Wounded vet not a "True Hero"


It proves that all the people I thought on this board who are neocon, whackjob, loser, loons, pieces of scum actually are. I love the smell of proof in the morning!

And all the normal conservatives who post on this board avoided it like the plague..


Man, reading 22 pages of this thread was PAINFUL!

Joe Walsh is an idiot, and a piss-poor representative of ANYONE'S party. There's really not much else I can say about him, other than 'Adios!'...

I must admit I'm not surprised at the vitriol spewed by some of our resident left-wingers, nor by the broadness of the brush used to try and paint ALL conservatives with Walsh's idiocy.

Ms. Duckworth, and ALL veterans, thank you for your service!

If you were true to your word, you would be calling for Walsh's resignation.

Why would you want that trash to be associated with your party?

I don't know why you call it 'my' party, the ONLY reason I'm registered as a Republican was to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. In Presidential races I've voted 3rd party since 1988, although I did vote for McCain last go-round, while holding my nose and keeping a barfbag handy...
I don't know why you call it 'my' party, the ONLY reason I'm registered as a Republican was to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. In Presidential races I've voted 3rd party since 1988, although I did vote for McCain last go-round, while holding my nose and keeping a barfbag handy...

So you're writing in Paul or voting 3rd party such as Johnson?

Regardless you should be calling for his resignation, just like everyone else that isn't on the hard right that condones trashing our troops,...
I don't know why you call it 'my' party, the ONLY reason I'm registered as a Republican was to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. In Presidential races I've voted 3rd party since 1988, although I did vote for McCain last go-round, while holding my nose and keeping a barfbag handy...

So you're writing in Paul or voting 3rd party such as Johnson?

Regardless you should be calling for his resignation, just like everyone else that isn't on the hard right that condones trashing our troops,...

I've not yet decided what I'm going to do come November 6th, I might not live that long.

And spare me your 'outrage' over trashing the troops, your party has turned that particular activity into an art form.

Physician, heal thyself...
Obama appointed him since good ol' Max needed a job and is a fellow wild eyed liberal. Did I mention he lost his legs and one arm in an accident in Vietnam? If I didn't, I am sure good ol' Max will.

I know...unless he points it out, no one would ever know. You seem somehow.....envious of his record?

Not a chance of me being envious of a fellow veteran. I honor and respect any and all that served and that includes good ol' Max. There are some of them that I don't want representing me in Congress, and good ol' Max is one of those.

But Duke Cunningham fit the bill ok with you? He was our Representative for years and always ran on his war record....as did Duncan Hunter Jr....always running on his military service....and his daddy.
Rep. Joe Walsh Is a Total Cockhead

In attacking his Democratic opponent - Tammy Duckworth, a double-amputee, multi-decorated war veteran - Republican Representative Joe "Deadbeat Dad" Walsh really did say, "Understand something about John McCain. His political advisers, day after day, had to take him and almost throw him against a wall and hit him against the head and say, 'Senator, you have to let people know you served! You have to talk about what you did!' He didn’t want to do it, wouldn’t do it. Day after day they had to convince him. Finally, he talked a little bit about it, but it was very uncomfortable for him. That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who, my God, that’s all she talks about. Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about." Good job, there, Illinois 8th. Walsh is one of the most worthless pieces of GOP shit in a turd pile that goes up to the sky.

Sure, Walsh, who never served in the military (and was, in fact, a community organizer early in his career) is being justifiably excoriated for being a total cockhead. But what fucking John McCain is Walsh talking about? Because, whatever myth Walsh has been fed, the John McCain who ran for president in 2008 mentioned his military service every chance he got. In fact, you pretty much couldn't get him to shut up about it:

"When I left the Navy and entered public life, I enlisted as a foot soldier in the political revolution [Reagan] began." - Victory speech after Florida primary, January 29, 2008.

"I was still a naval officer then." - Speech to CPAC, February 7, 2008.

"In Vietnam, where I formed the closest friendships of my life, some of those friends never came home to the country they loved so well." - Speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, March 26, 2008 (that line would show up again and again).

"No one hates war more than the veteran who feels most plainly the loss of a veteran." - Interview with Katie Couric, July 22, 2008.

"On an October morning, in the Gulf of Tonkin, I prepared for my 23rd mission over North Vietnam."- John McCain's acceptance speech for the Republican nomination, September 4, 2008.

"I'm an old Navy pilot, and I know when a crisis calls for all hands on deck." - Speech to the Clinton Global Initiative, September 25, 2008.

"A war that I was in, where we had an Army, that it wasn't through any fault of their own, but they were defeated. And I know how hard it is for that -- for an Army and a military to recover from that." - First presidential debate, September 26, 2008.

"I have acted responsibly throughout my military career." - Second presidential debate, October 7, 2008.

"I've been fighting for this country since I was 17 years-old and I have the scars to prove it." - Stump speech, October 21, 2008.

You know what a real hero doesn't do? Attack the honorable service of a veteran. But, then again, that's just the kind of skeevy shit you expect when a Republican goes up against a man or woman who can kick their asses, with or without legs.

GoonyBitch, you need to quit making leaps of irrational vitriol, when you ignore facts and issues. You don't get to claim the allegation, of how Op.Iraqi Freedom or the war in Iraq was "illegal" means some particular soldier engaged in illegal acts.

Apparently, you are too retarded, to distinguish between GW and Cheney lying to Congress, to gain support for attacking Iraq, and any action, by a soldier, under orders, during a deployment, which we know was part of a thoroughly corrupt engagement.

I know we went over all this, at the JRK thread, which you left, since you got sacked, repeatedly, after eating your own foot, so let's start from the beginning, and see if you need to take some vitamins, or something. Maybe you should just eat shit, and die!

The CIA supported all of the Shah, Saddam, and UBL, so GHW Bush knew how Saddam was basically the result, of US foreign policy, favoring Sunni tyrants, over Shiite majorities, see also Bahrain.

But during Op.Desert Storm, GHW Bush got cold feet, on the road to Basra, and he let Saddam stay, in power. But THEN, GHW Bush (daddy) tells the Iraqis to revolt, they do it, and daddy kakked out, again, letting occupying US and UN troops watch Saddam's Sunni henchment whack Shiites, Madan Arabs, Kurds, and more.

But Saddam didn't get more yellowcake, after the Israelis bombed him in 1981. He didn't get WMDs, but GW and Cheney used a LYING IRAQI INFORMANT, in re Op.Curveball, to allege, before Congress, a lot of bullshit, about yellowcake and WMDs, so an actually illegal war and torture were ordered.

GW wanted to invade Afghanistan, before 9/11, see Condi's testimony, but after 9/11, GW schemed on how to invade BOTH Afghanistan AND Iraq, so he might face an international criminal information, from some court, and Amnesty International has filed a lawsuit, in Switzerland, 2011.

Of course, after the operation started, the US had to hang around, shooting the place up, since GW stupidly disbanded the Iraqi Army, and the US invasion force let a lot of ordinance lie around, unsecured, so it ended up, as IEDs.

Since you and people like you are LYING, PUNKASSED SOCIOPATHS, some people are conspiring to do a lot of illegal dirt, and nobody got busted, yet, but the US is running out of money. Your criminal conspiracies and sociopathic cunning have NO VALUE.

Go back over the JRK thread, GoonyBitch. You got sacked there, and you'll get sacked, here, punkfuck! GW and Cheney might go down, like Pinochet did. See if they go travelling, over to jolly olde England and get arrested, some day, like Pinochet did.

You conveniently skipped the 8 years that Clinton was in office. That makes you an ignorant partisan hack.

But Tardy Turd, if you conveniently want to go over how D-rats also suck, you go ahead and volunteer some media.

See, I'd actually vote for some fucktard pub shitbag, somewhere, if you didn't all suck just as hard or harder, than the D-rats. If YOU want some transition work done, on Bill Clinton, YOU go ahead, and volunteer, how the D-rats suck, and I won't even reply, unless you completely suck ass and balls, both, which you usually do, so eat shit.

Since YOU suck, you quoted my entire passage, without the irrelevant D-rat media, which exists, since Clinton shot off a lot of cruise missiles, in an impotent rage, against Al Queda, when US embassies got bombed, Clinton de-regulated banks, courts, and energy, and you sucked balls on GW, until Obama bailed the banks.

THEN you had nothing to add, about the D-rats, since you are a Log Cabin Club queer.

Meanwhile, YOU suck, but stinking is what you know best, Tardy Turd.
Big foot in mouth moment that's for sure.

Having met the guy on a couple of occasions, I did find him to be energetic informed and willing to listen- and help. Despite his foibles, I think he's a rare asset in DC. Willing to speak his mind, buck the system, and rattle a few branches.
You're a fucking idiot.

Oh, I'd put her at the bottom of the wounded Vets pile based on her actions and words after the war.

I support conservative Vets over any liberal Vet, no matter their injuries....that is why I hate scum like you.

Seriously dude? You got some serious issues. Every soldier wounded or not deserves our equal respect regardless of their party.

That woman gave her fucking limbs following orders while you and I were eating steak and watching tv from our fucking lazy boys.

I suspect that were you to make a comment like this among our troops it would be you who wouldn't be going home in one piece.

Her sacrifice is your freedom and my neg to you fuckhead. Enjoy hiding behind your computer spouting off your hatred like a true coward.

We voters in Georgia elected a Senator who was a triple amputee as a result of an accident in Vietnam. Good ol' Max Cleland squealed like a stuck pig when we kicked his liberal ass out after one term. He played the sympathy "but I'm a war hero" card for all it was worth, but we didn't send him to Washington to vote against the best interests of Georgia, which was exactly what he did.

Max didn't even come back to Georgia after his defeat, but stayed in DC and is probably still there.

I am a vet and I don't have a dog in the fight over Walsh and a female vet and former Obama appointee, but I sure as hell wouldn't vote for a liberal Democrat if I did live in her district.

Saxby "Swiftboating Max Cleland" Chambliss.
You forgot to mention this little fact. Vote for or against but they swiftboating that happened was all lies.
Rep. Joe Walsh Is a Total Cockhead

In attacking his Democratic opponent - Tammy Duckworth, a double-amputee, multi-decorated war veteran - Republican Representative Joe "Deadbeat Dad" Walsh really did say, "Understand something about John McCain. His political advisers, day after day, had to take him and almost throw him against a wall and hit him against the head and say, 'Senator, you have to let people know you served! You have to talk about what you did!' He didn’t want to do it, wouldn’t do it. Day after day they had to convince him. Finally, he talked a little bit about it, but it was very uncomfortable for him. That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who, my God, that’s all she talks about. Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about." Good job, there, Illinois 8th. Walsh is one of the most worthless pieces of GOP shit in a turd pile that goes up to the sky.

Sure, Walsh, who never served in the military (and was, in fact, a community organizer early in his career) is being justifiably excoriated for being a total cockhead. But what fucking John McCain is Walsh talking about? Because, whatever myth Walsh has been fed, the John McCain who ran for president in 2008 mentioned his military service every chance he got. In fact, you pretty much couldn't get him to shut up about it:

"When I left the Navy and entered public life, I enlisted as a foot soldier in the political revolution [Reagan] began." - Victory speech after Florida primary, January 29, 2008.

"I was still a naval officer then." - Speech to CPAC, February 7, 2008.

"In Vietnam, where I formed the closest friendships of my life, some of those friends never came home to the country they loved so well." - Speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, March 26, 2008 (that line would show up again and again).

"No one hates war more than the veteran who feels most plainly the loss of a veteran." - Interview with Katie Couric, July 22, 2008.

"On an October morning, in the Gulf of Tonkin, I prepared for my 23rd mission over North Vietnam."- John McCain's acceptance speech for the Republican nomination, September 4, 2008.

"I'm an old Navy pilot, and I know when a crisis calls for all hands on deck." - Speech to the Clinton Global Initiative, September 25, 2008.

"A war that I was in, where we had an Army, that it wasn't through any fault of their own, but they were defeated. And I know how hard it is for that -- for an Army and a military to recover from that." - First presidential debate, September 26, 2008.

"I have acted responsibly throughout my military career." - Second presidential debate, October 7, 2008.

"I've been fighting for this country since I was 17 years-old and I have the scars to prove it." - Stump speech, October 21, 2008.

You know what a real hero doesn't do? Attack the honorable service of a veteran. But, then again, that's just the kind of skeevy shit you expect when a Republican goes up against a man or woman who can kick their asses, with or without legs.


He thinks he's funny. Delusional.
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."

If I recall correctly, John Kerry's Purple Hearts didn't even count, while George W Bush was considered a war hero for staying at home and snorting cocaine.

And remember Max Cleland?
If the mugging of Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia is a fair indicator of what is to come, the fall elections will be ugly. Cleland, a decorated veteran and triple amputee, was attacked by his Republican opponent, Rep. Saxby Chambliss, "for breaking his oath to protect and defend the Constitution."
Dirty-Bomb Politics (washingtonpost.com)

Attention members of the U.S. military - the right wing thinks your sacrifice doesn't count if you vote Democrat!
Conservatives did the same thing to Max Cleland. No one should be even mildly surprised at this sort of behaviour,

at this point.

You bet we limited good ol' Max to one term. Max Cleland went to DC and voted against everything that we sent him there to vote for and for everything that we sent him there to vote against. We would have shit canned the liberal dickhead if he had had six legs and two heads.
Wow, you must really be desperate.

Blaming Clinton?

Hell, why don't we just say Boooooosh made him do it?

Why not Clinton?
I don't recall Bush being disrepectful to troops.
Clinton was-

Cut and dry.

He loathed us.

We loathed him.

Umm getting them killed and blown up in Iraq is not very respectful....

Obama passed Bush in the KIA count in Afghanistan and 6 more of our finest got killed yesterday. Any comments?
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."

Walsh is my Rep.......

Duckworth is a total drama-queen........ Her whole message is "vote for me because I have no legs."

And if it matters - what Walsh actually said was: "no real hero would use their war injuries as a means to get elected."

Duckworth is using her war injuries for sympathy.....

I totally agree with Walsh...

I've met Walsh several times and he's a good man and a "blue collar" type guy... I support him 100%.
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."

Walsh is my Rep.......

Duckworth is a total drama-queen........ Her whole message is "vote for me because I have no legs."

And if it matters - what Walsh actually said was: "no real hero would use their war injuries as a means to get elected."

Duckworth is using her war injuries for sympathy.....

I totally agree with Walsh...

I've met Walsh several times and he's a good man and a "blue collar" type guy... I support him 100%.

After reading your posts, I'm not surprised that you do

You are the type of voter that Walsh is after
This is a fantastic (entire) town hall meeting with Joe Walsh.....

I was going to go to the event to boot but sadly I missed it.....

I recommend people watch it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-lMsK84q5Q]IL-08; 5/27/12; Joe Walsh; Part 1 of 6 - YouTube[/ame]
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."

Walsh is my Rep.......

Duckworth is a total drama-queen........ Her whole message is "vote for me because I have no legs."

And if it matters - what Walsh actually said was: "no real hero would use their war injuries as a means to get elected."

Duckworth is using her war injuries for sympathy.....

I totally agree with Walsh...

I've met Walsh several times and he's a good man and a "blue collar" type guy... I support him 100%.

After reading your posts, I'm not surprised that you do

You are the type of voter that Walsh is after

You're a fucking idiot.

In what universe should her war injuries matter???

John McCain was a Vietcong POW for 6 fucking years - yet he NEVER used his POW status as a reason to vote for him.

Duckworth is pretty much like "vote for me because I lost my legs and I support Obama."

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