Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house?

FUCK no. Not until I have the trap door installed.

On second thought --- maybe. Since I have no TV he'd be lost with nothing to do. He'd be forced to deal with the real world.

No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.

Here it is...yet another “I’m way smarter than a billionaire” post...haha
You can’t really wonder why nobody takes you serious...do you?
By the way...you should be thanking God that Americans are captivated by television...there would be far fewer LefTards if MTV, The Kardashian’s, Hollywood and CNN couldn’t indoctrinate today’s disgusting youth.
Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?

No. And I have to say he's the first president I'd say that about. With the rest, I'm might not have liked their policies, but I'd be curious see what they're like in person.

It's just a personality thing for me. Trump is the kind of blow-hard I've done my best to avoid my whole life.

Yeah, Dubya was a likable enough fellow to have over for a barbecue. Trump? I'd likely box his orange nose before the coals were ready to go.
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Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?

No. And I have to say he's the first president I'd say that about. With the rest, I'm might not have liked their policies, but I'd be curious see what they're like in person.

It's just a personality thing for me. Trump is the kind of blow-hard I've done my best to avoid my whole life.

Yeah, Dubya was a likable enough fellow to have over for a barbecue. Trump? I'd box his orange nose before the coals were ready to go.

I’m pretty sure you’d get your ass handed to you by the 72 year old badass. Your gender confused ass in your pink Britney Spears half shirt couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag.
I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.

So....you don't watch sports? OK....Thanks Pigo.

Yeah I do. I stream them. :piss2:

Sports is the most honest thing there is on television. Or more correctly, the least-dishonest.

You know what I really enjoyed streaming?

The Iggles trouncing Marcia Brady and the Pats into the ground. Hehe.

Do you cheer when some of the NFL players take a knee during the anthem?

That's not on TV. Go read my posts from like the last year on exactly that topic.

As well as the ones about Marcia Brady.

Member this play?

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.

So....you don't watch sports? OK....Thanks Pigo.

Yeah I do. I stream them. :piss2:

Sports is the most honest thing there is on television. Or more correctly, the least-dishonest.

You know what I really enjoyed streaming?

The Iggles trouncing Marcia Brady and the Pats into the ground. Hehe.

Do you cheer when some of the NFL players take a knee during the anthem?

Not something either to cheer about OR get one's panties in a twist. As long as they aren't flipping off the flag or taking a dump on the sideline, I could care less what they do during the anthem.
FUCK no. Not until I have the trap door installed.

On second thought --- maybe. Since I have no TV he'd be lost with nothing to do. He'd be forced to deal with the real world.

No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.

Here it is...yet another “I’m way smarter than a billionaire” post...haha
You can’t really wonder why nobody takes you serious...do you?
By the way...you should be thanking God that Americans are captivated by television...there would be far fewer LefTards if MTV, The Kardashian’s, Hollywood and CNN couldn’t indoctrinate today’s disgusting youth.

You're actually sitting on a message board trying to equate "smarts" with "money"?

Looks like you're lacking both. :itsok:
FUCK no. Not until I have the trap door installed.

On second thought --- maybe. Since I have no TV he'd be lost with nothing to do. He'd be forced to deal with the real world.

No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.

Here it is...yet another “I’m way smarter than a billionaire” post...haha
You can’t really wonder why nobody takes you serious...do you?
By the way...you should be thanking God that Americans are captivated by television...there would be far fewer LefTards if MTV, The Kardashian’s, Hollywood and CNN couldn’t indoctrinate today’s disgusting youth.

Until Trump gives us ten years of his taxes and we figure out his debt to Russia, I'll continue to believe that he's worth a few hundred million at best. Which as we all know, he inherited from Daddy.
FUCK no. Not until I have the trap door installed.

On second thought --- maybe. Since I have no TV he'd be lost with nothing to do. He'd be forced to deal with the real world.

No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.
Arguing on the internet is better than the Visual arts? ehhhhhh
FUCK no. Not until I have the trap door installed.

On second thought --- maybe. Since I have no TV he'd be lost with nothing to do. He'd be forced to deal with the real world.

No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.
Thats such a pessimistic view of something as simple as enjoying some entertainment. You need your bootyhole loosened. I know MDK on a first name basis...lemme have him PM you
Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?

No. And I have to say he's the first president I'd say that about. With the rest, I'm might not have liked their policies, but I'd be curious see what they're like in person.

It's just a personality thing for me. Trump is the kind of blow-hard I've done my best to avoid my whole life.

Yeah, Dubya was a likable enough fellow to have over for a barbecue. Trump? I'd box his orange nose before the coals were ready to go.

I’m pretty sure you’d get your ass handed to you by the 72 year old badass. Your gender confused ass in your pink Britney Spears half shirt couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag.

I'm 12 years younger, 6-5, 230 (50 pounds lighter minimally) and in shape. Donald couldn't run from home plate to first base. Bad bet my friend. :)
FUCK no. Not until I have the trap door installed.

On second thought --- maybe. Since I have no TV he'd be lost with nothing to do. He'd be forced to deal with the real world.

No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.
Arguing on the internet is better than the Visual arts? ehhhhhh

Oh no you can't see what else I'm doing on the internets..... :muahaha:
FUCK no. Not until I have the trap door installed.

On second thought --- maybe. Since I have no TV he'd be lost with nothing to do. He'd be forced to deal with the real world.

No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.
Arguing on the internet is better than the Visual arts? ehhhhhh

Oh no you can't see what else I'm doing on the internets..... :muahaha:
Both hands on the table when talking to me, Mr. kavanaugh
No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.

Here it is...yet another “I’m way smarter than a billionaire” post...haha
You can’t really wonder why nobody takes you serious...do you?
By the way...you should be thanking God that Americans are captivated by television...there would be far fewer LefTards if MTV, The Kardashian’s, Hollywood and CNN couldn’t indoctrinate today’s disgusting youth.

You're actually sitting on a message board trying to equate "smarts" with "money"?

Looks like you're lacking both. :itsok:

I’m sure that’s never been said by introverted word nerds who read encyclopedias for fun. I know your type, you’re always the smartest person in the room...just ask you.
I wonder what percentage of billionaires are stupid?
Remember, the awesome creature shown below will tell you he’s got it all figured out, he’s got life by the balls and everybody else is stupid.
FUCK no. Not until I have the trap door installed.

On second thought --- maybe. Since I have no TV he'd be lost with nothing to do. He'd be forced to deal with the real world.

No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.
Thats such a pessimistic view of something as simple as enjoying some entertainment. You need your bootyhole loosened. I know MDK on a first name basis...lemme have him PM you

Not at all, it's reality. As far as entertainment, radio is infinitely superior to television. A radio broadcast lets you imagine the scenery and the characters, lets you walk about, drive about, whatever you want as you go. Television on the other hand commands a zombie sponge-state, completely inactive, and it then dictates that scenery and those characters. It's a hypnotist.

Walk into a room where people have a TV on and instead of looking at the TV with the rest of them, look at the watchers and notice what you see. Zombies. The Undead. Sponges soaking up whatever is dictated by a tool whose sole purpose is to sell you shit you don't need. It's just not a position that floats my boat. I spent way too many years in broadcasting to not notice.
Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?

No. And I have to say he's the first president I'd say that about. With the rest, I'm might not have liked their policies, but I'd be curious see what they're like in person.

It's just a personality thing for me. Trump is the kind of blow-hard I've done my best to avoid my whole life.

Yeah, Dubya was a likable enough fellow to have over for a barbecue. Trump? I'd box his orange nose before the coals were ready to go.

I’m pretty sure you’d get your ass handed to you by the 72 year old badass. Your gender confused ass in your pink Britney Spears half shirt couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag.

I'm 12 years younger, 6-5, 230 (50 pounds lighter minimally) and in shape. Donald couldn't run from home plate to first base. Bad bet my friend. :)

That's a good idea. I'd take him for a walk up my back yard. Straight uphill to the Blue Ridge. He'll huff, and he'll puff, and he'll fall down. Then when we get to the top I tell him about the bears.
No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.
Thats such a pessimistic view of something as simple as enjoying some entertainment. You need your bootyhole loosened. I know MDK on a first name basis...lemme have him PM you

Not at all, it's reality. As far as entertainment, radio is infinitely superior to television. A radio broadcast lets you imagine the scenery and the characters, lets you walk about, drive about, whatever you want as you go. Television on the other hand commands a zombie sponge-state, completely inactive, and it then dictates that scenery and those characters. It's a hypnotist.

Walk into a room where people have a TV on and instead of looking at the TV with the rest of them, look at the watchers and notice what you see. Zombies. The Undead. Sponges soaking up whatever is dictated by a tool whose sole purpose is to sell you shit you don't need. It's just not a position that floats my boat. I spent way too many years in broadcasting to not notice.
All that is, is a rationalization of a superiority complex in the context of the Arts. People can't watch TV and not buy things... or become propogandized...? That's pessimism, and ridiculous. It's also why advertizing doesnt magically net you 100% of viewers as new customers...no, the % is far more grim than that, and millions are spent on achieving just that tiny percentage, too, because people arent as stupid as Pogo's complex has built them up to be.

To me, you just typed in several ways that you need to be in charge of every painting painted.....your imagination always has to play a role...& that's just implied narcissism..at maximum...a control freak at minimum. I enjoy what other folks' depictions of things looks like, and I find no fault in that whatsoever.
No TV? I’ll bet you have splitters on your ass from the wooden seat in your outhouse too.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno:
But at least I have enough sense to not piss my life away in front of fucking television.

I have some expensive microphones. I'd be afraid he'd snort all over them.

Instead you piss it away in front of a computer posting nonsense? Thanks, Pigo.

I'm actually at work. Right now. Nevertheless a computer for what it's worth is interactive. A fucking television sits you down like a sponge and dictates everything into your senses. You don't get to send or say or do a thing, you just sit down and shut up and assume the position and take it. It's the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. I don't need that shit around me.

Some are too dim to see that, and Rump is one of those dimbulbs. So it'd be interesting to watch him freak out with the umbilical cord cut.
Thats such a pessimistic view of something as simple as enjoying some entertainment. You need your bootyhole loosened. I know MDK on a first name basis...lemme have him PM you

Not at all, it's reality. As far as entertainment, radio is infinitely superior to television. A radio broadcast lets you imagine the scenery and the characters, lets you walk about, drive about, whatever you want as you go. Television on the other hand commands a zombie sponge-state, completely inactive, and it then dictates that scenery and those characters. It's a hypnotist.

Walk into a room where people have a TV on and instead of looking at the TV with the rest of them, look at the watchers and notice what you see. Zombies. The Undead. Sponges soaking up whatever is dictated by a tool whose sole purpose is to sell you shit you don't need. It's just not a position that floats my boat. I spent way too many years in broadcasting to not notice.

Pigo, are you like 70 yrs old?
I would. But I would hide my valuables, have no one younger than 35 be alone with him and wear those disposable medical gloves when I shake his hands.

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