Would you support Jeb Bush for president in 2016?

Would you support Jeb Bush for president in 2016?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 21.4%
  • No

    Votes: 66 78.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I expect that another Bush getting the nomination is what is needed for the right to see the folly of money in politics.

Though I thought the same thing about Romney...
A Self-Inflicted Wound - Broowaha

As long as the corporations are paying them via the lobbyists, the right will never see the wounds.

Does a slave complain very loudly if they're being paid well?

I think that the GOP is less relevant within the federal government now than when their presidential primary began, and the marketizing affect of Citizens United added to that.

Of course at the state level, money still helps them more than it hurts.
I expect Jeb will likely be the GOP front-runner in 2016. Daddy Bush desperately wants Jeb in the White House - and powerful Bush friends will be pushing that agenda. Personally, I can't imagine that American voters would be willing to suffer through another Bush in the White House. However, stranger things have happened...

That would be another magic moment:


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Yanno..................I'd really like to see Jeb run.

I'd also like to see his ass kicked as bad as what happened to Mittens.
If Jeb Bush runs against pretty much any Democratic candidate, it will be a win for the Democrats, hands down. :razz:

I wouldn't be that sure.

first, changing the party in the WH every 8 years has been kind of the norm since 1952. The exceptions were Carter only getting one term and Reagan/Bush getting three.

Second, Hillary has strong qualifications, but on a personal level, she rubs people the wrong way. As advanced as we Americans like to think we are, we can't have a woman politician without ripping on her, and other women are often the worst offenders.

Third, it will really depend on the economy. If we have another downturn, it is going to help the GOP.

Actually, if we have another downturn, people are going to go on the 'net and find out who's responsible.

Sorry, but if they look at the performance of the current GOP, they're gonna vote them out of office.

Wanna take bets on 2014?

yep, everyone is going to Huffington Post for their unbiased news source
Sorry.................but it's not HuffPo that is going to turn the tide against the GOP.

It's gonna be the things they say themselves.

Do you really think that Boehner is a true leader? He can't even control his own party.
If Jeb Bush runs against pretty much any Democratic candidate, it will be a win for the Democrats, hands down. :razz:

I wouldn't be that sure.

first, changing the party in the WH every 8 years has been kind of the norm since 1952. The exceptions were Carter only getting one term and Reagan/Bush getting three.

Second, Hillary has strong qualifications, but on a personal level, she rubs people the wrong way. As advanced as we Americans like to think we are, we can't have a woman politician without ripping on her, and other women are often the worst offenders.

Third, it will really depend on the economy. If we have another downturn, it is going to help the GOP.

Actually, if we have another downturn, people are going to go on the 'net and find out who's responsible.

Sorry, but if they look at the performance of the current GOP, they're gonna vote them out of office.

Wanna take bets on 2014?

I would say there would be very small shifts in the House and Senate in favor of the Republicans in both, for no other reason than that is the trend in an off-year election.
I wouldn't be that sure.

first, changing the party in the WH every 8 years has been kind of the norm since 1952. The exceptions were Carter only getting one term and Reagan/Bush getting three.

Second, Hillary has strong qualifications, but on a personal level, she rubs people the wrong way. As advanced as we Americans like to think we are, we can't have a woman politician without ripping on her, and other women are often the worst offenders.

Third, it will really depend on the economy. If we have another downturn, it is going to help the GOP.

Actually, if we have another downturn, people are going to go on the 'net and find out who's responsible.

Sorry, but if they look at the performance of the current GOP, they're gonna vote them out of office.

Wanna take bets on 2014?

I would say there would be very small shifts in the House and Senate in favor of the Republicans in both, for no other reason than that is the trend in an off-year election.

Really? Wanna make a wager on that?

Around here, we can't bet money, but we can bet sig lines and avitars.

I'll bet you an avi (mine against yours, and the winner picks for the loser) that the conservatives lose even more seats the next time around in 2014.

You up for the bet?
Actually, if we have another downturn, people are going to go on the 'net and find out who's responsible.

Sorry, but if they look at the performance of the current GOP, they're gonna vote them out of office.

Wanna take bets on 2014?

I would say there would be very small shifts in the House and Senate in favor of the Republicans in both, for no other reason than that is the trend in an off-year election.

Really? Wanna make a wager on that?

Around here, we can't bet money, but we can bet sig lines and avitars.

I'll bet you an avi (mine against yours, and the winner picks for the loser) that the conservatives lose even more seats the next time around in 2014.

You up for the bet?

Naw, I really hate those kinds of bets.. and I like being able to control my AVI.
I would say there would be very small shifts in the House and Senate in favor of the Republicans in both, for no other reason than that is the trend in an off-year election.

Really? Wanna make a wager on that?

Around here, we can't bet money, but we can bet sig lines and avitars.

I'll bet you an avi (mine against yours, and the winner picks for the loser) that the conservatives lose even more seats the next time around in 2014.

You up for the bet?

Naw, I really hate those kinds of bets.. and I like being able to control my AVI.

No wonder you hate those kinds of bets. Not only do you like being able to control your AVI, but you're scared of losing.

Good to know that you're a coward.

Also good to know that you're smart enough to know that you'd lose.
Really? Wanna make a wager on that?

Around here, we can't bet money, but we can bet sig lines and avitars.

I'll bet you an avi (mine against yours, and the winner picks for the loser) that the conservatives lose even more seats the next time around in 2014.

You up for the bet?

Naw, I really hate those kinds of bets.. and I like being able to control my AVI.

No wonder you hate those kinds of bets. Not only do you like being able to control your AVI, but you're scared of losing.

Good to know that you're a coward.

Also good to know that you're smart enough to know that you'd lose.

Dude, I'm usually on your side in most arguments, there's no need to get nasty.

Incidently, my predictions on 2012 were pretty much spot on.

Historical trends, however, indicate that unless something crazy happens, the GOP should pick up seats.

The only time in recent memory the out of power party didn't pick up seats in the midterm was 2002, when Bush had a 90% approval rating in the post-9-11 glow, and 1998, when people mistakenly believed voting out republicans would stop the impeachment fiasco.

But, no, I don't make bets.
If Jeb runs (especially against Hillary), it's gonna be the definite end of the GOP.
Ham Hips Hillary won't make it out of the dem primary, particularly after the dem challengers no doubt hammer her on her testimony, regarding the failings of she and her department, and the brutal deaths of four americans in Bhenghazi.

"I never read the memo's. And as far as i'm aware, no one in my department read the memo's"

Christ, that bitch couldn't run the State Department, and, anybody thinking she is qualified to run this country after that fiasco, is an idiot.

And no doubt, her dem challengers will hammer that point home.

I hope you're right. If you are, it means the system works.

Jeb getting the nod or not will speak volumes about 'the system' on the other side of the aisle, too.

The only people who would make bets on the 2014 elections in March 2013 are those who are so deluded by their partisan ideology that they're simply no longer thinking clearly.


The only people who would make bets on the 2014 elections in March 2013 are those who are so deluded by their partisan ideology that they're simply no longer thinking clearly.


Generally, I'd agree.

I was merely speaking in historical trends.

There are 14 Republican seats up this time...all of them considered safe.

There are 22 Democratic Seats up... Many of them are in play.

The house is so gerrymandered that there will be little movement there.

The only people who would make bets on the 2014 elections in March 2013 are those who are so deluded by their partisan ideology that they're simply no longer thinking clearly.


Generally, I'd agree.

I was merely speaking in historical trends.

There are 14 Republican seats up this time...all of them considered safe.

There are 22 Democratic Seats up... Many of them are in play.

The house is so gerrymandered that there will be little movement there.

My post wasn't directed at you, Joe. As you mentioned, historically mid-term elections go to the party out of power (which tells me clearly that neither party is capable of doing a decent job while IN power).

It's those who are basing their predictions on hyper-simplistic opinion that make me giggle.

I expect that another Bush getting the nomination is what is needed for the right to see the folly of money in politics.

Though I thought the same thing about Romney...
A Self-Inflicted Wound - Broowaha

As long as the corporations are paying them via the lobbyists, the right will never see the wounds.

Does a slave complain very loudly if they're being paid well?

As long as congress has the power to customize corporate taxes via the complicated stream of bullshit we affectionately refer to as The US Tax Code, corporations will pay handsome salaries and bonuses to lobbyists who can prove they have influence.

Step 1 remains fair and simple taxes.
If Jeb runs (especially against Hillary), it's gonna be the definite end of the GOP.

If Jeb Bush runs against pretty much any Democratic candidate, it will be a win for the Democrats, hands down. :razz:

I wouldn't be that sure.

first, changing the party in the WH every 8 years has been kind of the norm since 1952. The exceptions were Carter only getting one term and Reagan/Bush getting three.

Second, Hillary has strong qualifications, but on a personal level, she rubs people the wrong way. As advanced as we Americans like to think we are, we can't have a woman politician without ripping on her, and other women are often the worst offenders.

Third, it will really depend on the economy. If we have another downturn, it is going to help the GOP.

Things change. There was no internet from '52 to Bush / Gore.

Read my lips. The GOP will NEVER again receive my vote until they abandon complete the bullshit theory of trickle-down economics.
I expect Jeb will likely be the GOP front-runner in 2016. Daddy Bush desperately wants Jeb in the White House - and powerful Bush friends will be pushing that agenda. Personally, I can't imagine that American voters would be willing to suffer through another Bush in the White House. However, stranger things have happened...

sadly, by the time obama is done, Jeb will look like a far right winger.

but no

As an actual Conservative, I simply could not support yet another moderate
If Jeb Bush runs against pretty much any Democratic candidate, it will be a win for the Democrats, hands down. :razz:

I wouldn't be that sure.

first, changing the party in the WH every 8 years has been kind of the norm since 1952. The exceptions were Carter only getting one term and Reagan/Bush getting three.

Second, Hillary has strong qualifications, but on a personal level, she rubs people the wrong way. As advanced as we Americans like to think we are, we can't have a woman politician without ripping on her, and other women are often the worst offenders.

Third, it will really depend on the economy. If we have another downturn, it is going to help the GOP.

Things change. There was no internet from '52 to Bush / Gore.

Read my lips. The GOP will NEVER again receive my vote until they abandon complete the bullshit theory of trickle-down economics.

Your ignorance of trickle down is profound.

It lead to the longest and greatest growth this or any other modern country ever had.

The whole of Reaganomics is more than anything anyone else ever did.

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