Would You Support War With Iran?

Would You Support War With Iran?

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Uh, ADM Mullen before he left finally admitted in public Iran was supporting terrorists inside Afghanistan and Iraq.....that has been classified for years.

As for Lebanon, you weren't even born when Iran helped terrorists kill US Marines by blowing up their barracks.

You see, you're a dumbfuck on the internet talking about things you have no clue about.

Now shut the fuck up!
That's not proof! That's just talk. You're just talking. Where's the links?
I was in the Marines when the barracks fell. Iran hated us then, they hate us now, and they will always hate us. When Romney wins we will put them in their place. I support decemating their military from the air - no boots on the ground.
Guys liberals are really gonna teach Iran, with UN resolutions and sanctions, yeah those work so well!
I wonder if Iran nukes Israel if the Jews in New York will support a party that supports the PLO, interesting question.
Guys liberals are really gonna teach Iran, with UN resolutions and sanctions, yeah those work so well!
I wonder if Iran nukes Israel if the Jews in New York will support a party that supports the PLO, interesting question.
This is just like all the lies you people told in 2003.

You were full of shit then and your full of shit now!
Guys liberals are really gonna teach Iran, with UN resolutions and sanctions, yeah those work so well!
I wonder if Iran nukes Israel if the Jews in New York will support a party that supports the PLO, interesting question.
This is just like all the lies you people told in 2003.

You were full of shit then and your full of shit now!

Yeah you're right, IRan isnt trying to get the bomb, it's only for power. And yeah IRan is a very stable and normal country, nukes in their hands would be great. I know I'll sleep better knowing Iran has nukes. I say lets give them to syria too or Egypt, WOOOHOO
Some dickheads here need to read and heed....

State Sponsors: Iran - Council on Foreign Relations
Maybe you need to read your own links before you post them?

Here's your evidence...

The United States has accused Iran of sponsoring terrorist organizations for decades, but in the post-9/11 era, the allegations have taken on added significance.
...note the operative word, "allegations".

That's your evidence, more rhetoric!

But your link did offer some insight. Even when Iran helped the US oust the Taliban, they were still accused of supporting terrorism in Afghanistan.

Despite Iran's assistance following the U.S.-led campaign to oust the Taliban from Afghanistan, Iran was labeled part of an axis of evil--which also included Iraq and North Korea--by President George W. Bush in 2002.
So even when they do what we ask them to do, they get nothing in return.

You're just a fucked human being!
Yeah you're right, IRan isnt trying to get the bomb, it's only for power. And yeah IRan is a very stable and normal country, nukes in their hands would be great. I know I'll sleep better knowing Iran has nukes. I say lets give them to syria too or Egypt, WOOOHOO
All I'm asking is that you provide proof their nuclear program has been weaponized and no one seems to be able to do that. Even when the last 3 NIE's and Israeli intelligence officials say they have not weaponized their program, you still talk as if they did. With something as potentially serious as this, you would think you'd be very sure of your facts. But your not.

You're trying to provoke a war with a country that is one of Russia's ally's. What do you think they are going to do, if we attack Iran? They've already warned us not to do it. If you don't think that warning is worth its salt, then ask yourself this, "What do we do, when someone attacks our ally's?"

Are you prepared to start a war that will come to this country and barbacue our cities? Do you want to shoot it out with Russia and China? Because if you do, this will leave no time to fight the Islamic threat.
Yeah you're right, IRan isnt trying to get the bomb, it's only for power. And yeah IRan is a very stable and normal country, nukes in their hands would be great. I know I'll sleep better knowing Iran has nukes. I say lets give them to syria too or Egypt, WOOOHOO
All I'm asking is that you provide proof their nuclear program has been weaponized and no one seems to be able to do that. Even when the last 3 NIE's and Israeli intelligence officials say they have not weaponized their program, you still talk as if they did. With something as potentially serious as this, you would think you'd be very sure of your facts. But your not.

You're trying to provoke a war with a country that is one of Russia's ally's. What do you think they are going to do, if we attack Iran? They've already warned us not to do it. If you don't think that warning is worth its salt, then ask yourself this, "What do we do, when someone attacks our ally's?"

Are you prepared to start a war that will come to this country and barbacue our cities? Do you want to shoot it out with Russia and China? Because if you do, this will leave no time to fight the Islamic threat.
He is not trying to provoke anything, and HE does not have to provide YOU with anything.

Why is it that you people cannot seem to discuss something with regard to what would happen if they had these weapons?

We are discussing what should be done if it is believed that this may or may not happen.

The end analysis is this..the people we elect, who have the real information, will make these choices. This discussion is what 'we' would do given certain information.

The War Drums have been quieter as of late, but they're still beating loudly. It does appear confrontation with Iran is inevitable. So will you support it?

This is not so straigthforward. It al depends on what is meant by "war" and "confrontation".

I can see no reason at this point to go to war with Iran. Much less to invade Iran.

That being said, depending on intelligence and once's assessment of it, there may, in the near future, be reason to launch military action to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Such military action obviously constitutes an act of war, but falls far short of all out war.
He is not trying to provoke anything, and HE does not have to provide YOU with anything.
Not trying to provoke anything? You've heard all the talk coming out of Washington and Israel. They are openingly talking about a military option still on the table. We've got carrier fleets doing manuevers off their shores. We're putting the screws to them through the UN. And this guy who started this thread his helping to sell all this bullshit with a discussion on something we don't know exists.

Why is it that you people cannot seem to discuss something with regard to what would happen if they had these weapons?
There are far more important problems in this country to be addressing. We don't need to waste more time on hypothetical crap.

We are discussing what should be done if it is believed that this may or may not happen.
We've been at war for the last 10 years. The last thing we need to be talking about, is more war. How much of this country do you want to destroy, before you say, "Okay, no more war!"

We've trashed our economy; we're the most hated nation on earth; and we've turned our back on the principles this country was founded upon, by starting un-provoked wars of aggression. We took a shit on the very things that made this country great. Now you wanna eat more bran and take another dump.

The end analysis is this..the people we elect, who have the real information, will make these choices. This discussion is what 'we' would do given certain information.

Yeah, this discussion, is the same god-damn bullshit we talked about in 2003. And that bullshit cost us over a trillion dollars with no direct benefit back to average American's. We discussed something back then that didn't exist and spent a trillion dollars not finding it. I take that back, we did find something............a wrecked economy and our civil liberties rendured null and void!

Discussions like this, cost us the US Constitution.

Fuck you very much!
Last time I checked the US and Israel haven't attacked Iran or made threats against them like they've done against us....so what is their excuse for owning nukes???...

What a dumb fuck. Are you and The Rabid related?

By the summer of 1953, the British and American governments initiated a joint Anglo-American plan for the covert overthrow of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, the Prime Minister of Iran.

On August 19th, 1953, the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), overthrew Iran's duly elected Prime Minister

Who was it that overthrew the Shah of Iran and put the crazies back in charge?
Iran has been at war with us since the they took over our Embassy. They killed our Marines in Beruit in the 80s and have been fighting us through terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If they get nukes, they will use them on Israel, us and others.

When their religious wackos believe some leader will rise from the dead in chaos on Earth......you need to pay attention.

So YES....we need to bomb the hell out of Iran's nuclear program and military.

And in retaliation, we simply invaded their nation by proxy, and had Iraq use chemical weapons against them that we supplied.

I'd say that the Marines in Beirut have long been avenged, 1000 times over.
No war just rentlessly carpet bomb all nuke sites and that's it. And nobody would do Jack to help them? lol at the ww3 fear mongers. Nobody's going to help them! They are the violent puppet, funding terror that Russia and China hope goes off on us and hurts us somehow. So I should say yes I support it but just the nuclear site bombings no ground war.

Paranoid much?

We're China's top trading partner. They make billions and billions of dollars off of us every year. Why would they want terrorists to attack us exactly?

Same thing with Russia. What would they have to gain from terrorist attacks on the US?

The Cold War is over. Has been for quite some time now.
When it comes to extremists, I'm not so sure rationality applies... And I for one, am not willing to take that "chance".

Rationality applies everywhere. You'll notice that it's not the leadership of these countries that strap the bombs to their chests. They find idiots for that.

Rationality as it pertains to the previous post by loonboy ("any country smart enough...") I don't see a lot of rational thought in the power corridors of Tehran. And yes, if people are willing to strap bombs to others to have them do their bidding, I have no doubt those same people would have no problem sneaking an A-Bomb in a truck across some other country's border... To enact the same kind of spineless treachery on a much larger scale.

That's because you think they're on a suicide mission.

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