Wouldn't it have been easier...

Unfortunately prudence is not a page in DJT's administration repertoire.

Oh shut up, Jesus! As much as I thought Obama was just horrible as a President, I never thought for a moment that he didn't want to do the best he could for the country, just what HE thought was the best approach..You people and your pathetic hatred over losing an election is just plain stupid now....
Oh Baby Jebuz, I will not shut up. Folks have moved on since 2016. Nobody is mad about HRC losing. You are being plain stupid in your analysis of what drives folks to critique DJT and his presidency. He is in all our faces, every day screwing up everything he touches. Just look at the Covid-19 response.

Yeah, just look at it....Being controlled pretty damned well if you ask me....Tell me do you freak out over the flu too?
Nobody asked you your opinion about control, and Covid-19 is not the flu.
HRC lost and you don't have a Bogeyman to blame for the colossal failure that DJT is and the bedlam that his economic policies have created.

No one may have asked but I told you anyway...This is a message board you know, so I don't need your permission to post...As for your thoughts that Trump is failing in your eyes, I suspect comes from the school of you wanting some kind of AOC, liberal wish list of freedom killing changes to this country. So, If you are upset that you aren't getting them, then that makes Trump a huge success in my eyes...
Again. I don't need to be told anything from you. You apparently missed that point. I'm not upset. And DJT is a failure.

No, no...I got your point...It is the same point you idiots have been making since Jan 2017...You hate the man, and want him gone...We get it already....Now, maybe you could move on to something less boring.
Unfortunately prudence is not a page in DJT's administration repertoire.

Oh shut up, Jesus! As much as I thought Obama was just horrible as a President, I never thought for a moment that he didn't want to do the best he could for the country, just what HE thought was the best approach..You people and your pathetic hatred over losing an election is just plain stupid now....
Oh Baby Jebuz, I will not shut up. Folks have moved on since 2016. Nobody is mad about HRC losing. You are being plain stupid in your analysis of what drives folks to critique DJT and his presidency. He is in all our faces, every day screwing up everything he touches. Just look at the Covid-19 response.

Yeah, just look at it....Being controlled pretty damned well if you ask me....Tell me do you freak out over the flu too?
Nobody asked you your opinion about control, and Covid-19 is not the flu.
HRC lost and you don't have a Bogeyman to blame for the colossal failure that DJT is and the bedlam that his economic policies have created.
Trump must be a God then.......because the whole world is in a world of shit right now because of this virus...........except most of the World is dealing with TDS on top of this virus......

His economic policies have created.........LOL........we were doing pretty decent until this bug showed up.........so was the rest of the world.

The biggest problem in the United States is NEW YORK and New Jersey.......they are Blue States ......heavily dense populated areas.....and they have over HALF of all cases here...........DID TRUMP CAUSE THAT TOO..........hmmm.......What about their BS of having large gatherings in February saying they weren't racist or Xenophobic...........was that really smart and why aren't you bitching about that.

We have heard TDS for a long time now......years........we are tired of it.........If you get your head out of your ass long enough to discuss REALITY...........then maybe we can end this BS.

I don't think you can do it........TDS rules and you WILL GET RETURN FIRE........this isn't the time for it.
God is punishing us for electing Trump
Unfortunately prudence is not a page in DJT's administration repertoire.

Oh shut up, Jesus! As much as I thought Obama was just horrible as a President, I never thought for a moment that he didn't want to do the best he could for the country, just what HE thought was the best approach..You people and your pathetic hatred over losing an election is just plain stupid now....
Oh Baby Jebuz, I will not shut up. Folks have moved on since 2016. Nobody is mad about HRC losing. You are being plain stupid in your analysis of what drives folks to critique DJT and his presidency. He is in all our faces, every day screwing up everything he touches. Just look at the Covid-19 response.

Yeah, just look at it....Being controlled pretty damned well if you ask me....Tell me do you freak out over the flu too?
Nobody asked you your opinion about control, and Covid-19 is not the flu.
HRC lost and you don't have a Bogeyman to blame for the colossal failure that DJT is and the bedlam that his economic policies have created.
Trump must be a God then.......because the whole world is in a world of shit right now because of this virus...........except most of the World is dealing with TDS on top of this virus......

His economic policies have created.........LOL........we were doing pretty decent until this bug showed up.........so was the rest of the world.

The biggest problem in the United States is NEW YORK and New Jersey.......they are Blue States ......heavily dense populated areas.....and they have over HALF of all cases here...........DID TRUMP CAUSE THAT TOO..........hmmm.......What about their BS of having large gatherings in February saying they weren't racist or Xenophobic...........was that really smart and why aren't you bitching about that.

We have heard TDS for a long time now......years........we are tired of it.........If you get your head out of your ass long enough to discuss REALITY...........then maybe we can end this BS.

I don't think you can do it........TDS rules and you WILL GET RETURN FIRE........this isn't the time for it.
God is punishing us for electing Trump

It might help if you actually believed in God.
And more prudent and effective if we had taken the steps to isolate all those that are at high risk of dying from the corona virus 19, than to shut the whole country down or to shutter the whole country?

Also, I understand that it is important that As many healthy people that could get it, get it....the better.... because they build up antigens...much like a vaccination, that helps prevent them from getting it again in the fall.... it's part of the reason we've been able to subdue other deadly viruses.

Plus, most of the at risk, are older and not working...

The economy would have gone on as usual, no shut downs, no market crashes....

Why didn't we take that approach?

Because ther you that suffer TDS would have added "ageist" to "racist" and "sexist" to the list of "ist" to all Trump gripes.
I just read a thread where that was suggested.

It was immediately pilloried by the left.

Seems like a reasonable approach to me.

Here we have yet another madman who doesn't think on his own, but is confident to render judgment on "reasonable".

Explain to us, then, reasonable one, how you would "isolate" the 60 million elderly and the roughly 60 million non-elderly at-risk persons. Also, bear in mind what "isolate" means, if you will, and the nine figures that make up 120.000.000.

That would still mean, 200 million contracting the extremely contagious virus in a short time span, many of them falling mildly to severely ill. Explain that how the medical system is supposed to cope with that wave.

Further, with the collapse of the medical system because of overload, explain how those now in that very system for a variety of diseases are to be both isolated AND treated.

Explain further, how so many falling ill for months is better for the economy than a few weeks of shut-down to curtail the spread.

And don't come back before you have put in the first thought to underpin your ... "judgment".
H1N1 life was normal.........didn't do this.........spread like a Flu....in the end they GUESSED 62 MILLION or so got it.............probably more like 100 million...........Since this spreads at that rate or a little better then probably over a 100 million would get it if NO ACTION WAS TAKEN..............

Action has been taken.......and the public is very aware of the situation..........ONCE this became Exponential.........it became the PEOPLE'S actions to reduce this virus.......being smart to limit the thread................

This virus WILL spread again after the TEMP measures are done.........Only treatments, and vaccines will stop it's spread now.............We have only SLOWED IT DOWN.

1957 AND 1968 are the historical events to look at this one..........Buckle up.
Unfortunately prudence is not a page in DJT's administration repertoire.

Oh shut up, Jesus! As much as I thought Obama was just horrible as a President, I never thought for a moment that he didn't want to do the best he could for the country, just what HE thought was the best approach..You people and your pathetic hatred over losing an election is just plain stupid now....
Oh Baby Jebuz, I will not shut up. Folks have moved on since 2016. Nobody is mad about HRC losing. You are being plain stupid in your analysis of what drives folks to critique DJT and his presidency. He is in all our faces, every day screwing up everything he touches. Just look at the Covid-19 response.

Yeah, just look at it....Being controlled pretty damned well if you ask me....Tell me do you freak out over the flu too?
Nobody asked you your opinion about control, and Covid-19 is not the flu.
HRC lost and you don't have a Bogeyman to blame for the colossal failure that DJT is and the bedlam that his economic policies have created.
Trump must be a God then.......because the whole world is in a world of shit right now because of this virus...........except most of the World is dealing with TDS on top of this virus......

His economic policies have created.........LOL........we were doing pretty decent until this bug showed up.........so was the rest of the world.

The biggest problem in the United States is NEW YORK and New Jersey.......they are Blue States ......heavily dense populated areas.....and they have over HALF of all cases here...........DID TRUMP CAUSE THAT TOO..........hmmm.......What about their BS of having large gatherings in February saying they weren't racist or Xenophobic...........was that really smart and why aren't you bitching about that.

We have heard TDS for a long time now......years........we are tired of it.........If you get your head out of your ass long enough to discuss REALITY...........then maybe we can end this BS.

I don't think you can do it........TDS rules and you WILL GET RETURN FIRE........this isn't the time for it.
God is punishing us for electing Trump
The Whole world too.........LOL

Sweden is the LAB Experiment now..............but they have said they will not be doing the daily body bag count and numbers getting it for the statistics.......................

However, if it gets real there..........then the world will still know it if those dying there goes postal.

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