Would you..... ?

Would You Kill 1 Person (if you could get away with it)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
... kill someone (1 person) if you knew you could get away with it?

No. Though the fantasy is very appealing, and soothing to my primitive brain, you can never get away with murder. You'll always know, and if God exists so will He.

Like the "Tell Tale Heart".....

Dunno the reference. :)

Edgar Allan Poe - (you should read him, after Stephen King, my favorite...)
... kill someone (1 person) if you knew you could get away with it?

No. Though the fantasy is very appealing, and soothing to my primitive brain, you can never get away with murder. You'll always know, and if God exists so will He.

Like the "Tell Tale Heart".....

Dunno the reference. :)

Edgar Allan Poe - (you should read him, after Stephen King, my favorite...)

Not a fan of 'Night Pain' ;)
... kill someone (1 person) if you knew you could get away with it?

No. Though the fantasy is very appealing, and soothing to my primitive brain, you can never get away with murder. You'll always know, and if God exists so will He.

Like the "Tell Tale Heart".....

Dunno the reference. :)

Edgar Allan Poe - (you should read him, after Stephen King, my favorite...)

Not a fan of 'Night Pain' ;)

Had to look it up... South Park?
No. Though the fantasy is very appealing, and soothing to my primitive brain, you can never get away with murder. You'll always know, and if God exists so will He.

Like the "Tell Tale Heart".....

Dunno the reference. :)

Edgar Allan Poe - (you should read him, after Stephen King, my favorite...)

Not a fan of 'Night Pain' ;)

Had to look it up... South Park?

Ya. :)
Some interesting answers. I voted no. However I would in self defense or to save someone from danger. Anyone who has ever been a combat infantryman would vote no with the same disclaimers. I don't know any of them who sleeps well. Or goes hunting. Killing someone puts a terrible burden on your conscience. I sponsor and counsel three wounded warriors and I also am involved with a counseling program for combat returnees at my VA. We never talk about killing or death. Some of the young guys have such a frame of mind you can spot the ones who could commit suicide. Those, we work with. Killing is not a coffee klatch subject with these young soldiers.

I couldn't be a "contract killer" - like killing in war or for another "organization".
Had to draw my weapon twice working security back in the day. Have confronted the consequences of having to kill at least in theory. I don't wanna go through the rest of my life with the memory of bringing another's life to an end. Even in self-defense.
It's like Gandalf said in the first LoTR movie when Bilbo said he wished Bilbo'd killed Golum about how we can't see every possibility and end. Good point. It's like the hypothetical about going back in time and would you kill Hitler. I wouldn't. So much happened good and bad because of him that without him how things would have unfolded instead is unknown. And given how many times we came close to nuking Russia and they us since WW2, maybe we woulda. Maybe we wouldn't have a space age, modern computers, etc.

Killing another person is something we all think is the easiest thing in the world. Largely because tv fictions never show the aftermath of doing it. The nightmares, the depression, and putting yourself in thir place. So we think it's an over and done with act. It isn't. It lasts the rest of your life. And unlike other things I expect time doesn't lessen the impact.
It's like Gandalf said in the first LoTR movie when Bilbo said he wished Bilbo'd killed Golum about how we can't see every possibility and end. Good point. It's like the hypothetical about going back in time and would you kill Hitler. I wouldn't. So much happened good and bad because of him that without him how things would have unfolded instead is unknown. And given how many times we came close to nuking Russia and they us since WW2, maybe we woulda. Maybe we wouldn't have a space age, modern computers, etc.

Killing another person is something we all think is the easiest thing in the world. Largely because tv fictions never show the aftermath of doing it. The nightmares, the depression, and putting yourself in thir place. So we think it's an over and done with act. It isn't. It lasts the rest of your life. And unlike other things I expect time doesn't lessen the impact.

Not to mention, having to deal with the fact that you've destroyed and caused pain to an entire family.
It's like Gandalf said in the first LoTR movie when Bilbo said he wished Bilbo'd killed Golum about how we can't see every possibility and end. Good point. It's like the hypothetical about going back in time and would you kill Hitler. I wouldn't. So much happened good and bad because of him that without him how things would have unfolded instead is unknown. And given how many times we came close to nuking Russia and they us since WW2, maybe we woulda. Maybe we wouldn't have a space age, modern computers, etc.

Killing another person is something we all think is the easiest thing in the world. Largely because tv fictions never show the aftermath of doing it. The nightmares, the depression, and putting yourself in thir place. So we think it's an over and done with act. It isn't. It lasts the rest of your life. And unlike other things I expect time doesn't lessen the impact.

Not to mention, having to deal with the fact that you've destroyed and caused pain to an entire family.

And the inevitble second-guessing, "did I have to kill him? Could I have brandished and warned them off? Wounded them?" etc etc.
Depending on the circumstances I would kill more than one person even if I knew I would get caught.
There is no one I know that I want to kill. It would suck to have someone out there that I hate that bad.

I know there are people out there I would like to kill. Guys like Jeff dahmer or btk. I would have no problem administering justice on evil.

The reason I came here was to ask would you cut off your penis to stop a genocide? If not, does all life really matter? I think to me only my life matters. Or my people. For example if you gave me the choice of my nephews or penis I’d give up my penis.
Even tough I voted no, if it was justified, as in my life was in jeopardy, you bet I'd take a life. Been there and somehow refrained and regret it to this day. I'm not into regretting anymore. I'd do it in a heartbeat now given similar circumstances. I'd also do it to protect loved ones, not only my life.
I hope later you tell the details. I’ll keep reading
Most people would take a live for their kids.

I guess I should have been more specific. Maybe just getting rid of someone that was a thorn in your side, not necessarily a threat to your life or sanity....

About the only good reason for killing is in defense of a child or other loved one.
There are plenty of good reasons. Self defense and defense of a child or loved on are more like excuses.

Hmmm I just want to kill people that piss me off, and get on my bad side.... I guess I'm selfish ;)
We think alike. I know no middle ground once I get going. :laugh:
I can tell you that I never beat up anyone more than necessary. So for example if I can wrestle them to the ground and easily hold them there I will while smacking not punching them.

I hate watching a guy punch another guy when the guys clearly done
Absolutely not. Does this person have a family, children? Why would I want to ruin MY life? This is stupid.
She said you’d get away with it.

I always say I wish we would kill identity thieves but I couldn’t pull the trigger so maybe I don’t really feel death is justified for those scum
... kill someone (1 person) if you knew you could get away with it?


In a general sense.

If I was a soldier fighting in a war - sure.

Defending myself or someone else- sure.

Killing some mass murderer to prevent him from killing again- probably.

But in a general sense- I have no interest in killing anyone- whether I could get away with it or not.
So yes if you felt they deserved it.

What do you mean maybe on a serial killer? You can get away with it and it would stop them. No other option. You don’t have enough proof for the cops to arrest
Everyone wants to kill someone..... joy juice or not ;)

No, they sure don't.

You want to rob someone of everything they have? Everything they every will have? Everything they have ever done? Everything they every will do?

Really, you want to do that?

If they are a total user and shithead, yes.

So, you want to "play God?" :)
Says the person advocating for more guns on the streets.

That's not playing God. We have rights in this county. Thankfully, our forefathers knew to make a second amendment and BOR to protect us from government lackeys like yourself.
I’ll be honest I’m always saying liberals are better people than cons but these two liberals are making you look like the better person.

But isn’t it us liberals who want to do away with the death penalty? We say just put them away for life. It’s you cons who want vengeance and cry about the cost.

And for the record I’m pro death penalty just not the way it’s administered now.
How would you know? Have you ever killed someone? Are you that naïve?

If I told you, I would have to kill you, and I don't want to do that. ;)

so now I get to turn the table on you sweetie ;)

You do?? How so? I don't want to kill people. :)

yet, you said you might HAVE to ;)
ChrisL is a hypocrite. If she was serious about this god thing she would just let god dish out the punishment.
She’s not serious about god. There is no god. Don’t be a child

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