Would you support requiring all Americans to be religious

The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.
Progressives religion is political correctness, absolutely.
Only requirement is no spine
A christian prayer covers about all the religions. Praying to the Lord to let him know your thank him and to bless the day you are fixing to live won't harm anyone.

You're describing two different things.

And going about your school day without praying in the classroom won't harm anyone.
Yeah, because it has worked out well since it was banned.

What harm do you perceive it's caused?
Look at schools today compared to the schools of the past. My gosh kids today have to have safety zones if they get offended.

That's not a function of prayer/no prayer, and I don't see how prayer would fix it.
You only see what you want to see

"Anyway look at schools before prayer was banned and after."


This fails as a post hoc fallacy.

There is no evidence whatsoever that schools as government entities following First Amendment jurisprudence in any manner 'disadvantages' the quality of education a student might receive.
"The Progs worship the Secular State - it's their government required religion. And they have a zero tolerance policy for dissent."

It's difficult to believe anyone actually buys such moronic lies and rot.
We have gotten along without such a law for a couple of hundred years. We had a social fabric that supported decency. Now the social fabric supports evil and perversion. A law won't change a pervert into a normal person.

Please show us the law. When was it passed and signed into law? When was it repealed? Who repealed it?

I know you're a liar and no law ever existed. Stop lying.
When we a nation under God we were great. Now we have gone against God. We got Obama.
So you support my proposal, then? Ban atheism and Agnosticism from the United States?
No just quit banning everything about God in our society. Bring back payer in our schools. That would be a great start.
What should happen to the kids who refuse to pray?
They don't have to pray. Just letting God back in school would work wonders.
Ignorant nonsense.

Students and teachers are at liberty to pray at school and otherwise observe their religious beliefs, assuming such practices are consistent with Establishment Clause jurisprudence.

So belief in your 'god' has always been in schools, that has never changed, nor does anyone seek to change it.

The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.
Freedom of religion also includes the right to not believe.
So the answer to your question is "no"....
Now, does that mean religions of foreign immigrants shoudl be placed ahead of mainstream religions for political purposes? Absolutely not.
Sadly, that is precisely what is taking place in our country today.
The guilt ridden, self loathing left wing Caucasian movement is the vessel by which our Judeo/Christian traditions and culture are freely under attack.
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

No, I would not, and that is not what Scalia said.

However, it is still easily a Christian majority, and the basis of the foundations are Judea-Christian in origin, as well as the classical liberalism of Locke, Say, Malthus, Hobbes, and others.

While it may not be "a Christian nation", it is by far "a nation of Christians"
Hence the need for the Establishment Clause, to ensure the majority not seek to disadvantage the minority through force of law – as has occurred for too often during the course of the history of Western Civilization.
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

Another Straw Man thread

Justice Scalia did NOT say everybody should be religious. He simply says that God played a role in our foundation and should not be pushed away.

You atheists, satanists, and other nonbelievers you do whatever you with.
Just don't try to force me and others to adhere to your beliefs .

Liberals have no ability to understand anyone who disagrees with them.
Obviously you're unaware of how idiotic and wrong this is, and how ridiculous you are for posting it.
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

No, I would not, and that is not what Scalia said.

However, it is still easily a Christian majority, and the basis of the foundations are Judea-Christian in origin, as well as the classical liberalism of Locke, Say, Malthus, Hobbes, and others.

While it may not be "a Christian nation", it is by far "a nation of Christians"
Hence the need for the Establishment Clause, to ensure the majority not seek to disadvantage the minority through force of law – as has occurred for too often during the course of the history of Western Civilization.

Luckily no one is suggesting that we have an Established National Church, so all good.
When we a nation under God we were great. Now we have gone against God. We got Obama.
So you support my proposal, then? Ban atheism and Agnosticism from the United States?
No just quit banning everything about God in our society. Bring back payer in our schools. That would be a great start.

Just Christian prayer?
Yes a christian prayer, the way it was before liberals banning it and starting the downturn of our country.
At least you're consistent at being ridiculous and wrong.
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

Another Straw Man thread

Justice Scalia did NOT say everybody should be religious. He simply says that God played a role in our foundation and should not be pushed away.

You atheists, satanists, and other nonbelievers you do whatever you with.
Just don't try to force me and others to adhere to your beliefs .

Liberals have no ability to understand anyone who disagrees with them.
Obviously you're unaware of how idiotic and wrong this is, and how ridiculous you are for posting it.

It's been demonstrated in scientific studies that liberals are the worst at understanding those who hold different beliefs.

Would you like me to repost that link?
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

Thats the most ridiculous crazy thing ever , not going to happen. At least not by the hands of Christians. Maybe you retrying to compare Christianity to radical Islam or something. Sounds like left wing paranoia
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

Which of Congress' enumerated powers would allow the enactment of such a law?
We have gotten along without such a law for a couple of hundred years. We had a social fabric that supported decency. Now the social fabric supports evil and perversion. A law won't change a pervert into a normal person.
Testify brother!!!
The OP is correct. In the past we had civility and decency. Now we have moral relativism and decadence.
I will submit however that government was responsible for the type of censorship and regulations that were oppressive and were put into place for the sole purpose of controlling the population.
In the 60's, we broke away from that and for a time we had a fair balance between freedom of expression and what community standards deemed appropriate. Now we've gone off the deep end.
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

Which of Congress' enumerated powers would allow the enactment of such a law?
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

Which of Congress' enumerated powers would allow the enactment of such a law?

Yes, precisely. Therefore, we can't legally have such a law.

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