Would you support Jeb Bush for president in 2016?

Would you support Jeb Bush for president in 2016?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 21.4%
  • No

    Votes: 66 78.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The nation doesnt agree with you on that one

You aren't the nation. Neither is the media. The fact that we have President Obama and not President Clinton right now seriously undermines your argument here.

pretending you are right when your wrong is stupid.

Have you seen the polls on a Hillary run?

Nope Dont care about them. I expect them to be as accurate as the polls that said she would beat Rudy Guiliani to become President in 2008.
It's not a simple "yes or no" question...

As always, I will support the candidate who best represents my beliefs regardless of party affiliation.

So you're going to vote for yourself again?;)
This thread is mostly to help gauge how much Bush fatigue is out there. I suspect a lot.

Current Poll Numbers:

Yes 11, No 37
If Jeb Bush runs for the GOP, it doesn't really matter how much money he has or what his stances are.

Just wait................like Mittens before him, he's gonna flip flop on almost every issue. He's already got a head start.
Barbara Bush did promise "Little Jeb" that if he waited his turn, like a good brother, he could have his turn as President!

And we wouldn't want to disappoint Barbara!
Barbara Bush did promise "Little Jeb" that if he waited his turn, like a good brother, he could have his turn as President!

And we wouldn't want to disappoint Barbara!

Fuck Barbara and her promise.

Didn't her first spawn (known as Jr.) fuck up this country enough?
With George H. Bush- we got a war and a recession.

With George W. Bush- we got two wars and two recessions.

I'm not in the mood to go for three.
here's the problem.

In the normal scheme of things, Jeb would probably get the nomination hands down.

But the GOP Establishment shot its wad with Romney. They just don't have credibility anymore.

The sad thing is, the alternatives to Jeb are the "whacko Birds" like Rand, Cruz, Rubio, etc.
Surely there must some other silver- spoon-fed right-wing scion that the GOP can rally around.

How about Paris Hilton?

She understands and lives out the virtue of selfishness philosophy rather well.
The left pound Bush on a daily basis in order to prop up Obama.
Then they want to know if their is any Bush "fatigue" out there.

Hell no.

We found out what he is with the Terry Schiavo incident.

I don't really hold that against him. Michael Schiavo was kind of a douchebag.

he was all for keeping his wife alive when he was trying to sue her doctors for malpractice, and couldn't wait to pull the plug on her when he got his settlement.

He should have just signed responsibility over to her parents and called it a day. Honestly, that's what I would have done.
The left pound Bush on a daily basis in order to prop up Obama.
Then they want to know if their is any Bush "fatigue" out there.

I voted for Bush twice.

When He left office, my home value had dropped 40%, my 401K value had dropped 50% and as a result of my change in jobs, my salary dropped 20%.

While I can't say things have gotten a lot better for me under Obama, they haven't gotten worse.

Frankly, we'd be brain-dead to trust a third president Bush when the first two go arounds were such fucking disasters.
With George H. Bush- we got a war and a recession.

With George W. Bush- we got two wars and two recessions.

I'm not in the mood to go for three.

Give junior credit. If nothing else, his administration succeeded in providing proof positive that his daddy was right: Trickle Down Economics = Voodoo Economics
If Jeb Bush runs for the GOP, it doesn't really matter how much money he has or what his stances are.

Just wait................like Mittens before him, he's gonna flip flop on almost every issue. He's already got a head start.


Hell no.

We found out what he is with the Terry Schiavo incident.

I don't really hold that against him. Michael Schiavo was kind of a douchebag.

he was all for keeping his wife alive when he was trying to sue her doctors for malpractice, and couldn't wait to pull the plug on her when he got his settlement.

He should have just signed responsibility over to her parents and called it a day. Honestly, that's what I would have done.
Perhaps he was afraid she might recover enough to talk.

Was Terri Schiavo Beaten in 1990? - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice
American political dynasties make me nervous.

I wouldn't vote for a Clinton, or an Obama, or a Reagan, or a Carter.


We should have plenty of other families from which to choose.

Hell no.

We found out what he is with the Terry Schiavo incident.

I don't really hold that against him. Michael Schiavo was kind of a douchebag.

he was all for keeping his wife alive when he was trying to sue her doctors for malpractice, and couldn't wait to pull the plug on her when he got his settlement.

He should have just signed responsibility over to her parents and called it a day. Honestly, that's what I would have done.
Perhaps he was afraid she might recover enough to talk.

Was Terri Schiavo Beaten in 1990? - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice

People as "ingorant" [to use your own word] as you are doing the shoveling burying the American Dream.

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