Would you favor Trump dismissing all Dept. of Education Employees, effectively shutting it down?

Should Trump dismiss all DoE personnel and shut it down?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 55 90.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • That is unconstitutional.

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
sorry but promote only means they can encourage it not provide it,,,,ie,,unconstitutional,,,

and since it has been a complete failure I don't see how it benefits the general welfare and in fact has caused the opposite of welfare benefit,,,not to mention it has become an indoctrination factory of socialist ideology which is in opposition to our constitution

shut it down while we still have a chance,,,

The constitution uses the word "provide" in the clause, not promote. The success of educational programs sponsored by the DOE is a matter of opinion. However, what is not opinion is the millions of low income students that have been able to go to college due to federal financial aid.

sorry but thats not opinion,,,and the fact that low incomers are benefiting is proof its not for the general welfare but for a small minority of the public,,,and most of them have a degree is useless bullshit that in no way benefit them or the public

as for the student loan program , all it has done is caused the price of tuition to skyrocket and put young people on the streets with huge debts and useless degrees,,

not to mention only about 25% of jobs require a college degree

so all in all its been a complete failure

you and your socialist friends need to mind your own business and stop stealing from the hard working people,,,
You are so wrong in your thinking that elevating the poorest in society does not benefit all. Poverty drags a nation down and the proven path out of poverty is education. What seperates this nation from our competition is a highly trained workforce. If we loose that, we've lost it all.

sorry but anytime you give a hand out instead of a hand up you hurt everybody,,,

what should be done is like I did and worked for what I couldnt afford

and hate to break it to you but the poor will always be among us, no matter what you do,,,or how much you steal from me and give to others,,,the proof is all the welfare over the last 50 yrs and we not only still have poor but a lot more of them
The fact is handouts can be the most effect in some situations. One being children in poverty. More than 12 million children live below the poverty line. On average, children in poverty have lower I.Q. scores than their wealthier peers. Recent research has made it clear that just the stress of growing up in a poor family can be toxic to the growing brain. It almost goes without saying that the cost to the American economy is severe, crime, drugs, healthcare, etc. We need quick-acting, powerful solutions. Cash allowances, ideally paid to a child’s parents on a monthly basis, are a clean, direct way to raise a high proportion of children out of poverty.

That said, there are certain hands up solutions that do work. For example, childcare for working parents, job training connected to follow on jobs, work study programs, etc.

you can give handouts til the end of time and we will still have poor people,,nothing will change that,,,and the record of the fed handouts speaks for itself as a complete failure,,,

as I said the constitution gives no authority to take from one and give to another,,if you want that it can be done at a state level,,,

until then it is unconstitutional,,

you should read the last sentence of the 5th amendment,,,,my money is my property and they just cant spend it or give it to another unless I get compensated,,,
The constitution uses the word "provide" in the clause, not promote. The success of educational programs sponsored by the DOE is a matter of opinion. However, what is not opinion is the millions of low income students that have been able to go to college due to federal financial aid.

sorry but thats not opinion,,,and the fact that low incomers are benefiting is proof its not for the general welfare but for a small minority of the public,,,and most of them have a degree is useless bullshit that in no way benefit them or the public

as for the student loan program , all it has done is caused the price of tuition to skyrocket and put young people on the streets with huge debts and useless degrees,,

not to mention only about 25% of jobs require a college degree

so all in all its been a complete failure

you and your socialist friends need to mind your own business and stop stealing from the hard working people,,,
You are so wrong in your thinking that elevating the poorest in society does not benefit all. Poverty drags a nation down and the proven path out of poverty is education. What seperates this nation from our competition is a highly trained workforce. If we loose that, we've lost it all.

sorry but anytime you give a hand out instead of a hand up you hurt everybody,,,

what should be done is like I did and worked for what I couldnt afford

and hate to break it to you but the poor will always be among us, no matter what you do,,,or how much you steal from me and give to others,,,the proof is all the welfare over the last 50 yrs and we not only still have poor but a lot more of them
The fact is handouts can be the most effect in some situations. One being children in poverty. More than 12 million children live below the poverty line. On average, children in poverty have lower I.Q. scores than their wealthier peers. Recent research has made it clear that just the stress of growing up in a poor family can be toxic to the growing brain. It almost goes without saying that the cost to the American economy is severe, crime, drugs, healthcare, etc. We need quick-acting, powerful solutions. Cash allowances, ideally paid to a child’s parents on a monthly basis, are a clean, direct way to raise a high proportion of children out of poverty.

That said, there are certain hands up solutions that do work. For example, childcare for working parents, job training connected to follow on jobs, work study programs, etc.

you can give handouts til the end of time and we will still have poor people,,nothing will change that,,,and the record of the fed handouts speaks for itself as a complete failure,,,

as I said the constitution gives no authority to take from one and give to another,,if you want that it can be done at a state level,,,

until then it is unconstitutional,,

you should read the last sentence of the 5th amendment,,,,my money is my property and they just cant spend it or give it to another unless I get compensated,,,
In the constitution we have two types of powers granted, explicit and implied. If we based government on only explicit powers, we would have a supreme court with virtually no powers at all, an executive branch with only a secretary of state who only prepares trade treaties, a department of war with no explicit powers at all, a treasury without a means of collecting taxes, and a justice department with no investigative powers. Checks and Balances would not exist. There would be no mechanism for providing funds to states for disaster relief, no regulations on the banking system, no regulations of investment securities, no regulations on air and water pollution, no social security, no medicare, no medicaid, and no federal welfare. There would be customs but no immigration service. There would be no national parks or monuments. There would no interstate highways, nor federal communications commission to assign radio, TV, and cell phone frequencies, no corp of engineers, no center for disease control, no secret service, and no farm subsidies.

The United States would be a Confederation of American States, similar to the British Commonwealth which would have meet a similar fate many years ago.
sorry but thats not opinion,,,and the fact that low incomers are benefiting is proof its not for the general welfare but for a small minority of the public,,,and most of them have a degree is useless bullshit that in no way benefit them or the public

as for the student loan program , all it has done is caused the price of tuition to skyrocket and put young people on the streets with huge debts and useless degrees,,

not to mention only about 25% of jobs require a college degree

so all in all its been a complete failure

you and your socialist friends need to mind your own business and stop stealing from the hard working people,,,
You are so wrong in your thinking that elevating the poorest in society does not benefit all. Poverty drags a nation down and the proven path out of poverty is education. What seperates this nation from our competition is a highly trained workforce. If we loose that, we've lost it all.

sorry but anytime you give a hand out instead of a hand up you hurt everybody,,,

what should be done is like I did and worked for what I couldnt afford

and hate to break it to you but the poor will always be among us, no matter what you do,,,or how much you steal from me and give to others,,,the proof is all the welfare over the last 50 yrs and we not only still have poor but a lot more of them
The fact is handouts can be the most effect in some situations. One being children in poverty. More than 12 million children live below the poverty line. On average, children in poverty have lower I.Q. scores than their wealthier peers. Recent research has made it clear that just the stress of growing up in a poor family can be toxic to the growing brain. It almost goes without saying that the cost to the American economy is severe, crime, drugs, healthcare, etc. We need quick-acting, powerful solutions. Cash allowances, ideally paid to a child’s parents on a monthly basis, are a clean, direct way to raise a high proportion of children out of poverty.

That said, there are certain hands up solutions that do work. For example, childcare for working parents, job training connected to follow on jobs, work study programs, etc.

you can give handouts til the end of time and we will still have poor people,,nothing will change that,,,and the record of the fed handouts speaks for itself as a complete failure,,,

as I said the constitution gives no authority to take from one and give to another,,if you want that it can be done at a state level,,,

until then it is unconstitutional,,

you should read the last sentence of the 5th amendment,,,,my money is my property and they just cant spend it or give it to another unless I get compensated,,,
In the constitution we have two types of powers granted, explicit and implied. If we based government on only explicit powers, we would have a supreme court with virtually no powers at all, an executive branch with only a secretary of state who only prepares trade treaties, a department of war with no explicit powers at all, a treasury without a means of collecting taxes, and a justice department with no investigative powers. Checks and Balances would not exist. There would be no mechanism for providing funds to states for disaster relief, no regulations on the banking system, no regulations of investment securities, no regulations on air and water pollution, no social security, no medicare, no medicaid, and no federal welfare. There would be customs but no immigration service. There would be no national parks or monuments. There would no interstate highways, nor federal communications commission to assign radio, TV, and cell phone frequencies, no corp of engineers, no center for disease control, no secret service, and no farm subsidies.

The United States would be a Confederation of American States, similar to the British Commonwealth which would have meet a similar fate many years ago.

you are ignoring the 10th amendment that clearly states delegated duties and no where does it say implied so take your communist bullshit and fuck off
You are so wrong in your thinking that elevating the poorest in society does not benefit all. Poverty drags a nation down and the proven path out of poverty is education. What seperates this nation from our competition is a highly trained workforce. If we loose that, we've lost it all.

sorry but anytime you give a hand out instead of a hand up you hurt everybody,,,

what should be done is like I did and worked for what I couldnt afford

and hate to break it to you but the poor will always be among us, no matter what you do,,,or how much you steal from me and give to others,,,the proof is all the welfare over the last 50 yrs and we not only still have poor but a lot more of them
The fact is handouts can be the most effect in some situations. One being children in poverty. More than 12 million children live below the poverty line. On average, children in poverty have lower I.Q. scores than their wealthier peers. Recent research has made it clear that just the stress of growing up in a poor family can be toxic to the growing brain. It almost goes without saying that the cost to the American economy is severe, crime, drugs, healthcare, etc. We need quick-acting, powerful solutions. Cash allowances, ideally paid to a child’s parents on a monthly basis, are a clean, direct way to raise a high proportion of children out of poverty.

That said, there are certain hands up solutions that do work. For example, childcare for working parents, job training connected to follow on jobs, work study programs, etc.

you can give handouts til the end of time and we will still have poor people,,nothing will change that,,,and the record of the fed handouts speaks for itself as a complete failure,,,

as I said the constitution gives no authority to take from one and give to another,,if you want that it can be done at a state level,,,

until then it is unconstitutional,,

you should read the last sentence of the 5th amendment,,,,my money is my property and they just cant spend it or give it to another unless I get compensated,,,
In the constitution we have two types of powers granted, explicit and implied. If we based government on only explicit powers, we would have a supreme court with virtually no powers at all, an executive branch with only a secretary of state who only prepares trade treaties, a department of war with no explicit powers at all, a treasury without a means of collecting taxes, and a justice department with no investigative powers. Checks and Balances would not exist. There would be no mechanism for providing funds to states for disaster relief, no regulations on the banking system, no regulations of investment securities, no regulations on air and water pollution, no social security, no medicare, no medicaid, and no federal welfare. There would be customs but no immigration service. There would be no national parks or monuments. There would no interstate highways, nor federal communications commission to assign radio, TV, and cell phone frequencies, no corp of engineers, no center for disease control, no secret service, and no farm subsidies.

The United States would be a Confederation of American States, similar to the British Commonwealth which would have meet a similar fate many years ago.

you are ignoring the 10th amendment that clearly states delegated duties and no where does it say implied so take your communist bullshit and fuck off
Of course implied powers are not in the Constitution. If they were, they would be explicit. Implied powers, are powers authorized by the Constitution that, while not stated, seem implied by powers that are expressly stated.

For example, the power to create the IRS is implied by the explicit power to tax. The constitution does not grant the president any special powers in times of emergency. The president's special powers in these times is based on laws implied by the constitution. You also won't find Executive Privilege which gives the president the ability to withhold information from the public, Congress, and the courts in national security and diplomatic affairs. This is an implied power first used by George Washington. The power of the Supreme Court to override congress or the president for violations of the constitution is also an implied power. If you look carefully at the powers of our government, you will see that much of the power the government exercise comes from either legislation or court rulings based on implied powers.

When a nation builds mechanism in their constitution which make it difficult to change, as the US has done then implied powers become the primary method of dealing with change. Other nations have gone a different route making a constitutional convention easier to call. Regardless of method, a nation must have the ability to deal with changes in a timely manner.
Last edited:
Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.


That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .
Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.


That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .
Even worse, they create the problem as they have done at the southern border in order to justify their solution.
Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.


That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.
sorry but anytime you give a hand out instead of a hand up you hurt everybody,,,

what should be done is like I did and worked for what I couldnt afford

and hate to break it to you but the poor will always be among us, no matter what you do,,,or how much you steal from me and give to others,,,the proof is all the welfare over the last 50 yrs and we not only still have poor but a lot more of them
The fact is handouts can be the most effect in some situations. One being children in poverty. More than 12 million children live below the poverty line. On average, children in poverty have lower I.Q. scores than their wealthier peers. Recent research has made it clear that just the stress of growing up in a poor family can be toxic to the growing brain. It almost goes without saying that the cost to the American economy is severe, crime, drugs, healthcare, etc. We need quick-acting, powerful solutions. Cash allowances, ideally paid to a child’s parents on a monthly basis, are a clean, direct way to raise a high proportion of children out of poverty.

That said, there are certain hands up solutions that do work. For example, childcare for working parents, job training connected to follow on jobs, work study programs, etc.

you can give handouts til the end of time and we will still have poor people,,nothing will change that,,,and the record of the fed handouts speaks for itself as a complete failure,,,

as I said the constitution gives no authority to take from one and give to another,,if you want that it can be done at a state level,,,

until then it is unconstitutional,,

you should read the last sentence of the 5th amendment,,,,my money is my property and they just cant spend it or give it to another unless I get compensated,,,
In the constitution we have two types of powers granted, explicit and implied. If we based government on only explicit powers, we would have a supreme court with virtually no powers at all, an executive branch with only a secretary of state who only prepares trade treaties, a department of war with no explicit powers at all, a treasury without a means of collecting taxes, and a justice department with no investigative powers. Checks and Balances would not exist. There would be no mechanism for providing funds to states for disaster relief, no regulations on the banking system, no regulations of investment securities, no regulations on air and water pollution, no social security, no medicare, no medicaid, and no federal welfare. There would be customs but no immigration service. There would be no national parks or monuments. There would no interstate highways, nor federal communications commission to assign radio, TV, and cell phone frequencies, no corp of engineers, no center for disease control, no secret service, and no farm subsidies.

The United States would be a Confederation of American States, similar to the British Commonwealth which would have meet a similar fate many years ago.

you are ignoring the 10th amendment that clearly states delegated duties and no where does it say implied so take your communist bullshit and fuck off
Of course implied powers are not in the Constitution. If they were, they would be explicit. Implied powers, are powers authorized by the Constitution that, while not stated, seem implied by powers that are expressly stated.

For example, the power to create the IRS is implied by the explicit power to tax. The constitution does not grant the president any special powers in times of emergency. The president's special powers in these times is based on laws implied by the constitution. You also won't find Executive Privilege which gives the president the ability to withhold information from the public, Congress, and the courts in national security and diplomatic affairs. This is an implied power first used by George Washington. The power of the Supreme Court to override congress or the president for violations of the constitution is also an implied power. If you look carefully at the powers of our government, you will see that much of the power the government exercise comes from either legislation or court rulings based on implied powers.

When a nation builds mechanism in their constitution which make it difficult to change, as the US has done then implied powers become the primary method of dealing with change. Other nations have gone a different route making a constitutional convention easier to call. Regardless of method, a nation must have the ability to deal with changes in a timely manner.

sorry but the 10th amendment says different,,,
Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.


That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

It makes no sense to run off a list of partisan hyperbole and then say “thems the facts.”
Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Most Republicans have this problem of believing that education is bad for America.


That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.

Bullshit! H1B workers are paid less overall than American Workers which is why it was signed into law by daddy bush to increase corporate profits. Even tRump admitted that last year when he proposed (ended up being all fluff) limiting H1B visas to companies that pay less to foreign workers than US workers. Oracle stated: "For Indians that's good money." WOW!

Your idea that we have to hire foreigners to fill jobs is also complete bullshit. We currently have a glut of American computer science PhD's in this country, so much so that between 10% to 20% of them have to find jobs outside their field.

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are local schools going to receive federal subsidies?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are students going to receive loans and grants?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are minority students going to get an education? Remember, it wasn't that long ago when the south had white only public schools.
That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.

Bullshit! H1B workers are paid less overall than American Workers which is why it was signed into law by daddy bush to increase corporate profits. Even tRump admitted that last year when he proposed (ended up being all fluff) limiting H1B visas to companies that pay less to foreign workers than US workers. Oracle stated: "For Indians that's good money." WOW!

Your idea that we have to hire foreigners to fill jobs is also complete bullshit. We currently have a glut of American computer science PhD's in this country, so much so that between 10% to 20% of them have to find jobs outside their field.

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are local schools going to receive federal subsidies?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are students going to receive loans and grants?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are minority students going to get an education? Remember, it wasn't that long ago when the south had white only public schools.
If you disband the DOE, there will be no federal aid to education and millions of students from low income families will be putting on a hard and doing what their dad and their granddad did, working their ass off for mediocre wages in dead end jobs.
That is, of course, not true.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.

Bullshit! H1B workers are paid less overall than American Workers which is why it was signed into law by daddy bush to increase corporate profits. Even tRump admitted that last year when he proposed (ended up being all fluff) limiting H1B visas to companies that pay less to foreign workers than US workers. Oracle stated: "For Indians that's good money." WOW!

Your idea that we have to hire foreigners to fill jobs is also complete bullshit. We currently have a glut of American computer science PhD's in this country, so much so that between 10% to 20% of them have to find jobs outside their field.

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are local schools going to receive federal subsidies?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are students going to receive loans and grants?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are minority students going to get an education? Remember, it wasn't that long ago when the south had white only public schools.

You fail to address why there is no corresponding H1B program primarily interested in importing hundreds of thousands of liberal arts graduates.

Also, the number of graduates in CS and Engineering dropped from 2004 to 2014, whereas the number graduates in other areas grew by over 50%. This trend is disturbing. People need to stop bashing standardized tests and calling students that do well on them mindless drones in order to explain away educators inability to improved test scores of students. What evidence is there that the students scoring lower are more creative. Educators don't teach people to be creative. Some people simply are more creative than others by nature and it has nothing to do with education. Also, the reason most students flunk out of many STEM programs is not because they can't memorize enough information. It is because they struggle grasping concepts and applying them with good logical reasoning ability.

Everything about Critical Pedagogy, Postmodernism, or any new age leftist BS is wrong and counter-productive. We need to return to the traditional values of the Enlightenment period. A civilization advancing at a faster rate technologically than other countries is irrefutable proof that the core beliefs and base value system of that civilization is superior to those of others.

Also, LOL at crediting Jimmy Carter's 1979 Department of Education with de-segregating schools in the 1950s and 1960s. You know who deserves credit for de-segregating schools? The National Guard.

I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.

Bullshit! H1B workers are paid less overall than American Workers which is why it was signed into law by daddy bush to increase corporate profits. Even tRump admitted that last year when he proposed (ended up being all fluff) limiting H1B visas to companies that pay less to foreign workers than US workers. Oracle stated: "For Indians that's good money." WOW!

Your idea that we have to hire foreigners to fill jobs is also complete bullshit. We currently have a glut of American computer science PhD's in this country, so much so that between 10% to 20% of them have to find jobs outside their field.

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are local schools going to receive federal subsidies?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are students going to receive loans and grants?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are minority students going to get an education? Remember, it wasn't that long ago when the south had white only public schools.
If you disband the DOE, there will be no federal aid to education and millions of students from low income families will be putting on a hard and doing what their dad and their granddad did, working their ass off for mediocre wages in dead end jobs.

We need to stop viewing a kid graduating from High School, learning a trade, and taking a blue collar job as failure. It is not failure. That is what most Americans should be doing. We are not all going to be brain surgeons or multi-millionaire entrepreneurs. Every person in America getting a college degree is not going to change anything other than produce hordes of indoctrinated SJWs with degrees in Underwater Basket Weaving, 50,000 dollars in student loans, and constant cries of being "under-employed".
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.

Bullshit! H1B workers are paid less overall than American Workers which is why it was signed into law by daddy bush to increase corporate profits. Even tRump admitted that last year when he proposed (ended up being all fluff) limiting H1B visas to companies that pay less to foreign workers than US workers. Oracle stated: "For Indians that's good money." WOW!

Your idea that we have to hire foreigners to fill jobs is also complete bullshit. We currently have a glut of American computer science PhD's in this country, so much so that between 10% to 20% of them have to find jobs outside their field.

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are local schools going to receive federal subsidies?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are students going to receive loans and grants?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are minority students going to get an education? Remember, it wasn't that long ago when the south had white only public schools.

You fail to address why there is no corresponding H1B program primarily interested in importing hundreds of thousands of liberal arts graduates.

Also, the number of graduates in CS and Engineering dropped from 2004 to 2014, whereas the number graduates in other areas grew by over 50%. This trend is disturbing. People need to stop bashing standardized tests and calling students that do well on them mindless drones in order to explain away educators inability to improved test scores of students. What evidence is there that the students scoring lower are more creative. Educators don't teach people to be creative. Some people simply are more creative than others by nature and it has nothing to do with education. Also, the reason most students flunk out of many STEM programs is not because they can't memorize enough information. It is because they struggle grasping concepts and applying them with good logical reasoning ability.

Everything about Critical Pedagogy, Postmodernism, or any new age leftist BS is wrong and counter-productive. We need to return to the traditional values of the Enlightenment period. A civilization advancing at a faster rate technologically than other countries is irrefutable proof that the core beliefs and base value system of that civilization is superior to those of others.

Also, LOL at crediting Jimmy Carter's 1979 Department of Education with de-segregating schools in the 1950s and 1960s. You know who deserves credit for de-segregating schools? The National Guard.

View attachment 257218
The demand for people with liberal arts degrees is not strong enough that US employers would go to the trouble and expense of hiring someone on a H1B.

The H1B visa program allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. A specialty occupation requires the application of specialized knowledge and a bachelor's degree or the equivalent of work experience. The duration of stay is three years, extendable to six years; after which the visa holder may need to reapply. Most people coming into the states with H1B have either advanced degrees or have work experience specific to the job.

The program is not designed to give jobs to foreigners but to relieve critical labor shortages. The employer selects the worker and applies for the Visa. It requires quite a bit of paper work on the part of the employer and the costs are relatively high, visa, travel, and lodging so no employer is going to bother with the hassle of an H1B if he can hire in the states.

It's not all gravy for the employee. If he's dissatisfied with the job, he can't just leave the employer and find another job because his visa depends on working for the employer that got him the visa. He can't open a business or go back school. At the end of his visa, he either has to find an employer that will get him another visa or return home.
Of course implied powers are not in the Constitution. If they were, they would be explicit. Implied powers, are powers authorized by the Constitution that, while not stated, seem implied by powers that are expressly stated.
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
Therefore, Congress can create a Department of Education. Since it's created by implied power.
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
It is not a theory. It was first used by George Washington and has been in use by congress and courts ever since.

Congress's power to legislate is limited by either explicit or implied powers. If congress is going to use implied power as a foundation for legislation it has to be able to convince a court that the power is implied by specific language in the constitution. The implied power would have to be seen by courts as necessary to support the explicit power. For example, the constitution gives congress power to raise an army to defend the nation. Congress has passed legislation to build roads because in time of war those roads would be needed to move troops. The IRS is needed to manage and enforce collection of taxes. The DOE is justified through the welfare clause. Donald Trump would not be able access funds to build to his wall without implied powers because there would be no national emergency law. Most of the federal government is built on implied powers.

When a constitution is written in such a way as to make minor changes a major undertaking that takes years, use of implied powers is only way to get the job done.
Last edited:
Therefore, Congress can create a Department of Education. Since it's created by implied power.
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
It is not a theory.

Congress's power to legislate is limited by either explicit or implied powers. If congress is going to use implied power as a foundation for legislation it has to be able to convince a court that the power is implied by specific language in the constitution. The implied power would have to be seen by courts as necessary to support the explicit power. For example, the constitution gives congress power to raise an army to defend the nation. Congress has passed legislation to build roads because in time of war those roads would be needed to move troops. The IRS is needed to manage and enforce collection of taxes. The DOE is justified through the welfare clause. Donald Trump would not be able access funds to build to his wall without implied powers because there would be no national emergency law. Most of the federal government is built on implied powers.

When a constitution is written in such a way as to make minor changes a major undertaking that takes years, use of implied powers is only way to get the job done.
You avoided the question. I'll ask again:
Under your theory, what -can't- Congress create?
I answered "yes", but I'd much prefer a president with the leadership skills to build consensus for an actual repeal of the laws creating the DoE.
I wish it wasn't true.
But you can choose your source:

Republicans say college is bad for America

Republicans think college is bad for America for many reasons.

Some feel that kids stop listening to their elders and church leaders.

Some feel if their parents didn't need college, they don't either.

Some feel that college is filled with liberal thinkers and if you learn, you will stop voting GOP. Something very likely.

It's not about Republicans being against college. It's simply that many Republicans feel that large numbers of people are going to college that do not need to. Unless you're going to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist (not social scientist), engineer, etc., you do not need to go to college and rack up 50,000 dollars in student loans pursuing a degree in Art History with a minor in Women's Studies or some other toxic hyper-political "progressive" BS.

Critical Pedagogy has infested the educational system, particularly educational psychology, and STEM-style objective analysis is being replaced with "critical thinking", i.e. being childishly argumentative.

Critical pedagogy - Wikipedia

"Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that has developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

What a load of anti-scientific, anti-Western, pseudo-intellectual horseshit.
It’s easy to create BS replies to BS scenarios.
That’s one of the reasons Republicans are so awful. They make up solutions to nonexistent problems.
The truth is the majority of Republicans feel college is bad for America because these people are not thoughtful people. After all they believe what Trump says. What kind of person believes what that liar says?
Worse, many Republicans want to be Donald Trump. They admire him.
Them’s the facts .

Stop trying to deflect onto Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that we have to import hundreds of thousands of STEM workers in the H1B program for the obvious reason that our pathetic American educational system is incapable of producing a sufficient number of them. They churn out swarms of SJW political activists that condemn Western Civilization (the crowning achievement of humanity), except can't produce problem solvers. Why is it that we require an H1B program for STEM majors and there is no corresponding program to import hundreds of thousands of gender studies or ethnic studies majors? We do not need bitchy little SJW political activists, we need calm, dispassionate, logical problem solvers. Political activism has no place in our educational system.

To be clear, my criticism is not of the teachers, it is of the underlying philosophy of the ivory tower Marxists and government bureaucrats in control of the system. Disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and returning control of the educational system to local communities is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Additionally, we should embrace home schooling, as it has proven effective overall.

Bullshit! H1B workers are paid less overall than American Workers which is why it was signed into law by daddy bush to increase corporate profits. Even tRump admitted that last year when he proposed (ended up being all fluff) limiting H1B visas to companies that pay less to foreign workers than US workers. Oracle stated: "For Indians that's good money." WOW!

Your idea that we have to hire foreigners to fill jobs is also complete bullshit. We currently have a glut of American computer science PhD's in this country, so much so that between 10% to 20% of them have to find jobs outside their field.

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are local schools going to receive federal subsidies?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are students going to receive loans and grants?

If you disband the United States Department of Education how are minority students going to get an education? Remember, it wasn't that long ago when the south had white only public schools.

You fail to address why there is no corresponding H1B program primarily interested in importing hundreds of thousands of liberal arts graduates.

Also, the number of graduates in CS and Engineering dropped from 2004 to 2014, whereas the number graduates in other areas grew by over 50%. This trend is disturbing. People need to stop bashing standardized tests and calling students that do well on them mindless drones in order to explain away educators inability to improved test scores of students. What evidence is there that the students scoring lower are more creative. Educators don't teach people to be creative. Some people simply are more creative than others by nature and it has nothing to do with education. Also, the reason most students flunk out of many STEM programs is not because they can't memorize enough information. It is because they struggle grasping concepts and applying them with good logical reasoning ability.

Everything about Critical Pedagogy, Postmodernism, or any new age leftist BS is wrong and counter-productive. We need to return to the traditional values of the Enlightenment period. A civilization advancing at a faster rate technologically than other countries is irrefutable proof that the core beliefs and base value system of that civilization is superior to those of others.

Also, LOL at crediting Jimmy Carter's 1979 Department of Education with de-segregating schools in the 1950s and 1960s. You know who deserves credit for de-segregating schools? The National Guard.

So you agree with me that worker visas need to be stopped.

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