Would you support Jeb Bush for president in 2016?

Would you support Jeb Bush for president in 2016?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 21.4%
  • No

    Votes: 66 78.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Every patriotic American would vote for Jeb Bush.

wahh, patriotic americans only include hypocritical religious dimwits who want things their way, instead of wanting freedom, justice, democracy, and the values of which America were founded and based on.

Religious freedom? Only if it's for christianity.
If you got another religion or simply have no beliefs, you are violating their "religious rights" for just existing.

What a hack.

You can't deny that socialist liberals are trying to make the US a muslim nation with sharia laws. Their war on Christians has been taking away our First amendment rights to freedom of religion for decades.

are you a liberal trying to make the right look really stupid?
The Bush name is still too toxic for a run at the White House. And Jeb cannot garner enough support among the right wing crazies to win the crucial primaries. And would the GOP run another centrist government insider type after getting their collective heads handed to them in both 2008 and 2012?
Jeb Bush was a good governor of Florida.
Might even make a good President, but there is no way in hell he could win an election with the Bush name. So for that reason I would not support his candidacy.
Barely past this last election and you're already daydreaming about '16?

Guessing since Obamageddon isn't going as planned, and the nation is on to his bullshit, any port in a storm, hunh?

No, not personally but I like him better than any of the Repub choices of recent years including his brother George W. I don't know what's gotten into Republicans with the candidates they've been putting before the American people.
Even though Jeb is more articulate than W., he is still an establishment republican and a new world order kind of guy. I would not support him.

"...more articulate than W..."

Who isn't?

No more Bushits!
I think this nation has seen more than enough of the BUSH family.
Outside of Florida, JB has kept a low profile politically. I haven't heard a whole lot about him and don't know where he stands on a lot of issues. He may be exactly like his daddy and older brother, but then again he may not. For that reason I'm not going to lump him in with them just yet.
I'm also going to wait until I do get better info before I answer the OP.
Its a shame Huntsman will never get a fair shake. Its funny, the same thing that makes him the best choice (his intelligence) is the same reason the base of the GOP rejects him. Idk though.. HBU?

I'm not so sure you can count Huntsman out permanently. He's only 53 or so, and there's no way of knowing how long the absolutist loons are going to be in control of the party. He could even possibly be a VP pick, who knows.

Nope. I'm over and done voting for the 'lesser of two evils'. The R's have lost me unless they get back to their smaller government, fiscal conservative roots.
Every patriotic American would vote for Jeb Bush.

wahh, patriotic americans only include hypocritical religious dimwits who want things their way, instead of wanting freedom, justice, democracy, and the values of which America were founded and based on.

Religious freedom? Only if it's for christianity.
If you got another religion or simply have no beliefs, you are violating their "religious rights" for just existing.

What a hack.

You can't deny that socialist liberals are trying to make the US a muslim nation with sharia laws. Their war on Christians has been taking away our First amendment rights to freedom of religion for decades.

Watch me. :eusa_snooty:

The only thing more repugnant to this average liberal than the Conservative Judeo-Christian Agenda is the Conservative Muslim Agenda.

At this point in our evolution the free secularists have just about slapped down the J-C agenda, and us Monkeys are blessed by some Deity somewhere that the Muslims are bogged down with Shiite on Sunni violence and the inevitable reciprocation.

The Internet is a game changer and you Monkeys might just make it to the stars yet.

Education, education, education.
Jeb Bush was a good governor of Florida.
Might even make a good President, but there is no way in hell he could win an election with the Bush name. So for that reason I would not support his candidacy.

I agree. The Bush name is still toxic.

Jeb was a great Gov in Florida and has way more experience than that fuck that currently occupies the WH. But like you, I don't think he can get past the Bush name. Personally I doubt Bush will run anyway.

If he made it I would definetly vote for him but doubt that will happen.

If I were the Dems I'd be more concerned with who they will run in 2016. 2008 was Clintons year and she got thrown under the bus for that fuck Obama. I doubt she will even run again.
Jeb Bush was a good governor of Florida.
Might even make a good President, but there is no way in hell he could win an election with the Bush name. So for that reason I would not support his candidacy.

I agree. The Bush name is still toxic.

Jeb was a great Gov in Florida and has way more experience than that fuck that currently occupies the WH. But like you, I don't think he can get past the Bush name. Personally I doubt Bush will run anyway.

If he made it I would definetly vote for him but doubt that will happen.

If I were the Dems I'd be more concerned with who they will run in 2016. 2008 was Clintons year and she got thrown under the bus for that fuck Obama. I doubt she will even run again.

This nation has seen enough of the Clintons, too.
You can't deny that socialist liberals are trying to make the US a muslim nation with sharia laws.


There is a poster on this board who thinks that ol' CaGOPatriot is a lefty plant, just trying to make conservatives look as loony and goofy as possible.

That poster may be right.

wahh, patriotic americans only include hypocritical religious dimwits who want things their way, instead of wanting freedom, justice, democracy, and the values of which America were founded and based on.

Religious freedom? Only if it's for christianity.
If you got another religion or simply have no beliefs, you are violating their "religious rights" for just existing.

What a hack.

You can't deny that socialist liberals are trying to make the US a muslim nation with sharia laws. Their war on Christians has been taking away our First amendment rights to freedom of religion for decades.
How exactly are we trying for sharia law? Can you back up this bullshit in any way?

Eh, please run Ol Jeb. Hillary cant wait. :eusa_whistle:

Clinton -vs- Bush? :eusa_eh:

Yeah... I'm that warped...
:dunno: WYGD?

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