Would you favor Trump dismissing all Dept. of Education Employees, effectively shutting it down?

Should Trump dismiss all DoE personnel and shut it down?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 55 90.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • That is unconstitutional.

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
Can someone name what in the fuck has this agency actually achieved? More drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history.

And it's most likely not an accident, they have entirely different motives to educating children.

States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.

The Department of Education doesn't run schools, they administrate Student loans, Pell Grants, Drafting laws (such as forbidding fraudulent schools like tRump University), and compiling statistics which are not favorable to red State schools, for instance, some of the lowest high school graduation rates in the US are; Mississippi, Arizona, Louisiana, Georgia, and Alaska.

Again, for the dumber people than ever, States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.
you just made the case for abolishing the dept of ed, because none of that is a constitutional authority,,,

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

The authority of congress to create a dept of education is an implied power not an an explicit power. Implied powers have been used to create a huge part of the government, the entire federal social welfare system, the president's cabinet, agencies such as the IRS, and establishment of the power of the Supreme Court to Overrule Congress and judicial review.

The key piece in the clause is the reference to the "general Welfare" being the justification necessitating the laying of taxes in the first place. The cause of general welfare for the population at large is advanced by educating the populace and preparing them for productive involvement in society upon graduation from school. This sentiment is mentioned specifically in the 1979 bill establishing the department.

The argument for constitutional authority to create the Dept of Education goes something like this.
  1. Congress has the right to promote the general welfare

  2. Congress can fund that effort through the laying of taxes

  3. Effective education of the population promotes individual welfare and is a boon to the economy at large

  4. Effective education of the population is best managed by a centralized department.
Therefore, Congress can create a Department of Education. Since it's created by implied power. Congress can remove the department at anytime. However at the same time it must also either repeal or provide for the functions of the department. In other words, congress would have to decide how the following functions of the department would be handled:
College Financial Aid
Management of the federal college loan portfolio
Pre-K funding
Educational Research
Educational Data Collection and comparisons between states
Enforcement and arbitration of civil rights issues in K-12 schools
Educational Vouchers
Nationwide competitive grants
National Report
Standardization of curriculum between states

How was the US able to create a Department of Education at the Federal level?

sorry but promote only means they can encourage it not provide it,,,,ie,,unconstitutional,,,

and since it has been a complete failure I don't see how it benefits the general welfare and in fact has caused the opposite of welfare benefit,,,not to mention it has become an indoctrination factory of socialist ideology which is in opposition to our constitution

shut it down while we still have a chance,,,

The constitution uses the word "provide" in the clause, not promote. The success of educational programs sponsored by the DOE is a matter of opinion. However, what is not opinion is the millions of low income students that have been able to go to college due to federal financial aid.

sorry but thats not opinion,,,and the fact that low incomers are benefiting is proof its not for the general welfare but for a small minority of the public,,,and most of them have a degree is useless bullshit that in no way benefit them or the public

as for the student loan program , all it has done is caused the price of tuition to skyrocket and put young people on the streets with huge debts and useless degrees,,

not to mention only about 25% of jobs require a college degree

so all in all its been a complete failure

you and your socialist friends need to mind your own business and stop stealing from the hard working people,,,
Can someone name what in the fuck has this agency actually achieved? More drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history.

And it's most likely not an accident, they have entirely different motives to educating children.

States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.

The Department of Education doesn't run schools, they administrate Student loans, Pell Grants, Drafting laws (such as forbidding fraudulent schools like tRump University), and compiling statistics which are not favorable to red State schools, for instance, some of the lowest high school graduation rates in the US are; Mississippi, Arizona, Louisiana, Georgia, and Alaska.

Again, for the dumber people than ever, States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.

Department of education has nothing to do with education?


We need the money to address the actual cause of the dumming down of the population - the 80 IQ migrants invading our country. Build the wall.

I'll rewrite for the dummies. The US Department of Education DOES NOT BUILD AND RUN SCHOOLS, they administrate Student loans, Pell Grants, Drafting laws (such as forbidding fraudulent schools like tRump University), and compiling statistics.
Can someone name what in the fuck has this agency actually achieved? More drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history.

And it's most likely not an accident, they have entirely different motives to educating children.

States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.

The Department of Education doesn't run schools, they administrate Student loans, Pell Grants, Drafting laws (such as forbidding fraudulent schools like tRump University), and compiling statistics which are not favorable to red State schools, for instance, some of the lowest high school graduation rates in the US are; Mississippi, Arizona, Louisiana, Georgia, and Alaska.

Again, for the dumber people than ever, States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.
you just made the case for abolishing the dept of ed, because none of that is a constitutional authority,,,

The United States Department of Education is not not unconstitutional.
States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.

The Department of Education doesn't run schools, they administrate Student loans, Pell Grants, Drafting laws (such as forbidding fraudulent schools like tRump University), and compiling statistics which are not favorable to red State schools, for instance, some of the lowest high school graduation rates in the US are; Mississippi, Arizona, Louisiana, Georgia, and Alaska.

Again, for the dumber people than ever, States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.
you just made the case for abolishing the dept of ed, because none of that is a constitutional authority,,,

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

The authority of congress to create a dept of education is an implied power not an an explicit power. Implied powers have been used to create a huge part of the government, the entire federal social welfare system, the president's cabinet, agencies such as the IRS, and establishment of the power of the Supreme Court to Overrule Congress and judicial review.

The key piece in the clause is the reference to the "general Welfare" being the justification necessitating the laying of taxes in the first place. The cause of general welfare for the population at large is advanced by educating the populace and preparing them for productive involvement in society upon graduation from school. This sentiment is mentioned specifically in the 1979 bill establishing the department.

The argument for constitutional authority to create the Dept of Education goes something like this.
  1. Congress has the right to promote the general welfare

  2. Congress can fund that effort through the laying of taxes

  3. Effective education of the population promotes individual welfare and is a boon to the economy at large

  4. Effective education of the population is best managed by a centralized department.
Therefore, Congress can create a Department of Education. Since it's created by implied power. Congress can remove the department at anytime. However at the same time it must also either repeal or provide for the functions of the department. In other words, congress would have to decide how the following functions of the department would be handled:
College Financial Aid
Management of the federal college loan portfolio
Pre-K funding
Educational Research
Educational Data Collection and comparisons between states
Enforcement and arbitration of civil rights issues in K-12 schools
Educational Vouchers
Nationwide competitive grants
National Report
Standardization of curriculum between states

How was the US able to create a Department of Education at the Federal level?

sorry but promote only means they can encourage it not provide it,,,,ie,,unconstitutional,,,

and since it has been a complete failure I don't see how it benefits the general welfare and in fact has caused the opposite of welfare benefit,,,not to mention it has become an indoctrination factory of socialist ideology which is in opposition to our constitution

shut it down while we still have a chance,,,

The constitution uses the word "provide" in the clause, not promote. The success of educational programs sponsored by the DOE is a matter of opinion. However, what is not opinion is the millions of low income students that have been able to go to college due to federal financial aid.

sorry but thats not opinion,,,and the fact that low incomers are benefiting is proof its not for the general welfare but for a small minority of the public,,,and most of them have a degree is useless bullshit that in no way benefit them or the public

as for the student loan program , all it has done is caused the price of tuition to skyrocket and put young people on the streets with huge debts and useless degrees,,

not to mention only about 25% of jobs require a college degree

so all in all its been a complete failure

you and your socialist friends need to mind your own business and stop stealing from the hard working people,,,
You are so wrong in your thinking that elevating the poorest in society does not benefit all. Poverty drags a nation down and the proven path out of poverty is education. What seperates this nation from our competition is a highly trained workforce. If we loose that, we've lost it all.
Can someone name what in the fuck has this agency actually achieved? More drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history.

And it's most likely not an accident, they have entirely different motives to educating children.

States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.

The Department of Education doesn't run schools, they administrate Student loans, Pell Grants, Drafting laws (such as forbidding fraudulent schools like tRump University), and compiling statistics which are not favorable to red State schools, for instance, some of the lowest high school graduation rates in the US are; Mississippi, Arizona, Louisiana, Georgia, and Alaska.

Again, for the dumber people than ever, States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.
you just made the case for abolishing the dept of ed, because none of that is a constitutional authority,,,

The United States Department of Education is not not unconstitutional.

yes it is,,,
you just made the case for abolishing the dept of ed, because none of that is a constitutional authority,,,

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

The authority of congress to create a dept of education is an implied power not an an explicit power. Implied powers have been used to create a huge part of the government, the entire federal social welfare system, the president's cabinet, agencies such as the IRS, and establishment of the power of the Supreme Court to Overrule Congress and judicial review.

The key piece in the clause is the reference to the "general Welfare" being the justification necessitating the laying of taxes in the first place. The cause of general welfare for the population at large is advanced by educating the populace and preparing them for productive involvement in society upon graduation from school. This sentiment is mentioned specifically in the 1979 bill establishing the department.

The argument for constitutional authority to create the Dept of Education goes something like this.
  1. Congress has the right to promote the general welfare

  2. Congress can fund that effort through the laying of taxes

  3. Effective education of the population promotes individual welfare and is a boon to the economy at large

  4. Effective education of the population is best managed by a centralized department.
Therefore, Congress can create a Department of Education. Since it's created by implied power. Congress can remove the department at anytime. However at the same time it must also either repeal or provide for the functions of the department. In other words, congress would have to decide how the following functions of the department would be handled:
College Financial Aid
Management of the federal college loan portfolio
Pre-K funding
Educational Research
Educational Data Collection and comparisons between states
Enforcement and arbitration of civil rights issues in K-12 schools
Educational Vouchers
Nationwide competitive grants
National Report
Standardization of curriculum between states

How was the US able to create a Department of Education at the Federal level?

sorry but promote only means they can encourage it not provide it,,,,ie,,unconstitutional,,,

and since it has been a complete failure I don't see how it benefits the general welfare and in fact has caused the opposite of welfare benefit,,,not to mention it has become an indoctrination factory of socialist ideology which is in opposition to our constitution

shut it down while we still have a chance,,,

The constitution uses the word "provide" in the clause, not promote. The success of educational programs sponsored by the DOE is a matter of opinion. However, what is not opinion is the millions of low income students that have been able to go to college due to federal financial aid.

sorry but thats not opinion,,,and the fact that low incomers are benefiting is proof its not for the general welfare but for a small minority of the public,,,and most of them have a degree is useless bullshit that in no way benefit them or the public

as for the student loan program , all it has done is caused the price of tuition to skyrocket and put young people on the streets with huge debts and useless degrees,,

not to mention only about 25% of jobs require a college degree

so all in all its been a complete failure

you and your socialist friends need to mind your own business and stop stealing from the hard working people,,,
You are so wrong in your thinking that elevating the poorest in society does not benefit all. Poverty drags a nation down and the proven path out of poverty is education. What seperates this nation from our competition is a highly trained workforce. If we loose that, we've lost it all.

sorry but anytime you give a hand out instead of a hand up you hurt everybody,,,

what should be done is like I did and worked for what I couldnt afford

and hate to break it to you but the poor will always be among us, no matter what you do,,,or how much you steal from me and give to others,,,the proof is all the welfare over the last 50 yrs and we not only still have poor but a lot more of them
Can someone name what in the fuck has this agency actually achieved? More drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history.

And it's most likely not an accident, they have entirely different motives to educating children.

States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.

The Department of Education doesn't run schools, they administrate Student loans, Pell Grants, Drafting laws (such as forbidding fraudulent schools like tRump University), and compiling statistics which are not favorable to red State schools, for instance, some of the lowest high school graduation rates in the US are; Mississippi, Arizona, Louisiana, Georgia, and Alaska.

Again, for the dumber people than ever, States and locals run schools, so if you have a problem with "more drop outs, dumber people than ever, some of the worst life decisions in history" you need to address those concerns to the States.

Department of education has nothing to do with education?


We need the money to address the actual cause of the dumming down of the population - the 80 IQ migrants invading our country. Build the wall.

I'll rewrite for the dummies. The US Department of Education DOES NOT BUILD AND RUN SCHOOLS, they administrate Student loans, Pell Grants, Drafting laws (such as forbidding fraudulent schools like tRump University), and compiling statistics.

and that is the reason it is unconstitutional and needs abolished,,,

and did you ever find the proof of your claim companys only pay 1.5% taxs???
Science screams that abortion is murder of a human being

Educators are suppose to go with science

Instead educators brainwashes the students AGAINST science

All educator leaders must get severe penalties for their crookedness
I will not comment one way or the other on your particular point....but...


You made at least 6 logical leaps in that post.

Carry on.



That's a Russki for your perspective. ;)
Educators today covers up science to keep abortion legal

Educators does not bring truth to students if so they would explain how polls show we learn that conservatism is better than liberalism

Comparing the inexperience 18 yr old vote compared to the 50-64 age group tells us this.

If 18 yr olds were told the truth. Yes they will still feel liberal but their mind tells them they will change when they learn and many then would not vote for liberals

Educators are disgusting liars
" Educators" Mis-leaders should be required to work for a min of 10 years before allowed entering the current system. It's full of 40-50-60 year old assholes in the same classrooms they were in as a kid.They never left !
Want to take Engineering ?
OK show us a journeyman's license in a trade, then enter school

Educators are disgusting liars

Needless to say, this is absurdly untrue.

Wrong dead wrong

Science has come on strong showing the fetus is a human being

Having its own DNA

Heartbeat very early


This is science screaming abortion is murder of a human being

Educators are suppose to go with science

But they brainwash students by covering up science

This has caused America a major problem a big imbalance of young to old

Educators are jndeed disgusting liars

Men will have to to ask themselves will they let women destroy the nation or will they stop them ??

The gender difference shows men are upset

Women's voting rights are hanging by a thread
Educators insane greed committed fraud on the nation by adding points to the sat test for college that they don't earn

That are educators robbing producer taxpayers to have more people to go to college and help keep their salaries high

Now many of these brainwashed students have worthless degrees with monster student debt

This proves educators have set up a money racket to rob students and the tax payers

Educators are corrupt to the core
There is no Department of Education in the Constitution. It never should have been created.

Let the States run education in their own States.

Shut down the unneeded DOE.

The constitution allows congress to create such departments.

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