Would you support requiring all Americans to be religious

These days your God is being home-schooled, and he's a lousy speller.

How did your God feel about segregation?
Color blind.

Then why did he allow segregation in spite of all that prayer?
Try to read and comprehend, my God is color blind.

Then he should have had a word with those who were praying to him and also supporting segregation.

Silence betokens consent.

Then again, if he's so puny that he can't help Johnny read unless Johnny's forced to pray to him in school (home and church aren't enough, apparently), he probably couldn't do anything about segregation, either.
Quote the word of God where he states your hatred.

My hatred of segregation? I give you Mark 12:31. Or, if you prefer, Matthew 22:39.
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

Of course not, what a dumb thought.

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