. We currently have a glut of American computer science PhD's in this country, so much so that between 10% to 20% of them have to find jobs outside their field.

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are local schools going to receive federal subsidies?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are students going to receive loans and grants?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are minority students going to get an education? Remember, it wasn't that long ago when the south had white only public schools.

You fail to address why there is no corresponding H1B program primarily interested in importing hundreds of thousands of liberal arts graduates.

Also, the number of graduates in CS and Engineering dropped from 2004 to 2014, whereas the number graduates in other areas grew by over 50%. This trend is disturbing. People need to stop bashing standardized tests and calling students that do well on them mindless drones in order to explain away educators inability to improved test scores of students. What evidence is there that the students scoring lower are more creative. Educators don't teach people to be creative. Some people simply are more creative than others by nature and it has nothing to do with education. Also, the reason most students flunk out of many STEM programs is not because they can't memorize enough information. It is because they struggle grasping concepts and applying them with good logical reasoning ability.

Everything about Critical Pedagogy, Postmodernism, or any new age leftist BS is wrong and counter-productive. We need to return to the traditional values of the Enlightenment period. A civilization advancing at a faster rate technologically than other countries is irrefutable proof that the core beliefs and base value system of that civilization is superior to those of others.

Also, LOL at crediting Jimmy Carter's 1979 Department of Education with de-segregating schools in the 1950s and 1960s. You know who deserves credit for de-segregating schools? The National Guard.

So you agree with me that worker visas need to be stopped.

I believe we need to improve the education in the fields relevant to the H1B program and wean employers off of the program with a predetermined deadline set and not compromise on that deadline. When the number of CS and Engineering graduates goes down at a time when record numbers of people are going to college, something is wrong. The H1B program is definitive proof that the individuals produced by those fields are needed. We should strive to be primarily a nation of inventors and builders, not a nation of critics, complainers and political activists.
Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.


That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.
Who even knows what you’re talking about? It’s like a giant hodgepodge of “stupid”.

College is Bad for America, Say Majority of Republicans

Don’t try to blame this on Democrats. If your kind thinks stupid is cool then good for your kind. I hope that works out for you.
I answered "yes", but I'd much prefer a president with the leadership skills to build consensus for an actual repeal of the laws creating the DoE.

To what, make it harder if not impossible for Americans to get an education?
To make it harder for political zealots to control education.
Yeah, like people who think the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. How can you have a discussion with these people? About anything?
In the 30s in the middle of the country when the farmers refused to follow government practices to keep the soil from blowing away and destroying America’s agriculture they had to be forced into it. And today it’s common practice to follow those reforms that keeps America’s breadbasket producing bread.
Anyone who has no idea what I’m talking about should do a Google search on America’s dust bowl.
And that’s why some things can’t always be up for a vote.
I answered "yes", but I'd much prefer a president with the leadership skills to build consensus for an actual repeal of the laws creating the DoE.

To what, make it harder if not impossible for Americans to get an education?
To make it harder for political zealots to control education.
Yeah, like people who think the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt.
How can you have a discussion with these people? About anything?

You can't. So why would you entrust your child's education to people like that?
I answered "yes", but I'd much prefer a president with the leadership skills to build consensus for an actual repeal of the laws creating the DoE.

To what, make it harder if not impossible for Americans to get an education?
To make it harder for political zealots to control education.
.... How can you have a discussion with these people? About anything?
And that’s why some things can’t always be up for a vote.

Typical intolerant, tyrannical democrat.
Therefore, Congress can create a Department of Education. Since it's created by implied power.
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
It is not a theory.

Congress's power to legislate is limited by either explicit or implied powers. If congress is going to use implied power as a foundation for legislation it has to be able to convince a court that the power is implied by specific language in the constitution. The implied power would have to be seen by courts as necessary to support the explicit power. For example, the constitution gives congress power to raise an army to defend the nation. Congress has passed legislation to build roads because in time of war those roads would be needed to move troops. The IRS is needed to manage and enforce collection of taxes. The DOE is justified through the welfare clause. Donald Trump would not be able access funds to build to his wall without implied powers because there would be no national emergency law. Most of the federal government is built on implied powers.

When a constitution is written in such a way as to make minor changes a major undertaking that takes years, use of implied powers is only way to get the job done.
You avoided the question. I'll ask again:
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
I have already answered you but I will put it in language you can understand. Congress can create and pass any legislation or create any new program, set up any new segment of goverment, or take any other action as long as it's power to do so is either granted explicitly or implied by the constitution.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.

Bullshit! H1B workers are paid less overall than American Workers which is why it was signed into law by daddy bush to increase corporate profits. Even tRump admitted that last year when he proposed (ended up being all fluff) limiting H1B visas to companies that pay less to foreign workers than US workers. Oracle stated: "For Indians that's good money." WOW!

Your idea that we have to hire foreigners to fill jobs is also complete bullshit. We currently have a glut of American computer science PhD's in this country, so much so that between 10% to 20% of them have to find jobs outside their field.

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are local schools going to receive federal subsidies?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are students going to receive loans and grants?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are minority students going to get an education? Remember, it wasn't that long ago when the south had white only public schools.

You fail to address why there is no corresponding H1B program primarily interested in importing hundreds of thousands of liberal arts graduates.

Also, the number of graduates in CS and Engineering dropped from 2004 to 2014, whereas the number graduates in other areas grew by over 50%. This trend is disturbing. People need to stop bashing standardized tests and calling students that do well on them mindless drones in order to explain away educators inability to improved test scores of students. What evidence is there that the students scoring lower are more creative. Educators don't teach people to be creative. Some people simply are more creative than others by nature and it has nothing to do with education. Also, the reason most students flunk out of many STEM programs is not because they can't memorize enough information. It is because they struggle grasping concepts and applying them with good logical reasoning ability.

Everything about Critical Pedagogy, Postmodernism, or any new age leftist BS is wrong and counter-productive. We need to return to the traditional values of the Enlightenment period. A civilization advancing at a faster rate technologically than other countries is irrefutable proof that the core beliefs and base value system of that civilization is superior to those of others.

Also, LOL at crediting Jimmy Carter's 1979 Department of Education with de-segregating schools in the 1950s and 1960s. You know who deserves credit for de-segregating schools? The National Guard.

View attachment 257218
The demand for people with liberal arts degrees is not strong enough that US employers would go to the trouble and expense of hiring someone on a H1B.

The H1B visa program allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. A specialty occupation requires the application of specialized knowledge and a bachelor's degree or the equivalent of work experience. The duration of stay is three years, extendable to six years; after which the visa holder may need to reapply. Most people coming into the states with H1B have either advanced degrees or have work experience specific to the job.

The program is not designed to give jobs to foreigners but to relieve critical labor shortages. The employer selects the worker and applies for the Visa. It requires quite a bit of paper work on the part of the employer and the costs are relatively high, visa, travel, and lodging so no employer is going to bother with the hassle of an H1B if he can hire in the states.

It's not all gravy for the employee. If he's dissatisfied with the job, he can't just leave the employer and find another job because his visa depends on working for the employer that got him the visa. He can't open a business or go back school. At the end of his visa, he either has to find an employer that will get him another visa or return home.

We've never had a "critical labor shortage." The H1B program was established to pay less for professionals and increase profits for corporations.
The critical labor shortage is determined by the employer by filing for the H1B visa. Employers are not likely to pay the fees and other costs which run about $5,000 to hire a foreign worker if they can hire a US worker which cost practically nothing.

There are also other disadvantages to H1B workers. First, they can only stay 6 years on their visa. Secondly, if an employer terminates an H1B employee he will have lost the fees he paid plus it can lead to a sticky situation with the employee who will be forced to return home. Also there is the problem of cultural and language differences between the H1B employee and existing employees and customer. Lastly H1B visas are limited. Usually, the quota has been reached by the middle of year. This means the employer has only half the year to recruit the employee. After selecting the employee the Visa and other papers can take months. During that time the H1B employee may decide he doesn't want the job and prefers to stay in his home country.

H1B is a good way to fill a critical job if no US candidate meets the requirement. However there are real real risks for the employer.
I answered "yes", but I'd much prefer a president with the leadership skills to build consensus for an actual repeal of the laws creating the DoE.

To what, make it harder if not impossible for Americans to get an education?
To make it harder for political zealots to control education.
Yeah, like people who think the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt.

Let's talk about irrational beliefs. A poll was done regarding what percentage of demographics believe in the "scientific validity" of various absurd ideas. I have highlighted the lines for Democrat and Republican in red.

Reincarnation : 30% Democrats vs. 17% Republicans
Spiritual Energy: 30% Democrats vs. 17% Republicans
Astrology : 31% Democrats vs. 14% Republicans
Evil Eye: 19% Democrats vs. 12% Republicans
In touch with dead: 36% Democrats vs. 21% Republicans
Ghosts: 21% Democrats vs. 11% Republicans
Fortune Tellers: 22% Democrats vs. 9% Republicans



Of particular concern is the fact College Graduates were more likely to believe in the scientific validity of Fortune Tellers than people who never attended college by a margin of 17% to 13%.

And that’s why some things can’t always be up for a vote.

Typical modern "liberal".


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I answered "yes", but I'd much prefer a president with the leadership skills to build consensus for an actual repeal of the laws creating the DoE.

To what, make it harder if not impossible for Americans to get an education?
To make it harder for political zealots to control education.
Yeah, like people who think the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt.

Let's talk about irrational beliefs. A poll was done regarding what percentage of demographics believe in the "scientific validity" of various absurd ideas. I have highlighted the lines for Democrat and Republican in red.

Reincarnation : 30% Democrats vs. 17% Republicans
Spiritual Energy: 30% Democrats vs. 17% Republicans
Astrology : 31% Democrats vs. 14% Republicans
Evil Eye: 19% Democrats vs. 12% Republicans
In touch with dead: 36% Democrats vs. 21% Republicans
Ghosts: 21% Democrats vs. 11% Republicans
Fortune Tellers: 22% Democrats vs. 9% Republicans

View attachment 257371

View attachment 257373

Of particular concern is the fact College Graduates were more likely to believe in the scientific validity of Fortune Tellers than people who never attended college by a margin of 17% to 13%.

And that’s why some things can’t always be up for a vote.

Typical modern "liberal".
What are the questions?
Who are the respondents?
These are two major factors that determine the outcome of a poll.

When did Yoga become an irrational belief. It's practiced by over 2 billion people. I think this poll was put together by a bunch idiots.
Last edited:
Therefore, Congress can create a Department of Education. Since it's created by implied power.
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
It is not a theory.

Congress's power to legislate is limited by either explicit or implied powers. If congress is going to use implied power as a foundation for legislation it has to be able to convince a court that the power is implied by specific language in the constitution. The implied power would have to be seen by courts as necessary to support the explicit power. For example, the constitution gives congress power to raise an army to defend the nation. Congress has passed legislation to build roads because in time of war those roads would be needed to move troops. The IRS is needed to manage and enforce collection of taxes. The DOE is justified through the welfare clause. Donald Trump would not be able access funds to build to his wall without implied powers because there would be no national emergency law. Most of the federal government is built on implied powers.

When a constitution is written in such a way as to make minor changes a major undertaking that takes years, use of implied powers is only way to get the job done.
You avoided the question. I'll ask again:
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
I have already answered you but I will put it in language you can understand. Congress can create and pass any legislation or create any new program, set up any new segment of goverment, or take any other action as long as it's power to do so is either granted explicitly or implied by the constitution.
Telling me what Congress can create with implied powers does not in any way tell me what congress CAN'T create with its implied powers.
So... still waiting for you to address my question:
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
I answered "yes", but I'd much prefer a president with the leadership skills to build consensus for an actual repeal of the laws creating the DoE.

To what, make it harder if not impossible for Americans to get an education?
To make it harder for political zealots to control education.
Yeah, like people who think the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt.

Let's talk about irrational beliefs. A poll was done regarding what percentage of demographics believe in the "scientific validity" of various absurd ideas. I have highlighted the lines for Democrat and Republican in red.

Reincarnation : 30% Democrats vs. 17% Republicans
Spiritual Energy: 30% Democrats vs. 17% Republicans
Astrology : 31% Democrats vs. 14% Republicans
Evil Eye: 19% Democrats vs. 12% Republicans
In touch with dead: 36% Democrats vs. 21% Republicans
Ghosts: 21% Democrats vs. 11% Republicans
Fortune Tellers: 22% Democrats vs. 9% Republicans

View attachment 257371

View attachment 257373

Of particular concern is the fact College Graduates were more likely to believe in the scientific validity of Fortune Tellers than people who never attended college by a margin of 17% to 13%.

And that’s why some things can’t always be up for a vote.

Typical modern "liberal".
What are the questions?
Who are the respondents?
These are two major factors that determine the outcome of a poll.

When did Yoga become an irrational belief. It's practiced by over 2 billion people. I think this poll was put together by a bunch idiots.

Many Americans Mix Multiple Faiths

I will try to find some more links that point to research demonstrating that Democrats are more likely to reject Christianity, except less likely to reject foreign and exotic, mystical beliefs from other cultures. Also, students in certain areas of study are more likely to believe in certain non-scientific beliefs. For example, students in Performing Arts and Gender Studies were far more likely to believe in the scientific validity of Fortune Tellers than Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science students. So, different fields of study do seem to view the plausibility of things differently.
Therefore, Congress can create a Department of Education. Since it's created by implied power.
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
It is not a theory.

Congress's power to legislate is limited by either explicit or implied powers. If congress is going to use implied power as a foundation for legislation it has to be able to convince a court that the power is implied by specific language in the constitution. The implied power would have to be seen by courts as necessary to support the explicit power. For example, the constitution gives congress power to raise an army to defend the nation. Congress has passed legislation to build roads because in time of war those roads would be needed to move troops. The IRS is needed to manage and enforce collection of taxes. The DOE is justified through the welfare clause. Donald Trump would not be able access funds to build to his wall without implied powers because there would be no national emergency law. Most of the federal government is built on implied powers.

When a constitution is written in such a way as to make minor changes a major undertaking that takes years, use of implied powers is only way to get the job done.
You avoided the question. I'll ask again:
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
I have already answered you but I will put it in language you can understand. Congress can create and pass any legislation or create any new program, set up any new segment of goverment, or take any other action as long as it's power to do so is either granted explicitly or implied by the constitution.
Telling me what Congress can create with implied powers does not in any way tell me what congress CAN'T create with its implied powers.
So... still waiting for you to address my question:
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
Congress can't create legislation that the constitution does not empower them to create via explicit (enumerated) or implied powers in the constitution. If you can't understand that then I suggest you read about explicit and implied powers in the constitution.

Here's a real-world example of explicit and implied powers: Say that your parents tell you that they'll pay for you to get ice cream with your friends. Awesome!
You make a plan with your friends, wait for the bus to head downtown, pay the fare, ride to the ice cream shop, get ice cream, and come back by the bus. When you get home, you tell your parents that the ice cream cost you $5 and the bus fare came to $4, so you need $9, please.
Your parents respond, "We only said we'd pay for ice cream! We didn't say we'd pay for you to get to the ice cream shop. We only owe you $5."
But how could you have gotten ice cream with your friends if you couldn't get to your friends? Well, maybe you could have bought a half-gallon of ice cream and invited your friends over . . . although you still would have had to go to the grocery store to do that, too. Is it even possible to get ice cream without going through some other step?
This is the essence of enumerated vs. implied powers. There is no doubt that congress has stretched the point of implied powers at times but what are the alternatives? If there is national emergency and congress can't act for whatever reason, are we to wait tens year to pass a constitutional amendment to give the president powers he needs to deal with the emergency?

Constitutional interpretations of federalism: lesson overview
Congress can't create legislation that the constitution does not empower them to create via explicit (enumerated) or implied powers in the constitution.
Uh huh.
Can you provide of an example of legislation, real or hypothetical, that the general welfare clause and / or the common defense clause does not grant the implied power to create?
I answered "yes", but I'd much prefer a president with the leadership skills to build consensus for an actual repeal of the laws creating the DoE.

To what, make it harder if not impossible for Americans to get an education?
To make it harder for political zealots to control education.
Yeah, like people who think the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt.

Let's talk about irrational beliefs. A poll was done regarding what percentage of demographics believe in the "scientific validity" of various absurd ideas. I have highlighted the lines for Democrat and Republican in red.

Reincarnation : 30% Democrats vs. 17% Republicans
Spiritual Energy: 30% Democrats vs. 17% Republicans
Astrology : 31% Democrats vs. 14% Republicans
Evil Eye: 19% Democrats vs. 12% Republicans
In touch with dead: 36% Democrats vs. 21% Republicans
Ghosts: 21% Democrats vs. 11% Republicans
Fortune Tellers: 22% Democrats vs. 9% Republicans

View attachment 257371

View attachment 257373

Of particular concern is the fact College Graduates were more likely to believe in the scientific validity of Fortune Tellers than people who never attended college by a margin of 17% to 13%.

And that’s why some things can’t always be up for a vote.

Typical modern "liberal".

Educators are now hiding science more than ever for their greed money

Modern science screams abortion is murder of a human being

poltical correctness is going
Against prosperity

Educators should be locked up
Would you miss it?

What is the constitutional basis for the DoE?

It needs to go. There is no value added by the money spent in its operation.

While it does not prove causation, there is a direct correlation between the creation of The ED and the drop in US student world rankings

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To me the only thing it should do is set MINIMUM standards for education that all schools have to meet.


I shouldn't even be a cabinet level position, but should be something like the FDA or the USDA.

Uh, the USDA is a cabinet level position! You never heard of the Department of Agriculture?


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