Would you get on your knees and swear allegiance to America and the flag?

I can sympathize with that perspective. We are a failed state. The only thing holding us together is a currency and the 14 Aircraft Carrier Groups that ensure it's value.

That is the result of corruption among the banking elite and criminal sociopath lawyers that have no real interest in law unless it can be used as a weapon.

I still believe in the USA and that it can be restored if significant elements of corruption can be removed. To do so would of course have extreme consequences that would be felt immediately and long term suffering for many who already do not understand nor appreciate life in a free society.

It's too bad society left it up to government to clean up the trash.
My wife and I were both born in 1947.

I made the comment to her awhile back that we were born in the greatest country on earth but we will die in a shithole.

The Leftest scum have destroyed this country.

I don't think the Constitution can be restored at the ballot box. We are too far gone in addition to the fact the Leftest have learned how to steal elections, Even if the elections are honest (unlikely) there have been millions of damn Illegals that have invaded and will swing the voting demographics. That is why Potatohead opened up the border.

We don't have the courage to do the right thing and do what our Founding Fathers enabled us to do and dispatch the tyrants. We should have done it with the stolen 2020 election but instead all we did was a four hour protest with selfies in the Pelosi office.

We are screwed. The greedy little Leftest shit have control of the Treasury and they will raid it until the economy is destroyed. In the meantime there will be more oppression. Our children and grandchildren will never know Liberty.
My wife and I were both born in 1947.

I made the comment to her awhile back that we were born in the greatest country on earth but we will die in a shithole.

The Leftest scum have destroyed this country.

I don't think the Constitution can be restored at the ballot box. We are too far gone in addition to the fact the Leftest have learned how to steal elections, Even if the elections are honest (unlikely) there have been millions of damn Illegals that have invaded and will swing the voting demographics. That is why Potatohead opened up the border.

We don't have the courage to do the right thing and do what our Founding Fathers enabled us to do and dispatch the tyrants. We should have done it with the stolen 2020 election but instead all we did was a four hour protest with selfies in the Pelosi office.

We are screwed. The greedy little Leftest shit have control of the Treasury and they will raid it until the economy is destroyed. In the meantime there will be more oppression. Our children and grandchildren will never know Liberty.
I was born in 74, so I never got to experience the liberty you did in that era nor the lack of convience I enjoy now. Still I don't even view the pending collapse of the empire as all that bad anyway. This country needs another good enema. If it takes another massive conflict to upset the power structure currently running the country and the lights go out for a few years, we won't be left with a horde of jabbering bed wetters in the streets.

We go from this...🤮🤮🤮🤮


To Nature...🌲🏵️🌿🌺💐🌻🍀🏞️🐸

After all, these moonbats are fugitives of natural selection. They're the weakest links and they infest the cities. Once the dollar becomes worthless they're going to eat each other just like commie oligarchs do at the tops of their food chains.
I was born in 74, so I never got to experience the liberty you did in that era nor the lack of convience I enjoy now. Still I don't even view the pending collapse of the empire as all that bad anyway. This country needs another good enema. If it takes another massive conflict to upset the power structure currently running the country and the lights go out for a few years, we won't be left with a horde of jabbering bed wetters in the streets.

We go from this...🤮🤮🤮🤮


To Nature...🌲🏵️🌿🌺💐🌻🍀🏞️🐸

After all, these moonbats are fugitives of natural selection. They're the weakest links and they infest the cities. Once the dollar becomes worthless they're going to eat each other just like commie oligarchs do at the tops of their food chains.
The 1950s were a great time to be a kid in the US. The 1960s a great time to be a teenager and young adult. Probably the best time in American history.

The problem is that we will not have a revolution to purge the Leftest shitasses. It will be gradual denigration and before we know it we are a soulless morally bankrupt Socialist shithole with everybody poorer and no chance of ever getting out of it. Look at what California has become to a model for the US,

I think our chance was the stolen 2020 election. We should have had a million armed man march on DC and removed the assholes that stole the election from the American people. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted us to tar and feather the tryants. But we didn't and we won't the next time. We will let our Democracy destroy our Liberty one bite at a time.
The 1950s were a great time to be a kid in the US. The 1960s a great time to be a teenager and young adult. Probably the best time in American history.

The problem is that we will not have a revolution to purge the Leftest shitasses. It will be gradual denigration and before we know it we are a soulless morally bankrupt Socialist shithole with everybody poorer and no chance of ever getting out of it. Look at what California has become to a model for the US,

I think our chance was the stolen 2020 election. We should have had a million armed man march on DC and removed the assholes that stole the election from the American people. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted us to tar and feather the tryants. But we didn't and we won't the next time. We will let our Democracy destroy our Liberty one bite at a time.
I wonder if that wasn't anticipated yet never manifested to the surprise of the globalists who hoped they had some real events coming they could use as an excuse to further their tyranny. Instead they're taunting us with this clown world reality show amazed every day that some idiot hasn't done something to make headlines or even shed a drop of blood. The march you spoke of should have occurred April 20th 1993 and carried on until Nov 8th after several hundred military tribunals and short helicopter flights.
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Even seeing an American Flag causes me extreme anger and anxiety. The Stalin Dems have destroyed America forever and turned into the Khmer Rouge
Calm yourself. Take your pain meds and don't get carried away. Try to remember how great it is in your new city and for God's sake, try to level out those mood swings!

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