Would you vote for a devout Muslim running for POTUS?

Would you vote for a devout Muslim that was running for POTUS?

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The far right and far left just can't resist the chance to take a thread that asks a questions about voting for a muslim and turn it into a thread on rape, or the constitution.

There are people who can help with that.
-- nor did any other religion...
And that's where you're wrong.

Islam is a Warrior Religion, with more horns on it than an entire fleet of Mack trucks...

Your problem lies in an inability to distinguish Friend from Foe, in this context...

I'll keep my own counsel in such matters, rather than yours, thank you very much.

Yeah yeah, "when we do it it's noble, when they do it it's abomination", heard it all before...

The Composition Fallacy remains the elephant in the room. In other words if a drunk in a Subaru runs me over, that doesn't make me go, "oh no, I can't ride in your Subaru-- that's a killer car".
Judging by this reply, there have been more than a few Subarus..
I didn't vote for a Muslim in 2008.

I didn't vote for a Mluslim in 2012.

And look what we got!

This time, yeah, I'd vote for a Muslim and hope for the best.
I would not vote for a devout Muslim. I think a lot of Americans feel the same way.

I am willing to bet that few libs would even consider voting for a devout Christian.

I prefer a devout American, someone who believes in freedom, liberty and all our rights. I would never support anyone who believes that our rights come from government.
American Christians had better start having more children or they will end up like Europe. Muslims are becoming more populous since they don't adhere to the depopulation agenda Europeans do. Now they are in trouble. They are becoming out numbered and the Muslims want Sharia Law. This could happen in America with Muslims having a lot of kids and we paying them to be on welfare.

-- nor did any other religion...
And that's where you're wrong.

Islam is a Warrior Religion, with more horns on it than an entire fleet of Mack trucks...

Your problem lies in an inability to distinguish Friend from Foe, in this context...

I'll keep my own counsel in such matters, rather than yours, thank you very much.

Yeah yeah, "when we do it it's noble, when they do it it's abomination", heard it all before...

The Composition Fallacy remains the elephant in the room. In other words if a drunk in a Subaru runs me over, that doesn't make me go, "oh no, I can't ride in your Subaru-- that's a killer car".
It's not the car.

It's the Founder.

It's the manner of the Founding.

It's the manner of the Expansion.

It's the manner of the Dogma.

It's the manner of the Mindset.

It's the manner of the Practical Application of the Dogma over the past 1300 years... up to and including the present.

It's the manner of Blindness, of those who cannot or will not see the danger.

Feel free to continue to delude yourself about it.

Most of the rest of us know better.

Tsk tsk. Disappointed in you, Kondor.

Diga me, have you ever voted for or against any candidate.... on the basis of what religion they practice?

How 'bout their astrological sign? Eye color?
Ya can't trust dem green-eyed Sagittarians yanno.
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Our founding fathers shed a tear when they hear stuff like Carson says

You know all about the founding fathers...don't you ?

Can you be any bigger an ass ?

His answer proved it.

I think he's been drinking some of that Obamagas (you know the stuff he says he's paying less than 2 bucks for...but really isn't) just to get at the ethanol.

He is paying less than $2. He's in New Jersey.
I am too, but in North Cackalackee.
Decades ago many Americans felt the same way about Catholics.
Our founding fathers shed a tear when they hear stuff like Carson says

You know all about the founding fathers...don't you ?

Can you be any bigger an ass ?

His answer proved it.

I think he's been drinking some of that Obamagas (you know the stuff he says he's paying less than 2 bucks for...but really isn't) just to get at the ethanol.

He is paying less than $2. He's in New Jersey.
I am too, but in North Cackalackee.

My mistake......

Thanks for letting me know.
Our founding fathers shed a tear when they hear stuff like Carson says

You know all about the founding fathers...don't you ?

Can you be any bigger an ass ?

His answer proved it.

I think he's been drinking some of that Obamagas (you know the stuff he says he's paying less than 2 bucks for...but really isn't) just to get at the ethanol.

He is paying less than $2. He's in New Jersey.
I am too, but in North Cackalackee.

My mistake......

Thanks for letting me know.

I know all the gas prices. I drive a lot. :D
Decades ago many Americans felt the same way about Catholics.

I can remember that being actually seriously discussed as an "issue" in the 1960 election. As a Catholic I found that argument absolutely bizzaro. Had to have my parents explain it to me --- but it still made no sense.

And then once JFK got elected and the world didn't end, that whole argument just magically disappeared. As if it never occurred to anybody that it was a stoopid argument to begin with.
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Decades ago many Americans felt the same way about Catholics.

I can remember that being actually seriously discussed as an "issue" in the 1960 election. As a Catholic I found that argument absolutely bizzaro.

And then once JFK got elected and the world didn't end, that whole argument just magically disappeared. As if it never occurred to anybody that it was a stoopid argument to begin with.

My area is predominately Catholic and most of my family on both sides are as well. When I first learned of the anti-Catholic sentiment in middle school history I was gobsmacked. It seemed so silly and it still does. Foolishness.
Here are just a few examples of widely held Islamic beliefs. These are not fringe Islamic beliefs, they are mainstream.

Killing of homosexuals. Islam goes beyond mere disapproval of homosexuality. Sharia teaches that homosexuality is a vile form of fornication, punishable by death.
Beating your wife. Islam allows a man to beat his wife. But only if she doesn't do as he asks. Better make that sandwich!!
Killing or mutilating your daughters. Under Islamic law, there is no penalty for a father who kills or mutilates his child- hence honor killings and genital mutilation are quite common punishments against girls.

How could anyone vote for this?
Here are just a few examples of widely held Islamic beliefs. These are not fringe Islamic beliefs, they are mainstream.

Killing of homosexuals. Islam goes beyond mere disapproval of homosexuality. Sharia teaches that homosexuality is a vile form of fornication, punishable by death.
Beating your wife. Islam allows a man to beat his wife. But only if she doesn't do as he asks. Better make that sandwich!!
Killing or mutilating your daughters. Under Islamic law, there is no penalty for a father who kills or mutilates his child- hence honor killings and genital mutilation are quite common punishments against girls.

How could anyone vote for this?

You are absolutely full of shit. Where do you come up with this crapola?

Honor killings and genital mutilation, as we've gone over many times before, are CULTURAL practices that predate Islam itself, and for that matter Christianism and Judaism too. They have ZERO to do with Islam, Hiduism, Sikhism or tribal animism. ZERO.
Decades ago many Americans felt the same way about Catholics.

I can remember that being actually seriously discussed as an "issue" in the 1960 election. As a Catholic I found that argument absolutely bizzaro.

And then once JFK got elected and the world didn't end, that whole argument just magically disappeared. As if it never occurred to anybody that it was a stoopid argument to begin with.

My area is predominately Catholic and most of my family on both sides are as well. When I first learned of the anti-Catholic sentiment in middle school history I was gobsmacked. It seemed so silly and it still does. Foolishness.

I know, right? "Gobsmacked" is exactly the right word. And the thing is, the present-day Islamophobes won't even see or acknowledge that they're following exactly the same pattern -- committing the same fallacy over and over, expecting different results.
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