Would you..... ?

Would You Kill 1 Person (if you could get away with it)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
No, they sure don't.

You want to rob someone of everything they have? Everything they every will have? Everything they have ever done? Everything they every will do?

Really, you want to do that?

If they are a total user and shithead, yes.

So, you want to "play God?" :)
Says the person advocating for more guns on the streets.

That's not playing God. We have rights in this county. Thankfully, our forefathers knew to make a second amendment and BOR to protect us from government lackeys like yourself.
Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™m always saying liberals are better people than cons but these two liberals are making you look like the better person.

But isnā€™t it us liberals who want to do away with the death penalty? We say just put them away for life. Itā€™s you cons who want vengeance and cry about the cost.

And for the record Iā€™m pro death penalty just not the way itā€™s administered now.

Some crimes are so bad that they deserve a slow painful death. The only problem is that we don't always kill the right people. Too many times, and too late, we found the executed guy really didn't do it. Until we can find a way to prevent those mistakes, we have no business executing anybody.
That's not a compliment. Lol. :D

In a general sense.

If I was a soldier fighting in a war - sure.

Defending myself or someone else- sure.

Killing some mass murderer to prevent him from killing again- probably.

But in a general sense- I have no interest in killing anyone- whether I could get away with it or not.

I'm not sure of where your reply is in this ^^^^. :D

aimed at bon

What if they used you, destroyed your marriage through lies, and cost you your job. Forgive and forget?

Christianity teaches the power of foregiveness.

Jesus himself told you to love your enemy.

I am no Christian- so I feel no obligation to 'forgive and forget' but in my experience- holding hate towards someone is self poisoning.

Forgiving someone takes the power from them- and keeps the power for yourself.

Not that I recommend 'forgetting' what they did wrong to you- or even accepting it- but 'forgiveness' has tremendous healing power for yourself.
This guy wrongfully fired me and was an all around scumbag. Heā€™s the one guy I consider when asked this question.

Too much time has passed and Iā€™ve moved on. It wasnā€™t the end of the world. It didnā€™t cost me my home or 401k. So Iā€™m over it.

But have I forgiven him? Why would I ever forgive him or what he did? Iā€™ve even seen him since and we exchanged pleasantries but I will never forgive or forget. But I have almost completely forgotten him. BUT, if he was to try to get a job at my company now, should I not try to prevent him from getting hired? If youā€™ve forgiven then youā€™ll give him another shot at ruining your life again.

I donā€™t believe you guys forgive. Youā€™ve just gotten over whatever happened
Some interesting answers. I voted no. However I would in self defense or to save someone from danger. Anyone who has ever been a combat infantryman would vote no with the same disclaimers. I don't know any of them who sleeps well. Or goes hunting. Killing someone puts a terrible burden on your conscience. I sponsor and counsel three wounded warriors and I also am involved with a counseling program for combat returnees at my VA. We never talk about killing or death. Some of the young guys have such a frame of mind you can spot the ones who could commit suicide. Those, we work with. Killing is not a coffee klatch subject with these young soldiers.
Itā€™s crazy one person can go to war and come back with ptsd and another person can be a serial killer.

One man can rape another person and I couldnā€™t imagine doing that to someone.

I discovered a suicide once. It fucked me up for a month.

I used to say if I was terminal Iā€™d go to a high crime area and be a vigilante but today I really wouldnā€™t want to go kill random people even if they were criminals.

Who could walk through a prison and kill hundreds of prisoners after hearing their horrible crimes of rape and murder? I donā€™t think Iā€™d want to. Bonnie sounds like sheā€™d like to do it
If they are a total user and shithead, yes.

So, you want to "play God?" :)
Says the person advocating for more guns on the streets.

That's not playing God. We have rights in this county. Thankfully, our forefathers knew to make a second amendment and BOR to protect us from government lackeys like yourself.
Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™m always saying liberals are better people than cons but these two liberals are making you look like the better person.

But isnā€™t it us liberals who want to do away with the death penalty? We say just put them away for life. Itā€™s you cons who want vengeance and cry about the cost.

And for the record Iā€™m pro death penalty just not the way itā€™s administered now.

Some crimes are so bad that they deserve a slow painful death. The only problem is that we don't always kill the right people. Too many times, and too late, we found the executed guy really didn't do it. Until we can find a way to prevent those mistakes, we have no business executing anybody.
Like Scott Peterson who killed lacy Peterson. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a death penalty case. Has to be a slam dunk. A Jeff dahmer type.
So, you want to "play God?" :)
Says the person advocating for more guns on the streets.

That's not playing God. We have rights in this county. Thankfully, our forefathers knew to make a second amendment and BOR to protect us from government lackeys like yourself.
Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™m always saying liberals are better people than cons but these two liberals are making you look like the better person.

But isnā€™t it us liberals who want to do away with the death penalty? We say just put them away for life. Itā€™s you cons who want vengeance and cry about the cost.

And for the record Iā€™m pro death penalty just not the way itā€™s administered now.

Some crimes are so bad that they deserve a slow painful death. The only problem is that we don't always kill the right people. Too many times, and too late, we found the executed guy really didn't do it. Until we can find a way to prevent those mistakes, we have no business executing anybody.
Like Scott Peterson who killed lacy Peterson. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a death penalty case. Has to be a slam dunk. A Jeff dahmer type.

I'm just glad that is a decision I'm not responsible for.

Some crimes are so bad that they deserve a slow painful death.

Such as voting for Donald Trump or failing to kneel when a gay enters the room?

The only problem is that we don't always kill the right people. Too many times, and too late, we found the executed guy really didn't do it. Until we can find a way to prevent those mistakes, we have no business executing anybody.

Most of the time we know the guilt of those involved in real crimes. DNA is about 99% certain.

But I'm sure you only want to kill those who commit the political crime of being enemies of the party.

Some crimes are so bad that they deserve a slow painful death.

Such as voting for Donald Trump or failing to kneel when a gay enters the room?

The only problem is that we don't always kill the right people. Too many times, and too late, we found the executed guy really didn't do it. Until we can find a way to prevent those mistakes, we have no business executing anybody.

Most of the time we know the guilt of those involved in real crimes. DNA is about 99% certain.

But I'm sure you only want to kill those who commit the political crime of being enemies of the party.

Well, some RWNJs here are too dumb to live, but natural selection will take care of them.
Well, some RWNJs here are too dumb to live, but natural selection will take care of them.

I suspect that the violence from you Communists will continue to escalate. At some point this civil war we are in becomes a shooting war. At that point we will see which side is "too dumb to live," Comrade.

Until you get that civil war you seem to want so much, you can play army at the playground. They have a jungle gym you can use for your headquarters and everything.

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