Would you vote for a devout Muslim running for POTUS?

Would you vote for a devout Muslim that was running for POTUS?

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Decades ago many Americans felt the same way about Catholics.

I can remember that being actually seriously discussed as an "issue" in the 1960 election. As a Catholic I found that argument absolutely bizzaro.

And then once JFK got elected and the world didn't end, that whole argument just magically disappeared. As if it never occurred to anybody that it was a stoopid argument to begin with.

My area is predominately Catholic and most of my family on both sides are as well. When I first learned of the anti-Catholic sentiment in middle school history I was gobsmacked. It seemed so silly and it still does. Foolishness.

Then there was the flap a few years ago about whether Nancy Pelosi should be denied the sacrament of communion on the basis of her abortion position, or something like that. I get the impression some people don't get the distinction between the practice of one's religion, which is a private matter, and what they do as an elected official, which is to represent and vote on behalf of the wishes of their constituents.
Bottom line...

I would vote for a mooselimb.

I would need to know for certain that the candidate would promote a free market economy and not advance a moonbat agenda of PC "thought crime".

There are no mooselimbs in that perspective so I support a canadian cuban.

Boom Boom.

As long as Islam leads the world in terrorism, America will not elect a Muslim president. We're not that stupid. I shouldn't really say that though because we elected hussein and if he isn't a Muslim he might as well be.
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I would not vote for a devout Muslim. I think a lot of Americans feel the same way.

You bet. I'd no more vote for a devout Muslim than I'd vote for a murders, a pedophile or a rapist for POTUS.

Devout Muslims have done nothing to stop the jihadists among them. What makes anyone think if one were POTUS things would be different??
Here are just a few examples of widely held Islamic beliefs. These are not fringe Islamic beliefs, they are mainstream.

Killing of homosexuals. Islam goes beyond mere disapproval of homosexuality. Sharia teaches that homosexuality is a vile form of fornication, punishable by death.
Beating your wife. Islam allows a man to beat his wife. But only if she doesn't do as he asks. Better make that sandwich!!
Killing or mutilating your daughters. Under Islamic law, there is no penalty for a father who kills or mutilates his child- hence honor killings and genital mutilation are quite common punishments against girls.

How could anyone vote for this?

That's mainstream Islam in America?
According to Trump - we already have a Muslim president.
Very possible but many of us did nor vote for him either.

Well, ain't it nice to have a choice.
I just put this in another thread but I will repeat it for you. Five of us agreed to vote for a certain candidate in the last election not in either party. When the election results came out I notice that those five votes were not included in the election results. I asked each of the four others if they actually voted for that particular candidate and each said yes. So I truly do not think anyone is really getting a whole lot of choices out there in vote land.

That certainly doesn't surprise me. After what was done to Al Gore in Florida in 2000 - nothing surprises me. We only have the illusion of a democracy. The power brokers run the show.

You didn't like the Supreme Court decision stopping the vote counting charade but you sure do like the one approving the ACA. To bad.
Wow, wow, wow.

To the lefties who would vote for a devout Muslim, it looks like you don't care what a President would think of women and gays.

That's a big clash of PC-protected groups there, and you're coming down on the side of an organized religion.

An organized religion. Just so that you can make your PC point against Republicans.

This really is fascinating. A very revealing thread, indeed. And I notice how many lefties avoid the question entirely even though they're screaming about Carson.

Everyone cherrypicks the same picture of muslims extremists to try to make a point, it's stupid. Yes, I would.

Good to know you're a homophobe.
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...Tsk tsk. Disappointed in you, Kondor...
A disappointment that I must learn to live with.

...Diga me, have you ever voted for or against any candidate.... on the basis of what religion they practice?...

...How 'bout their astrological sign? Eye color?...

...Ya can't trust dem green-eyed Sagittarians yanno.
I've heard that, but female green-eyed Sagittarians are usually so damned sexy that I can't bring myself to care.
I would trust a Muslim to be pres more then I would a fundy christian

You would.

That is a 'gimme'... understood in advance.

Fortunately, for the Nation, and our People, your mindset is not a dominant (majority) perspective.
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Wow, wow, wow.

To the lefties who would vote for a devout Muslim, it looks like you don't care what a President would think of women and gays.

That's a big clash of PC-protected groups there, and you're coming down on the side of an organized religion.

An organized religion. Just so that you can make your PC point against Republicans.

This really is fascinating. A very revealing thread, indeed. And I notice how many lefties avoid the question entirely even though they're screaming about Carson.
Wow, wow, wow.

To the lefties who would vote for a devout Muslim, it looks like you don't care what a President would think of women and gays.

That's a big clash of PC-protected groups there, and you're coming down on the side of an organized religion.

An organized religion. Just so that you can make your PC point against Republicans.

This really is fascinating. A very revealing thread, indeed. And I notice how many lefties avoid the question entirely even though they're screaming about Carson.

Everyone cherrypicks the same picture of muslims extremists to try to make a point, it's stupid. Yes, I would.

Good to know you're a homophobe.

Weird connections.

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