Would you Follow Him and take his mark?

First off, that event will take place AFTER the rapture, which hasn't happened yet. This IS NOT IT. It might look like this in the future, but THIS IS NOT IT. NOT YET.

That futurism has been promoted by Cyrus Scofield and Prophet Hal Lindsey. It has no basis in scripture.
So one can repent of accepting the mark? So it's not the final act? So in effect accepting the mark is as meaningless as your thread.
Actually, no. Once someone received the mark, then it's too late.
Has nothing to do with the Catholic Church. Look at a map of the Roman Empire. They used Roman coin to buy and sell, but the Jews hated it.
I'm not sure what you are talking about, but the Catholic Church is called the "Roman Catholic Church" for a reason. I have a sneaking feeling that the New World Order and the AntiChrist mentioned in the bible will be involved heavily in the Roman Catholic Church.
I'm not sure what you are talking about, but the Catholic Church is called the "Roman Catholic Church" for a reason. I have a sneaking feeling that the New World Order and the AntiChrist mentioned in the bible will be involved heavily in the Roman Catholic Church.

Its a lie. It comes from the Darbyites and the Plymouth Brethren.

Scofield was a convicted felon hired by Samuel Untermyer to write a new Bible to promote Christian Zionism. He had no religious training but he did so in 3 months and went on to found the Dallas Theological Seminary .

They have turned out thousands of these preachers. Hal Lindsey tapped into it in the early 1970s.

Originally it was spread among the poor an uneducated during the Depression and Dust Bowl years by traveling tent revivals.
The Catholic church still has its fingers in everything...
They've modernized now
It is your sin that condemns you. No matter how much "good" you might do, God will still reject you unless you repent and receive Christ. You can't get more cut and dry than that.
That's not true. Jews will be judged by The Law, Gentiles will be judged outside of the Law....


God Judges Fairly
1If you judge someone else, you have no excuse for it. When you judge another person, you are judging yourself. You do the same things you blame others for doing. 2We know that when God judges those who do evil things, he judges fairly. 3Though you are only a human being, you judge others. But you yourself do the same things. So how do you think you will escape when God judges you? 4Do you disrespect God’s great kindness and favor? Do you disrespect God when he is patient with you? Don’t you realize that God’s kindness is meant to turn you away from your sins?
5But you are stubborn. In your heart you are not sorry for your sins. You are storing up anger against yourself. The day of God’s anger is coming. Then his way of judging fairly will be shown. 6God “will pay back each person in keeping with what they have done.” (Psalm 62:12; Proverbs 24:12) 7God will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good. They want glory, honor, and life that never ends. 8But there are others who only look out for themselves. They don’t accept the truth. They go astray. God will pour out his great anger on them. 9There will be trouble and suffering for everyone who does evil. That is meant first for the Jews. It is also meant for the Gentiles. 10But there will be glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good. That is meant first for the Jews. It is also meant for the Gentiles. 11God treats everyone the same.
12Some people do not know God’s law when they sin. They will not be judged by the law when they die. Others do know God’s law when they sin. They will be judged by the law. 13Hearing the law does not make a person right with God. People are considered to be right with God only when they obey the law. 14Gentiles do not have the law. Sometimes they just naturally do what the law requires. They are a law for themselves. This is true even though they don’t have the law. 15They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts. The way their minds judge them proves this fact. Sometimes their thoughts find them guilty. At other times their thoughts find them not guilty. 16This will happen on the day God appoints Jesus Christ to judge people’s secret thoughts. That’s part of my good news.
The Jews and the Law
17Suppose you call yourself a Jew. You trust in the law. You brag that you know God. 18You know what God wants. You agree with what is best because the law teaches you. 19You think you know so much more than the people you teach. You think you’re helping blind people. You think you are a light for those in the dark. 20You think you can make foolish people wise. You act like you’re teaching little children. You think that the law gives you all knowledge and truth. 21You claim to teach others, but you don’t even teach yourself! You preach against stealing. But you steal! 22You say that people should not commit adultery. But you commit adultery! You hate statues of gods. But you rob temples! 23You brag about the law. But when you break it, you rob God of his honor! 24It is written, “The Gentiles say evil things against God’s name because of you.” (Isaiah 52:5; Ezekiel 36:22)
25Circumcision has value if you obey the law. But if you break the law, it is just as if you hadn’t been circumcised. 26And sometimes those who aren’t circumcised do what the law requires. Won’t God accept them as if they had been circumcised? 27Many are not circumcised physically, but they obey the law. They will prove that you are guilty. You are breaking the law, even though you have the written law and are circumcised.
28A person is not a Jew if they are a Jew only on the outside. And circumcision is more than just something done to the outside of a man’s body. 29No, a person is a Jew only if they are a Jew on the inside. And true circumcision means that the heart has been circumcised by the Holy Spirit. The person whose heart has been circumcised does more than obey the written law. The praise that matters for that kind of person does not come from other people. It comes from God

With the advent of RFID technology, a literal "stamp" would not be that far fetched, as the world is headed full tilt into a cashless society and discrimination against Christians becomes more prevalent, no matter what these Leftist kooks say, unless you are saved, born again, and heaven bound, there is no hope for mankind.
The Mark of the Beast as symbolized in Revelation..........is the forced worship of the Roman Empire and bowing down to the Caesar's as gods. Christians during the time period of John's Revelation were being persecuted for not worshiping the Empire and participating in the many pagan traditions of Rome.

The symbolism points out that the "Dragon".....Satan (Rev. 13: 2,4) had been given authority to THE BEAST to wage war on Christianity (Rev. 13:7) and a great many people ended up worshiping the Beast/Empire (Rev. 13:4)

This time period ranged from about 64AD - 313AD. When the great fire of Rome occurred in 64 Nero placed the blame on the Christians and began persecuting them. After this first wave of persecutions the Christians enjoyed a brief period of peace under the thumb of Rome until the time of Emperor Domitian (81-96) who once again was determined to put an end to Christianity and its rejection of Roman pagan traditions. It was not until the year 313 that Christianity was finally made legal within the Roman Empire as proclaimed by Constantine.

The BEAST....i.e., ROME persecuted and murdered Christians for almost 250 years.........thus the Tribulations.

What about the "666" symbolism? In scripture the numbers "3" and "7" often refer to that which is perfect/complete. That is perfect to God as referenced in (Rev. 1:4, 11-13, 16, 20; 5:1,6). The number "6" refers to that which is not perfect/incomplete because it falls short of "7" that is complete/perfect. Thus when you see "666" that is making reference to something that is (in an oxymoronic term) COMPLETELY INCOMPLETE.

The scriptures state, "Here is wisdom; Let him who is with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of man (inversely.........not of God); and his number is six hundred and sixty six (or that which is incomplete)." (Rev. 13:8). Remember the book of Revelation is a book of symbolism not literalism. Everyone who desired to worship man instead of God.......The pagan Roman's of the Empire...etc., would never find perfection or completion as they would in worshiping the God of Creation. By application of modern times in symbolizing this message found in Revelation one would conclude that the number "666" is already upon all those who follow human secularism or other false religions around the world......always searching for perfection but limited by man's incompleteness.

As the scriptures state........when men attempt to direct guide themselves without consulting the wisdom that comes from God they are walking this life in blindness. "O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." -- Jer.10:23
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The Mark of the Beast as symbolized in Revelation..........is the forced worship of the Roman Empire and bowing down to the Caesar's as gods. Christians during the time period of John's Revelation were being persecuted for not worshiping the Empire and participating in the many pagan traditions of Rome.

The symbolism points out that the "Dragon".....Satan (Rev. 13: 2,4) had been given authority to THE BEAST to wage war on Christianity (Rev. 13:7) and a great many people ended up worshiping the Beast/Empire (Rev. 13:4)

This time period ranged from about 64AD - 313AD. When the great fire of Rome occurred in 64 Nero placed the blame on the Christians and began persecuting them. After this first wave of persecutions the Christians enjoyed a brief period of peace under the thumb of Rome until the time of Emperor Domitian (81-96) who once again was determined to put an end to Christianity and its rejection of Roman pagan traditions. It was not until the year 313 that Christianity was finally made legal within the Roman Empire as proclaimed by Constantine.

The BEAST....i.e., ROME persecuted and murdered Christians for almost 250 years.........thus the Tribulations.

What about the "666" symbolism? In scripture the numbers "3" and "7" often refer to that which is perfect/complete. That is perfect to God as referenced in (Rev. 1:4, 11-13, 16, 20; 5:1,6). The number "6" refers to that which is not perfect/incomplete because it falls short of "7" that is complete/perfect. Thus when you see "666" that is making reference to something that is (in an oxymoronic term) COMPLETELY INCOMPLETE.

The scriptures state, "Here is wisdom; Let him who is with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of man (inversely.........not of God); and his number is six hundred and sixty six (or that which is incomplete)." (Rev. 13:8). Remember the book of Revelation is a book of symbolism not literalism. Everyone who desired to worship man instead of God.......The pagan Roman's of the Empire...etc., would never find perfection or completion as they would in worshiping the God of Creation. By application of modern times in symbolizing this message found in Revelation one would conclude that the number "666" is already upon all those who follow human secularism or other false religions around the world......always searching for perfection but limited by man's incompleteness.

As the scriptures state........when men attempt to direct guide themselves without consulting the wisdom that comes from God they are walking this life in blindness. "O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." -- Jer.10:23

Many scholars think the tribulation came in 66 AD.. because Jesus told them when they saw the Abomination of Desolation as talked about during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes his followers should flee to the mountains to avoid the tribulation. So they did. They fled to Pella.
Many scholars think the tribulation came in 66 AD.. because Jesus told them when they saw the Abomination of Desolation as talked about during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes his followers should flee to the mountains to avoid the tribulation. So they did. They fled to Pella.
It was in 64AD that the great fire of Rome occurred with Nero blaming the Christians and their new God for the damage .......indeed 66AD falls within the correct time frame as Rome took retribution upon all those who stood opposed to Rome. It was 70AD when Rome completely destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem.
It was in 64AD that the great fire of Rome occurred with Nero blaming the Christians and their new God for the damage .......indeed 66AD falls within the correct time frame as Rome took retribution upon all those who stood opposed to Rome. It was 70AD when Rome completely destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem.

Yes, I know.. however during the time of Antiochus IV he too defiled the Temple and that was also called the Abomination of Desolation.. That time was followed by the Maccabean Revolt that followed and a rededication of the Temple. Jesus tells them when you see that happening again flee to the mountains. The tribulation was local but it must have been horrible.
Yes, I know.. however during the time of Antiochus IV he too defiled the Temple and that was also called the Abomination of Desolation.. That time was followed by the Maccabean Revolt that followed and a rededication of the Temple. Jesus tells them when you see that happening again flee to the mountains. The tribulation was local but it must have been horrible.
As detailed.........Christians, wherever they were located within the Roman Empire faced great Tribulation/Persecution for a time period of about 250 years, until Constantine, on his death bed in 337 made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Not bad for a simple religion that began with a "Carpenter's Son" and 12 close friends.....that first consumed the Roman Empire and now has engulfed over 1/3 the world's population?
As detailed.........Christians, wherever they were located within the Roman Empire faced great Tribulation/Persecution for a time period of about 250 years, until Constantine, on his death bed in 337 made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

The Romans worshipped many gods and conquered many lands. They basically didn't care about the Jesus followers. They thought they were just another Jewish sect.

The key here is too look specifically at the brief periods of persecution and where that happened.

The Romans didn't give a fig about how the Jews worshipped as long as they paid their taxes.

Depending on the Jewish faction many got on famously with the Romans. Remember Herod's granddaughter was the mistress of Titus.
Its a lie. It comes from the Darbyites and the Plymouth Brethren.

Scofield was a convicted felon hired by Samuel Untermyer to write a new Bible to promote Christian Zionism. He had no religious training but he did so in 3 months and went on to found the Dallas Theological Seminary .

They have turned out thousands of these preachers. Hal Lindsey tapped into it in the early 1970s.

Originally it was spread among the poor an uneducated during the Depression and Dust Bowl years by traveling tent revivals.
I'm not a theologian, and I don't plan on becoming one. I can say however, that from what I have read in the KJV has taught me the timeline of what's to happen. All we need now is the rapture, and those events will kick off. Not one moment sooner.
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I'm not a theologian, and I don't plan on becoming one. I can say however, that from what I have read in the KJV has taught me the timeline of what's to happen. All we need now is the rapture, and those events will kick off. Not one moment sooner.
And those that claim that the events occurred during Nero's time forget that Christ hasn't returned yet.
It is your sin that condemns you. No matter how much "good" you might do, God will still reject you unless you repent and receive Christ. You can't get more cut and dry than that.
So the mark has nothing to do with anything. Well that's a relief. But you kind of just made your own thread worthless.
The Mark of the Beast is Roman coin embossed with the likeness of Caesar. First Century NOT future.

Sorry Preterist, unlike your Bible mine is a living thing , not a simple history book or an allegorically useless jumble of words.

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