Would you get on your knees and swear allegiance to America and the flag?

Absolutely. Anyone who did not, should be removed immediately
I happily swear allegiance to the USA. I have sworn to protect her, and was given no expiration date on that oath. I will stand when I hear the National Anthem.

But I won't get on my knees. For two reasons:
1) I do not kneel. I am not below any part of the USA.
2) I stand tall and proud to be an American. I will not kneel like I am bowing to something outside of me. I AM the USA. Me and millions like me.
I did in the past but not anymore.

I have no alligence to this banana republic we live in now. Where the queer flag flies over the White House, we destroy history and we have no borders.

Let me add a few things too what you said

1) Zero HONEST Soviet MEDIA
2) Fake Elections
3) Little Law enforcement
4) Mass Censorship on every level.
5) Zero opposition party
6) Stasi like FBI
I kneel for nothing on this earth.

But I will salute the flag, I will respect the flag and what it stood for when the nation was founded, I'll stand at attention. And I already fought it for once and I'll do it again if it comes down to it.
I salute the VALUES of the Republic and the Constitution, as they are truly holy and inspired by belief in something greater than the individual and greater than any mortal leader. Saluting the Flag, in spite of being a symbol of our great nation.... It's really not much different than saluting graven image. It is the ideals morals and principles which I salute. NOTHING more. I will not allow myself to become so defensive of a graven image that it becomes more important than the actual "Republic for which it stands".

Yes... I certainly have gotten on my knees and sworn allegiance as well as a blood oath to the Flag, the COTUS and my fellow Patriots.

More times than I can count. In fact the impact has left a lasting reminder.

I did in the past but not anymore.

I have no alligence to this banana republic we live in now. Where the queer flag flies over the White House, we destroy history and we have no borders.
I can sympathize with that perspective. We are a failed state. The only thing holding us together is a currency and the 14 Aircraft Carrier Groups that ensure it's value.

That is the result of corruption among the banking elite and criminal sociopath lawyers that have no real interest in law unless it can be used as a weapon.

I still believe in the USA and that it can be restored if significant elements of corruption can be removed. To do so would of course have extreme consequences that would be felt immediately and long term suffering for many who already do not understand nor appreciate life in a free society.

It's too bad society left it up to government to clean up the trash.
Blind allegiance, dependence on the state, and not being allowed to question government worked out well for Germany in 1933 and from then on everyone else.
What is your reference point?
Or is this just a general question out of the blue?

America wasn't built on, or for, people being on their knees. It was built for people who stand up for themselves, fight tyranny, and help those who cannot help themselves, when they need a boost.

Which is something thats been lost over the decades.
He's demented.

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