Would you vote for a devout Muslim running for POTUS?

Would you vote for a devout Muslim that was running for POTUS?

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I just put this in another thread but I will repeat it for you. Five of us agreed to vote for a certain candidate in the last election not in either party. When the election results came out I notice that those five votes were not included in the election results. I asked each of the four others if they actually voted for that particular candidate and each said yes. So I truly do not think anyone is really getting a whole lot of choices out there in vote land.

That certainly doesn't surprise. After what was done to Al Gore in Florida in 2000 - nothing surprises me. We only have the illusion of a democracy. The power brokers run the show.
It has been that away for awhile. I was put under arrest the night after an election back in the early 90's. Evidently I pissed some people off when 200 people came out to vote verses the normal 80 to 90 usual voters for our little town.

You tell nice stories.
Actually it was not a very nice event but the people in that entire district did something even more unusual a few years later, it had never been done before in that state. They voted a nasty judge that signed the order for more arrest off the bench. He did not believe people should actually have their constitutional rights, nor did he believe that parents know or should have a right to believe and choose what is best for their own children. That is sorta what most libs act like they believe now. Maybe that is a sign of what's coming next for those who deny the people freedom of liberty and freedom of choice to say "I don't agree with you or like your agendas".

I don't believe you.
I don't care if you do or not. Truth could be looking you straight in the face and you will deny it.
It's a simple question.


Would you?

Hell no.
That certainly doesn't surprise. After what was done to Al Gore in Florida in 2000 - nothing surprises me. We only have the illusion of a democracy. The power brokers run the show.
It has been that away for awhile. I was put under arrest the night after an election back in the early 90's. Evidently I pissed some people off when 200 people came out to vote verses the normal 80 to 90 usual voters for our little town.

You tell nice stories.
Actually it was not a very nice event but the people in that entire district did something even more unusual a few years later, it had never been done before in that state. They voted a nasty judge that signed the order for more arrest off the bench. He did not believe people should actually have their constitutional rights, nor did he believe that parents know or should have a right to believe and choose what is best for their own children. That is sorta what most libs act like they believe now. Maybe that is a sign of what's coming next for those who deny the people freedom of liberty and freedom of choice to say "I don't agree with you or like your agendas".

I don't believe you.
I don't care if you do or not. Truth could be looking you straight in the face and you will deny it.

Of course.
If I liked his policy positions and he was a devoted American (above all else).

I would have no problem.

What if it was a female muslim (and a lesbian at that).

Again...if I liked her policy positions.....I'd cast my vote for her.
I don't give a shit about a person's religion. As long as they don't bring it into the political arena, I'll vote for a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, atheist, etc. if I think they are qualified.

Voting along religious lines is sooooo 17th century.
Our founding fathers shed a tear when they hear stuff like Carson says
"Would you vote for a devout Muslim running for POTUS?"

A candidate's religion, or lack thereof, is irrelevant; what's relevant is his position on the issues.

If a candidate is wrong on the issues because of his religion – hostile to Establishment Clause jurisprudence, advocates conjoining church and state, advocates codifying religious dogma into secular law, hostile to the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans – then his candidacy should be opposed, regardless his religion or beliefs.

If a candidate is correct on the issues, regardless his religion and beliefs – acknowledges and respects Establishment Clause jurisprudence, opposes conjoining church and state, opposes codifying religious dogma into secular law, acknowledges and respects the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans – then support of this candidate for president is warranted, whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, or someone free from faith, 'devout' or not.
Everyone cherrypicks the same picture of muslims extremists to try to make a point, it's stupid. Yes, I would.

Would you be mildly interested to know how he treats women?

That would be cultural, not religious.

You left out how they treat homosexuals. Do they share Democrat values on same sex marriage? Yes or No.

So would that.
Sometimes culture and religion overlap.
I would not vote for someone whose religious beliefs take precedent over logic or common decency; regardless of their religion.
I don't give a shit about a person's religion. As long as they don't bring it into the political arena, I'll vote for a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, atheist, etc. if I think they are qualified.

Voting along religious lines is sooooo 17th century.
Unfortunately many on the right are still in the 17th Century.
Everyone cherrypicks the same picture of muslims extremists to try to make a point, it's stupid. Yes, I would.

Would you be mildly interested to know how he treats women?

That would be cultural, not religious.

You left out how they treat homosexuals. Do they share Democrat values on same sex marriage? Yes or No.

So would that.

Cultural or Religious, by Democratic definition and criteria, Muslims are engaged in a War on Women. To a Muslim, when a woman gets raped, it's her fault.......which is basically Muslim talk for, "she wanted it" and committed adultery in the process. Democrats have already been exposed for being full of shit when Obama and Hillary pay their women staffers less than men. How in Allah's name are Muslim's going to let women marry one another??

Sounds like the Republicans.

It's a simple question.


Would you?
The sad truth is that to rich Republicans their money is all that matters.

They will use religion and race to divide us. Meanwhile these rich Republicans don't even care about America or American workers. Their money is in the caymen mexico or Switzerland now. Ir the arab emerits. Bahrain? They don't like high paid American workers uniting. Send us 1 million Muslim refuges. A little more disaster capitalism.

The rich live in gated communities. You don't.

The new America if your kids go to private school you don't have to deal with the rabble. You will.
-- nor did any other religion...
And that's where you're wrong.

Islam is a Warrior Religion, with more horns on it than an entire fleet of Mack trucks...

Your problem lies in an inability to distinguish Friend from Foe, in this context...

I'll keep my own counsel in such matters, rather than yours, thank you very much.

Yeah yeah, "when we do it it's noble, when they do it it's abomination", heard it all before...

The Composition Fallacy remains the elephant in the room. In other words if a drunk in a Subaru runs me over, that doesn't make me go, "oh no, I can't ride in your Subaru-- that's a killer car".
It's not the car.

It's the Founder.

It's the manner of the Founding.

It's the manner of the Expansion.

It's the manner of the Dogma.

It's the manner of the Mindset.

It's the manner of the Practical Application of the Dogma over the past 1300 years... up to and including the present.

It's the manner of Blindness, of those who cannot or will not see the danger.

Feel free to continue to delude yourself about it.

Most of the rest of us know better.

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