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Would you vote for Biden knowing he plans to expand the Supreme Court’s size?


Excellent post!

What is this fight really about?

Look, let us all stop beating around the bush and lay out, in clear language, what this fight is really about.

Our socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership does not support putting Justices on the Supreme Court who will actually adhere to the text of our Constitution and its legislative intent as expressed during its framing and ratification process, which gives context to its text.

What the socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership want is to put Justices on the Court who will impose the Democrat Party Leadership’s view of social justice, fairness and reasonableness as the “rule of law’, regardless of the intentions and beliefs under which our Constitution, and its various amendments, were adopted.

Instead of adhering to the rule of law, our Constitution, and using Article V, its amendment process, to adopt socialist policies and change for changing times, as our Founders intended, our socialist controlled Democrat Leadership want to impose change without the people’s consent as laid out in our Constitution’s amendment process, ergo, pack the court with social democrat loyalists.

The bottom line is, the socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership does not support abiding by the rule of law as expressed in our written constitution and they want to fundamentally transform our very system of government using hand-picked Justices who will arbitrarily impose the Democrat Party Leadership’s personal whims and fancies as the “rule of law”.

This is what the freaken fight is about ____ to be governed by the reason and choice of the people as expressed in a written constitution, and particularly its amendment process for change, or, to be ruled by the whims and fancies of a Supreme Court untethered to a written constitution.


"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

Let us listen to her own words and her uncontrolled laughter!

"And I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don’t make law. I know. Okay, I know. I’m not promoting it. I’m not advocating it. I know.”

Yup. We sure do know what Sotomayor said, and then, "ha, ha, ha," tried to clean it up. All we have to do is read some of her S.C. opinions to know she does not adhere to the rule of law, our Constitution, and using Article V, its amendment process, to adopt socialist policies and change for changing times.

In fact, she works to impose her personal views of social justice, fairness and reasonableness as the “rule of law’, regardless of the intentions and beliefs under which our Constitution, and its various amendments, were adopted.


"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968
For those who do not know the threat to our democratic system of government, if our Supreme Court were to have its number of seats doubled in size and its new members arbitrarily filled by the leadership of an existing political party, Venezuela ought to serve as a chilling contemporary warning, and cause every freedom loving American voter to be fearful of “court packing”, and that means “court packing” by either political party!

In 2012, Hugo Chavez, the socialist president of Venezuela died, and was replaced by Chavez’s hand-picked, Nicolás Maduro. Soon thereafter, the Supreme Court that was “packed” with 12 new Justices loyal to President Hugo Chávez’s party, begins to neuter and destroy Venezuela’s democratic system of government. See: 2013: Maduro Challenged by Opposition Leader

“As Venezuela’s situation worsens, the Maduro regime arrests opposition political leaders and shuts down news websites and detains journalists, leading to criticism from the U.N. and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In 2017, Venezuela’s Supreme Court, filled with Maduro loyalists, take away the powers of the National Assembly, increasing Maduro’s control. The following year, he is reelected overwhelmingly in an election that a coalition of other western hemisphere nations says “lacked legitimacy.”

In another article dated, 2004, by Human Rights Watch, Venezuela: Chávez Allies Pack Supreme Court we find:

“Five years ago, President Chávez’s supporters helped to enshrine the principle of judicial independence in a new democratic constitution,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Now, by packing the country’s highest court, they are betraying that principle and degrading Venezuelan democracy.”

And here we are today, with a Democrat Party Leadership controlled by “socialists”, refusing to tell voters if they intend to “pack” our Supreme Court, which most certainly would lead to a devastating assault on our democratic system of government, and reduce it to a Venezuelan type dictatorship, ruled by unelected Justices hand-picked by the Leadership of a socialist opposition political party.

Before you vote, I suggest you view the following video giving a glimpse into our future should our Supreme Court be packed by the Leadership of a political party.

Forewarned is forearmed! May God Bless the United States and her citizens.


”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands [our Supreme Court] . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

I just don't give a shit, at my age I doubt very much either or is going to affect me.

"I just don't give a shit, at my age I doubt very much either or is going to affect me."

Chilling example of a Biden voter. Just don't give a damn what happens to the nation. As long as he gets his boomer loot everything is fine. Again, mistake in expanding the voting rights to these people.

Biden kneels for BLM, believes Antifa is an idea, is ready to defund the police. He is clearly in bed with the extremists.

I certainly don't give a shit about you. I have changed my mind I hope they pack that fucking court and I hope it affects you for years to come. Chump
I just don't give a shit, at my age I doubt very much either or is going to affect me.

Yeah, I mean, who gives a shit about the world your grandkids will have to live in long after you're dust.

Typical Boomer attitude.
For those who do not know the threat to our democratic system of government, if our Supreme Court were to have its number of seats doubled in size and its new members arbitrarily filled by the leadership of an existing political party, Venezuela ought to serve as a chilling contemporary warning, and cause every freedom loving American voter to be fearful of “court packing”, and that means “court packing” by either political party!

In 2012, Hugo Chavez, the socialist president of Venezuela died, and was replaced by Chavez’s hand-picked, Nicolás Maduro. Soon thereafter, the Supreme Court that was “packed” with 12 new Justices loyal to President Hugo Chávez’s party, begins to neuter and destroy Venezuela’s democratic system of government. See: 2013: Maduro Challenged by Opposition Leader

“As Venezuela’s situation worsens, the Maduro regime arrests opposition political leaders and shuts down news websites and detains journalists, leading to criticism from the U.N. and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In 2017, Venezuela’s Supreme Court, filled with Maduro loyalists, take away the powers of the National Assembly, increasing Maduro’s control. The following year, he is reelected overwhelmingly in an election that a coalition of other western hemisphere nations says “lacked legitimacy.”

In another article dated, 2004, by Human Rights Watch, Venezuela: Chávez Allies Pack Supreme Court we find:

“Five years ago, President Chávez’s supporters helped to enshrine the principle of judicial independence in a new democratic constitution,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Now, by packing the country’s highest court, they are betraying that principle and degrading Venezuelan democracy.”

And here we are today, with a Democrat Party Leadership controlled by “socialists”, refusing to tell voters if they intend to “pack” our Supreme Court, which most certainly would lead to a devastating assault on our democratic system of government, and reduce it to a Venezuelan type dictatorship, ruled by unelected Justices hand-picked by the Leadership of a socialist opposition political party.

Before you vote, I suggest you view the following video giving a glimpse into our future should our Supreme Court be packed by the Leadership of a political party.

Forewarned is forearmed! May God Bless the United States and her citizens.


”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands [our Supreme Court] . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

Yes. I will still vote for Joe Biden even if he were to publicly state he would pack the court if trump pushes through confirmation without regard to election completion or outcome. Elections have consequences and so do tactics of the current duplicitous republicans to pack the court without regard for listening to the American People.

It’s his obligation to nominate somebody for the vacancy. Every president has done this

Yep and coward republicans stopped Pres. Obama from doing it.
Don’t care.
I’m not voting for trump.
View attachment 399680
What do you care about? I'll bet you care about narcotics, don't you? What exactly is it you want????
I want trump gone.
Stop pouting, baby.
President Biden.
View attachment 399690

View attachment 399701

Does that mean Trump is licking everyone.
Are there any members of the left here in this forum who AREN'T traitors to this country by wanting to implement their authoritarian single party rule?

Anybody? Anybody? Ferris?

It is funny listening to you right wing, cocksuckers tell us who are Americans and who is not.
For those who do not know the threat to our democratic system of government, if our Supreme Court were to have its number of seats doubled in size and its new members arbitrarily filled by the leadership of an existing political party, Venezuela ought to serve as a chilling contemporary warning, and cause every freedom loving American voter to be fearful of “court packing”, and that means “court packing” by either political party!

In 2012, Hugo Chavez, the socialist president of Venezuela died, and was replaced by Chavez’s hand-picked, Nicolás Maduro. Soon thereafter, the Supreme Court that was “packed” with 12 new Justices loyal to President Hugo Chávez’s party, begins to neuter and destroy Venezuela’s democratic system of government. See: 2013: Maduro Challenged by Opposition Leader

“As Venezuela’s situation worsens, the Maduro regime arrests opposition political leaders and shuts down news websites and detains journalists, leading to criticism from the U.N. and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In 2017, Venezuela’s Supreme Court, filled with Maduro loyalists, take away the powers of the National Assembly, increasing Maduro’s control. The following year, he is reelected overwhelmingly in an election that a coalition of other western hemisphere nations says “lacked legitimacy.”

In another article dated, 2004, by Human Rights Watch, Venezuela: Chávez Allies Pack Supreme Court we find:

“Five years ago, President Chávez’s supporters helped to enshrine the principle of judicial independence in a new democratic constitution,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Now, by packing the country’s highest court, they are betraying that principle and degrading Venezuelan democracy.”

And here we are today, with a Democrat Party Leadership controlled by “socialists”, refusing to tell voters if they intend to “pack” our Supreme Court, which most certainly would lead to a devastating assault on our democratic system of government, and reduce it to a Venezuelan type dictatorship, ruled by unelected Justices hand-picked by the Leadership of a socialist opposition political party.

Before you vote, I suggest you view the following video giving a glimpse into our future should our Supreme Court be packed by the Leadership of a political party.

Forewarned is forearmed! May God Bless the United States and her citizens.


”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands [our Supreme Court] . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

Yes. No way I could ever vote for Trump, who by the way is closer to Chavez and Maduro in what he wants to do in holding and consolidating power. As in Venezuela, you have a corrupt individual at the top who is the main reason for the downfall of the country. One of the reasons you righties should stop using it as an example...because that's exactly what Trump and the Republicans are doing. And it takes a lot of doing to expand the SC here in the United States. Just ask FDR.

Trump wants to expand the Supreme Court? Really??

Yeah....and defund the police.....

Actually it is REFORM the police.
For those who do not know the threat to our democratic system of government, if our Supreme Court were to have its number of seats doubled in size and its new members arbitrarily filled by the leadership of an existing political party, Venezuela ought to serve as a chilling contemporary warning, and cause every freedom loving American voter to be fearful of “court packing”, and that means “court packing” by either political party!

In 2012, Hugo Chavez, the socialist president of Venezuela died, and was replaced by Chavez’s hand-picked, Nicolás Maduro. Soon thereafter, the Supreme Court that was “packed” with 12 new Justices loyal to President Hugo Chávez’s party, begins to neuter and destroy Venezuela’s democratic system of government. See: 2013: Maduro Challenged by Opposition Leader

“As Venezuela’s situation worsens, the Maduro regime arrests opposition political leaders and shuts down news websites and detains journalists, leading to criticism from the U.N. and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In 2017, Venezuela’s Supreme Court, filled with Maduro loyalists, take away the powers of the National Assembly, increasing Maduro’s control. The following year, he is reelected overwhelmingly in an election that a coalition of other western hemisphere nations says “lacked legitimacy.”

In another article dated, 2004, by Human Rights Watch, Venezuela: Chávez Allies Pack Supreme Court we find:

“Five years ago, President Chávez’s supporters helped to enshrine the principle of judicial independence in a new democratic constitution,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Now, by packing the country’s highest court, they are betraying that principle and degrading Venezuelan democracy.”

And here we are today, with a Democrat Party Leadership controlled by “socialists”, refusing to tell voters if they intend to “pack” our Supreme Court, which most certainly would lead to a devastating assault on our democratic system of government, and reduce it to a Venezuelan type dictatorship, ruled by unelected Justices hand-picked by the Leadership of a socialist opposition political party.

Before you vote, I suggest you view the following video giving a glimpse into our future should our Supreme Court be packed by the Leadership of a political party.

Forewarned is forearmed! May God Bless the United States and her citizens.


”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands [our Supreme Court] . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

If the GOP fills RBG's seat then it seems they have declared war so I'd give the Dems my blessing (for what that is worth). I'd prefer to have the EC eliminated and DC and Puerto Rico given statehood.

Yes it's very clear what your side is willing to do.........CRYSTAL CLEAR.............

You will obtain power by any means necessary........Lie Cheat and Steal.........abuse power....We know what your side has become.............

This year your side has gone to this...

You may claim to know what the Dems will do but I know what the GOP have done. And I don't like it and accusing the Dems of doing the same thing in the future is a diversion.

really what has the GOP done that is worse than what the democratsg have done?

The Bad:
  • Reed eliminated the filibuster for lower court judges
  • McConnell eliminated the filibuster for supreme court judges
  • McConnell prevented Obama from appointing a supreme court judge
  • McConnell is enabling Trump to do exactly what he prevented Obama from doing.
Looks like the score it 3 to 1 in favor of the GOP (just on the judiciary) so it seems to me when it is the Dems turn at bat they should swing for the fences.

1ST and foremost there is no ruling or laws stating the senate must appoint a presidential nomination to the supreme court it has been done before.
If the democrats had the roles reversed the same outcome would have happened
Ried eliminated the filibuster when it came to court appointments

How many Justices does the Constitution state can be on the Supreme Court?
For those who do not know the threat to our democratic system of government, if our Supreme Court were to have its number of seats doubled in size and its new members arbitrarily filled by the leadership of an existing political party, Venezuela ought to serve as a chilling contemporary warning, and cause every freedom loving American voter to be fearful of “court packing”, and that means “court packing” by either political party!

In 2012, Hugo Chavez, the socialist president of Venezuela died, and was replaced by Chavez’s hand-picked, Nicolás Maduro. Soon thereafter, the Supreme Court that was “packed” with 12 new Justices loyal to President Hugo Chávez’s party, begins to neuter and destroy Venezuela’s democratic system of government. See: 2013: Maduro Challenged by Opposition Leader

“As Venezuela’s situation worsens, the Maduro regime arrests opposition political leaders and shuts down news websites and detains journalists, leading to criticism from the U.N. and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In 2017, Venezuela’s Supreme Court, filled with Maduro loyalists, take away the powers of the National Assembly, increasing Maduro’s control. The following year, he is reelected overwhelmingly in an election that a coalition of other western hemisphere nations says “lacked legitimacy.”

In another article dated, 2004, by Human Rights Watch, Venezuela: Chávez Allies Pack Supreme Court we find:

“Five years ago, President Chávez’s supporters helped to enshrine the principle of judicial independence in a new democratic constitution,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Now, by packing the country’s highest court, they are betraying that principle and degrading Venezuelan democracy.”

And here we are today, with a Democrat Party Leadership controlled by “socialists”, refusing to tell voters if they intend to “pack” our Supreme Court, which most certainly would lead to a devastating assault on our democratic system of government, and reduce it to a Venezuelan type dictatorship, ruled by unelected Justices hand-picked by the Leadership of a socialist opposition political party.

Before you vote, I suggest you view the following video giving a glimpse into our future should our Supreme Court be packed by the Leadership of a political party.

Forewarned is forearmed! May God Bless the United States and her citizens.


”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands [our Supreme Court] . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

If the GOP fills RBG's seat then it seems they have declared war so I'd give the Dems my blessing (for what that is worth). I'd prefer to have the EC eliminated and DC and Puerto Rico given statehood.

Yes it's very clear what your side is willing to do.........CRYSTAL CLEAR.............

You will obtain power by any means necessary........Lie Cheat and Steal.........abuse power....We know what your side has become.............

This year your side has gone to this...

You may claim to know what the Dems will do but I know what the GOP have done. And I don't like it and accusing the Dems of doing the same thing in the future is a diversion.

really what has the GOP done that is worse than what the democratsg have done?

The Bad:
  • Reed eliminated the filibuster for lower court judges
  • McConnell eliminated the filibuster for supreme court judges
  • McConnell prevented Obama from appointing a supreme court judge
  • McConnell is enabling Trump to do exactly what he prevented Obama from doing.
Looks like the score it 3 to 1 in favor of the GOP (just on the judiciary) so it seems to me when it is the Dems turn at bat they should swing for the fences.

1ST and foremost there is no ruling or laws stating the senate must appoint a presidential nomination to the supreme court it has been done before.
If the democrats had the roles reversed the same outcome would have happened
Ried eliminated the filibuster when it came to court appointments

How many Justices does the Constitution state can be on the Supreme Court?

what has that to do with anything I said? When have I ever said it was unconstitutional to add to the bench? Did you know FDR wanted to add 15 supreme court justices but congress shot it down? Lincoln had 10 because of the dread Scott decision.
Are there any members of the left here in this forum who AREN'T traitors to this country by wanting to implement their authoritarian single party rule?

Anybody? Anybody? Ferris?

It is funny listening to you right wing, cocksuckers tell us who are Americans and who is not.
I will take that as a no. There isn't a single leftist here who isn't a piece of fascist excrement.

Thanks for the confirmation.
For those who do not know the threat to our democratic system of government, if our Supreme Court were to have its number of seats doubled in size and its new members arbitrarily filled by the leadership of an existing political party, Venezuela ought to serve as a chilling contemporary warning, and cause every freedom loving American voter to be fearful of “court packing”, and that means “court packing” by either political party!

In 2012, Hugo Chavez, the socialist president of Venezuela died, and was replaced by Chavez’s hand-picked, Nicolás Maduro. Soon thereafter, the Supreme Court that was “packed” with 12 new Justices loyal to President Hugo Chávez’s party, begins to neuter and destroy Venezuela’s democratic system of government. See: 2013: Maduro Challenged by Opposition Leader

“As Venezuela’s situation worsens, the Maduro regime arrests opposition political leaders and shuts down news websites and detains journalists, leading to criticism from the U.N. and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In 2017, Venezuela’s Supreme Court, filled with Maduro loyalists, take away the powers of the National Assembly, increasing Maduro’s control. The following year, he is reelected overwhelmingly in an election that a coalition of other western hemisphere nations says “lacked legitimacy.”

In another article dated, 2004, by Human Rights Watch, Venezuela: Chávez Allies Pack Supreme Court we find:

“Five years ago, President Chávez’s supporters helped to enshrine the principle of judicial independence in a new democratic constitution,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Now, by packing the country’s highest court, they are betraying that principle and degrading Venezuelan democracy.”

And here we are today, with a Democrat Party Leadership controlled by “socialists”, refusing to tell voters if they intend to “pack” our Supreme Court, which most certainly would lead to a devastating assault on our democratic system of government, and reduce it to a Venezuelan type dictatorship, ruled by unelected Justices hand-picked by the Leadership of a socialist opposition political party.

Before you vote, I suggest you view the following video giving a glimpse into our future should our Supreme Court be packed by the Leadership of a political party.

Forewarned is forearmed! May God Bless the United States and her citizens.


”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands [our Supreme Court] . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

Yes. I will still vote for Joe Biden even if he were to publicly state he would pack the court if trump pushes through confirmation without regard to election completion or outcome. Elections have consequences and so do tactics of the current duplicitous republicans to pack the court without regard for listening to the American People.

It’s his obligation to nominate somebody for the vacancy. Every president has done this

Yep and coward republicans stopped Pres. Obama from doing it.

All you know is the TV, or your facebook account, told you to jump and your only reply was how high?
I don’t watch TV and I’m not on Facebook.
I don’t want trump to be re-selected.
I hate him, and anyone who supports the vile piece of trash.
We will never be a socialist country never

Nobody wants us to be, that is just right wing propaganda.
No it’s socialism
For those who do not know the threat to our democratic system of government, if our Supreme Court were to have its number of seats doubled in size and its new members arbitrarily filled by the leadership of an existing political party, Venezuela ought to serve as a chilling contemporary warning, and cause every freedom loving American voter to be fearful of “court packing”, and that means “court packing” by either political party!

In 2012, Hugo Chavez, the socialist president of Venezuela died, and was replaced by Chavez’s hand-picked, Nicolás Maduro. Soon thereafter, the Supreme Court that was “packed” with 12 new Justices loyal to President Hugo Chávez’s party, begins to neuter and destroy Venezuela’s democratic system of government. See: 2013: Maduro Challenged by Opposition Leader

“As Venezuela’s situation worsens, the Maduro regime arrests opposition political leaders and shuts down news websites and detains journalists, leading to criticism from the U.N. and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In 2017, Venezuela’s Supreme Court, filled with Maduro loyalists, take away the powers of the National Assembly, increasing Maduro’s control. The following year, he is reelected overwhelmingly in an election that a coalition of other western hemisphere nations says “lacked legitimacy.”

In another article dated, 2004, by Human Rights Watch, Venezuela: Chávez Allies Pack Supreme Court we find:

“Five years ago, President Chávez’s supporters helped to enshrine the principle of judicial independence in a new democratic constitution,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Now, by packing the country’s highest court, they are betraying that principle and degrading Venezuelan democracy.”

And here we are today, with a Democrat Party Leadership controlled by “socialists”, refusing to tell voters if they intend to “pack” our Supreme Court, which most certainly would lead to a devastating assault on our democratic system of government, and reduce it to a Venezuelan type dictatorship, ruled by unelected Justices hand-picked by the Leadership of a socialist opposition political party.

Before you vote, I suggest you view the following video giving a glimpse into our future should our Supreme Court be packed by the Leadership of a political party.

Forewarned is forearmed! May God Bless the United States and her citizens.


”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands [our Supreme Court] . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

Since the republicans have been cheating to pack the supreme court with far right radical extremists, I have absolutely no problem with Biden not cheating and expanding that court.

If you don't like it, too bad. You people shouldn't have cheated, lied and stole Supreme Court seats.

I hope he fills the court with far left liberals just to piss you off and I sure hope to see you lose it when he does.

You do know what's hilarious is Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Roberts vote the law and not one side or the other. All have voted against the right one time or another and it's going to happen many times in their tenure.

Yes, but the Dyke Patrol has never supported anything but left wing policy.
Are there any members of the left here in this forum who AREN'T traitors to this country by wanting to implement their authoritarian single party rule?

Anybody? Anybody? Ferris?

It is funny listening to you right wing, cocksuckers tell us who are Americans and who is not.

A page right out of your playbook.

How does it feel ?

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