Would you support requiring all Americans to be religious

Education is a joke yes because one party has decided that teachers are sub human and shouldn't be paid. And slot of idiots fell for it. As a lifelong practicing christian who prays often, school prayer has zero to do with it.while you see education being cut and unions being taken away, you see union jobs being replaced by Walmart $10 jobs and blame fellow working class folk. While the rich laugh at you that you have bought into the propaganda, while they cash in. Amazing.
So you support my proposal, then? Ban atheism and Agnosticism from the United States?
No just quit banning everything about God in our society. Bring back payer in our schools. That would be a great start.

Just Christian prayer?
Yes a christian prayer...

So prayer that discriminates against all other religions, in public schools paid for by citizens of all religions.
A christian prayer covers about all the religions. Praying to the Lord to let him know your thank him and to bless the day you are fixing to live won't harm anyone.

You're describing two different things.

And going about your school day without praying in the classroom won't harm anyone.
No just quit banning everything about God in our society. Bring back payer in our schools. That would be a great start.

Just Christian prayer?
Yes a christian prayer...

So prayer that discriminates against all other religions, in public schools paid for by citizens of all religions.
A christian prayer covers about all the religions. Praying to the Lord to let him know your thank him and to bless the day you are fixing to live won't harm anyone.

You're describing two different things.

And going about your school day without praying in the classroom won't harm anyone.
Yeah, because it has worked out well since it was banned.
Just Christian prayer?
Yes a christian prayer...

So prayer that discriminates against all other religions, in public schools paid for by citizens of all religions.
A christian prayer covers about all the religions. Praying to the Lord to let him know your thank him and to bless the day you are fixing to live won't harm anyone.

You're describing two different things.

And going about your school day without praying in the classroom won't harm anyone.
Yeah, because it has worked out well since it was banned.

What harm do you perceive it's caused?
Yes a christian prayer...

So prayer that discriminates against all other religions, in public schools paid for by citizens of all religions.
A christian prayer covers about all the religions. Praying to the Lord to let him know your thank him and to bless the day you are fixing to live won't harm anyone.

You're describing two different things.

And going about your school day without praying in the classroom won't harm anyone.
Yeah, because it has worked out well since it was banned.

What harm do you perceive it's caused?
Look at schools today compared to the schools of the past. My gosh kids today have to have safety zones if they get offended.
So you support my proposal, then? Ban atheism and Agnosticism from the United States?
No just quit banning everything about God in our society. Bring back payer in our schools. That would be a great start.
What should happen to the kids who refuse to pray?[/QUOTE]
They don't have to pray. Just letting God back in school would work wonders.[/QUOTE]
Do they have to bow their heads?[/QUOTE]
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything. Amen.

Truly bonechilling, eh?[/QUOTE]

If you can't find God without being bombarded by pro-God propaganda in school all day, then maybe you aren't doing your part.
So you support my proposal, then? Ban atheism and Agnosticism from the United States?
No just quit banning everything about God in our society. Bring back payer in our schools. That would be a great start.
What should happen to the kids who refuse to pray?
They don't have to pray. Just letting God back in school would work wonders.[/QUOTE]
Do they have to bow their heads?[/QUOTE]
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything. Amen.

Truly bonechilling, eh?[/QUOTE]

If you can't find God without being bombarded by pro-God propaganda in school all day, then maybe you aren't doing your part.[/QUOTE]
Starting the day with a prayer won't bombard them all day.
Religion has set humanity back untold centuries with its idiocy. Why should reading a 2,000 year old book be required? If anything should be required I think a good education in science, history and math should be it.
Yeah, because our schools are so great now. Since prayer was taken out. Education in this country Is a joke.

People like you have made it a joke.
So you support my proposal, then? Ban atheism and Agnosticism from the United States?
No just quit banning everything about God in our society. Bring back payer in our schools. That would be a great start.
What should happen to the kids who refuse to pray?
They don't have to pray. Just letting God back in school would work wonders.
Do they have to bow their heads?[/QUOTE]
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything. Amen.

Truly bonechilling, eh?[/QUOTE]

If you can't find God without being bombarded by pro-God propaganda in school all day, then maybe you aren't doing your part.[/QUOTE]
Starting the day with a prayer won't bombard them all day.[/QUOTE]

Go to a private school.
Religion has set humanity back untold centuries with its idiocy. Why should reading a 2,000 year old book be required? If anything should be required I think a good education in science, history and math should be it.
Yeah, because our schools are so great now. Since prayer was taken out. Education in this country Is a joke.

People like you have made it a joke.
People like yourself has made public education a joke.
So you support my proposal, then? Ban atheism and Agnosticism from the United States?
No just quit banning everything about God in our society. Bring back payer in our schools. That would be a great start.
What should happen to the kids who refuse to pray?
They don't have to pray. Just letting God back in school would work wonders.
Do they have to bow their heads?
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything. Amen.

Truly bonechilling, eh?[/QUOTE]

If you can't find God without being bombarded by pro-God propaganda in school all day, then maybe you aren't doing your part.[/QUOTE]
Starting the day with a prayer won't bombard them all day.[/QUOTE]

Go to a private school.[/QUOTE]
With school vouchers they could.
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.
I've never seen a Christian support laws making religion mandatory. Scalia's questionable notion of "favoring" is not the same thing as "requiring".

That would be as crazy as a Regressive Leftist wanting a law fining people for not being PC.

New York Becomes First City to Fine People for Using Wrong Gender Pronouns

Oops. Maybe not a good example.
So prayer that discriminates against all other religions, in public schools paid for by citizens of all religions.
A christian prayer covers about all the religions. Praying to the Lord to let him know your thank him and to bless the day you are fixing to live won't harm anyone.

You're describing two different things.

And going about your school day without praying in the classroom won't harm anyone.
Yeah, because it has worked out well since it was banned.

What harm do you perceive it's caused?
Look at schools today compared to the schools of the past. My gosh kids today have to have safety zones if they get offended.

That's not a function of prayer/no prayer, and I don't see how prayer would fix it.
A christian prayer covers about all the religions. Praying to the Lord to let him know your thank him and to bless the day you are fixing to live won't harm anyone.

You're describing two different things.

And going about your school day without praying in the classroom won't harm anyone.
Yeah, because it has worked out well since it was banned.

What harm do you perceive it's caused?
Look at schools today compared to the schools of the past. My gosh kids today have to have safety zones if they get offended.

That's not a function of prayer/no prayer, and I don't see how prayer would fix it.
Well you don't have faith. Anyway look at schools before prayer was banned and after.
Anyway look at schools before prayer was banned and after.

Which schools, in what era? There are over 13,000 school districts with a multiplicity of factors determining the quality of the individual schools within those districts.

IIRC, mandatory prayer in publicly funded schools also corresponded with segregation.
The religious right is constantly harping on this being a Christian nation, and "you have to believe in something greater than yourself", and that atheism is an existential threat to the United States, and that the Constitution protects freedom of religion but not the freedom to be non religious.

Scalia is the latest to join this discussion, saying government should favor religion over non religion and that America has only prospered because she has honored God.
Scalia: 'Don't cram' religious neutrality 'down throats of American people'

So would you favor passage of a law requiring all Americans to offer annual proof that they belong to an approved religious body (i.e. no spaghetti monster type stuff)? And what should be the penalty of failing to prove this? Death seems to be the only viable penalty to ensure that every American is religious, and so that no atheist scum are able to threaten America's survival by mocking God.

Our government already favors religion. That's why these money-making enterprises are given tax-exempt status. Anyone who would go further in breaching the wall between church and state is no better than our terrorist enemies.
On Saturday, he said the First Amendment prohibits the government from endorsing one religion over another. But, he added, that doesn’t mean the government has to favor non-religion over religion.

No one ever said it did.

The Establishment Clause prohibits government endorsing religion, compelling religious observance, or favoring one religion over another. The Free Exercise Clause safeguards the right of citizens to practice whatever religion they so desire, or no religion at all, where government may not seek to disadvantage any manner of religious expression, or no expression at all.

He argued that’s a more modern reading originating in the courts in the 1960s.


First Amendment jurisprudence is consistent with the original intent of the Framing Generation, that church and state remain separate. It was never the intent of the Framers that there should be no religion at all in government, and current Establishment Clause case law reflects that intent – the Constitution recognizes times when government involvement with religion is appropriate, and times when it is not; it's incumbent upon lawmakers to abide by this Constitutional dictate.

He also said there is "nothing wrong" with presidents and others invoking God in speeches

Again, no one ever said there was.

If Americans want to the government to be non-religious, he said, they should vote on it instead of courts deciding.


Citizens' rights and protected liberties are not subject to 'majority rule.'

The issue is not whether government should be 'non-religious' or not, this issue is that the right of the people to practice their faith as they see fit – or to be free from faith altogether – is of no concern of government, where each individual is free to decide how to believe in accordance with his own good conscience, and where citizens may not seek to compel religious conformity through force of law by codifying religious doctrine and dogma into secular statutes all must obey.

Don't cram it down the throats of an American people that has always honored God on the pretext that the Constitution requires it

More nonsense.

Nothing is being 'crammed down the throats' of the American people.

When the people err and enact measures repugnant to the First Amendment, such as seeking to disadvantage a given faith, promoting a given religion by act of government, or compelling adherence to religious dogma as a matter of government statutory policy, then the courts must appropriately and correctly invalidate such measures in accordance with the First Amendment, where the people are not being denied freedom of religious expression or liberty, and government is in no way 'mandating' non-religion.

Scalia's 'argument' fails as a straw man fallacy, he contrives this ridiculous non-issue of 'non-religion' in government and attacks that non-issue as if it were an actual concern.

Scalia's is an inane fabrication, a myth devoid of substance or merit.

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