Wounded vet not a "True Hero"


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."
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Absolutely disgusting. Reminds me of the GOP thugs booing a proud solider that also happened to be gay during a GOP presidential debate in the recent primaries.

Vial animals they are.
Think Progress? NO THANK YOU:eusa_hand:

I'll go to another source and get the real deal...
"WALSH: Understand something about John McCain. His political advisers, day after day, had to take him and almost throw him against a wall and hit him against the head and say, “Senator, you have to let people know you served! You have to talk about what you did!” He didn’t want to do it, wouldn’t do it. Day after day they had to convince him. Finally, he talked a little bit about it, but it was very uncomfortable for him. That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who, my God, that’s all she talks about. Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about. That’s why we’re so indebted and in awe of what they’ve done."

Hmmm. Not quite what you thought it was now is it?
Because Libs love soundbites, "That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who, my God, that’s all she talks about. Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about. That’s why we’re so indebted and in awe of what they’ve done."
Walsh is right, Libs like Sen Blumenthal loved to talk about their military service
How dare she talk about the service to her country she spent over 20 years doing! The service she lost her legs to.

Doesn't she know she's not allowed to out-patriotism a Tea Party member?
Absolutely disgusting. Reminds me of the GOP thugs booing a proud solider that also happened to be gay during a GOP presidential debate in the recent primaries.

Vial animals they are.

I see your head is still stuck up your ass, time to see a proctologist now that you now have your new health insurance
"WALSH: Understand something about John McCain. His political advisers, day after day, had to take him and almost throw him against a wall and hit him against the head and say, “Senator, you have to let people know you served! You have to talk about what you did!” He didn’t want to do it, wouldn’t do it. Day after day they had to convince him. Finally, he talked a little bit about it, but it was very uncomfortable for him. That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who, my God, that’s all she talks about. Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about. That’s why we’re so indebted and in awe of what they’ve done."

Hmmm. Not quite what you thought it was now is it?

Nope. And I looked at a couple of different places. I don't take anything at face value, and why I needed to investigate it further.
Walsh is right, Libs like Sen Blumenthal loved to talk about their military service


How about this:

When you serve 20 years in the military, and get both your legs blown off in Iraq, you can talk about how "Walsh is right".

Until then, you can shut your damn mouth and thank God people like this woman are willing to serve their country in your stead.
"WALSH: Understand something about John McCain. His political advisers, day after day, had to take him and almost throw him against a wall and hit him against the head and say, “Senator, you have to let people know you served! You have to talk about what you did!” He didn’t want to do it, wouldn’t do it. Day after day they had to convince him. Finally, he talked a little bit about it, but it was very uncomfortable for him. That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who, my God, that’s all she talks about. Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about. That’s why we’re so indebted and in awe of what they’ve done."

Hmmm. Not quite what you thought it was now is it?

Nope. And I looked at a couple of different places. I don't take anything at face value, and why I needed to investigate it further.

You'll probably find it on Huff Post too.

Doubtful anywhere else.
I think it's kind of a jab toward the lady and a dick headed one at that. He won't be re-elected. But since when do liberals care about military service? They don't even consider it a public service.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9URG8nlvAw]Shocking: Jim Moran says military service is not public service - YouTube[/ame]

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